360 Security Technology (601360)
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财联社· 2024-11-29 09:58
财联社11月29日电,三六零公告,全资子公司天津奇瀚科技有限公司以1.33亿元的价格,将持有的天津 市滨海高新区华苑产业区(环外)海泰大道20号研发楼A栋13-21层房屋及90个地下车位转让给天津滨 海高新区企业创新服务有限公司。 交易价格较账面值溢价约5544万元。 经公司初步估算,本次交易对上市公司净利润影响金额约为4350万元。 ...
财联社· 2024-11-24 05:59
①美股AI营销龙头APPlovin收盘价创历史新高,今年涨幅已高达736%,分析师挖出对标的A股出海营 销服务商龙头; ②射频领先供应商,手机补贴+大客户助力+新品牌机型放量,公司业绩将加速反转; ③公司在四足机器人、人形机器人领域展开布局,首款工业级四足机器人已亮相,与同行竞品参数相比 性能处于同等或较优水平。 本期优选报告: ①易点天下(国海证券|方博云):美股AI营销龙头爱普拉维(APPlovin)11月22日涨4.74%,报 333.31美元,创收盘价历史新高,整个11月涨96.77%,年初至今涨736.41%。AppLovin业绩持续超预 期,意味着其通过AI推荐引擎AXON驱动的营销商业模式的有效,广告客户愿意支付更高的价格去获得 更好的广告效果。国海证券方博云看好易点天下作为出海营销服务商龙头,相继发布了AIGC数字营销 创作平台KreadoAI、数据分析与增长模型平台数眼智能BI、智能化多云管理平台Gears,可一站式解决 出海企业从营销素材制作、营销数据分析到营销预算管理再到云基础设施数字化与智能化的各项需求。 公司通过多年帮助中国电商客户出海,以及在程序化广告平台多年专注于电商领域的算法模 ...
证券时报网· 2024-11-21 06:07
网游概念21日盘中强势上扬,截至发稿,汤姆猫涨超15%,天娱数科、三六零、实丰文化、粤传媒等涨 停,华立科技涨超8%,天音控股涨约6%。 昨日,国家新闻出版署公布2024年11月份国产网络游戏审批信息,112款游戏获批。 其中,冰川网络的《潮玩冒险团》《梦想都市》,恺英网络的《洪荒傲剑》《仙缘箓》,游族网络的 《无尽宝箱》,三七互娱的《守卫斗罗》等在列。 行业方面,10月中国游戏产业月度报告显示,2024年10月中国游戏市场收入290.83亿元,同比增长 14.4%,其中,手游市场实际销售收入221.10亿元,同比增长17.07%,端游市场实际销售收入55.85亿 元,同比下降0.73%。 中国自主研发游戏海外市场实际销售收入16.07亿美元,同比增长29.42%。 甬兴证券指出,根据市场调查机构DFCIntelligence公布的最新报告,预估2025年视频游戏行业将迎来强 劲反弹,将成为游戏行业的新起点,并预估会进入"大幅增长"的新成长期。 该机构预计在未来四年内,PC和控制台游戏软件市场将增长15%,2024年的市场规模为720亿美元,而 到2028年将达到830亿美元。 该机构预估2025年将走出低谷 ...
风口研报·公司:为智谱AI提供大模型算力服务,北交所超算云“小黑马”近三年AI云收入CAGR高达253%,受益于AI Agent时代算力需求倍数级增长;这家公司“AI助手”接入国内16家最强大模型
财联社· 2024-10-31 12:23
①为智谱AI提供大模型算力服务,这家北交所超算云"小黑马"近三年AI云收入CAGR高达253%,直接受 益于AI Agent时代算力需求的倍数级增长;②具备全球访问量最大AI原生搜索引擎,"AI助手"接入16家 国内最强大模型,这家互联网公司全系产品上半年收入超去年全年,有望成为全球AI搜索商业化首个实 现盈利的公司。 《风口研报》今日导读 1、并行科技(839493):①智谱推出自主智能体AutoGLM,这或拉开国内端侧AI Agent序幕,随着 推理链的出现,推理端算力需求有望如英伟达CEO黄仁勋所说迎来千万倍乃至十亿倍的增长;②西南证 券刘言看好公司具备分布式超算集群、算力资源网络、AI算力调优等领域的领先技术,在AI领域拥有智 谱华章(智谱AI)等高质量客户,有望优先受益于行业发展;③近期AI大模型发展较快,2024-2025年 各模态的AI将在各赛道全面走向深化成熟阶段,训练、推理等算力需求进一步提升,公司擅长围绕用户 需求制定方案,下游大模型领域的发展将为公司打开业绩新增量;④刘言预计公司2024-2026年归母净 利润分别为0.72/17.46/64.62百万元,同比增长100.9%/2334. ...
