EAST BUY(01797)
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证券时报网· 2024-10-26 06:03
谨防受骗! 10月26日早间,东方甄选官方发布声明称,近日有网友反馈有人冒充东方甄选发送自动扣费的短信通 知。 东方甄选表示,公司从未发送以上通知,请广大网友提高警惕,不要拨打电话或点击链接,避免上当受 骗。 业绩方面,东方甄选此前公布的2024财年业绩报告显示,2024财年,东方甄选总GMV为143亿元,同比 增长43%。 营业总收入71亿元,较2023财年的45亿元增长56.8%。 其中,自营产品及直播电商分部的净营收从2023财年的39亿元增加68.1%至65亿元。 公司持续经营业务及已终止经营业务的调整后净利润为22亿元(其中包含出售教育业务的税后处置收益 13亿元),去年同期为11亿元。 报告期间,东方甄选抖音已付订单总数达1.811亿单,同比2023财年的1.363亿单显著增长。 公司持续经营业务的毛利率,由2023财年的38.2%减少至2024财年的25.9%,主要由于东方甄选举办会 员日活动推广,以及持续销售更多利润率较低的农产品所致。 自营产品及直播电商业务在2024财年实现强劲增长,成为东方甄选增长的核心。 该业务的总营收达65亿元,同比2023财年的39亿元增长68.1%。 责编:万健祎 ...
恒生科技指数跌逾2% 东方甄选跌近9%
证券时报网· 2024-10-24 06:08
证券时报网讯,恒生科技指数跌逾2%,截至发稿,东方甄选以8.61%的跌幅领跌。 金蝶国际下跌6.18%,哔哩哔哩-W下跌3.99%,阿里健康下跌4.23%,快手-W下跌3.72%,阿里巴巴-W 下跌3.70%,蔚来-SW下跌3.64%,美团-W下跌3.28%,商汤-W下跌3.01%。 校对:杨立林 ...
东方甄选(01797) - 2024 - 年度财报
2024-09-16 08:30
Financial Performance - Total revenue for 2024 fiscal year reached RMB 7,072.56 million, a significant increase from RMB 4,509.85 million in 2023[3] - Net profit attributable to the company's owners for 2024 fiscal year was RMB 1,719.50 million, compared to RMB 971.29 million in 2023[3] - Adjusted EBITDA for 2024 fiscal year was RMB 904.59 million, down from RMB 1,207.45 million in 2023[3] - Gross profit for 2024 fiscal year was RMB 2,119.01 million, up from RMB 1,954.77 million in 2023[4] - Adjusted net profit for 2024 fiscal year was RMB 2,180.71 million, up from RMB 1,089.33 million in 2023[4] - Basic earnings per share for 2024 fiscal year was RMB 1.68, compared to RMB 0.97 in 2023[3] - The company recorded a post-tax gain of RMB 1.3 billion from the sale of its education business in 2024[7] - Total net revenue increased by 56.8% from RMB 4.5 billion in FY2023 to RMB 7.1 billion in FY2024[13] - Net revenue from self-operated products and live-streaming e-commerce grew by 68.1% from RMB 3.9 billion in FY2023 to RMB 6.5 billion in FY2024[13] - Adjusted net profit for continuing operations was RMB 709.4 million in FY2024, compared to RMB 916.1 million in FY2023[13] - Adjusted profit for the year was RMB 709.4 million, compared to RMB 916.1 million in the previous year[46] - Adjusted EBITDA for the year was RMB 773.8 million, compared to RMB 1,080.8 million in the previous year[47] - Net profit from continuing operations decreased from RMB 799.2 million in FY2023 to RMB 249.1 million in FY2024[44] - The self-operated products and live e-commerce segment's gross margin decreased from 38.2% in FY2023 to 25.9% in FY2024 due to promotional activities and a shift towards lower-margin agricultural products[33][34] - Gross profit for the self-operated products and live e-commerce segment increased by 14.1% from RMB 1.5 billion in FY2023 to RMB 1.7 billion in FY2024[33][34] - University education segment gross margin improved from 74.6% in FY2023 to 77.5%, driven by strong market demand and reduced low-price entry-level courses[35] - Institutional clients gross margin increased from 79.9% in FY2023 to 89.7%[36] - The company's total revenue for the fiscal year 2024 was RMB 7,072,564 thousand, accounting for 100% of the group's total revenue, compared to RMB 4,509,849 thousand in fiscal year 2023[102] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased to RMB 6,541.52 million in 2024 from RMB 3,852.94 million in 2023[6] - The company's equity attributable to owners increased to RMB 4,969.22 million in 2024 from RMB 2,803.81 million in 2023[6] - Current assets increased significantly to RMB 6,163.89 million in 2024 from RMB 3,436.92 million in 2023[6] - Cash and cash equivalents increased to RMB 2.26 billion at the end of the fiscal year, up from RMB 1.17 billion in the previous year[50] - Total monetary funds, including cash, cash equivalents, and financial assets at fair value, amounted to RMB 4.6 billion at the end of the fiscal