EAST BUY(01797)
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天风证券· 2025-01-05 07:56
Investment Rating - Maintains a "Buy" rating for the company [5][6] Core Viewpoints - WeChat Mini Store could bring new opportunities for the company's development [1] - The company has undergone significant changes in business, logic, valuation, and expectations since the "small essay" incident [1] - The company has deeply refined its self-operated products, improved supply chain capabilities, and refined online marketing strategies [1] - Successfully completed the operational transition under the background of traffic switching, remaining an excellent product technology and cultural company [1] Competitive Advantages - Wide recognition, brand endorsement, and precise positioning [2] - WeChat e-commerce has strong social attributes, and the company has natural recognition and trust due to previous public opinion events [2] - Brand awareness may be stronger than pure cost-effectiveness in gift-giving scenarios, aligning with the company's brand philosophy of "health, high quality, and high cost-performance" [2] - The company has established and continuously improved its membership system, providing more favorable products and comprehensive services to customers [2] - Rich SKU matrix with high product category selectivity [3] - Unlike single-brand offerings, a wider product range helps capture more traffic conversion opportunities [3] - Since April 2022, the company has developed and launched 488 SKUs of self-operated products, expanding its product line to more categories (2023 fiscal year: 120 SKUs) [3] - Product categories have expanded from fresh food and snacks to more diversified product series [3] - Over 100 self-operated products have become top three bestsellers in their categories on Douyin [3] - The company focuses on discovering unmet consumer needs, establishing differentiated market positioning, building strong brand awareness, expanding market coverage, and continuously improving and expanding product categories [3] - Strong team execution resilience and keen judgment on opportunities [4] - The company quickly responded to the WeChat Mini Store's gift-giving feature, demonstrating adaptability and learning ability in a changing environment [4] Financial Projections - Expected FY25-27 revenues of 7.4 billion RMB, 8.4 billion RMB, and 9.6 billion RMB respectively [5] - Adjusted net profit attributable to the parent company of 330 million RMB, 540 million RMB, and 630 million RMB respectively [5] - EPS of 0.32 RMB/share, 0.52 RMB/share, and 0.61 RMB/share respectively [5] - Corresponding P/E ratios of 49x, 30x, and 26x [5] Industry and Market Data - Industry: Non-essential consumption/Media & Entertainment [6] - Current price: 16.78 HKD [6] - Total HKD shares outstanding: 1,035.77 million [6] - Total HKD market capitalization: 17,380.16 million HKD [6] - Net asset value per share: 5.30 HKD [6] - Asset-liability ratio: 24.03% [6] - 1-year high/low: 30.65 HKD/8.92 HKD [6]
证券时报网· 2025-01-05 00:29
十年前凭借着一张亲子照,迅速在博客上走红的"网红"韦雪,如今强势回归直播间,还斩获了带货佳 绩。 达多多数据显示,截至1月2日,韦雪近30日内在抖音开启13场直播,场均观看人次超500万,场均销售 额达到2500万—5000万元,总销售额超过3亿元。 直播人气力压东方甄选 2024年12月30日,韦雪登上抖音达人带货日榜第3名。整个12月,韦雪在抖音达人带货月榜中排名第11 名,超过了东方甄选。 公开资料显示,韦雪之所为被称为"初代网红",是因为其早在2010年前后,在网络还不是很发达的博客 时代,她就已走红。当时,她靠着与"煤二代"陈平结婚并生下一儿一女,成功打造了"80后辣妈"的人 设。一张她与女儿穿风衣的合照曾刷爆QQ空间等平台,还登上过《快乐大本营》的舞台,其独特的审 美风格影响了当时许多追求时尚的女孩。 在商业布局方面,韦雪橱窗专属客服称"韦雪做直播带货是自己当老板",但实际情况却稍显复杂。 天眼查数据显示,杭州雪映繁星文化传媒有限公司成立于2024年1月,注册资本100万元人民币,由陈垲 尧100%持股,在公开股权方面与韦雪本人并无关联。抖音星图显示,韦雪签约机构为浙江文希传媒, 天眼查进一步表明 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-27 06:20
证券时报e公司讯,12月27日,东方甄选在三周年之际公布了"东方甄选十大自营爆品"榜单,这是东方 甄选首次详细披露自营产品的各项销售数据。 榜单显示,东方甄选自营烤肠、鸡蛋、牛奶、吐司、果冻橙、鸡胸肉、青虾仁、意面、披萨、蓝莓花色 苷叶黄素酯软糖累计销量位居前十名,其中烤肠累计销售超过2.3亿根,总销量达到1100万单。 ...
