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戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
目录 | 简介 | 2 | | --- | --- | | 第一部分:全球展望 | 3 | | 第二部分:区域展望 | 10 | 作者 Hans Vrensen 全球研究部主管 Magali Marton 欧洲区研究部主管 Richard Yorke 英国研究部主管 DTZ Foresight 大中华区 2014 年展望 新供应量创历史新高 但对市场影响小于预期 2013 年 12 月 31 日 Dominic Brown 东南亚/ 澳新区研究部主管 Andrew Ness 北亚区研究部主管 John Wickes 美洲区研究部主管 Nigel Almond 策略研究部主管 Fergus Hicks 全球预测部主管 Dennis Fung 亚太区预测部主管 dennis.kk. ...
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
Occupier Perspective 2014 年全球写字楼租赁成本展望 空间已用尽,租金仍看涨 亚太写字楼租户宜采用工作间新策略 2014年2月25日 目录 | 简介 | 2 | | --- | --- | | 第一部分-全球排名 | 3 | | 第二部分-全球概览 | 5 | | 第三部分-空间使用效率 | 7 | | 第四部分-甲级和非甲级写字楼 | 9 | | 第五部分-区域评论 | 10 | 作者 Milena Kuljanin 租户研究部 + 44 (0)20 3296 2305 联系人 图1 2014-15租赁成本年增长率预测及当前空间使用效率(平方米) 0 5 10 15 -5% 0% 5% 10% 平均增长率 最低增长率 最高增长率 最佳方案空间╱工作間(右轴) 东京 吉隆坡 海德拉巴 杭州 旧金山 日内瓦 伦敦城 费城 全球通胀率 欧洲 全球增长率 美国 北亚 南亚 资料来源:戴德梁行研究部 DTZ Research 本期(总17期)全球写字楼租赁成本报告中,我们对全球138个国家甲级写字楼的 租赁成本进行了前景展望和分析。所覆盖市场较去 ...
Property Times
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
Investment Rating - The report indicates a positive investment outlook for the North China region, particularly in the commercial real estate sector, with strong demand and rising rental prices in key cities [1][2][3]. Core Insights - The North China region's economy is stable with growth, particularly in Beijing, Tianjin, and Xi'an, where GDP growth rates exceed the national average [9][10]. - The demand for Grade A office space remains robust across the six cities in North China, with significant absorption rates and rental increases noted in Beijing and Tianjin [11][12]. - The retail market shows steady growth, with a stable rental environment despite increased competition from new supply in major cities [49][53]. - The residential market is active, with varying trends in price and volume across different cities, indicating a complex landscape influenced by local policies and market conditions [86][95]. Economic Overview - The GDP of Beijing reached 1,376.62 billion RMB (226.05 billion USD) in Q3 2013, with a year-on-year growth of 7.7% [9][10]. - Tianjin and Xi'an reported higher GDP growth rates of 12.6% and 11.5%, respectively, indicating strong economic performance [9][10]. Office Market - The average rental price for Grade A office space in Beijing increased to 298.9 RMB (49.1 USD) per square meter, reflecting a 0.7% quarter-on-quarter rise [11][12]. - The overall vacancy rate for Grade A offices in Beijing is low at 2.6%, with significant demand from domestic enterprises [18][19]. - In Tianjin, the average rental price for Grade A offices is 120.8 RMB (19.8 USD) per square meter, with a slight increase due to strong demand [24][25]. Retail Market - The retail market in North China is characterized by stable growth, with a year-on-year increase in social retail sales of around 10% [49][53]. - Beijing's retail market saw the introduction of several new shopping centers, contributing to a total retail space of 7,119,400 square meters [53][58]. - The average occupancy rate for new retail projects is above 80%, indicating strong initial performance [54]. Residential Market - The residential market in Beijing experienced a decline in transaction volume but an increase in prices, with average prices reaching 52,129 RMB (8,559.8 USD) per square meter [88][89]. - In Tianjin, the average transaction price for new residential properties rose to 14,495 RMB (2,380 USD) per square meter, reflecting a 5.5% increase [95][96]. - The residential market in Xi'an showed a decrease in transaction volume but maintained stable prices, with an average price of 7,192 RMB (1,181 USD) per square meter [121][122]. Investment Market - The investment market in Beijing remained active, with 43 transactions completed in Q4 2013, reflecting a 10.3% increase from the previous quarter [130][131]. - The total transaction value reached 50.74 billion RMB (8.33 billion USD), with a significant portion attributed to land transactions [130][131]. - The report anticipates continued interest from domestic and foreign investors in Beijing's real estate market, particularly in residential land [131][132].