三六零(601360) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-30 09:07
三六零安全科技股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 单位:千元 币种:人民币 证券代码:601360 证券简称:三六零 三六零安全科技股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人周鸿袆、主管会计工作负责人张海龙及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)沙锋保证季 度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、完整。 第三季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------|-----------|--------------------------------------|-----------------|----------------- ...
三六零(601360) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-30 11:32
Company Overview and Reporting Period - The company's semi-annual report for 2024 covers the period from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024, and is unaudited[2] - The company's legal representative is Zhou Hongyi, and the report is signed by the company's responsible person, the person in charge of accounting, and the accounting institution[2] - The company's main financial indicators and company information are detailed in the report, including its Chinese name "三六零安全科技股份有限公司" and its English name "360 Security Technology Inc."[8] - The company's contact information includes the Board Secretary, Zhao Luming, with the address at Building 2, Courtyard 6, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing[9] - The company's semi-annual report includes a detailed directory covering sections such as company introduction, management discussion and analysis, corporate governance, and financial reports[4] - The report provides definitions for commonly used terms, including technical terms like AIGC, APT, SaaS, and IoT, as well as financial terms like EB and PB[6] - The company's semi-annual report is available for public inspection, including the original documents and announcements disclosed during the reporting period[5] Financial Performance - Revenue for the first half of 2024 was RMB 3,691.76 million, a decrease of 18.02% compared to the same period last year[13] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was a loss of RMB 341.25 million, compared to a loss of RMB 230.86 million in the same period last year[13] - Net cash flow from operating activities was a negative RMB 469.68 million, a significant decrease of 460.02% compared to the same period last year[13] - Total assets decreased by 4.40% to RMB 38,401.19 million compared to the end of the previous year[13] - Basic earnings per share were a loss of RMB 0.05, compared to a loss of RMB 0.03 in the same period last year[14] - Weighted average return on equity was -1.08%, a decrease of 0.35 percentage points compared to the same period last year[14] - Revenue decreased by 18.02% to 3,691,763 thousand yuan, primarily due to strategic adjustments in smart hardware business and reduced project acceptance in security business[74] - Operating costs decreased by 25.87% to 1,351,094 thousand yuan, mainly due to the decline in revenue[74] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 460.02% to -469,682 thousand yuan, primarily due to reduced business income and net revenue[74] - Net cash flow from investing activities decreased significantly to -5,627,278 thousand yuan, mainly due to increased purchases of time deposits and financial products with maturities exceeding three months, totaling 5.475 billion yuan[73] - Net cash flow from financing activities decreased by 142.85% to -660,595 thousand yuan, primarily due to a reduction in net borrowing by 1.472 billion yuan and a dividend payout of 700 million yuan[74] - Long-term loans increased by 85.71% to 650,000 thousand yuan, mainly due to increased bank long-term borrowing[76] - Overseas assets amounted to 4,900,113 thousand yuan, accounting for 12.76% of total assets[77] - Long-term equity investments decreased by 5.78% to 3,005,500 thousand yuan, accounting for 7.83% of total assets[80] - Other equity instrument investments decreased by 27.95% to 417,520 thousand yuan, accounting for 1.09% of total assets[80] - The company's investment in private equity funds, including Beijing Zhongguancun High-Tech Venture Investment Fund, totaled 1,496,292 thousand yuan, with a fair value loss of 25,199 thousand yuan during the period[81] - 360 Technology Group reported revenue of 1,092,572 thousand yuan and net profit of 365,381 thousand yuan[87] - Beijing Qihu Technology reported revenue of 199,904 thousand yuan and a net loss of 289,666 thousand yuan[87] - Beijing World Star