year[49] - The company's asset-liability ratio decreased to 24.0% from 27.2% in the previous year[49] - The company has no bank loans or other borrowings and maintains sufficient cash and capital resources to fund operations and expansion, with no plans for borrowing in the next 12 months[61] - As of May 31, 2024, the company has no significant contingent liabilities[63] - The company has no mortgaged assets as of May 31, 2024[62] - No major litigation or arbitration cases were reported during the period, and the company is not aware of any pending or threatened significant legal claims as of May 31, 2024[65] - The company has no distributable reserves as of the end of FY2024[66] Operational Highlights - GMV increased from RMB 10.0 billion in FY2023 to RMB 14.3 billion in FY2024, representing a 43% growth[11] - The number of followers on Douyin grew from 41.8 million in FY2023 to 65.0 million in FY2024, a 55.5% increase[11] - Paid orders on Douyin rose from 136.3 million in FY2023 to 181.1 million in FY2024, a 32.9% growth[11] - The company developed and launched 488 SKUs of self-operated products in two years, expanding from 120 SKUs in FY2023[16] - Self-operated products accounted for approximately 40% of total GMV in FY2024, up from 30% in FY2023[16] - The company's app became a core channel for self-operated products, with some products generating over 40% of their total GMV on the app[15] - The company implemented a multi-platform strategy, with the "Dongfang Zhenxuan Self-operated Products" Douyin account consistently achieving monthly GMV exceeding RMB 100 million[14] - The company's GMV increased by 43% to RMB 14.3 billion in the 2024 fiscal year, with 8.4% of GMV coming from the app[19] - The company has achieved 99% coverage for domestic ambient delivery and 97% coverage for cold chain delivery[18] - The company has established 27 front-end delivery warehouses in Beijing, covering 92% of the area within the Fifth Ring Road, with a member coverage rate of 73.5% and an average delivery time of 44 minutes[18] - The company's self-operated products and live e-commerce team reached 1,883 people, including 1,318 full-time and 565 part-time employees[18] - The company's supply chain and product team reached 830 people, including 565 full-time and 265 part-time employees[18] - The company plans to expand offline self-operated product promotion in the 2025 fiscal year, starting with a pilot in Beijing in the second half of 2024[24] - The company has invested in a sausage factory and strengthened upstream supply chain management to optimize raw material costs[17] - The company has partnered with logistics companies such as SF Express and JD Logistics, achieving a user satisfaction rate of 96.3% for instant orders in Beijing[18] - The company has sold its education business to focus on self-operated and live e-commerce operations, which have become the main revenue source[20] - The company emphasizes product quality control, including traceability of meat products and pesticide residue testing for vegetable products[23] Expenses and Investments - Sales and marketing expenses surged by 174.5% from RMB 315.5 million in FY2023 to RMB 866.1 million in FY2024, primarily due to increased employee costs in the self-operated products and live e-commerce business[38] - R&D expenses doubled, increasing by 101.6% from RMB 65.3 million in FY2023 to RMB 131.6 million in FY2024[39] - Capital expenditures for property and equipment were RMB 35.9 million, up from RMB 12.8 million in the previous year[54] - The company raised approximately HKD 1.783 billion in net proceeds from the 2020 subscription, with HKD 149.9 million utilized in FY2024[87] - The remaining balance of the 2020 subscription proceeds as of FY2024 is HKD 527.9 million, with HKD 250.4 million allocated for sales and marketing, HKD 