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
引领与突破 长江中游城市群 提质换挡发展 武汉公司总经理 董事 1 CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD 目录CONTENTS 最具增长性区域 : 长江中游城市群 1. 经济与地理上承东启西、承上启下的"桥梁" 2. 双循环换挡期,中部城市群战略地位提升 3. 最具增长性区域 长江中游城市群核心引领城市 – 武汉 1. 产业:经济发展动能换挡期,制造业升级、第三产业快速发展 2. 人口:人口流入加快,未来仍有千万增量空间 3. 交通:九省通衢,是支撑区域经济要素流通的核心交通枢纽城市 4. 教育:中部教育资源高地,科技创新氛围浓厚 5. 武汉市城市发展的前景与目标 产业升级发展将持续推动片区物业市场需求释放 1. 高速发展的高新技术企业聚集地:光谷 2. 正在崛起的高端现代服务业聚集地:汉口及武昌沿江商务区 "长江经济带发展是中国区域协调发展的重点 国家级战略之一,依托长江天然黄金水道推动东 中西部地区融合协同发展将有效打造中国经济 新的支撑带。区域发展战略的推进需要通过城市 和城市群的链接来实现,长江中游城市群作为长 江 经济带发 展地缘上承东启西的天然" 桥梁", 其高质量发展是推动长江经济带整体融合发 ...
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
七 粤 系列之 港 澳 大 湾 区 G R E A T E R B A Y A R E A 湾区战略下的发展机遇与挑战 佛山 戴德梁行研究院 2022 年 3 月 佛山地处珠江三角洲腹地,是国家历史文化名城、重要的制造业基地、 粤港澳大湾区的重要节点城市、珠三角地区西岸经贸中心和综合交通枢 纽。佛山经过多年发展建立起来的健全的工业体系,涵盖了几乎所有制 造业行业,其中家电、家具、陶瓷、机械装备、金属加工等传统行业优 势突出,拥有装备制造、泛家居 2 个产值超万亿产业集群,孕育了一 批世界级民营企业品牌。 佛山:湾区战略下的发展机遇与挑战 1 | CONTENTS 目录 | FOSHAN | | --- | --- | | 一、传统制造业强市,产业升级为参与湾区发展提供核心竞争力 | P5 | | 宏观经济:经济实力及综合竞争力全国领先,广佛融合拓展湾区发展纵深 | P7 | | 产业结构与发展趋势 | P8 | | 坚持制造业立市,产业集群化、规模化基础雄厚 | P8 | | 民营企业蓬勃发展,民营经济政策环境持续优化 | P9 | | 以数字化赋能和培育新兴产业,来加快建设现代产业体系,推动未来高质量发展 ...
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
DTZ China Insight 北京 TMT 企业办公选址需求分析报告 扩张与减租的双重制衡 2014 年 7 月 14 日 目 录 | 三分之一的中国主要 TMT 企业将总 | | | --- | --- | | 部设于北京 | 2 | | 北京 TMT 企业选址需求调查 | 5 | | 北京 TMT 企业办公选址动向 | 9 | | 未来展望 | 12 | 作者 聂安达 北亚区研究主管 +852 2507 0779 赵岩 华北区研究主管 +85 10 8519 8087 联系人 Hans Vrensen 全球研究主管 +44 (0)20 3296 2159 DTZ Research 大型 TMT 企业在北京的外迁潮 资料来源:DTZ 戴德梁行研究部 现阶段,中国 TMT(即电信、媒体及高科技)产业蓬勃的发展态 势在北京变现的最为显著。素有"中国硅谷"之称的北京中关村, 拥有 18,000 多家企业,从业人员达 164.5 万人,其中电子/信息技 术类企业数量居多,占比为 57%。 ...
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
DTZ China Insight 建立首都经济圈 产业转移,不同城市的商办用地增值 进程加速,部分城市商办用地初现增值缓慢 2014 年 8 月 30 日 目录 | 可持续发展将达极限 | 2 | | --- | --- | | 首都经济圈概念的兴起 | 3 | | 非核心功能的加速疏解 | 5 | | 建立首都经济圈对土地市场的影 | | | 响 | 11 | | 结论 | 14 | 作者 聂安达 北亚区研究主管 + 852 2507 0779 赵岩 华北区研究主管 + 86 10 8519 8087 联系人 Hans Vrensen 全球研究主管 + 44 (0)20 3296 2159 首都经济圈的概念早于 2004 年就已由国务院提出,但是,过去十年间北京市、 天津市及河北省之间却产生了许多的暗中争执和矛盾,主要原因是由于在产业布 局重新调整问题上,三地的利益分配难以协同一致。交通一体化的争议性较小, 区域内快速公路、高速公路以及北京市郊铁路已经开始建设,因此交通基础设施 建设 ...
