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中国银河· 2024-04-28 14:30
[table_research] 公司点评报告 ●电力设备及新能源行业 2024年 4月 27日 [table_main] 公司深度报告模板 Q1 淡季主营短期承压,股份回购彰显信 东方电缆(603606.SH) 心 推荐 (维持评级) 核心观点: ⚫ 事件:4月26日,公司发布一季度报告。24Q1单季实现营业收入13.10,同比-8.86%, 分析师 环比-33.16%,归母净利润2.63亿,同比+2.95%,环比+47.82%,扣非净利润1.93亿,同 周然 比-22.17%,环比+16.14%。符合预期。 :(8610)8092 7636 ⚫ Q1施工淡季,海缆海工短期承压。24Q1公司陆缆/海缆/海工系统营收分别为7.38/3.81/1.89  亿元,同比-6%/-32%/+101%,环比-33%/-21%/-51%。陆缆/海缆/海工占收比分别为 分析师登记编码:S0130514020001 56%/29%/14%,高毛利海缆业务占收比同比-10pcts,环比-5pcts,主要受Q1为海风施工 淡季所致。毛利率短期承压。由于公司海缆、海工毛利率多 ...
东方电缆(603606) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-26 10:58
Financial Performance - Revenue for the first quarter was 1.31 billion yuan, a decrease of 8.86% year-over-year[4] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was 263.36 million yuan, an increase of 2.95% year-over-year[4] - Basic earnings per share were 0.38 yuan, an increase of 2.70% year-over-year[4] - Total operating revenue for Q1 2024 was 1,310,474,328.30 RMB, a decrease of 8.86% compared to 1,437,884,633.02 RMB in Q1 2023[16] - Operating profit for Q1 2024 was 306,578,074.85 RMB, an increase of 3.42% compared to 296,445,551.41 RMB in Q1 2023[17] - Net profit for Q1 2024 was 263,358,240.98 RMB, an increase of 2.95% compared to 255,806,690.80 RMB in Q1 2023[17] - Total comprehensive income for Q1 2024 was 296,490,643.23 RMB, an increase of 2.18% compared to 290,161,165.56 RMB in Q1 2023[18] - Basic earnings per share for Q1 2024 were 0.38 RMB, an increase of 2.70% compared to 0.37 RMB in Q1 2023[18] Business Segments and Revenue Breakdown - The company's main business revenue was 1.308 billion yuan, a decrease of 8.92% year-over-year, with land cable systems contributing 738 million yuan, sea cable systems 381 million yuan, and marine engineering 189 million yuan[10] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased by 4.70% to 11.14 billion yuan compared to the end of the previous year[5] - The company's total assets increased to RMB 11.139 billion as of March 31, 2024, from RMB 10.640 billion at the end of 2023[13] - Total liabilities increased to RMB 4.860 billion as of March 31, 2024, from RMB 4.349 billion at the end of 2023[14] - The company's total equity decreased slightly to RMB 6.280 billion as of March 31, 2024, from RMB 6.291 billion at the end of 2023[15] Cash Flow and Liquidity - Operating cash flow was 3.07 million yuan, with no comparable data from the previous year[4] - Net cash flow from operating activities increased to RMB 3,066,560.90, compared to a negative RMB 327,470,142.65 in the previous period[20] - Net cash flow from investing activities was negative RMB 174,957,868.38, an improvement from the previous negative RMB 235,404,369.78[20] - Net cash flow from financing activities was positive RMB 243,029,503.31, a significant improvement from the previous negative RMB 109,791,526.66[20] - Cash and cash equivalents increased by RMB 67,423,996.82, compared to a decrease of RMB 675,402,353.42 in the previous period[21] - Ending cash and cash equivalents balance was RMB 2,080,203,739.67, up from RMB 1,307,050,648.74 in the previous period[21] - Cash received from sales of goods and services in Q1 2024 was 1,506,291,737.52 