3.9 million for technical infrastructure, HKD 105.6 million for teachers and other business-related personnel, and HKD 168.0 million for working capital[87] Shareholder and Equity Information - The company did not repurchase any shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange during fiscal year 2024, despite having authorization to repurchase up to 10% of its issued shares[90] - No final dividend was recommended for fiscal year 2024, consistent with the previous fiscal year[94] - The company did not issue any debentures during fiscal year 2024[92] - No stock-linked agreements were entered into or existed during fiscal year 2024, except as disclosed in the annual report[93] - The company did not hold any treasury shares at the end of fiscal year 2024[91] - The company's integrated affiliated entities generated total revenue of RMB 7,072,564 thousand, representing 100% of the group's total revenue for the reporting period[102] - The company's contract arrangements with Beijing Xuncheng and its subsidiaries remained unchanged during fiscal year 2024, with no significant changes or terminations[103] - The company's directors and senior management did not receive any discretionary bonuses during fiscal year 2024[95] - The company's contract arrangements with Beijing Xuncheng and its subsidiaries provided the company with control over the economic benefits generated by these entities[104] - Exclusive option agreement signed on May 10, 2018, allowing Dexin Dongfang to acquire Beijing Xuncheng's equity at the minimum permissible cost under Chinese law[108] - Equity pledge agreement signed on May 10, 2018, ensuring previous registered shareholders pledge their equity in Beijing Xuncheng to Dexin Dongfang[109] - Irrevocable power of attorney signed on May 10, 2018, authorizing Dexin Dongfang to appoint directors and vote on behalf of previous registered shareholders[110] - Supplementary agreement signed on October 10, 2019, making Zhuhai Chongsheng a party to the contractual arrangements with Beijing Xuncheng[111] - Second supplementary agreement signed on February 1, 2021, involving Xi'an Ruiying, Hainan Haiyue, and Wuhan Dongfang as parties to the contractual arrangements[112] - Third supplementary agreement signed on May 24, 2023, terminating rights and obligations of Linzhi Tencent and Tianjin Limited Partnership in Beijing Xuncheng[113] - Fourth supplementary agreement signed on March 7, 2024, terminating rights and obligations of Kuxue Huisi, Xi'an Ruiying, and Wuhan Dongfang in Beijing Xuncheng[114] - Contractual arrangements established to navigate foreign investment restrictions in China, particularly in online and mobile platforms and live e-commerce businesses[115] - Risks associated with contractual arrangements include potential non-compliance with Chinese laws, changes in foreign investment laws, and reliance on contractual control over operational control[117] - The 2023 New Oriental Framework Agreement involves transactions including advertising, marketing, and promotion services, with an annual cap of RMB 52.42 million and actual transaction amount of RMB 27.68 million[122] - The company's procurement of goods from New Oriental Group has an annual cap of RMB 26.82 million and actual transaction amount of RMB 3.25 million[122] - The company's provision of goods to New Oriental Group has an annual cap of RMB 47.57 million and actual transaction amount of RMB 37.24 million[122] - The company's transfer of TPO exam materials license to New Oriental Group has an annual cap of RMB 4.59 million and actual transaction amount of RMB 4.16 million[122] - The company's receipt of online or offline educational resources from New Oriental Group has an annual cap of RMB 10.50 million and actual transaction amount of RMB 0.02 million[122] - The company's