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西部证券· 2025-01-09 08:13
各位领导下午好我是银河证券游客团的Bilibili姐很高兴各位领导可以参加咱们银河证券2025年年度策略会上市公司交流的这个西部矿业专场咱们西部矿业呢也是国内资源稳定保供的企业然后拥有一些丰富的矿产资源包括像铜铅铅铁很多个品种同时呢也在向冶炼然后岩壳化工这些领域在做一个积极的延伸 那铜板块的作为公司业绩的核心来源伴随着它在玉龙铜链这个一二神厂优化升级改造项目顺利的投产去年公司这个铜晶矿产量也是如期释放在这个量价提升的带动下呢公司三季度的这个业绩也创下了历史新高那公司多个这个重点项目也在持续推进像西部铜业技改工程 建成然后进一步带动咱们这个全新金属量的增加那矽矿过矽贵金属还有矽素铜材的这个冶炼项目然后也在陆续竣工进一步巩固了公司产业链纵向一体化的优势那将后看公司未来还有玉龙铜矿三期然后双立铁矿陆转币然后将改拓建工程也在投产那相信这些有色金属项目的投产潜力 释放出来呢咱们公司的这个基本面也会有一个明显的跨越式发展那今天我们也非常有幸邀请到了咱们现代韩总给各位投资者然后一起做一个交流首先我们先有请韩总做一下简单的介绍孙总好线上的各位投资者大家好我是西部矿业今天事务代表怀恩来非常高兴能通过这个咱们这个银河证券的这个平 ...
西部证券· 2024-12-10 01:10
宏观点评报告 一次具有转折意义的政策冲锋 中央经济工作会议前瞻 核心结论 按照惯例,中央经济工作会议将在 12 月中旬召开,会议将全面总结 2024 年经济工作,并系统部署 2025 年经济工作。2025 年中国经济面临着内外部 各种挑战,在中国经济修复式增长格局即将进入第三个年头之际,我们预计 宏观政策将延续 9 月底制定的方向,加大力度,更加注重实际效果。我们对 中央经济工作会议的前瞻如下: 经济增长目标预计设定在 5%左右。通常情况下,中央经济工作会议并不会 公布次年的经济增长目标。但考虑到这是判断 2025 年经济形势和政策取向 的重要锚点,根据近期积极的政策表态、"十四五"的收官之年对经济增长 的诉求、实现 2035 年经济总量翻番目标的要求,我们预计 2025 年经济增 长目标将维持在 5%左右。 预计实施更加给力的财政政策。近期政策表态释放出"中央加杠杆"的信号, 一般公共预算赤字率有望设定为 3.5%-4.0%,特别国债发行规模增加至 2 万 亿。地方政府专项债新增额度有望达到 4.5 万亿左右,预计加大对保障房和 土地收储的支持力度。此外,专项债支持的重点可能将向水利项目倾斜。 财政政策有望 ...
西部证券· 2024-11-13 16:50
给各位来到这个汇报一下我们这个整体四季推荐的一个比较有成长性的一个标的西部水泥这个标呢其实是我们最早这个在今年的一季度曾经去过标点那么后来呢其实我们就是后面一直在推西部水泥西部水泥呢其实也是我们认为从当前的这个视角来看应该也算是建材品类里面这个成长性相对最优的一个标的那么西部水泥它的一个 这个成长性的核心来源就是在于海外扩张的一个逻辑海外扩张的一个逻辑因为我们看现在其实从整个国内内需的需求的这个角度来看是面临着一个扎板的这样一个问题比如说现在的整个等等的一个主要方向那就是 出海的这样一个漏地那么我们看到像之前的很多水泥公司那么从出海的这个区域来看更多的还是集中在东南亚中亚的这些地区那么随着这些东南亚中亚的这个水泥企业过去的比较多所以导致了当前其实东南亚中亚的这个水泥情况相比之前的这个高点是有一个下滑的这个情况但是像西部水泥呢它其实 主要出海的方向是非洲地区而非洲地区现在还是在南海的状态包括公司在非洲当地的盈利水平也保持着比较高的水平我认为公司未来几年的 海外增长的主要的因素就是在于它的产能扩张我们可以看到它在2030年底海外的产能大概是480万左右主要分别是布局在埃塞俄比亚、莫桑德克和港国这三个地方在今年公司 ...