RMB, an increase of 75.44% compared to 858,687,792.80 RMB in Q1 2023[19] - Cash outflow for purchasing goods and services in Q1 2024 was 1,217,340,352.67 RMB, an increase of 10.43% compared to 1,102,419,791.34 RMB in Q1 2023[19] - Cash paid for employee benefits increased to RMB 92,279,260.93 from RMB 70,480,042.05[20] - Cash paid for taxes increased to RMB 62,700,816.98 from RMB 59,158,339.55[20] - Cash paid for other operating activities increased to RMB 175,527,029.05 from RMB 120,958,693.05[20] - Cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets was RMB 69,868,840.00[20] - Cash paid for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets decreased to RMB 153,555,367.55 from RMB 221,138,869.78[20] Shareholder Information - The company's largest shareholder, Ningbo Orient Group, holds 31.63% of the shares[8] - The number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period was 53,222[8] Non-Recurring Items and Other Income - Non-recurring gains and losses amounted to 70.10 million yuan, including gains from the disposal of non-current assets and government subsidies[6] - Other income for Q1 2024 was 28,380,694.21 RMB, a significant increase compared to 3,314,366.01 RMB in Q1 2023[16] - Financial expenses for Q1 2024 were -5,226,806.46 RMB, a significant improvement compared to 4,730,630.70 RMB in Q1 2023[16] Research and Development - R&D expenses for Q1 2024 were 50,408,333.29 RMB, an increase of 5.52% compared to 47,772,846.18 RMB in Q1 2023[16] Order Backlog and Contracts - The company secured contracts worth approximately RMB 5 billion in the Southern Power Grid's 2023 main and distribution network material framework bidding project, RMB 900 million in rail transit cables, and RMB 1.7 billion in land cable systems[11] - The company won bids for the Huaneng Yuhuan 2 offshore wind power project EPC contract worth RMB 328 million and the CGN Yantai Zhaoyuan 400MW offshore photovoltaic project worth RMB 89 million[11] - As of April 25, 2024, the company's total order backlog was RMB 7.137 billion, with RMB 2.58 billion in submarine cable systems, RMB 3.682 billion in land cable systems, and RMB 875 million in marine engineering[11] - Submarine cables and umbilical cables of 220 kV and above accounted for nearly 30% of the total order backlog[11] Monetary Funds and Receivables - The company's monetary funds increased to RMB 2.233 billion as of March 31, 2024, compared to RMB 2.142 billion at the end of 2023[12] - Trade receivables increased to RMB 2.727 billion as of March 31, 2024, from RMB 2.684 billion at the end of 2023[12] Return on Equity - The company's weighted average return on equity decreased by 0.45 percentage points to 4.10%[4]
海通证券· 2024-04-09 16:00
[Table_MainInfo] 公司研究/机械工业/电气设备 证券研究报告 东方电缆(603606)公司年报点评 2024年04月10日 [Table_InvestInfo] 投资评级 优于大市 维持 2023 年海缆毛利率 49%,24 海外订单可期 股票数据 [Table_Summary] 0[4Ta月b0le9_日S收to盘ck价(In元fo)] 44.00 投资要点: 52周股价波动(元) 32.57-54.42 总股本/流通A股(百万股) 688/688 总市值/流通市值(百万元) 30259/30259  23Q4归母净利润1.78亿元,同比增长68%。23Q4公司收入19.6亿元,同 比+46%,环比+18%,归母净利润 1.78 亿元,同比+68%,环比-13%。23 相关研究 全年收入73.1亿元,同比+4.3%,归母净利润10亿元,同比+18.8%。23Q4 [《Ta东b方le电_R缆e:p海o缆rtI龙nf头o], 投资英国海风企业进 公司盈利能力同比提升,毛利率22.45%,同比+5.27pct,环比+1.56pct,净 一步切入海外市场》2024.02.19 利率 9.09%,同 ...