provision of online or offline educational resources to New Oriental Group has an annual cap of RMB 2.54 million and actual transaction amount of RMB 0.00 million[122] - The 2023 Tigerstep Framework Agreement involves property leasing and property management services, with an annual cap of RMB 1.00 million and actual transaction amount of RMB 0.17 million[123] - The company has implemented internal control measures to ensure related party transactions are conducted under normal commercial terms and are not inferior to terms available to third parties[124] - The company's independent non-executive directors confirmed that the transactions conducted in FY2024 were in accordance with the relevant provisions of the continuing connected transactions agreements[126] - The company's independent external auditors confirmed that there were no instances where the disclosed continuing connected transactions exceeded the annual caps set by the company[128] - The company announced that Dong Yuhui resigned and will no longer be employed by the group, with a distribution of approximately RMB 129 million from the undistributed profits of the target company to Dong Yuhui[132] - Beijing Xuncheng transferred 100% equity of the target company to Dong Yuhui for a consideration of RMB 76.585 million, and the target company is no longer a consolidated subsidiary of the group[133] - The company will suspend the registration of share transfers from October 29, 2024, to November 1, 2024, to determine the shareholders eligible to attend the annual general meeting[136] - Mr. Yu holds 24,195,285 shares, representing 2.35% of the company's total issued shares[139] - Tigerstep, wholly owned by Mr. Yu, holds 28,682,832 shares, representing 2.78% of the company's total issued shares[139] - Ms. Sun holds 30,000 shares, representing 0.00% of the company's total issued shares[139] - First Bravo, wholly owned by Ms. Sun, holds 151,000 shares, representing 0.01% of the company's total issued shares[139] - Mr. Yin holds 4,700,000 shares, representing 0.46% of the company's total issued shares[139] - Mr. Yu holds 199,072,160 shares in New Oriental, representing 11.6% of New Oriental's total issued shares[143] - New Oriental holds 589,585,500 shares in the company, representing 57.17% of the company's total issued shares[147] - The company has issued 30,000 new shares under the 2023 plan, representing approximately 0.00% of the company's weighted average issued share capital[148] - As of May 31, 2024, 25,940,885 shares remain exercisable under the Pre-IPO Plan, representing approximately 2.52% of the company's total issued share capital[151] - The exercise price for the pre-IPO share option plan is HK$8.88 per share (approximately US$1.13 per share before listing)[154] - The pre-IPO share option plan has a remaining term of approximately 7 months, expiring on March 27, 2025[155] - As of May 31, 2024, a total of 34,483,946 share options under the 2019 plan remain unexercised, representing approximately 3.32% of the total issued share capital[162] - During the reporting period, 3,942,676 share options under the 2019 plan were exercised, 1,519,999 were canceled, and 516,189 expired[162] - The maximum number of shares that may be issued under the 2019 plan and other plans cannot exceed 10% of the total issued shares at the listing date (91,395,910 shares)[162] - Each eligible participant under the 2019 plan can only be granted share options equivalent to 1% of the company's total issued share capital within any 12-month period[163] - The 2019 plan was terminated on March 9, 2023, and no further share options will be granted under this plan[165] - The weighted average closing price of shares immediately before the exercise date in FY2024 was HK$27.04[167] - The exercise price for share options granted under the 2019 