证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:34
Group 1 - The stock has a latest margin trading balance of 389 million yuan, with a financing balance of 388 million yuan, which decreased by 21.83 million yuan compared to the previous trading day, a decline of 5.32%. Over the past 9 days, it has increased by 26.93 million yuan, a growth of 7.46% [1] - As of December 20, the number of shareholders is 55,717 [2] - The stock has recorded 6 limit-up days within 9 trading days, with a cumulative increase of 58.29% and a turnover rate of 261.24%. The latest total market capitalization of A-shares is 8.566 billion yuan, and the circulating market capitalization is 8.538 billion yuan [3] Group 2 - The stock has appeared on the龙虎榜 (Dragon and Tiger List) 7 times due to significant price deviations and trading volume, with institutional net purchases amounting to 139 million yuan and a cumulative net purchase from the Shenzhen Stock Connect of 18.82 million yuan [4] - The company's third-quarter report shows total operating revenue of 2.688 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.38%, while net profit is 67 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 17.67% [5]
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:34
证券时报•数据宝统计显示,成都银行所属的银行行业,目前整体涨幅为0.56%,行业内,目前股价上涨 的有41只,涨幅居前的有郑州银行、民生银行、光大银行等,涨幅分别为2.31%、1.91%、1.28%。 成都银行股价创出历史新高,截至9:38,该股上涨1.11%,股价报17.27元,成交量350.87万股,成交金 额6030.45万元,换手率0.09%,该股最新A股总市值达696.19亿元,该股A股流通市值694.92亿元。 机构评级来看,近10日共有2家机构对该股进行评级,预计目标价最高的是华泰证券,12月18日华泰证 券发布的研报给予公司目标价为20.25元。 两融数据显示,该股最新(12月30日)两融余额为9.36亿元,其中,融资余额为9.21亿元,近10日增加 1.17亿元,环比增长14.52%。 公司发布的三季报数据显示,前三季度公司共实现营业收入172.41亿元,同比增长3.23%,实现净利润 90.38亿元,同比增长10.81%,基本每股收益为2.3700元,加权平均净资产收益率13.16%。(数据宝) ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:34
两融数据显示,该股最新(12月30日)两融余额为3230.01万元,其中,融资余额为2975.99万元,近10 日减少275.11万元,环比下降8.46%。 公司发布的三季报数据显示,前三季度公司共实现营业收入35.02亿元,同比下降5.03%,实现净利润 13.56亿元,同比增长0.01%,基本每股收益为0.6500元,加权平均净资产收益率13.45%。(数据宝) 粤高速A股价再创历史新高,该股近期呈不断突破新高之势,近一个月累计有10个交易日股价刷新历史 纪录。截至10:23,该股目前上涨2.50%,股价报14.33元,成交584.97万股,成交金额8275.42万元,换 手率0.45%,该股最新A股总市值达249.64亿元,该股A股流通市值186.77亿元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,粤高速A所属的交通运输行业,目前整体跌幅为0.55%,行业内,目前股价 上涨的有67只,涨幅居前的有盛航股份、宏川智慧、国航远洋等,涨幅分别为7.39%、4.20%、4.02%。 股价下跌的有44只,跌幅居前的有C国货航、中信海直、畅联股份等,跌幅分别为19.78%、3.37%、 3.19%。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:24
协创数据高度重视ESG理念与日常经营的融合。2024年,协创数据聚焦"云-边-端"一体的智慧存储与智 能物联主要产品线,各业务线条持续放量。今年前三季度,公司实现营业收入53.95亿元,同比增长 67.11%;实现扣非后归母净利润5.47亿元,同比增幅达到186.58%。在拓展盈利能力的基础上,协创数 据持续加大研发投入,今年前三季度研发费用录得1.46亿元,较上年同比增加42.56%,创新能力及核心 技术实力不断增强。同时,协创数据积极优化供应链管理能力,通过加强智能制造与无人工厂建设,推 动全流程降本增效。 日前,协创数据(300857)再次斩获财经媒体多项大奖,标志着协创数据以党建赋能企业可持续发展、坚 持科技创新实现产业报国,获得了资本市场的认可。 2024年,协创数据深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,积极制定适应性策略和计划,坚定不移提升公司治理 水平。在证监会《上市公司治理准则》各项要求下,公司持续推动公司完善环境、社会和公司治理体 系,将ESG管理策略有效融合至各个部门和关键业务流程中,形成了由董事会办公室统筹协调、各相关 职能部门配合的ESG工作小组。 2024年是协创数据在算力与云服务业务开拓成果 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:20
证券时报•数据宝统计,截至发稿,安诺其最新股价为6.53元,上涨5.49%,本期筹码集中以来股价累计 上涨0.46%。 证券时报网讯,安诺其12月31日在交易所互动平台中披露,截至12月20日公司股东户数为57855户,较 上期(12月10日)减少5392户,环比降幅为8.53%。 具体到各交易日,6次上涨,8次下跌,其中,涨停1次。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:20
