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华安证券· 2025-02-06 12:23
电子 行业研究/点评报告 DeepSeek 行业点评 1: 加速 AI 端侧落地,看好端侧 SoC、存储和苹果链 行业评级:增持 报告日期:2025-02-06 行业指数与沪深 300 走势比较 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 11/24 5/24 8/24 2/25 2/24 -20% 沪深300 分析师:陈耀波 1 月 28 日凌晨 DeepSeek 又开源了其多模态模型 Janus-Pro-7B,宣布在 在 Gen Eval 和 DPG-Bench 基准测试中击败了 DALL-E3(来自 OpenAl ) 和 Stable Diffusion。Janus-Pro-7B 和 Janus-Pro-1B(1.5B 参数量) 从命名上就能看出,模型本身来自之前 Janus 模型的升级。 ● Deepseek 大模型的发布有利于端侧 AI 模型的落地 端侧实现 AI 能力需要端侧 AI 大模型的落地。从国内手机整机厂商看, 均推出端侧 AI 功能(如文档摘要、AI 修图)包括华为(盘古模型)、小 米(MiLM)、vivo(蓝心大模型)等,基于 DeepSeekR1 在推理能力上表 现出色,若能进入AI 智能 ...
华安证券· 2025-02-06 03:10
电子 行业研究/点评报告 DeepSeek 行业点评 2:加速国产 AI 算力送代,看好国产算力板块和云厂商 行业评级:增持 2 月 4 日,火山引擎宣布,将支持 V3、R1 等不同尺寸的 DeepSeek 开 源模型,可以通过在火山引擎机器学习平台 veMLP 中部署和在火山方 舟中调用模型两种方式使用模型。2月2日,腾讯云宣布腾讯云高性能 应用服务 HAI 支持 DeepSeek-R1 一键部署, 2 月 4 日又宣布腾讯云 TI 上架 DeepSeek 系列模型。2 月 3 日晚,百度智能云则宣布,百度智能 云千帆平台已正式上架 DeepSeek-R1 和 DeepSeek-V3 模型。阿里云 PAIModelGallery 目前也已经支持 DeepSeek-V3、DeepSeek-R1 以及 所有蒸馏小参数模型(DeepSeek-R1-Distill)的一键部署。此外据"超 算互联网"公众号,DeepSeek-R1、V3、Coder 等系列模型,已陆续上 线国家超算互联网平台。国家超算互联网平台已正式上线 DeepSeek- R1 模型的 1.5B、7B、8B、14B 版本,并将于近期陆续更新 32B ...
华安证券· 2025-02-06 03:10
证券研究报告•行业专题 两轮车市场共识与分歧展望 ——25年两轮车行业前瞻专题 (爱玛科技603529.SH/雅迪控股1585.HK/九号公司689009.SH) 2025. 02. 05 华安证券研究所 分析师:邓 欣 S0010524010001 分析师:成浅之 S0010524100003 联系人:唐楚彦 S0010124070002 核心结论 华安证券研究所•拓展投资价值 年初各类政策相继发布,当前市场已一致预期25年板块需求转好与格局优化。1月随新国标以及以旧换新两大重磅政策正 式落地,板块即将步入验证阶段;共识能否超预期兑现,将进一步决定股价走向和高度。当前分歧点主要集中在25年需求 高度、份额拉锯以及盈利兑现三方面,本文提供核心研究结论如下: 我们认为:立足25年,需求转好与马太效应有望带来全年板块强β,具体投资催化可看Q1补库效应、旺季以旧换新和H2新 国标车试销等重要刺激信号,把握行业投资三重催化。 投资建议:爱玛科技(增长及受益相对确定)、雅迪控股(恢复弹性为超预期点)、九 ...
华安证券· 2025-02-05 09:34
策略研究 月度报告 执业证书号: S0010523070001 电话:13699270398 外部犹动有限,内部政策预期下,对市场可以积极一些。2月份市场整体 面临的环境,一方面外部风险尤其是特朗普关税加征仍存不确定性,但整 体上朝着缓和而缓慢节奏的概率较大,因此对市场的冲击将会有限。另一 方面,国内2月份通常进入"两会"前的宏观政策预期阶段,预计年初信 贷投放开门红的情况仍将出现。再者经济基本面层面边际变化不大,但这 部箱: 分析师:任思雨 执业证书号: S0010523070003 电话:18501373409 邮箱 相关报告 正值春光好时节 | | | 2025-01-26 主要观点: 1. 策略周报《迎来变局时刻》 2025-01-19 2. 策略周报《外部扰动敏感期,高股 息有望进一步强化》2025-01-12 3. 策略周报《节前高股息占优》 2025-01-05 4. 策略月报《扰动与对冲》2024-12-29 并非是重大变化,市场对此也并未赋予很高期待。在经过1月份市场调整 后的当前位置,再出现持续或大幅回落的概率很低,可以更加积 ...
