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证券时报网· 2025-01-22 06:37
具体到各交易日,3次上涨,5次下跌。 这已是该公司股东户数连续第5期下降。 证券时报•数据宝统计,截至发稿,宏景科技最新股价为29.18元,下跌1.78%,本期筹码集中以来股价 累计平盘报收。 证券时报网讯,宏景科技1月22日在交易所互动平台中披露,截至1月20日公司股东户数为8968户,较上 期(1月10日)减少855户,环比降幅为8.70%。 ...
宏景科技(301396) - 2024 Q4 - 年度业绩预告
2025-01-19 07:45
证券代码:301396 证券简称:宏景科技 公告编号:2025-001 宏景科技股份有限公司 三、业绩变动原因说明 公司 2024 年度业绩变动的主要原因为:一方面,市场竞争加剧,导致项 目毛利率降低;另一方面,公司项目验收进度被拉长,项目回款不及预期,导 致应收账款占比较大,从而计提坏账准备的金额增加。 2024 年度业绩预告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚 假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 一、本期业绩预计情况 (一)业绩预告期间:2024 年 1 月 1 日至 2024 年 12 月 31 日 (二)业绩预告情况:预计净利润为负值 | 项 目 | 本报告期 | 上年同期 | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 归属于上市公司股 东的净利润 | 亏损:4,500 万元–6,400 万元 | 盈利:4,221.76 元 | 万 | | 扣除非经常性损益 | 亏损:5,370 万元–7,270 万元 | 盈利:2,517.99 | 万 | | 后的净利润 | | 元 | | 二、与会计师事务所沟通情况 本次业绩预告相关数据是公司财务部门初步测算的结果,未 ...
宏景科技新设子公司 含多项AI业务
证券时报网· 2024-12-26 01:12
企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由宏景科技(301396)全资持股。 证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,四川宏景新瓴科技有限公司成立,法定代表人为王彦力, 注册资本500万元,经营范围包含:人工智能公共服务平台技术咨询服务;人工智能公共数据平台;人 工智能应用软件开发;人工智能基础软件开发等。 ...
宏景科技(301396) - 宏景科技投资者关系管理信息
2024-12-02 12:51
证券代码:301396 证券简称:宏景科技 宏景科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-008 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|----------------------------|----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | √ 特定对象调研 | □ 分析师会议 | | | | | | 投资者关系活动 | □ 媒体采访 | □ 业绩说明会 | | | | | | 类别 | □ 新闻发布会 | □ 路演活动 | | | | | | | √ 现场参观 | | | | | | | | □ 其他 | (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | | | | | | 1 、知本复利投资 | 吴向伟、陈九宇 | | | | | | | 2 、西域投资 | 李苏霖、周震南、陈晶 | | | | | ...
宏景科技(301396) - 宏景科技投资者关系管理信息
2024-11-12 11:17
编号:2024-007 证券代码:301396 证券简称:宏景科技 宏景科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|-----------------------|----------------------------| | | √ 特定对象调研 | □ 分析师会议 | | 投资者关系活动 | □ 媒体采访 □ | 业绩说明会 | | 类别 | □ 新闻发布会 □ | 路演活动 | | | √ 现场参观 | | | | □ 其他 | (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | | 1 、东方财富 尹元彪 | | | | 2 、海南华银天夏 | 苏培海 | | | 3 、小松(山东)私募 | 闫世文、陶理勇 | | | 4 、广州长牛投资 | 王嘉艺 | | | 5 、前海畅誉投资 | 董琳 | | | 6 、珠海汇宽资管 | 罗小明 | | | 7 、广东博众智能 | 吴志辉 | | | 8 、广州冰湖私募 | 赵一龙 | | | 9 、广东天合贝资管 | 黄少波 | | 参与单位名称及 | 10 、中大情私募 | 刘剑荣 | | 人员姓名 | ...
