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庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-20 09:32
慶鈴汽車股份有限公司 Qingling Motors Co. Ltd (在中華人民共和國(「中國」)註冊成立之中外合資股份有限公司) 股份代號:1122 中期業績幸 01 2024 中期業績報告 簡明綜合財務報表審閱報告 天使國際會計師事務 所有限公司 Confucilus International CPA Li mited Certified Public Account | --- | --- | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | 껺度弩➫虰㡦侚麤〿㣐剣㣐⾺㹔 3PPNTUI'MPPS5BJ:BV#VJMEJOH +PIOTUPO3PBE8BODIBJ)POH,POH | | | 歏霢5FM ⠛溫'BY | 致慶鈴汽車股份有限公司董事會 (在中華人民共和國註冊成立之中外合資股份有限公司) 緒言 本行已審閱載列於第3頁至第44頁之慶鈴汽車股份有限公司(「貴公司」)及其附屬 公司(統稱「貴集團」)之簡明綜 ...
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-29 09:11
Financial Performance - For the six months ended June 30, 2024, the company reported revenue of RMB 2,112,181 thousand, an increase of 9.2% compared to RMB 1,933,895 thousand in the same period of 2023[1]. - Gross profit for the same period was RMB 147,340 thousand, down 12.1% from RMB 167,617 thousand year-over-year[1]. - The company recorded a net loss attributable to equity holders of RMB 12,290 thousand, compared to a profit of RMB 6,915 thousand in the prior year[2]. - Basic loss per share was RMB 0.50, compared to earnings per share of RMB 0.28 in the previous year[2]. - Other income for the six months ended June 30, 2024, was RMB 136,709,000, contributing positively to the overall financial performance[14]. - The company reported a basic loss per share of RMB (12,290) for 2024, compared to a profit of RMB 6,915 for 2023, indicating a significant decline in profitability[28]. - The company's gross profit for the period was RMB 147.34 million, a decrease of 12.10% compared to the same period last year, resulting in a gross margin of 6.98%, down from 8.67%[39]. Revenue Breakdown - Total revenue for the six months ended June 30, 2024, reached RMB 2,112,181,000, an increase from RMB 1,933,895,000 for the same period in 2023, representing a growth of approximately 9.2%[9]. - Sales of light commercial vehicles amounted to RMB 902,670,000, up from RMB 807,520,000, reflecting a growth of about 11.8% year-over-year[9]. - Sales of medium and heavy vehicles increased significantly to RMB 511,302,000 from RMB 381,095,000, marking a growth of approximately 34.2%[9]. - The sales of pickup trucks decreased to RMB 227,963,000 from RMB 368,470,000, indicating a decline of about 38.1%[9]. - Revenue from automotive parts and components rose to RMB 171,825,000, compared to RMB 129,720,000, showing an increase of approximately 32.4%[9]. - The group's revenue contributions from light commercial vehicles and chassis, and medium and heavy vehicles and chassis were RMB 1,193,907,000 and RMB 518,486,000, respectively, accounting for 81.07% of total revenue[43]. Assets and Liabilities - Total assets as of June 30, 2024, amounted to RMB 7,744,311 thousand, slightly down from RMB 7,760,948 thousand as of December 31, 2023[4]. - Non-current assets increased to RMB 4,769,134 thousand from RMB 4,608,047 thousand year-over-year[3]. - Current liabilities rose to RMB 2,639,489 thousand from RMB 2,223,542 thousand as of December 31, 2023[4]. - The company’s cash and cash equivalents were RMB 1,011,837 thousand, a slight decrease from RMB 1,027,775 thousand at the end of 2023[3]. - The total assets of the company as of June 30, 2024, were RMB 10.384 billion, with total liabilities amounting to RMB 2.655 billion[40]. - The company's equity attributable to shareholders was RMB 7,385,513,000, with a net asset value per share of RMB 2.98[41]. Research and Development - The company plans to continue focusing on research and development to enhance product offerings and market expansion strategies[1]. - Research expenses totaled RMB 79,517,000, reflecting the company's investment in innovation and development[14]. - The company’s R&D investment intensity reached 3.76% in the first half of the year, focusing on the development of new energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicle core products[37]. Market and Sales Strategy - The group anticipates continued growth in the light commercial vehicle segment, driven by market expansion strategies and new product developments[14]. - The company aims to ensure the completion of its annual sales target and enhance marketing capabilities in the second half of the year[38]. - The company plans to strengthen product quality assurance and enhance supervision and inspection to ensure stable quality control of components and vehicles[38]. Employee and Governance - The company employed 2,747 staff, with total labor costs amounting to RMB 156,909,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2024[47]. - The board of directors consists of eleven members, including seven executive directors and four independent non-executive directors[56]. - The company emphasizes high standards of corporate governance to enhance investor confidence and protect shareholder rights[52]. - As of June 30, 