Technology reported revenue of 438,337 thousand yuan and net profit of 152,241 thousand yuan[87] - Shenzhen Qifutong Technology reported revenue of 577,124 thousand yuan and net profit of 332,131 thousand yuan[87] - True Thrive Limited reported no revenue but a net profit of 109,211 thousand yuan[87] - Qifei International Development Co. Limited reported no revenue but a net profit of 166,492 thousand yuan[87] - 360 Digital Security Technology Group reported revenue of 241,296 thousand yuan and a net loss of 293,337 thousand yuan[87] - Chengdu Panorama Intelligent Technology reported revenue of 223,048 thousand yuan and a net loss of 38,221 thousand yuan[87] - Total revenue for the first half of 2024 decreased to 3,691,763 from 4,503,136 in the same period of 2023, representing a decline of approximately 18%[146] - Operating profit for the first half of 2024 was -221,959, compared to -84,922 in the same period of 2023, indicating a significant increase in losses[146] - Net profit for the first half of 2024 was -349,060, compared to -236,276 in the same period of 2023, reflecting a deeper net loss[146] - Total assets as of June 30, 2024, increased slightly to 77,478,511 from 76,770,381 at the end of 2023[144] - Total liabilities as of June 30, 2024, increased to 11,745,151 from 10,389,706 at the end of 2023[145] - Shareholders' equity decreased to 65,733,360 as of June 30, 2024, from 66,380,675 at the end of 2023[145] - R&D expenses for the first half of 2024 were 1,515,481, slightly lower than the 1,559,692 in the same period of 2023[146] - Long-term equity investments increased to 55,736,481 as of June 30, 2024, from 55,097,582 at the end of 2023[144] - Other receivables increased to 18,834,272 as of June 30, 2024, from 17,152,738 at the end of 2023[144] - Short-term borrowings decreased significantly to 102,070 as of June 30, 2024, from 830,579 at the end of 2023[144] - Net profit attributable to parent company shareholders decreased to -341,251 thousand yuan in H1 2024 from -230,860 thousand yuan in H1 2023, reflecting a 47.8% decline[147] - Total comprehensive income for H1 2024 was -486,194 thousand yuan, compared to -132,529 thousand yuan in H1 2023, a significant drop of 266.9%[147] - Basic and diluted earnings per share for H1 2024 were both -0.05 yuan, down from -0.03 yuan in H1 2023[147] - Operating revenue from sales of goods and services in H1 2024 was 4,547,592 thousand yuan, a decrease of 13.2% compared to 5,242,007 thousand yuan in H1 2023[151] - Net cash flow from operating activities in H1 2024 was -469,682 thousand yuan, a sharp decline from 130,459 thousand yuan in H1 2023[151] - Investment activities resulted in a net cash outflow of 5,627,278 thousand yuan in H1 2024, compared to 79,040 thousand yuan in H1 2023[151] - Interest income increased to 52,445 thousand yuan in H1 2024 from 39,367 thousand yuan in H1 2023, a 33.2% rise[148] - Management expenses rose to 24,389 thousand yuan in H1 2024, up 30.6% from 18,669 thousand yuan in H1 2023[148] - Investment income decreased to 38,899 thousand yuan in H1 2024 from 97,112 thousand yuan in H1 2023, a 59.9% drop[148] - Cash payments for employee compensation increased to 2,031,137 thousand yuan in H1 2024, up 4.7% from 1,939,119 thousand yuan in H1 2023[151] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased by 6,744,985 thousand yuan in the first half of 2024, compared to an increase of 1,613,529 thousand yuan in the same period of 2023[152] - Net cash flow from financing activities was negative 660,595 thousand yuan in the first half of 2024, a significant decline from the positive 1,541,734 thousand yuan in the same period of 2023[152] - The company received 1,588,396 thousand yuan from borrowings in the first half of 2024, a sharp decrease from 4,818,005 thousand yuan in the same period of 2023[152] - Cash outflow for debt repayment was 1,477,509 thousand yuan in the first half of 2024, compared to 3,234,707 thousand yuan in the same period of 2023[152] - The company's total owner's equity decreased by 1,089,046 thousand yuan in the first half of 2024, mainly due to a comprehensive loss of 486,194 thousand yuan[154] - Net cash flow from investment activities was negative 1,682,592 thousand yuan in the first half of 2024, compared to negative 1,078,906 thousand yuan in the same period of 2023[153] - The company received 41,525,963 thousand yuan from other investment-related activities in the first half of 2024, a