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
Investment Rating - The report indicates a focus on the North Asia real estate market, highlighting Tokyo as a leading market, with Shanghai and Tianjin also showing strong potential for growth in the coming years [4][54]. Core Insights - The North Asia market is becoming a focal point for investors due to its high risks and potential returns, with long-term low interest rates benefiting tenants and investors alike [3][5]. - Tokyo ranks first in the North Asia leasing market and investment market, with Shanghai and Tianjin following closely [4][54]. - The report anticipates that by 2017, Shanghai will rise to the top of both the global and North Asia rankings, driven by high vacancy rates and new supply [4][54]. Summary by Sections Global Outlook - The global economy is expected to grow, with the US economy recovering and the Federal Reserve ending its quantitative easing policy [10]. - Despite some downwards risks, long-term low interest rates have allowed tenants and investors to benefit significantly [5][11]. Regional Outlook - Tokyo leads the North Asia leasing market, with Shanghai and Tianjin following, while the future supply of office space in China is expected to exceed current stock [54][56]. - The average rental cost per workstation in North Asia is projected to reach $7,490 by the end of 2017, with significant downward pressure on rents in secondary cities due to new supply [56]. Leasing Market Assessment - The report identifies key factors influencing tenant decisions, including market entry potential, market supply, and investment returns [22][25]. - Mumbai, Tokyo, and Los Angeles are highlighted as the most attractive cities for tenants globally, with Mumbai's high score attributed to its industrial base and low rental prices [28][75]. Investment Market Assessment - The investment market remains attractive in Tokyo, Shanghai, and Beijing, with these markets being undervalued [63][64]. - The industrial market in China is increasingly viewed as a prime investment opportunity due to stable income growth and the rise of e-commerce [65][66]. Future Projections - By 2017, Shanghai is expected to lead the rankings in the Asia-Pacific region, with significant growth in industrial and high-tech sectors [73][74]. - The report emphasizes the shift in focus from traditional manufacturing to high-tech and high-value industries in Chinese cities [74].
China Insight - 中国银行业办公空间优化策略
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly provide an investment rating for the banking industry Core Insights - Domestic banks are increasingly adopting innovative office designs and strategies to enhance their corporate image and brand recognition, which is seen as crucial for competing with foreign banks [2][3] - The majority of banks are focused on improving profitability through cost reduction, increased office space utilization, and enhanced productivity [3][4] - There is a notable difference in the adoption of new office space strategies between domestic and foreign banks, with 87% of foreign banks considering such strategies compared to 69% of domestic banks [3][4] - Domestic banks show a higher confidence level (93%) in adapting their workplaces to business and technological changes compared to foreign banks (54%) [3][4] - The emphasis on employee welfare differs, with foreign banks prioritizing employee benefits more than domestic banks, which focus on collective welfare in back-office spaces [11][18] Summary by Sections Conventional Office Space Strategies - Both domestic and foreign banks prioritize corporate image in office design, with domestic banks placing greater emphasis on this aspect [8] - Cost control is critical, especially for domestic banks that are expanding into first-tier cities where rental costs are significantly higher [9] - Improving space utilization is a key strategy to mitigate rising rental costs due to increased personnel [10] New Office Space Strategies - The transition to new office space strategies (AWS) is more prevalent among foreign banks (87%) than domestic banks (69%) [22] - High-level management drives the adoption of AWS in both domestic and foreign banks [23] - AWS is not uniformly adopted across all business areas, with many banks recognizing its applicability to only certain operational segments [24] Technological Innovation and Application - Technology is deemed a crucial factor in promoting AWS, with banks increasingly utilizing various technologies in their office spaces [51] - Domestic banks are catching up in technology adoption, with significant improvements noted in recent years [60] - The flexibility of office spaces is essential, with 93% of domestic banks believing their spaces are sufficiently adaptable compared to 54% of foreign banks [61] Future Outlook on Office Space Strategies - Banks are expected to continue focusing on cost control while leveraging new technologies to meet these needs [82] - The importance of maintaining flexible workspaces to adapt to technological advancements is emphasized [82] - The report concludes that respecting employee needs will remain a fundamental aspect of office space strategies in the banking industry [85]
变局与先机 中国新消费时代下零售市场洞察
戴德梁行· 2025-02-09 00:33
2022年5月 与先机 变局 中国新消费时代下 零售市场洞察 | 摘要 | | P4 | | --- | --- | --- | | 寄语 | | P5 | | 引言 | | P6 | | | 中国已迈入新消费时代 | P7 | | • | 中国"新中产"阶层——消费升级 | P8 | | • | "Z世代"——成为未来的消费主力军 | P12 | | | | P16 | | • | 后疫情时代——购物中心消费者行为模式转变 | | 2 戴德梁行研究部 目录 中国零售行业——破圈之路 | • | "国潮"品牌从线上走到线下 | P20 | | --- | --- | --- | | • | 生活方式品牌方兴未艾 | P25 | | • | 元宇宙引领商业和社交体验新浪潮 | P27 | | • | "社交+"场景为品牌和购物中心赋能 | P33 | | • | 都市文旅综合体正在兴起 | P38 | | 要点总结 | | P41 | 变局与先机:中国新消费时代下零售市场洞察 3 P20 附录(6个案例) 摘要 现如今,中国消费领域的底层逻辑正在发生变化。品牌商和零售物业的业主将不断 挖掘细分市场和新兴需求机会 ...