2024, the company has complied with the corporate governance code as per the listing rules[52]. Dividends and Share Capital - The company did not declare any interim dividends for the current period, consistent with the previous period where no dividends were declared[27]. - The company did not declare an interim dividend for the six months ended June 30, 2024[46]. - The company's total issued share capital was 2,482,268,268 shares, with domestic shares accounting for approximately 50.10% and H shares for approximately 49.90%[48]. Other Financial Information - The company recognized government grants related to innovation development projects amounting to RMB 10,870,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2024[23]. - The company’s current tax expense for 2024 is RMB 3,441,000, compared to RMB 3,273,000 for 2023, reflecting an increase of approximately 5.1%[24]. - The deferred tax expense for 2024 is RMB 557,000, a significant recovery from a deferred tax expense of RMB (10,360,000) in 2023[24]. - The group had no significant acquisitions or disposals during the six months ended June 30, 2024[42]. - The group had no assets pledged for financing as of June 30, 2024[44]. - The company had no purchases, redemptions, or sales of its listed securities during the six months ended June 30, 2024[51]. - The interim financial results for the six months ending June 30, 2024, have been reviewed by the company's auditors according to the relevant standards[54]. - The company will distribute its interim report containing all financial information as required by the listing rules to shareholders and publish it on its website[55].
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-17 09:26
Financial Performance - Revenue for 2023 was approximately RMB3,597 million, a 10.73% increase from RMB3,248 million in 2022[17][20] - The company recorded a loss after tax of approximately RMB45.41 million in 2023, compared to a loss of RMB4.98 million in 2022[17][20] - Revenue for the year ended December 31, 2023, was RMB 3,596,535,000, an increase of 10.73% compared to the previous year, primarily due to increased sales volume[93] - Gross profit for the year was RMB 223,354,000, a significant increase of 93.96% compared to the previous year, with a gross profit margin of 6.21%[93] - Loss after tax for the year was RMB 45,407,000, an increase of 811.24% compared to the previous year[93] - Other income, including government grants, interest income, and rental income, totaled RMB 295,743,000, a decrease of 23.26% compared to the previous year[93] - The Group's expenses, including distribution, selling, administrative, and research expenses, increased by 7.08% compared to the previous year[93] - The Group's share of results from joint ventures was RMB 2,504,000, a decrease of 75.28% compared to the previous year, mainly due to reduced profits from Isuzu (China) Engine Co., Ltd[93] - As of December 31, 2023, the Group's cash and cash equivalents, including time deposits and bank deposits, were RMB 2,514,070,000, a decrease of 35.35% compared to the previous year[95] - The Group's capital-to-debt ratio as of December 31, 2023, was 29.04%, down from 32.92% the previous year[95] - The Group's profit available for distribution to shareholders as of December 31, 2023, was retained profit of approximately RMB 1,171,767,000[99] - Total assets of the Group as of 31 December 2023 were RMB9,984,490,000, while total liabilities were RMB2,247,229,000[108] - Net current assets decreased by 27.47% to RMB3,152,901,000 in 2023, primarily due to the liquidity classification of time deposits[108] - The Group's gearing ratio as of 31 December 2023 was 29.04%, down from 32.92% in 2022[114] - Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as of 31 December 2023 was RMB7,397,803,000, with a net asset value per share of RMB2.98[112][115] - Time deposits, bank deposits, and cash equivalents due within one year decreased by 35.35% to RMB2,514,070,000 in 2023[114] - The Group's interests in joint ventures and associates were RMB481,423,000 and RMB44,362,000 respectively as of 31 December 2023[116] - Non-current assets amounted to RMB4,608,047,000, primarily consisting of property, plant, and equipment, right-of-use assets, and investment properties[108] - Current liabilities totaled RMB2,223,542,000, mainly comprising trade payables, tax liabilities, and contract liabilities[108] - Non-current liabilities were RMB23,687,000, including lease liabilities and deferred income from government grants[108] - The Group's working capital requirements were financed by its own cash flow, with no shares issued during the year[114] Sales and Production - The company sold 31,089 vehicles in 2023, a 7.75% increase from 28,853 vehicles sold in 2022[17][20] - Overseas sales accounted for approximately 2.59% of the company's total turnover in 2023[8] - The company achieved