significant increase from 11,424,716 thousand yuan in the same period of 2023[153] - Cash outflow for investment-related payments was 42,608,555 thousand yuan in the first half of 2024, compared to 12,503,622 thousand yuan in the same period of 2023[153] - The company's retained earnings decreased by 1,039,420 thousand yuan in the first half of 2024, mainly due to a net loss of 341,251 thousand yuan[154] - Minority shareholders' equity decreased by 7,009 thousand yuan in the first half of 2024, despite an 800 thousand yuan capital injection from minority shareholders[154] - Total owner's equity at the end of the period is 30,761,573, with a decrease of 699,956 due to profit distribution to owners[155] - Capital reserve increased by 96,304 during the period[155] - Comprehensive income for the period decreased by 127,113, with a corresponding decrease in minority interest of 5,416[156] - Owner's equity at the beginning of the period was 31,677,793, with a decrease of 183,644 by the end of the period[156] - Capital reserve increased by 315,813 during the period[157] - Total owner's equity at the end of the period is 31,861,437, with a decrease of 60,721 in minority interest[157] - Total owner's equity at the end of the period decreased to 65,733,360 thousand RMB from 66,380,675 thousand RMB at the beginning of the period, a decrease of 647,315 thousand RMB[158] - Comprehensive income for the period was 52,641 thousand RMB, contributing positively to owner's equity[158] - Profit distribution to owners (or shareholders) amounted to 699,956 thousand RMB, significantly impacting the decrease in owner's equity[158] - Unappropriated profit at the end of the period was 9,801,531 thousand RMB, down from 10,448,846 thousand RMB at the beginning of the period[158] - Capital reserve remained stable at 48,701,394 thousand RMB throughout the period[158] Market and Industry Trends - The internet advertising market in China grew by 11.76% in the first half of 2024, reaching RMB 3,514.0 billion[17] - Mobile internet advertising accounted for over 89% of total advertising spending in Q1 and Q2 of 2024[17] - Traditional PC internet advertising accounted for only 2.0% and 1.6% of total advertising spending in Q1 and Q2 of 2024, respectively[18] - The company is leveraging AI to optimize advertising and explore new revenue growth opportunities[19] - OpenAI and Google released new large models "GPT-4o" and "Gemini 1.5 pro" with significant improvements in multimodal recognition, semantic understanding, and response speed[20] - Apple announced the integration of its self-developed large model "Apple Intelligence" in the new iOS system, while Microsoft launched the "Copilot PC" AIPC model[20] - OpenAI terminated API services in China, leading domestic large model providers to propose migration solutions and creating new development opportunities for local models[21] - As of May 2024, China has released 305 large models, with 140 models approved by the Cyberspace Administration, and API call prices have dropped by over 50% on average[22] Product and Service Performance - The company's PC security products have over 210 million daily active users (DAU), and its PC browser and navigation services have nearly 200 million DAU and over 400 million monthly active users (MAU)[26] - The company's internet commercialization and value-added services generated revenue of 2.625 billion yuan, with internet advertising and services contributing 2.036 billion yuan, a 6.06% year-on-year decrease[27] - The company's internet value-added business, including games and internet products, achieved revenue of 589 million yuan, a 14.67% year-on-year increase[27] - The company's 360AI search reached over 90 million monthly visits in July 2024, becoming the largest AI-native search engine globally[26] - The upgraded 360 Software Manager saw an 80% performance improvement, a 30% increase in user engagement depth, and a 10x increase in promotion slots[30] - The company utilized AIGC capabilities to optimize ad formats, generating personalized ad content and embedding brand digital personas into various ad formats[31] - Internet product revenue reached 148 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 110.45%, surpassing last year's total revenue of 138 million yuan[34] - 360AI Search achieved over 90 million monthly visits in July, making it the largest AI-native search engine globally[35] - 360AI Office has accumulated over 150,000 users