Stock Performance - The stock has been listed on the Dragon and Tiger List twice due to a cumulative deviation of 20% over three consecutive trading days, a daily deviation of 7%, and a daily amplitude of 15% [1] - The stock has experienced five consecutive涨停 (limit-up) sessions, with the latest price at 7.00 yuan, a turnover rate of 9.83%, and a trading volume of 85.4098 million shares, amounting to 568 million yuan in成交金额 [2] - The涨停板封单金额 (limit-up封单金额) is 63.4718 million yuan [2] Market Capitalization and Trading Activity - The latest A股总市值 (total market capitalization) is 6.089 billion yuan, with an A股流通市值 (circulating market capitalization) of 6.083 billion yuan [3] - During the连续涨停 (consecutive limit-up) period, the stock has累计上涨 (cumulatively increased) by 61.29%, with a累计换手率 (cumulative turnover rate) of 72.21% [3] Trading Data - The net selling amount by营业部席位 (trading seats) is 31.1195 million yuan [1]
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:19
企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由东软集团、创业慧康等共同持股。 证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,江西健康云数字科技有限公司成立,法定代表人为占鸣, 注册资本2000万元,经营范围包含:物联网技术服务,人工智能通用应用系统,人工智能公共数据平 台,人工智能应用软件开发等。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:12
Company Establishment - Huizhou Wolong Heat Shrinkable Material Co Ltd was recently established with a registered capital of 1 million yuan [1] - The company's legal representative is Wang Yuming [1] - The business scope includes R&D of motor and control systems, electromechanical coupling systems, and engineering and technical research and experimental development [1] Ownership Structure - The company is wholly owned by Wolong Electric [2]
苏交科等新设科技公司 含工业互联网数据业务
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 02:08
企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由苏交科等共同持股。 证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,江苏智桥科技有限公司成立,法定代表人为刘高,注册资 本1000万元,经营范围包含:科技推广和应用服务;工业互联网数据服务;计算机及通讯设备租赁;实 验分析仪器制造等。 ...
中国经济网· 2024-12-31 01:24
Operational Performance and Growth - Xujiahui Academy received 2 63 million visitors in 2024, a 34% YoY increase [11] - Book borrowing and returning reached 1 32 million volumes, up 13% YoY [11] - The academy achieved double-digit growth in visitor numbers, driven by its integrated cultural-tourism-commercial-sports-exhibition model [4] Service Innovations - Launched "Cloud Study Room" online borrowing service, enabling 24-hour home delivery of books [24] - Introduced smart luggage storage with three different sizes to accommodate various needs [6][14] - Synchronized opening times at different entrances to improve reader experience [5][27] Cultural and Creative Initiatives - Released "Sweet Potato with You" badges and "Paul Potato" plush toys inspired by local history [8][19][34] - Created a diverse cultural space offering home decor, stationery, and other creative products [20][31] - Partnered with Tushanwan Museum to explore integrated library-museum operations [16] Community Engagement and Events - Celebrated its second anniversary with a "Home" themed series of activities [25] - Plans to host high-level cultural exhibitions in 2025, coinciding with significant anniversaries in Chinese cinema and architecture [32] - Will mark the 30th anniversary of the Xuhui Summer Librarian Training Program by inviting former participants to share memories [15] Strategic Positioning - Positioned as a super-connector integrating culture, tourism, commerce, sports, and exhibitions [30] - Recognized as a must-visit destination for both domestic and international tourists [17] - Serves as a model for cross-industry operations, attracting library professionals from regions like Yunnan and Guizhou [17]