东方甄选盘中大幅拉升 近两日累计涨近30%
证券时报网· 2024-12-23 05:55
东方甄选(01797.HK)23日盘中大幅拉升,一度涨超15%,截至发稿,该股涨约12%,近两日累计大涨 近30%。 值得注意的是,12月18日微信团队公告,微信小店正式开启"送礼物"功能的灰度测试,除了珠宝首饰、 教育培训类目,以及原价高于1万元的商品外,都将默认支持"送礼物"功能,商品详情页会展示"支持送 礼物"入口。 校对:高源 东方甄选公众号近日发布消息称,微信店铺已上线"送礼物"的新功能。 中信证券指出,微信作为中国最流行的社交应用程序之一,微信小店"送礼物"功能作为全新的商业模 式,预计将带来广阔的可选消费以及"情感化"消费空间。结合微信目前已经取得的市场地位,后续"送 礼物"功能传播裂变有望超预期,主题热度有望跨年。投资方向上看,建议关注五大方向,确定性的角 度建议关注入驻零售商,弹性角度建议关注电商服务商以及品牌和广告代理运营商。 ...
Key Points **Industry/Company Involved**: * **Company**: Dongguan Media Internet (Dongguan) * **Industry**: Internet Retail, Live Streaming E-commerce **Core Views and Arguments**: 1. **Company Transformation and Strategy**: Dongguan is focusing on transforming into a product selection and technology company with a focus on live streaming e-commerce. They aim to become a product provider with a core of self-selected products and provide a pleasant cultural and spiritual experience to users. [2] 2. **Target Audience**: Dongguan's target audience is mainly white-collar workers in first and second-tier cities and middle-class families with children. Their needs are clear and they are willing to pay for quality products. [3] 3. **Customer Base Expansion**: Dongguan's customer base is expanding through various channels, including live streaming platforms, e-commerce platforms, and offline channels. They have also established a membership system to enhance customer loyalty. [5] 4. **Self-owned Products**: Dongguan is actively developing its self-owned product line, with over 500 SKUs currently available. They focus on high-quality, healthy, and cost-effective products. [10] 5. **Strategic Partnerships**: Dongguan is also exploring partnerships with third-party brands to offer a wider range of products to customers. [16] 6. **Innovation and Efficiency**: Dongguan emphasizes innovation and efficiency in its operations, aiming to provide continuous value to customers. [30] **Other Important Points**: 1. **Management Team**: The management team, led by Yu Tao, has a long-term vision for the company's development. They are confident in the company's future prospects and are committed to driving growth through various strategies. [3] 2. **Live Streaming**: Live streaming is a key channel for Dongguan's business. They are continuously improving their live streaming content and exploring new ways to engage with customers. [20] 3. **E-commerce Platforms**: Dongguan has established stores on various e-commerce platforms, including Taobao,, and Tmall. [5] 4. **Offline Channels**: Dongguan is exploring offline channels, such as automatic vending machines and pop-up stores, to expand its reach and brand visibility. [6] 5. **APP Development**: Dongguan is developing its own APP to provide a dedicated platform for its loyal customers. [8] 6. **Member Engagement**: Dongguan organizes member events and activities to enhance customer loyalty and engagement. [9] 7. **Challenges and Opportunities**: Dongguan acknowledges the challenges and opportunities in the market and is committed to adapting and evolving to meet changing consumer needs. [10]
中国经济网· 2024-11-24 23:43
每经编辑 张锦河 据界面新闻,11月24日下午,时隔近一年未开播的孙东旭(东方小孙)现身东方甄选直播间。直播中, 孙东旭和主播天权再次搭档,在仓库边给消费者打包发货,边介绍相关商品。 截至11月24日18点40分,东方甄选直播间点赞数达到2325.3万,观看人数达4万,在抖音带货总榜排名 第二,第三名为与辉同行。 东方甄选:这次,他真的回来了 11月24日,东方甄选官方账号也发微博称:"回来了!回来了!这次,他真的回来了!""历尽千帆,归 来仍是少年,你好,小孙同学。好久不见,甚是想念。" 孙东旭曾因"小作文事件"被免职 据了解,东方小孙自2023年12月15日从东方甄选直播间下播后,已有近一年未开播。 2023年12月,因"小作文事件",东方小孙陷入舆论漩涡。 2023年12月14日晚,东方甄选CEO孙东旭发布道歉视频,对自己近日在直播中神态"咄咄逼人"以及把手 机放在桌上的动作、提到董宇辉的薪酬等行为向网友道歉,自称是"不职业"的表现。 2023年12月16日,东方甄选在其官方抖音号发布通知称,经东方甄选董事会决定,董事长俞敏洪兼任东 方甄选CEO职务,免去:孙东旭的东方甄选执行董事、CEO职务,即日生效 ...