stable mass production of electric vehicles, pick-up trucks, and light trucks, and upgraded fuel vehicle technology to meet China VI-B Emission Standard four years ahead of schedule[1][2] - The company completed the development of 8.9T and 18T environmental sanitation chassis and pre-research of 4K hybrid engines[14][15] - The company's overseas export sales accounted for approximately 2.59% of the total annual revenue[37] - The company entered into a hydrogen-powered modules supply agreement with Bosch, with a transaction amount of approximately RMB112,921,000 in 2023[24] - The company entered into a new sales joint venture supply agreement with Qingling Isuzu Sales, with a transaction amount of approximately RMB 82,337,000 for the year[28] - The company signed a new hydrogen power module supply agreement with Bosch, with a transaction amount of approximately RMB112,921,000 for the year[187] - The company entered into agreements with Isuzu for the production and sales of 600P, 100P, and TF/UC series vehicles, with license fees of JPY2,000 per 600P vehicle, JPY1,500 per 100P vehicle, and JPY1,500 per TF/UC vehicle, totaling approximately RMB1,828,000 for the year[194] - The company's 3XCAB agreement with Isuzu involves a royalty fee of 3% of the on-site added value per vehicle and a trademark usage fee of JPY2,000 per vehicle, with total transactions amounting to approximately RMB18,000 for the year[194] Strategic Initiatives - The company implemented a "5+5" system to support and ensure the daily operation of its marketing and export capabilities[3] - The company plans to focus on cost reduction and product value enhancement, targeting both traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles, while optimizing after-sales services[31] - The company aims to strengthen product innovation through platformization, modularization, and standardization, focusing on competitive advantages in the post-subsidy era and localizing product specifications for the domestic heavy-duty vehicle market[32] - The company's 2024 strategy includes leveraging domestic economic recovery, accelerating new energy transformation, and expanding into overseas markets, with a focus on new technologies and high cost-performance products[46] - Enhanced production system with a focus on business sense, issue resolution, and progress through improved delivery, inventory reduction, cost reduction, quality improvement, and efficiency enhancement[69] - Strengthened procurement system with refined control over components and suppliers, aiming to reduce inventory, lower costs, improve quality, and increase efficiency[69] - Continuous review and improvement of product quality and customer satisfaction from the customer's perspective[69] Environmental and Sustainability - The Group is committed to environmental protection, energy-saving, emission reduction, and the integrated use of resources, adopting these principles in its production and operating activities[62] - The Group emphasizes environmental protection, implementing measures such as resource recycling, energy-saving, and emission reduction to produce environmentally-friendly products[83] - The Group faces challenges from the global economic and political landscape, domestic economic transformation, and the automotive industry's green and low-carbon transition[89] Corporate Governance - The Supervisory Committee reviewed the Company's financial statements and found no issues, confirming compliance with relevant rules and regulations[57] - The Supervisory Committee is satisfied with the Company's performance and economic results, expressing confidence in its future development[57] - The Company's financial statements and Directors' Report were carefully examined by the Supervisory Committee, with no evidence of malpractice by the chairman, directors, managers, or senior management[57] - All executive and independent non-executive directors will renew or enter into three-year service contracts or appointment letters at the 2024 annual general meeting[145] - The Company has received annual confirmation of independence from each independent non-executive director[147] - No directors, supervisors, or chief executives had any interests or short positions in shares or debentures of the Company or its associated corporations as of 31 December 2023[148] - The Company has adopted a dividend policy that considers financial performance, overall business conditions, and regulatory restrictions[155] - The Remuneration Committee, composed of one executive director and four independent non-executive directors, sets the emolument policy based on merit, qualifications, and competence[156] - No significant transactions, arrangements, or contracts involving directors or supervisors with material interests were entered into during the year[150] - The Company has no arrangements for directors or supervisors to