华安证券· 2025-02-05 09:31
策略研究 周度报告 外部风险缓释提振市场,弹性成长和季节性基建正当时 [Table_RptDate] 报告日期: 2025-02-04 [Table_Author] 分析师:郑小霞 执业证书号:S0010520080007 电话:13391921291 邮箱 分析师:刘超 相关报告 3.策略周报《外部扰动敏感期,高股息 有望进一步强化》2025-01-12 4.策略周报《节前高股息占优》2025- 01-05 主要观点 [Table_Summary] ⚫ 春节期间特朗普加征关税、美联储暂停降息、国内消费数据未加速 修复等都在市场预期内,但随后特朗普宣布对加拿大和墨西哥加征 关税暂停实施,或表明相关举措可能存在缓和余地,外部风险缓释 有望对市场偏好形成提振。配置上,高弹性成长科技包括泛 TMT、 军工、机器人和强季节性效应的 8 大基建优势品种最佳,同时短中 长期具备配置价值的银行保险也值得关注。 ⚫ 市场观点:外部风险缓释有望积极提振市场偏好 执业证书号:S0010520090001 电话:13269985073 邮箱 分析师:张运智 执业证 ...
华安证券· 2025-02-05 09:14
[Table_IndNameRptType] 互联网 行业点评 1.公司深度|Apple:AI 新时代,有望 驱动新一轮成长周期 2024-12-31 2.科技年度策略 | GenAI 引领全球 科技变革,关注 AI 应用的持续探索 2024-12-18 主要观点: ⚫[Table_Summary] DeepSeek 取得 AI 模型性能和成本的双重突破 公司发布并开源了其最新的 AI 模型 DeepSeek-R1。该模型在 多个基准测试中表现出色,特别是在数学推理和编程任务上,达到 了与 OpenAI 的 o1 模型相当的性能水平。例如,在 AIME 2024 数 学基准测试中,DeepSeek-R1 的得分率为 79.8%,略高于 o1 的 79.2%;在 MATH-500 基准测试中,DeepSeek-R1 的得分率为 97.3%,也优于 o1 的 96.4%。此外,DeepSeek 发布了多模态开源 模型 Janus-Pro,在 GenEval 和 DPG-Bench 基准测试中,击败了 Stable Diffusion 和 OpenAI 的 DALL-E 3;而阿里巴巴发布了 Qwen2.5-Max ...
华安证券· 2025-02-05 02:31
赵老师 e_IndNameRptType] 电力设备 行业周报 2024 国内光伏装机 277GW,宇树科技产品获新进展 [Table_IndRank] 行业评级:增持 报告日期: 2025-02-05 [Table_Chart] 行业指数与沪深 300 走势比较 -11% 3% 17% 32% 46% 60% 2/24 5/24 8/24 11/24 2/25 电力设备 沪深300 [Table_Author] 分析师:张志邦 执业证书号:S0010523120004 邮箱 分析师:刘千琳 执业证书号:S0010524050002 邮箱 主要观点: 光伏:2024 年中国光伏新增装机 277GW,同比+28%。本周产业链价格持平;截至 2024 年 12 月底,硅片、电池片累积库存基本消耗殆尽;后续市场对涨价落地实际 情况反应更为敏感,对政策细节反应或钝化。 风电:2024 年 1-12 月,国内风电装机 79GW,同比+5%。其中 12 月新增装机 27.6GW,环比+364%。海风项目开工超预期刺激板块情绪,市场交易风电 ...
华安证券· 2025-02-03 02:22
砥砺前行,智驾 3.0 时代份额为先 [Table_IndRank] 行业评级:增持 报告日期: 2025-01-28 [Table_Chart] 行业指数与沪深 300 走势比较 [Table_IndNameRptType] 汽车 行业专题 -21% -7% 7% 21% 35% 49% 1/24 4/24 7/24 10/24 汽车 沪深300 [Table_Author] 分析师:姜肖伟 执业证书号:S0010523060002 电话:18681505180 邮箱 联系人:陈飞宇 执业证书号: S0010123020005 电话:19842726967 邮箱 [Table_Report] 相关报告 1.财报颗粒度系列:投入产出篇—资 本开支 2025-01-22 2. 汽 车 智 能 化 配 置 渗 透 率 追 踪 2023:智能化普及率提升,25w 及 以下价位段积极搭载 2024-02-03 主要观点: ⚫[Table_Summary] 政策推动高阶智驾功能持续渗透 据乘联会披露,2024 年 11 月汽车智能化、网联 ...