西部证券· 2024-10-29 04:20
也是相对比较接近了所以咱们这个数据度全体生产平稳的话应该会有一定的超量全体的超量的量可能会在两万宗左右吧两万宗之内具体的数据以我们实际生产的量 另外何总比较关心的就是咱们玉龙同业的回收率的问题对于玉龙同业的回收率公司的领导层还有我们玉龙的管理层也都是非常重视的公司专门安排了咱们科技科研团队驻扎现场来提升我们玉龙同业的回收率也是希望 把咱们这个一种同业的这个我们这个回收率啊进一步的这个提高啊以去再增加我们在这个同同的这个金属量啊进一步提高我们一种平面的这个侵权能力非常清楚 对 咱们其实今年这个年初也是定了今年作为这个高质量管理的提升年其实我们看到在这个维修率也好或者冶炼丹其实公司都做了很多的这个工作当然我们回归到这个同档块其实玉龙三期应该也是市场上这个关注最多的所以我看就是7月份的时候公司替捂着这个对外交流其实也提到了包括这个三期的开发利用方案可进行研究报告什么的 都已经通过这个编制并且评审了所以也是想跟韩总请教一下就是后续关于三期的一些这个关键的时间节点吧对就是看韩总能不能给我们这个就是凝视一下这个时间节奏这个目前李总的这个三期的建设还处在这个前期的一些手续审核的一个整批的一个状态吧 整个的这个手续完备达到这 ...
西部郑宏达 - 科技股投资不能错过的一次电话会议
西部证券· 2024-10-11 13:08
本次电话会议服务于西部证券研究所客户不构成投资建议相关人员应自主作出投资决策并自行承担投资风险西部证券不应使用本次内容所导致的任何损失承担任何责任专家发言内容仅代表专家个人观点不代表本公司观点本次会议内容不涉及国家保密信息内幕信息未公开重大信息商业秘密个人隐私不得涉及可能引发不当炒作 或股价异常波动的敏感信息不得涉及影响社会或资本市场稳定的言论未经西部证券事先书面许可任何机构或个人不得以任何形式复制、刊载、转载、转发引用本次会议内容否则由此造成的一切后果及法律责任由该机构或个人承担本公司保留追究其法律责任的权利大家早上好我是西部证券社副所长科技行业的首席分析师郑鸿达今天我们团在一起 跟大家交流一下对整个科技股投资的一些看法那个首先呢就是科技科技类的公司呢它绝大部分公司都是轻资产的公司它主要的成本呢其实就是工程师的人工所以我们可以看到科技的公司它的经营杠杆是非常高的因为这个一旦收入变好这个 超过他的人工的固定费用那他所产生的新增的收入就会直接转化成利润所以这就是我们看到的科技公司的一个特点就是他有很强的一个一个业绩的弹性再加上呢科技公司所面临的未来的这些大的产业方向不管是人工智能啊机器人无人驾驶等等一切的这些大 ...
西部证券· 2024-09-13 06:40
Industry Rating - The report gives the automotive industry an "Overweight" rating, indicating a positive outlook for the sector [2] Core Views - Policy incentives and high-quality supply are key drivers for the growth of new energy vehicle (NEV) sales in China [2] - The penetration rate of NEVs in China has been continuously rising from 2019 to 2024, driven by both policy and supply-side factors [2][7] - The automotive sector has significantly outperformed the market in 2020, 2021, and 2023, driven by the rise of domestic brands and the development of electrification and intelligence [2] - China's automotive market still has significant growth potential, as indicated by the relatively low car ownership per thousand people compared to developed countries [2][21] Industry Recap and Demand Outlook - Policy stimulus has been a major driver of car sales, with three rounds of purchase tax reductions in 2009-2010, 2015-2017, and 2022 effectively boosting sales [5] - Post-2020, the market demand has shifted from first-time buyers to replacement and upgrade buyers, altering the market structure [5] - The NEV market has been driven by both policy and supply-side factors, with the dual-credit policy pushing automakers to increase the production of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles [7] - The proportion of replacement buyers has significantly increased, with the replacement ratio expected to reach 50% by 2024 [9][12] Vehicle Valuation and Research Framework - Traditional automakers are typically valued using the Price-to-Earnings (PE) ratio, while new automakers, which are not yet profitable, are valued using the Price-to-Sales (PS) ratio [2] - Sales volume is a critical factor in valuing automakers, regardless of the valuation method used [2] Price Band Analysis 10-20k RMB Price Band - In the 10-20k RMB price band, distribution channels, cost-effectiveness, and fuel economy are key considerations for consumers [2] - The 10-20k RMB price band has a large potential customer base in lower-tier cities, making channel reach crucial [2] - Consumers in this price band prioritize practicality and cost-effectiveness, with most unwilling to pay extra for智能化 features [2] - Pure electric vehicles (EVs) have relatively low penetration in this price band due to shorter ranges and less developed charging infrastructure in lower-tier cities [35] 20-30k RMB Price Band - In the 20-30k RMB price band, a balanced product with a standout feature and strong brand identity is key to success [2] - Consumers in this price band, mostly in higher-tier cities, prioritize factors like appearance, space, range, cabin