宏景科技(301396) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-29 12:31
Financial Performance - Revenue for the third quarter was RMB 44.96 million, a decrease of 67.68% year-over-year[2] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was RMB -21.18 million, a decline of 1,658.38% compared to the same period last year[2] - Total revenue for the current period is RMB 223.01 million, a decrease from RMB 394.10 million in the same period last year[15] - Net profit attributable to the parent company is RMB 195.08 million, down from RMB 242.34 million at the beginning of the year[14] - Net profit attributable to parent company shareholders was -30.82 million yuan, compared to 4.23 million yuan in the same period last year[16] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets decreased by 5.69% to RMB 2.05 billion compared to the end of the previous year[2] - Total assets as of September 30, 2024, are RMB 2.05 billion, down from RMB 2.17 billion at the beginning of the year[13] - Total liabilities as of September 30, 2024, are RMB 811.22 million, down from RMB 887.35 million at the beginning of the year[13] - Accounts receivable as of September 30, 2024, are RMB 628.64 million, down from RMB 692.50 million at the beginning of the year[12] - Inventory as of September 30, 2024, is RMB 461.55 million, up from RMB 305.55 million at the beginning of the year[12] - Short-term borrowings as of September 30, 2024, are RMB 149.01 million, up from RMB 93.33 million at the beginning of the year[13] - Contract liabilities as of September 30, 2024, are RMB 168.43 million, up from RMB 107.21 million at the beginning of the year[13] Cash Flow - Operating cash flow was RMB -387.18 million, a decrease of 96.66% year-over-year, mainly due to increased payments for goods and services[7] - Investment cash flow improved significantly to RMB 312.51 million, a 153.06% increase, due to reduced purchases of structured financial products[7] - Operating cash flow was -387.18 million yuan, a significant decrease from -196.87 million yuan in the previous year[18] - Investment cash flow was 312.51 million yuan, a turnaround from -588.92 million yuan in the same period last year[19] - Financing cash flow was 25.96 million yuan, down from 104.88 million yuan in the previous year[19] Expenses and Costs - Financial expenses surged by 812.53% to RMB 4.95 million, driven by higher interest expenses from increased borrowing[6] - Total operating costs for the current period are RMB 257.45 million, compared to RMB 373.04 million in the same period last year[15] - R&D expenses for the current period are RMB 33.89 million, slightly down from RMB 34.09 million in the same period last year[15] - Cash paid for goods and services was 634.58 million yuan, a significant increase from 467.74 million yuan in the same period last year[18] - Cash paid to employees was 68.12 million yuan, slightly up from 67.69 million yuan in the previous year[18] - Cash paid for taxes was 21.13 million yuan, down from 24.51 million yuan in the same period last year[18] - Cash paid for other operating activities was 62.09 million yuan, a significant increase from 15.42 million yuan in the previous year[18] Shareholder Information - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 11,069[8] - The largest shareholder, Ouyang Hua, holds 36.17% of the shares, amounting to 39,665,808 shares[8] - Lin Shanchi holds 6.20% of the shares, totaling 6,799,853 shares, with 5,099,890 shares under restricted conditions[8] - Guangzhou Huijing Investment Management holds 