plan is determined by the board and cannot be lower than the highest of: closing price on grant date, average closing price of the 5 preceding business days, or the nominal value per share[166] - The total number of share options granted under the 2019 plan as of June 1, 2023, was 40,462,810, with 27,962,810 remaining unexercised at that time[167] - The total number of shares authorized for issuance under the 2023 Plan is 101,351,871 shares, representing 10% of the issued shares as of the adoption date of the plan[173] - As of June 1, 2023, 70,976,871 shares were available for granting under the 2023 Plan, with 30,000 shares granted during the reporting period[174] - The maximum number of shares that can be issued to service provider participants under the 2023 Plan is 2,027,037 shares, representing 2% of the total plan authorization[173] - As of May 31, 2024, 89,053,201 shares remain available for issuance under the plan authorization, representing 8.63% of the total issued share capital as of the latest practicable date[173] - The 2023 Plan has a validity period of 10 years, from March 9, 2023, to March 8, 2033, with approximately 9 years remaining[180] - The exercise price of stock options cannot be lower than the higher of: (i) the closing price on the grant date, or (ii) the average closing price over the five business days preceding the grant date[177] - The vesting period for awards under the 2023 Plan must be at least 12 months from the grant date, except in limited circumstances[179] - As of the end of the reporting period, 1,005,000 shares were unvested, 495,000 shares were vested, and 399,000 shares were forfeited[180] - The fair value of the awarded shares during the reporting period was HKD 30.25 per share[180] - The total number of shares available for granting under the 2023 Plan as of May 31, 2024, is 71,406,871 shares[174] - The fair value of the awarded shares during the period is determined based on the fair value of the company's ordinary shares on the grant date[182] - The total vesting period for the awarded shares is three years, with 20% to 50% vesting on each anniversary of the grant
天风证券· 2024-08-31 14:12
东方甄选(01797) 证券研究报告 2024 年 08 月 31 日 投资评级 行业 资讯科技业/软件服务 6 个月评级 买入(维持评级) 当前价格 13 港元 目标价格 港元 提升自营品比例,联手新东方试点线下 公司发布 FY24 财报 Non-GAAP 调后净利 21.8 亿元,同增 100%,其中持续经营业务净利 7.1 亿元,同减 23%; Non-GAAP 调后净利指年内利润减金融资产公平值变动亏损,加上于股分 酬金开支,和出售按公平值计入损益的金融资产。 FY24 公司 GMV143 亿(其中 8.4%来自 APP),FY23 为 100 亿;抖音关注人 数 6500 万,FY23 为 4180 万;抖音已付订单数量 1.8 亿,FY23 为 1.4 亿。 FY2024 公司持续推出更多种类自营产品;自 2022 年 4 月推出首款自营产 品以来,东方甄选已于两年内开发并推出 488 款 SKU 自营产品,从而扩大 公司的产品线到更多品类(2023 财年:120 款 SKU)。 (b)以客户为中心是关键。公司坚信产品本身必须质量优良,并具备独 特的产品优势。重点在于突出产品的特色及出色的产品功能 ...
国泰君安· 2024-08-28 05:41
海 外 公 司 ( 中 国 香 港 ) ——东方甄选 FY2024 业绩点评 | --- | --- | --- | |----------|---------------------|------------------------------| | | 刘越男(分析师) | 庄子童(分析师) | | | 021-38677706 | 021-38032683 | | | liuyuenan@gtjas.com | zhuangzitong026312@gtjas.com | | 登记编号 | S0880516030003 | S0880524070002 | 本报告导读: 业绩符合预期,其中客单价略超预期,员工薪资增加对利润率有所拖累。 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.08.27 业绩符合预期,关注平台延展及客单走势 东方甄选(1797) [Table_Industry] 教育产业 [Table_Invest] 评级: 增持 [当前价格 Table_CurPrice] (港元): 11.56 [Table_Market] 交易数据 | --- | --- | |-------------- ...
交银国际证券· 2024-08-27 09:51
交银国际研究 财务模型更新 互联网 2024 年 8 月 26 日 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 港元 10.88 港元 8.50↓ -21.9% 东方甄选 (1797 HK) 自营品 GMV 占比 4 成,回归正常经营后自营品利润率将有所恢复 东方甄选披露 2024 财年业绩,自营品 GMV 占比达到 40%,未来回归正常商业 运营状态,自营品毛利率将有所恢复,公司亦将加强主播团队建设和提升品 牌影响力,并寻求线下和新东方资源协同。考虑与辉同行出售及缩减品牌日 活动的影响,我们下调 2025 财年公司 GMV/收入/利润预测 43%/19%/33%,将 估值切换至2025财年,目标价从13.4港元下调至8.5港元,对应15倍市盈率, 公司仍处于调整阶段,维持中性。 2024 财年公司自营品及直播电商总 GMV/收入达到 143 亿元/65.3 亿元(人 民币,下同),其中自营品 GMV 57 亿元,占总 GMV 比例为 40%,2023 财年为约 30%。截至 2024 财年,公司推出 488 款 SKU 的自营产品(2023 财年为 120 款)。 多平台及矩阵账号战略下,东方甄选自营品抖音账号月度 GMV ...