证券时报网· 2024-11-24 12:22
孙东旭又回来了。 2024年11月24日下午,时隔近一年未开播的孙东旭(东方小孙)现身东方甄选直播间。直播中,孙东旭 和天权再次搭档,在仓库边边给消费者打包发货,边介绍相关商品。 去年东方甄选"小作文"事件持续发酵。2023年12月16日上午,东方甄选发布人事任免通知,经东方甄选 董事会决定,董事长俞敏洪兼任东方甄选CEO职务,免去孙东旭执行董事、CEO职务,即日生效。 当日晚,俞敏洪和董宇辉合体现身俞敏洪抖音直播间,对近期东方甄选"小作文"事件进行回应。 对于为什么要免去孙东旭CEO职位,俞敏洪回应称,拿下孙东旭主要是因为管理不善。他指出,主要有 三方面原因:1."小编"越过管理层在东方甄选官方账号上的发言;2.孙东旭在直播时不恰当的表达,包 括提及董宇辉薪酬等侵犯个人隐私的行为;3.天权直播时的失态,对公司的状态产生了较大的影响。俞 敏洪强调,这是重大的管理失误,需要管理者承担相应的责任。 2023年12月17日晚间,东方甄选在港交所公告称,董事会已于12月16日议决解除孙东旭的行政总裁一 职,并罢免其公司执行董事职务,即时生效。鉴于最近的舆论风波,孙东旭职务变动反映了其近期对公 司品牌及声誉管理不善;董 ...
中国经济网· 2024-11-16 23:21
每经记者 杨昕怡 每经编辑 张海妮 "史上最长的双11"收官后,抖音电商放榜。 11月14日,抖音电商发布的2024"抖音商城双11好物节"数据报告显示,10月8日至11月11日,超3.3万个 品牌成交额同比翻倍,近1.7万个品牌成交额增速超500%,超2000个单品成交额破千万元。 值得注意的是,其中由货架场带动的成交额继续提升,占据大盘的42%,"超值购"成交额同比增长 170%。自2023年起,货架电商逐渐成为直播电商平台想攻下的突破口。2023年5月,抖音电商总裁魏雯 雯曾公开表示,过去一年,抖音电商的货架场景GMV(商品交易总额)占比达30%。 在直播场景中,抖音电商披露,今年"双11"大促期间,累计有275个品牌通过直播带货实现成交额过亿 元。 其中,新锐服饰品牌SIINSIIN在抖音的"双11"成绩为3.34亿元,同比增长47%,其联合创始人林雅琳在 接受《每日经济新闻》记者采访时表示,生意增长在团队预期范围内,"今年更多的惊喜来自于我们有 节奏的品牌整合营销动作,通过to B、 to C的组合营销方式,让品牌真正意义上出圈了"。 抖音电商发布的数据显示,今年"双11"期间,111个电商作者直播 ...
中国经济网· 2024-10-26 23:29
【东方甄选:从未发送过自动扣费短信通知】东方甄选官方微博发布声明称,近日有网友反馈有人冒充 东方甄选发送自动扣费的短信通知。 东方甄选从未发送以上通知,请广大网友提高警惕,不要拨打电话或点击链接,避免上当受骗。 (中新经纬APP) ...
证券时报网· 2024-10-26 12:12
★宏观动态★欧盟反补贴关税阴云下,中德汽车产业共同呼吁合作而非对抗据中国汽车工业协会公众号 消息,10月22日,第26届德国在华汽车供应商总裁/CEO圆桌会议暨中德汽车产业协同发展论坛在上海 召开。 来自中德的政企代表以及行业领导和专家们热情参会,并表达了同样的呼声:无论是站在中德双方各自 的利益角度,还是考虑到全球汽车产业转型升级以及气候问题的解决迫在眉睫,中德以及中欧都应当积 极加强沟通对话,进一步深化汽车产业的投资贸易合作,特别是在新能源和智能网联汽车领域,共同构 建起开放合作、公平公正的贸易环境才是实现双赢的唯一选择。 中国驻伊朗大使馆:提醒在伊朗中国公民注意安全据中国驻伊朗大使馆官方微信26日消息,近日,伊朗 与以色列冲突升级,伊朗安全形势复杂。 中国驻伊朗使馆提醒在伊中国公民和机构密切关注当地安全形势发展,提高警惕,注意安全,减少不必 要外出,切实加强安全风险防范和应急准备,远离人员密集和敏感地区。 如遇紧急情况,请及时报警并与中国驻伊朗使领馆联系寻求协助。 墨西哥波波卡特佩特火山活动加剧,当地机场暂停运营据央视新闻报道,当地时间10月25日,墨西哥全 国防灾中心发布报告称,记录到该国波波卡特佩特 ...