intelligence, and驾驶 comfort [2] - Pure electric and增程 vehicles are preferred in this price band due to better battery range and充电 convenience [2] 30k+ RMB Price Band - In the 30k+ RMB price band, brand, quality, and experience are critical factors for consumers [2] - Traditional premium brands still dominate this price band, but their溢价 is expected to decline as新能源化 increases [2] - Consumers in this price band are more willing to pay for better quality and comfort, with油车 and增程 vehicles preferred over纯电 due to range and charging concerns [2] Key Companies - The report recommends比亚迪, 长城汽车, 零跑汽车, 理想汽车, and 广汽集团 as key companies to watch [3] - Other companies to monitor include 长安汽车, 吉利汽车, 小鸥汽车, 蔚米汽车, and 上汽集团 [3] Market Trends - The proportion of cars priced above 150k RMB has increased from 30% in 2018 to 49% in 2023, indicating a消费升级 trend [16] - The 30k+ RMB price band continues to expand, with理想 and问界 competing in this segment [16] - Domestic brands have seen a significant rise in market share, with自主乘用车占比 increasing from 33% in 2020 to 53% in 2023, and自主新能源车销量占比 rising from 60% to 76% [19] Sales and Market Performance - The automotive sector has shown relative outperformance compared to the沪深300 index over the past 1, 3, and 12 months, with汽车板块 returns of -0.06%, -6.06%, and -9.13% respectively, compared to沪深300 returns of -4.16%, -10.66%, and -14.63% [3]
西部证券· 2024-09-13 06:40
证券研究报告 汽车零部件行业研究框架 ——汽车零部件行业专题报告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | 西部证券研发中心 | | | | | 2024 年 9 月 12 日 | | | | | 分析师 | 齐天翔 S0800524040003 、庞博 S0800524060003 、张磊 S0800524070001 | | | | | 联系人 | 彭子祺、庄恬心 | | | | 机密和专有 未经西部证券许可,任何对此资料的使用严格禁止 核心结论 | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
西部证券· 2024-09-02 03:10
Industry Overview - The aviation industry is divided into transport aviation and general aviation, with transport aviation being the primary focus for investment [7] - The industry is characterized by heavy assets, low profit margins, high barriers to entry, and high monopolistic tendencies [22][23][24] - The industry has experienced deep integration, with strong regulatory oversight helping leading airlines maintain their first-mover advantages [17][20] Business Models - Passenger airlines are categorized into full-service and low-cost models, with low-cost further divided into ultra-low-cost and hybrid low-cost [11] - Low-cost airlines focus on single aircraft types, high seat density, and point-to-point routes, while full-service airlines offer multiple cabin classes and hub-and-spoke networks [13][14] Supply and Demand Analysis - Supply factors include the number of aircraft, seats, flight hours, and ASK (Available Seat Kilometers), while demand factors include GDP, passenger volume, and RPK (Revenue Passenger Kilometers) [2] - China's aviation demand is expected to grow steadily, with a projected low supply growth for seven consecutive years [57][59] Financial Characteristics - Aviation fuel is the largest cost component, accounting for over 30% of total costs, with Spring Airlines showing a clear advantage in single-aircraft costs [73][74] - Exchange rate fluctuations significantly impact the net profits of the three major airlines and Hainan Airlines [77] - Spring Airlines' ROE in 2023 exceeded 2019 levels, while the three major airlines still lag behind their 2019 performance [79][83] Valuation Trends - Over the past decade, the aviation industry's PB (Price-to-Book) ratio has fluctuated between 1.27x and 16.10x, while the PE (Price-to-Earnings) ratio has ranged from -319.90x to 220.42x [98] - PE valuation becomes ineffective when companies report minimal profits or losses, resulting in extremely high or negative PE ratios [98] Competitive Landscape - The Chinese aviation