民生证券· 2024-08-27 06:03
海外行业点评:东方甄选(1797.HK)发布 FY2024 年度业绩 经营趋于稳定,强产品、拓渠道,看好品牌发展 2024 年 08 月 27 日 事项:8 月 23 日晚间,东方甄选发布 FY2024 年度业绩(2023 年 6 月-2024 年 5 月),FY2024 全年持续经营业务(直播电商和自营品)收入 65.26 亿元, yoy+68.1%,归母净利润 2.49 亿元,yoy-68.8%,经调整净利润(主要为加回 股份支付)7.09 亿元,yoy-22.6%。2024 年 3 月 1 日公司将原有的教育业务控 制权转移给了新东方母集団,2023 年 6 月-2024 年 2 月,教育业务收入 5.47 亿 元,归母净利润 14.70 亿元,其中包括出售的税后收益 13 亿元。 ➢ FY2024 全年 GMV 达到 143 亿元,自营品占比提升至 40%。FY2024 全 年公司全平台 GMV 达到 143 亿元,同比增长 43%。其中,自营品 GMV 约达 57 亿元,同比增长 91%,占比从 FY2023 的 30%提升到 FY2024 的 40%。1) 持续通过多平台、多矩阵的方式触达消费群体 ...
申万宏源· 2024-08-26 13:44
上 市 公 司 社会服务 2024 年 08 月 25 日 东方甄选 (01797) ——多直播间战略持续推进,品类扩张促进销售放量 报告原因:有业绩公布需要点评 | --- | --- | |------------------------|---------------------| | 市场数据: | 2024 年 08 月 23 日 | | 收盘价(港币) | 10.88 | | 恒生中国企业指数 | 6219.24 | | 52 周最高/最低(港币) | 46.80/8.92 | | H 股市值(亿港币) | 112.21 | | 流通 H 股(百万股) | 1,031.30 | | 汇率(人民币/港币) | 1.0926 | 一年内股价与基准指数对比走势: -76% -26% 24% HSCEI 东方甄选 资料来源:Bloomberg 证券分析师 黄哲 A0230513030001 huangzhe@swsresearch.com 联系人 黄哲 (8621)23297818× huangzhe@swsresearch.com 中性(维持)投资要点: 东方甄选公布 24 财年业绩,扣除已出售的在线教 ...
东方甄选(01797) - 2024 - 年度业绩
2024-08-23 11:37
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 East Buy Holding Limited 東方甄選控股有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:1797) 截至2024年5月31日止年度的年度業績公告 東方甄選控股有限公司董事會欣然宣佈於報告期間(即截至2024年5月31日止財 政年度)本集團的綜合業績。該等年度業績已經本公司外部核數師德勤•關黃陳方 會計師行審核,並經審核委員會審閱。 於本公告中:(a)「我們」指本公司及(如文義所指)本集團;及(b)除非另有所指, 否則我們的綜合財務報表以本集團的主要功能貨幣人民幣呈列,且所呈列數字均 為近似值,約整至最接近的整數或小數點後一位(倘合適)。 財務摘要 2024財年 2023財年 已終止(1) 持續 已終止 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------|------------|------------|--------- ...
天风证券· 2024-08-04 05:31
港股公司报告 | 公司点评 再起航 东方甄选拟以 0.77 亿出售与辉同行至董宇辉 7 月 25 日,公司宣布旗下著名主播、与辉同行董事兼总经理董宇辉离职, 其不再担任东方甄选雇员。同时公司拟将与辉同行(北京)科技有限公司 出售至董宇辉,交易价格为 7659 万元,相当于与辉同行截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的资产净值,公司预计将不会产生收益或亏损。此外,本次董宇辉所 需股权购买款,由符合上市公司规则和公司章程规定的方式予以安排支 付。 与辉同行此前为东方甄选 100%控股子公司,公司认为其品牌与董宇辉及其 个人知识产权密不可分,董宇辉离职后无法持续经营,且相关知识产权将 不会为公司带来经济利益,因此出售符合集团及股东最佳利益。出售事项 将于出售协议日期起 6 个月内完成,此后与辉同行将不再并表;信息系统 无偿交付与辉同行使用。 同时公司拟将与辉同行在成立期间(2023/12/22-2024/6/30)所有余下未分 配净利奖励董宇辉,期间与辉同行净利 1.4 亿人民币。 此外,公司公告拟在一年内回购不超过 5 亿人民币的公司股份。 FY25 以来与辉同行约占公司抖音渠道 GMV65% 据灰豚数据,我们估 ...