since its launch on April 18, with daily revenue exceeding 100,000 yuan[38] - Security and related revenue was 464 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 48.95%, mainly due to reduced project acceptance in the first half of the year[39] - SaaS-based "security subscription" service revenue increased by over 50% year-on-year, improving the security business's gross margin[40] - Smart hardware revenue was 554 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 35.95%, as the company strategically reduced non-cloud business[43] - The company has a cash reserve of 23.705 billion yuan, sufficient for computing power center construction and efficiency improvement[46] - 360AI Browser leverages AI capabilities to enhance user productivity by summarizing long videos, documents, and web pages[36] - The company has deployed its digital security public service platform in over 20 large and medium-sized cities, including four municipalities and provincial capitals[40] - 360's AI models are trained on 10T+ of high-quality text data and multimedia content, covering multiple languages and industries[45] - The company's "Red Clothes" application has improved the efficiency of the security operations team by 300% through 7*24 precise and efficient handling[48] - The company has a global user base of 1.5 billion, with "360AI Search" and "360AI Browser" gaining significant market attention upon launch[48] - The company's security products, including 360 Security Guard and 360 Browser, have covered 1.5 billion terminals across 225 countries and regions[49] - The company possesses over 2.2EB of security big data, with a daily addition of 1.5PB, leading the domestic industry[51] - The company has discovered over 200 vulnerabilities in mainstream machine learning frameworks, including 98 submitted to Google TensorFlow, ranking first globally[52] - The company's "360 Security Cloud" conducts 56 billion cloud scans daily, intercepting 1 million ransomware attacks, 10 million mining attacks, and 750 million malicious URLs daily[53] - The company achieved a revenue of 3.692 billion yuan in the reporting period, a decrease of 18.02% year-on-year, with a gross profit margin of 62.96%, an increase of 3.86 percentage points[54] - The company's R&D expenses were 1.515 billion yuan, accounting for 41.05% of revenue, focusing on AI and security technologies[55] - The company's "360 Brain" model scored 72 points in the SuperCLUE evaluation, surpassing GPT-3.5-Turbo-0125 and ranking 4th domestically[59] - The company's "360 Brain" is one of the first four domestic models to pass the official "Large Model Standard Compliance Evaluation"[60] - 360 has helped Google, META, and other vendors fix over 200 AI framework vulnerabilities, impacting over 4 billion terminal devices globally[61] - The company has developed the "360 Security Big Model," which integrates 20 years of security data, 10 years of AI technology, and 5,000 GPU resources, achieving industry-leading capabilities[62] - In 2024, 360 detected over 1,200 APT attacks from 13 foreign APT organizations targeting 16 industries in China, with a cumulative total of 54 foreign APT organizations discovered, accounting for 98% of the industry[63] - 360 has supported national-level real-network attack and defense exercises for 8 consecutive years since 2016, enhancing national cybersecurity emergency response capabilities[64] - The company's "360 Security Cloud" provides MSS (Managed Security Services) to cities, enterprises, and SMEs, offering real-time threat detection and response services[69] - 360's security products integrated with the security big model have improved alert noise reduction by nearly 10 times and operational efficiency by 300%[71] - The company's "360
三六零(601360) - 三六零安全科技股份有限公司关于参加2024年度天津辖区上市公司半年报业绩说明会暨投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告
2024-08-27 10:01
股票代码:601360 股票简称:三六零 编号:2024-033号 三六零安全科技股份有限公司 关于参加 2024 年度天津辖区上市公司半年报业绩说明会暨 投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈 述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: ● 会议召开时间:2024年9月3日(周二)下午15:00-16:30 ● 会议召开地点:全景路演 ● 会议召开方式:网络互动交流方式 三六零安全科技股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")拟于 2024 年 8 月 31 日 (8 月 30 日收盘后)在上海证券交易所网站(www.sse.com.cn)披露公司 2024 年半年度报告及相关公告。为便于广大投资者更加全面深入了解公司情况,公司 拟定于 2024 年 9 月 3 日(周二)下午 15:00-16:30 期间参加"2024 年度天津辖 区上市公司半年报业绩说明会暨投资者网上集体接待日活动"。 一、说明会类型 本次投资者说明会以网络远程互动方式举行,公司将针对 2024 年半年度的 业绩和经营情况与投资者进行交流,在信息披露允 ...