5.74% of the shares, totaling 6,296,160 shares, all of which are under restricted conditions[8] - Xu Chi holds 5.17% of the shares, totaling 5,666,544 shares, with 4,249,908 shares under restricted conditions[8] - Guangdong Yueke Venture Capital Management holds 2.69% of the shares, totaling 2,944,786 shares, with no restricted shares[8] - Zhuang Xiancai holds 2.58% of the shares, totaling 2,833,272 shares, with 2,124,954 shares under restricted conditions[9] - Yang Niansong holds 1.55% of the shares, totaling 1,699,963 shares, with 1,274,972 shares under restricted conditions[9] - Ding Jinwei holds 0.75% of the shares, totaling 820,003 shares, with no restricted shares[9] - The restricted shares of Ouyang Hua and Guangzhou Huijing Investment Management are expected to be released in May 2026[11] Government Subsidies and Other Income - Government subsidies decreased by 94.08% to RMB 198,310.81 compared to the same period last year[6] - Sales revenue from goods and services was 366.53 million yuan, up from 349.39 million yuan in the same period last year[18] - Cash received from other operating activities was 32.21 million yuan, compared to 29.09 million yuan in the previous year[18] Inventory and Prepaid Expenses - Prepaid expenses increased by 681.80% to RMB 134.34 million due to advance payments for project equipment procurement[5] - Inventory grew by 51.05% to RMB 461.55 million, driven by an increase in ongoing projects[5]
财联社· 2024-10-22 14:27
①华为+鸿蒙+人工智能+卫星导航+数据中心!这家公司是华为开发者联盟学堂入驻单位并共同培养鸿 蒙生态人才,推出基于鸿蒙物联网实训平台;②芯片+英伟达+华为+第三代半导体!这家公司为华为做 好国产功率器件的供给配套服务;③华为+算力+信创+人工智能!公司中标超4亿元算力服务合同。 【重点公告解读】 嘉环科技:公司不存在应披露而未披露的重大信息 嘉环科技公告,经公司董事会自查及发函问询控股股东及实际控制人,截至公告披露日,不存在应披露 而未披露的重大信息。 点评:公开资料显示,嘉环科技的主营业务是网络建设服务、网络运维服务、信息通信系统软件调试服 务、政企行业智能化服务、网络优化服务及ICT教育培训业务。 嘉环科技2023年12月21日在互动易上表示,公司是华为开发者联盟学堂入驻单位,共同培养鸿蒙生态 人才,并荣获"2023华为开发者联盟鸿蒙生态人才发展奖"等荣誉。嘉环科技2023年9月5日在互动易上 表示,公司与华为合作超过20年,已建立长期深入的合作关系。依托公司的研发能力,推出了基于鸿 蒙物联网的实训平台。 嘉环科技7月17日在互动易上表示,今年公司将重点聚焦与主流设备厂商新型合作生态关系;赋能区域 数字经 ...
宏景科技(301396) - 宏景科技投资者关系管理信息
2024-10-11 09:43
编号:2024-006 证券代码:301396 证券简称:宏景科技 宏景科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|-----------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | | √ 特定对象调研 | □ 分析师会议 | | 投资者关系活动 | □ 媒体采访 □ | 业绩说明会 | | 类别 | □ 新闻发布会 | □ 路演活动 | | | □ 现场参观 | | | | □ 其他 | (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | 参与单位名称及 人员姓名 | 国泰君安 | 李博伦、钟明翰、龙小琴 | | | | | | | | | | 时间 | 2024 年 10 月 11 | 日(周五) 11 : 00-12 : 00 | | 地点 | 线上调研 | | | 上市公司接待人 | 1 、 副总经理、董事会秘书 | 许驰 | | 员姓名 | 2 、 证券事务代表 | 张铁舰 | | | | 投资者提出的问题及 ...
宏景科技(301396) - 宏景科技投资者关系管理信息
2024-09-12 09:52
证券代码:301396 证券简称:宏景科技 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | | | | 编号: 2024-005 | | | □ 特定对象调研 | □ 分析师会议 | | | 投资者关系活动 | □ 媒体采访 □ | 业绩说明会 | | | 类别 | □ 新闻发布会 □ 现场参观 | □ 路演活动 | | | | | | | | | √ 其他( 2024 | 年广东辖区上市公司投资者集体接待日活动) | | | 参与单位名称及 人员姓名 | 线上参与 2024 投资者 | | 年广东辖区上市公司投资者集体接待日活动的 | | ...
宏景科技(301396) - 关于参加2024年广东辖区上市公司投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告
2024-09-10 07:44
证券代码:301396 证券简称:宏景科技 公告编号:2024-035 宏景科技股份有限公司 关于参加 2024 年广东辖区上市公司投资者 网上集体接待日活动的公告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证公告内容真实、准确和完整,没有虚假记 载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 为进一步加强与投资者的互动交流,宏景科技股份有限公司(以下简称"公 司")将参加由广东证监局、广东上市公司协会联合举办的"坚定信心 携手共进 助力上市公司提升投资价值——2024 广东辖区上市公司投资者关系管理月活动 投资者集体接待日",现将相关事项公告如下: 本次投资者网上集体接待日活动将采用网络远程的方式举行,投资者可登录 "全景路演"网站(参与本次互动交流,活动时间为 2024 年 9 月 12 日(周四)15:30-16:30。 届时公司高级管理人员等有关负责人将在线就公司 2024 年半年度业绩、公 司治理、发展战略等投资者关心的问题,与投资者进行沟通与交流,欢迎广大投 资者踊跃参与! 特此公告。 宏景科技股份有限公司董事会 2024 年 9 月 10 日 ...