market is dominated by the three major airline groups (Air China, China Eastern, and China Southern), with Spring and Juneyao Airlines gaining market share [67][68] - The CR3 (Concentration Ratio of the top three airlines) index has shown a declining trend but rebounded in 2022 and 2023 [70][71] Key Companies - **Air China**: The only flag carrier in China, with a strong presence in first-tier airports and high market share in key routes [101] - **China Southern Airlines**: The largest airline in China by passenger volume, with a focus on Guangzhou and Beijing as dual hubs [107] - **China Eastern Airlines**: Operates a diversified business model, including full-service, low-cost, and regional airlines, with a strong presence in Shanghai [110] - **Spring Airlines**: A leading low-cost carrier in China, known for its efficient cost management and high aircraft utilization [113] - **Juneyao Airlines**: Operates a dual-brand strategy, with Juneyao focusing on premium services and 9 Air targeting the low-cost market [116]
西部证券· 2024-08-18 15:14
跟大家汇报一下我们同系列专题今天讲的是西部矿业西部矿业我们先看这个公司先看它业绩弹性的问题因为我们知道它是一个以铜为盈利主体的上市公司 那他的话我们看二十四年基本上就是同价每涨五千五千元人民币西部矿业的利润能增加三点三亿左右规模进入增加三点三亿所以他对这个铜的这个盈利弹性还是很很高的很高的并且我们看他估值的话 他的估值他在整个铜的上市公司当中主流的上市公司当中他基本上是估值最低的一家他为什么估值低呢因为平时交流大家觉得他这个以后的可能成长性弱一点啊他就是可见的就是鱼龙铜矿三七百块钱之后那以后的铜的增量来自于哪里呢不知道 但是这个事情其实我们也要多看几年比如我们看到25年甚至26年他的估值还是上市公司当中可比公司当中最低的那也就不能说他成长性弱了哈因为他确实远期也能消化着估值并且我们也不能看的更久了如果看30年以后说不定公司就能再在这个西部地区买一个铜矿了哈这个说不定又有新的成长性了所以他就是低估值的从这个公司来看他现在就低估值高分红 其实现在这个估值视频已经憋回了去年我记得是七八月份行情刚启动啊公司的行情刚启动的那段时间其实现在是非常有性价比的一个位置这是这个主要的内容那我就介绍一下这个公司的呃大概的情况这公 ...
西部证券· 2024-08-13 01:10
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for Huafon Chemical (002064 SZ) [2][4] Core Views - Huafon Chemical's Q2 2024 profitability showed sequential improvement, with net profit increasing by 22% QoQ to 835 million yuan [1] - The company's integrated advantages are being strengthened through capacity expansion projects [2] - Despite weak spandex industry conditions in H1 2024, Huafon achieved revenue growth of 9% YoY to 13 744 billion yuan and net profit growth of 12% YoY to 1 518 billion yuan [1] Financial Performance H1 2024 Results - Revenue: 13 744 billion yuan (+9% YoY) [1] - Net profit: 1 518 billion yuan (+12% YoY) [1] - Gross margin: 16 52% (-0 97pct YoY) [1] - Net margin: 11 06% (+0 29pct YoY) [1] Q2 2024 Highlights - Revenue: 7 087 billion yuan (+10% YoY, +6% QoQ) [1] - Net profit: 835 million yuan (+15% YoY, +22% QoQ) [1] - Gross margin: 16 88% (+0 76pct QoQ) [1] - Net margin: 11 83% (+1 58pct QoQ) [1] Business Segments - Chemical fiber: 4 654 billion yuan revenue (-0 11% YoY), 14 97% gross margin (-0 71pct YoY) [1] - Chemical new materials: 3 036 billion yuan revenue (-0 11% YoY), 21 78% gross margin (-3 52pct YoY) [1] - Basic chemical products: 5 261 billion yuan revenue (+42 38% YoY), 15 45% gross margin (-1 87pct YoY) [1] Industry Conditions - Spandex industry faced oversupply with 105 000 tons/year new capacity added in H1 2024 [1] - Average spandex price: 27 994 yuan/ton (-16% YoY) [1] - PTMEG (spandex raw material) average price: 15 611 yuan/ton (-21% YoY) [1] - Adipic acid average price: 9 696 yuan/ton (-1% YoY) [1] Capacity Expansion - 1 15 million tons/year adipic acid expansion project (Phase VI) reached 92 06% of budget [2] - 300 000 tons/year differentiated spandex project reached 39 83% of budget [2] - PTMEG capacity adjustment: increased from 120 000 tons/year to 240 000 tons/year [2] Financial Projections 2024-2026 Estimates - Revenue: 29 255/33 093/35 506 billion yuan [3] - Net profit: 3 107/3 666/4 003 billion yuan [3] - EPS: 0 63/0 74/0 81 yuan [3] - PE ratio: 11 8/10 0/9 2x [3] Key Ratios - ROE: 11 7%/12 3%/11 9% [5] - Gross margin: 17 2%/17 7%/17 7% [5] - Net margin: 10 6%/11 1%/11 3% [5]