三六零 -20240803
-· 2024-08-04 15:08
会决议进行清算公司将根据相关事项进展及时发布进展公告还请广大投资者理性投资注意风险谢谢我们下面是不是可以进入问答环节看看现场的投资人有没有什么问题 好的 感谢领导的分享接下来是互动问答时间请各位参会者通过举手语音互动或文字留言进行提问大家好 如需提问 电话端的参会者请先按话机上的信号键再按数字1网络端的参会者 您可以在直播间互动区域内文字提问或点击旁边的举手按钮申请语音提问 谢谢 大家好如需提问电话端的参会者请先按话机上的信号键再按数字1网络端的参会者您可以在直播间互动区域内文字提问或点击旁边的举手按钮申请语音提问谢谢下面有请电话尾号8552的参会者进行提问请发言谢谢 赵总您好昨天看到这个公告还挺震惊的我想问一下旗舰之城为什么要在这个时间点来选择做这个清算是不是要减持你帮我直接直接回答我这个问题好吧谢谢刚才我说到了旗舰之城现在提出解散清算 只由于达成了七星制程的投资人协议中的某些相关的触发条件那么这个触发条件是什么呢大家也知道七星制程的组成是为了360当时从美股私有化退市而组建的那么这些投资人在七星制程里面已经有七八年的时间了 那么他们共同组建了当时的私有化产品并且共同从银行贷款了200亿人民币那么当时齐心智 ...
北京韬联科技· 2024-07-10 11:00
-6.4 亿!亏损继续扩大,亏损额或创历史新高!实控人"网 红"之后,三六零股价已跌近 7 成,市值还剩 500 亿 导语:近两年半合计亏损 30 亿,二季度比一季度又多亏了一倍有余? 作者:市值风云 App:观韬 7 月 9 日晚,三六零(601360.SH)发布 2024 年上半年业绩预告:预计 2024 年上半年归母净利润亏损 2.4 亿至 3.5 亿,扣非归母净利润亏损 4.3 亿至 6.4 亿。 在 2022 年和 2023 年连亏两年后,2024 年上半年继续保持亏损。 (三六零 2024 年半年度业绩预告) 对比一季度净利润-1.1 亿和扣非净利润-3.3 亿的亏损表现,二季度基本延续了 这一亏损势头。结合公告数据,如果上半年净利润最终亏损额达到 3.5 亿,则意 味着二季度又比一季度多亏了一倍有余。 | | | |----------|-------------| | 项目 | 本报告期 | | 营业收入 | 1, 719, 444 | 归属于上市公司股东的净利润不适用 归属于上市公司股东的扣除非经常 不适用( 881 504 性损益的净利润 (三六零 2024 年一季报) 三六零 2024 ...
三六零(601360) - 2024 Q2 - 季度业绩预告
2024-07-09 12:12
股票代码:601360 股票简称:三六零 编号:2024-029号 三六零安全科技股份有限公司 2024年半年度业绩预告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈 述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 一、本期业绩预告情况 二、上年同期业绩情况 本次业绩预告的适用情形为:预计 2024 年半年度归属于母公司所有者 的净利润为负值。 三六零安全科技股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")预计 2024 年半年度 实现归属于母公司所有者的净利润约为-3.5 亿元至-2.4 亿元。 预计 2024 年半年度实现归属于母公司所有者的扣除非经常性损益的净 利润约为-6.4 亿元至-4.3 亿元。 (一)业绩预告期间 2024 年 1 月 1 日至 2024 年 6 月 30 日。 (二)业绩预告情况 1、经财务部门初步测算,预计 2024 年半年度实现归属于母公司所有者的净 利润约为-3.5 亿元至-2.4 亿元。 2、预计 2024 年半年度实现归属于母公司所有者的扣除非经常性损益的净利 润约为-6.4 亿元至-4.3 亿元。 (三)本次业绩预告的财务数据未 ...