华安证券· 2025-01-28 06:38
Group 1 - The core conclusion indicates that risks remain after Trump's inauguration, with a focus on domestic and international policy directions [2][19][20] - The report suggests a cautious investment strategy, with a preference for U.S. stocks and expectations for domestic commodity prices to be boosted [4][45] - The analysis highlights that the economic fundamentals show marginal changes, with attention on the upcoming Spring Festival consumption data [14][18] Group 2 - The report emphasizes the importance of the upcoming "Two Sessions" and the potential for macro policy expectations to improve market sentiment [29][104] - It notes that the financial sector is expected to benefit from a potential loosening of domestic liquidity post-holiday [4][29] - The analysis indicates that the consumer sector is under pressure, with high-frequency data showing no significant improvement in internal consumption dynamics [4][18] Group 3 - The report discusses the anticipated stability in bond yields, with short-term interest rates expected to remain unchanged in the near term [53][58] - It highlights that the U.S. Treasury yields are likely to experience upward pressure, particularly on long-term bonds, due to economic resilience [70][71] - The analysis suggests that the market is awaiting new policy signals from the Federal Reserve, with a focus on the implications for interest rates [70][72] Group 4 - The report indicates that commodity prices are under pressure due to concerns over Trump's potential trade policies and the Fed's hawkish stance [86][91] - It notes that while oil prices may remain under pressure, there is a medium to long-term bullish outlook for gold due to geopolitical risks and central bank purchases [100][101] - The analysis suggests that domestic commodities may see price support from proactive local government policies and infrastructure investments [104][106] Group 5 - The report highlights the potential for the U.S. dollar to weaken following Trump's relatively moderate inauguration speech [131] - It discusses the implications of the U.S.-China monetary policy divergence on the Chinese yuan, with expectations for a rebound before any potential rate cuts [135][136] - The analysis indicates that the trade balance and foreign exchange reserves are under scrutiny, with recent trends showing continued outflows [136][137]
华安证券· 2025-01-28 01:39
Investment Rating - The report assigns a "Buy" rating for the company, Yisheng Co., Ltd. (002458) [1][8] Core Viewpoints - Yisheng Co., Ltd. is the largest breeding enterprise for white feather broiler parent stock in China, holding approximately one-third of the imported white feather broiler market share. The company has been a leader in the breeding of broiler chicks for nearly 20 years and is expected to benefit from the rising prices of broiler chicks [4][7][75] - The company has a strong focus on the chicken breeding industry and is expanding its pig breeding business, with the release of breeding pig capacity expected in 2024 [4][6][7] - The white feather broiler chick business has been the main source of revenue and profit for the company, accounting for 79%-93% of total revenue from 2015 to 2023, with a gross profit of 3.6 billion yuan from this segment in the first half of 2024 [4][16] Summary by Sections Company Overview - Established in 1989, Yisheng Co., Ltd. specializes in the breeding and supply of high-generation livestock and poultry breeds, including broiler chicks and breeding pigs. The company has maintained its position as the largest breeding enterprise for white feather broiler parent stock in China [4][14] Chicken Business Expansion - The company has seen a steady increase in the sales of parent and commercial broiler chicks, with sales rising from 373 million to 586 million from 2019 to 2024. The sales of the 909 small white feather broiler chicks also increased from 76.44 million to 82.99 million during the same period [5][60] - The price of parent and commercial broiler chicks has been rising, driven by factors such as low import volumes and increased demand for white feather chicken products [5][42][56] Pig Breeding Business - Yisheng Co., Ltd. has over 20 years of experience in breeding pigs, with sales increasing from 0.2 million heads in 2021 to 3 million heads in 2024, reflecting a compound annual growth rate of 145.5% [6][66] - The company plans to sell 150,000 breeding pigs in 2025, with a target of reaching 200,000 heads at full capacity [6][66] Financial Projections - The company is projected to achieve main business revenues of 3.26 billion yuan, 5.06 billion yuan, and 5.5 billion yuan for the years 2024, 2025, and 2026, respectively, with corresponding net profits of 559 million yuan, 1.38 billion yuan, and 1.44 billion yuan [7][75]