证券时报网· 2024-12-30 08:28
证券时报e公司讯,炬华科技(300360)12月30日晚间公告,中国南方电网有限责任公司于2024年12月27 日公告了"南方电网公司2024年计量产品第二批框架招标项目中标公示",公司为本次中标候选人,预计 中标总金额约2.76亿元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 08:27
证券时报e公司讯,金字火腿(002515)12月30日晚间公告,公司决定开展邀请股东品鉴新产品的活动。 每个股东均可获得六折优惠券及八折优惠券各一张,可以购买相应专区产品。 股东申领资格为截至公司2024年11月21日下午收市时在中国证券登记结算有限责任公司深圳分公司登记 在册持有公司股份的股东(包括通过融资融券交易持有公司股份的股东)。 活动时间为2024年12月31日至2025年1月21日。 另外,抽奖得金字金腿小饼一份,共计2000份,在报名成功人数中抽取。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 08:17
证券时报e公司讯,国泰环保(301203)12月30日晚间公告,根据2024年前三季度公司盈利状况,在充分 考虑公司未来业务发展及资金需求的基础上,为积极回报股东,公司拟以公司现有总股本8000万股为基 数,向全体股东每10股派发现金红利8元(含税),预计派发现金红利6400万元,不以未分配利润送 股,不以资本公积转增股本,剩余未分配利润转结至下一年度。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 08:10
Insurance Claims and Customer Service - The company paid a high claim of 144 million yuan to a tech company for production line damage caused by a power outage, marking the highest single claim of the year [10] - A customer received a claim payment in just 53 seconds using the "111极速赔" service, showcasing the company's fast claim processing capabilities [10] - The company provided a multi-disciplinary consultation service for a cancer patient, avoiding unnecessary surgery and finding the most suitable treatment plan [7] High-Value Claims - A customer received a total of 42.5 million yuan in claims and premium exemptions after a successful appeal for a pathology report [11] - A customer who passed away due to acute myocardial infarction received a claim of 24 million yuan, the highest personal insurance claim of the year [17] - A customer with acute leukemia received 20 claims totaling 2.06 million yuan over two years [14] Special and Complex Claims - The company handled a unique claim involving a car colliding with a helicopter, reducing the repair cost by 2 million yuan from the initial estimate of 3.2 million yuan [3][13] - The company paid over 626 million yuan in claims following the impact of Typhoon "摩羯" in Hainan [15] - The company used its "鹰眼" system to predict weather and mitigate flood damage, investing 370,000 yuan to prevent larger losses [16] Customer-Centric Initiatives - The company helped a customer recover a forgotten policy from 20 years ago by locating the customer through community assistance [19] - The company provided timely support to a customer's family after the customer's sudden death, offering condolences and processing a high-value claim [17] - The company protected 15,000 acres of farmland from flood damage, reducing potential losses by 4.5 million yuan and paying out 15.875 million yuan in claims [5]
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 08:01
Company Updates - Construction Industry's parent company, China Ordnance Equipment Group Corporation, has established a humanoid robot innovation consortium, which is expected to have a profound and positive impact on the company's industrial development [1] - Construction Industry will align its industrial and product layout with its own development and market demand [1] - Doctor Glasses currently has no direct cooperation with Flash Extreme Technology [2] - Ultrasonic Electronics has circuit boards that support copper modules [3] - Yunding Technology is not involved in e-commerce business, and Shanneng Yunshang is not part of the company's assets [4]
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 07:57
证券时报e公司讯,S佳通(600182)12月30日晚间公告,公司在近一个月内不能披露股改方案,请投资者 注意投资风险。 目前,提出股改动议的非流通股股东持股数尚未达到《上市公司股权分置改革管理办法》规定的三分之 二的界限。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 07:56
证券时报e公司讯,海兴电力(603556)12月30日晚间公告,中国南方电网有限责任公司于2024年12月27 日在中国南方电网供应链统一服务平台公告了"南方电网公司2024年计量产品第二批框架招标项目中标 公示",公司为此项目推荐的中标候选人,预计中标总金额约为2.29亿元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 07:47
证券时报e公司讯,振华重工(600320)12月30日晚间公告,近日,公司与OCP摩洛哥磷酸盐集团就摩洛 哥萨菲港散货系统项目采购及有关事项协商一致,签订了合同协议书,合同总金额折合人民币约14.61 亿元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 07:40
证券时报e公司讯,润达医疗(603108)12月30日晚间公告,公司计划与致凯资产、福州新投、福建贝 瑞、上海福凯瑞康共同投资设立福州新投致凯瑞康创业投资基金合伙企业(有限合伙)(简称"创业投 资基金"),主要投向医疗大健康领域项目。 本次创业投资基金的认缴出资总额为1.34亿元,其中公司作为有限合伙人认缴出资2680万元,占 20.00%。 ...
隆平高科等成立科技公司 含5G通信技术服务业务
证券时报网· 2024-12-30 07:19
企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由华智生物技术有限公司全资持股,后者由隆平高科、岳麓山种业创新中 心有限公司等共同持股。 证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,华智种谷擎农科技(湖北)有限公司成立,法定代表人为 田冰川,注册资本为1000万元,经营范围包含:农业科学研究和试验发展;农产品的生产、销售、加 工、运输、贮藏及其他相关服务;物联网技术研发;5G通信技术服务等。 ...