purchase shares or debentures that would benefit them[144] Connected Transactions - The Group had continuing connected transactions with Qingling Group and its subsidiaries, including Chongqing Qingling Casting Company Limited, Chongqing Qingling Forging Co. Ltd., and others, with Qingling Group holding 50.10% and Isuzu holding 20.00% of the issued share capital as of 31 December 2023[160] - The New Chassis Supply Agreement with Qingling Group for the supply of automobile chassis and related components amounted to RMB105,832,000 during the year[160] - New parts supply agreements were established with Qingling Group and its subsidiaries, with prices based on actual or reasonable costs plus a profit margin not exceeding 8% or market prices, whichever is lower[161] - Purchase of automobile parts from Qingling Group amounted to approximately RMB149,741,000[163] - Purchase of automobile parts from CQACL amounted to approximately RMB8,861,000[163] - Purchase of automobile parts from CQCC amounted to approximately RMB9,948,000[163] - Purchase of automobile parts from CQFC amounted to approximately RMB17,743,000[163] - Purchase of automobile parts from CQAC amounted to approximately RMB260,976,000[163] - Purchase of automobile parts from CQNHK amounted to approximately RMB39,239,000[163] - Purchase of automobile parts from CQPC amounted to approximately RMB45,524,000[163] - Provision of consolidated services to CQFC amounted to approximately RMB1,585,000[163] - Leasing of machineries to CQAC amounted to approximately RMB383,000[163] - New Qingling Group Moulds Supply Agreement established with a profit margin not exceeding 8%[164][165] - The company entered into a new autoparts and materials agreement with Qingling Autoparts Companies, with a transaction amount of approximately RMB29,936,000 for the year[185] - The company entered into a new supply agreement with Qingling Moulds, with purchase amounts of approximately RMB52,186,000, sales amounts of approximately RMB867,000, and consolidated service revenue of approximately RMB1,364,000 for the year[188] - The company signed a new supply agreement with Isuzu, with a transaction amount of approximately RMB2,896,000 for the year[191] - The company signed a new supply agreement with IEC for engine parts and raw materials, with purchase amounts of approximately RMB603,786,000 and sales amounts of approximately RMB256,567,000 for the year[197] - The company leased equipment to IEC, generating approximately RMB21,720,000 in rental income for the year[197] - The company leased land and factory premises to IEC, resulting in rental income of approximately RMB4,210,000 for the year[198] Shareholder Information - Number of shareholders recorded as of 31 December 2023 is 162[135] - Qingling Motors (Group) Company Limited holds 1,243,616,403 domestic shares, representing 50.10% of the total share capital[154] - Isuzu Motors Limited holds 496,453,654 H shares, representing 20.00% of the total share capital[154] Investments and Expansion - The Group incurred approximately RMB117,347,000 on acquisition of property, plant and equipment for expansion of its production facilities[88] - The Group invested approximately RMB 117,347,000 in property, plant, and equipment to expand production facilities during the year[106] Industry and Market Conditions - The global economic and political situation is complex and volatile, with China's automotive industry entering a new stage of development characterized by slower growth, a shift from volume to quality, and increased competition in sales, profits, and technology[64]
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-28 13:32
香 港 交 易 及 結 算 所 有 限 公 司 及 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 對 本 公 告 之 內 容 概 不 負 責,對 其 準 確 性 或 完 整 性 亦 不 發 表 任 何 聲 明,並 明 確 表 示,概 不 就 因 本 公 告 全 部 或 任 何 部 份 內 容 而 產 生 或 因 依 賴 該 等 內 容 而 引 致 之 任 何 損 失 承 擔 任 何 責 任。 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------|-------|----------|----------| | | | | | | 下列人士應佔虧損及 | | | | | 綜 合 總 支 出: | | | | | 本公司權益擁有人 | | (54,269) | (14,575) | | 非控股權益 | | 8,862 | 9,592 | (45,407) (4,983) 基本每股虧損 7 人民幣(0.02)元 人民幣(0.01)元 – 1 – (在中華人民共和國註冊成立之中外合資股份有限公司) (股份代號:1122) 二零二三年業績公告 慶 鈴 汽 車 股 份 有 限 公 ...
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-22 08:36
簡明綜合財務報表附註 1. 編製基準 2. 主要會計政策 除因應用香港財務報告準則(「香港財務報告準則」)的修訂本而產生的會計 政策變動外,截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月之簡明綜合財務報表所 採用之會計政策及計算方法與慶鈴汽車股份有限公司(「本公司」)及其附屬 公司(統稱「本集團」)截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止年度之年度綜合財 務報表所呈列者相同。 遞延稅項 融資活動所得(所用) Qingling Motors Co. Ltd 01 2023 中期業績報告 Deloitte. 緒言 簡明綜合財務報表審閱報告(續) 結論 香港 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------------|-------|------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | 截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月 簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 | 附註 | 二零二三年 人民幣千元 \n(未經審核) ...
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-30 11:30
二零二三年 二零二二年 附 註 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 (未 經 審 核) (未 經 審 核) 香 港 交 易 及 結 算 所 有 限 公 司 及 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 對 本 公 告 的 內 容 概 不 負 責,對 其 準 確 性 或 完 整 性 亦 不 發 表 任 何 聲 明,並 明 確 表 示,概 不 對 因 本 公 告 全 部 或 任 何 部 份 內 容 而 產 生 或 因 倚 賴 該 等 內 容 而 引 致 的 任 何 損 失 承 擔 任 何 責 任。 毛 利 167,617 175,187 其他收入 129,954 154,273 其他開支 (4,325) (4,785) 其他利得及損失淨額 (4,759) 3,975 分銷及銷售成本 (105,006) (95,794) 管理費用 (95,288) (95,672) 研究費用 (83,632) (99,457) 財務成本 (806) (3,435) 分佔聯營公司業績 (468) (3,159) 分佔合營公司業績 1,646 (3,764) 期內溢利及綜合總收益 12,024 34,584 12,024 34,584 每股基本 ...
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-04-13 12:48
慶鈴汽車股份有限公司 Qingling Motors Co. Ltd iual Re ISUZU ISUZU wiod isuzu 2 公司簡介 Overview of the Company 6 董事、監事及高級管理人員之簡短個人資料 Biographical Details of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management 13 董事會報告 Directors' Report 68 獨立核數師報告 Independent Auditor's Report 74 綜合財務狀況表 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 77 綜合現金流量表 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 187 財務摘要 Financial Summary 191 公司資料 Corporate Information OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY 慶鈴汽車股份有限公司(「本公司」)及其附屬公 司(「本集團」)主要從事生產及銷售五十鈴輕 型、中型、重型商用車、皮卡車以及零部件 等。所有本集 ...
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2022 - 年度业绩
2023-03-28 14:43
於 二 零 二 二 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日,本 集 團 的 流 動 資 產 淨 值 為 人 民 幣4,346,882,000元 (二 零 二 一 年:人 民 幣3,087,791,000元),較 去 年 增 加40.78%,主 要 由 於 定 期 存 款 的 流 動 性 劃 分 所 致。 於 二 零 二 二 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日,本 集 團 保 有 之 一 年 內 到 期 的 定 期 存 款、現 金 及 現金等價物為人民幣3,888,811,000元,較 二 零 二 一 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 之 結 餘 相 比 增 加71.08%。本 集 團 以 自 有 現 金 流 量 應 付 其 營 運 所 需 資 金。資 本 負 債 比 率 是 指 綜 合 財 務 狀 況 表 中 負 債 總 額 與 權 益 總 額 的 比 例。於 二 零 二 二 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 本集團之資本負債比率為32.92%(於 二 零 二 一 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日:35.19%)。於 二 零二二年十二月三十一日之已發行股本維持在人民幣2,482,268,000元 水 準,此 乃 由 於 年 內 ...
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2022 - 中期财报
2022-09-16 08:52
慶鈴汽車股份有限公司 Qingling Motors Co. Ltd (在中華人民共和國(「中國」)註冊成立之中外合資股份有限公司) 股份代號:1122 2022 中期業績報告 CELLINSI 01 2022 中期業績報告 簡明綜合財務報表審閱報告 Deloitte. 致慶鈴汽車股份有限公司董事會 (在中華人民共和國註冊成立之中外合資股份有限公司) 緒言 本行已審閱載列於第3頁至第42頁之慶鈴汽車股份有限公司(「貴公司」)及其附屬 公司(統稱「貴集團」)之簡明綜合財務報表,該等簡明綜合財務報表包括於二零 二二年六月三十日之簡明綜合財務狀況表,截至該日止六個月期間之相關簡明綜 合損益及其他全面收益表、權益變動表和現金流量表以及若干說明性附註。《香 港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則》規定,編製中期財務資料之報告須遵循當 中所載相關規定及香港會計師公會頒佈之香港會計準則第34號「中期財務報告」 (「香港會計準則第34號」)。 貴公司董事負責按香港會計準則第34號編製及呈 列該等簡明綜合財務報表。本行之責任為根據在實施審閱工作的基礎上對該等簡 明綜合財務報表作出結論,並按照雙方協定之聘任條款,僅向閣下作出報告,除 ...
庆铃汽车股份(01122) - 2021 - 年度财报
2022-04-11 10:16
慶鈴汽車股份有限公司 Qingling Motors Co. Ltd (A Sino-foreign joint-venture joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) ( 在中華人民共和國註冊成立之中外合資股份有限公司 ) 股份代號 Stock Code: 1122 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | ISUZU | ISUZU | | ISUZU | | | | | | | | | | | | KVIDD | | | | | | | isuzu | | | | A 目錄 CONTENTS 2 公司簡介 Overview of the Company 3 董事長報告 Chairman's Statement 6 董事、監事及高級管理人員之簡短個人資料 Biographical Details of Dire ...