华安证券· 2024-03-30 16:00
东[Ta方ble电_Sto缆ckN(am6eR0p3tT6yp0e6] ) 公司研究/公司点评 海缆量利齐升,业绩持续提振 投资评级:买入(维持) 主要观点: [Table_Rank] 报告日期: 2024-03-31 ⚫[ T2a0b2le3_年Su公mm司a业ry绩] 符合预期,盈利结构改善 2024年3月20日公司发布年报显示,2023年实现总营收73.10亿元, [收Ta盘bl价e_(Ba元se)D ata] 44.28 同比增长4.3%;归母净利润10.00亿元,同比增长18.78%;扣非净利 近12个月最高/最低(元) 54.18/32.61 润9.68亿元,同比增长15.50%;毛利率25.21%,同比增加2.83pct; 总股本(百万股) 688 净利率13.68%,同比增长1.66pct;2023年公司经营活动现金流净额 流通股本(百万股) 688 11.9亿元,同比增长83.93%,经营活动现金流持续改善,有利于公司 流通股比例(%) 100.00 良好运行。公司2023年业绩高增,拟向全体股东每10股派4.5元(含 税)。 总市值(亿元) 304.52 ⚫ “两海”业务持续发力,产品优势 ...
海通国际· 2024-03-28 16:00
研究报告Research Report 28 Mar 2024 东方电缆 Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables (603606 CH) 业绩符合市场预期,海缆版块保持高毛利率 Financial performance meet the requirements in 2023, submarire cable business maintain high gross profit margin [观Ta点bl聚e_焦yem Inevie1s] tment Focus [ Tab维le_持Inf优o] 于大市Maintain OUTPERFORM (Please see APPENDIX 1 for English summary) 总体业绩符合市场预期,毛利率边际提升。近日,东方电缆发布 评级 优于大市OUTPERFORM 2023 年年报,公司 2023 年实现营收 73.1 亿元,同比增长 4.3%, 现价 Rmb44.09 目标价 Rmb61.10 实现归母净利润 10.0 亿元,同比增加 18.8%,其中 Q4 实现归母净 利润 1.8 亿元,同比增加 68.6%。2023 年公 ...
中银证券· 2024-03-27 16:00
电力设备 | 证券研究报告 — 调整盈利预测 2024年3月28日 603606.SH 东方电缆 增持 业绩稳步增长符合预期,手握订单静候需求释放 原评级:增持 公司公布2023年年度报告,2023年公司实现营业收入73.10亿元,同比增长4.30%,实现 市场价格:人民币 44.10 归母净利润 10.00亿元,同比增长 18.78%,实现扣非后归母净利润 9.68亿元,同比增长 板块评级:强于大市 15.50%。公司作为国内的领先的海缆企业,目前在手订单充足,未来有望充分受益海风需 求的释放,继续维持增持评级。 股价表现 支撑评级的要点 14% ◼ 海缆系统业务量利齐升,助力公司业绩稳步增长。根据公司公告,2023年公司实现营 5% 业收入73.10亿元,同比增长4.30%,实现归母净利润10.00亿元,同比增长18.78%, (4%) 业绩实现稳步增长,基本符合我们之前的预期。分产品来看,陆缆系统营收 38.27 亿 元,同比下滑3.77%,毛利率为7.96%,同比下降1.71pct;海缆系统收入27.66亿元, (14%) 同比增长 23.47%,毛利率为 49.14%,同比提升 5.87pct;海洋 ...
长城证券· 2024-03-27 16:00
证券研究报告 | 公司动态点评 2024 年 03月 25日 东方电缆(603606.SH) 23 年海缆毛利率显著回升,招标放量在即业绩可期 财务指标 2022A 2023A 2024E 2025E 2026E 增持(维持评级) 营业收入(百万元) 7,009 7,310 8,663 10,140 11,837 股票信息 增长率yoy(%) -11.6 4.3 18.5 17.1 16.7 归母净利润(百万元) 842 1,000 1,354 1,689 2,145 行业 电力设备及新能源 增长率yoy(%) -29.2 18.8 35.4 24.8 27.0 2024年3月22日收盘价(元) 46.51 ROE(%) 15.3 15.9 18.5 19.2 20.1 总市值(百万元) 31,985.64 EPS最新摊薄(元) 1.22 1.45 1.97 2.46 3.12 流通市值(百万元) 31,985.64 P/E(倍) 37.7 31.7 23.4 18.8 14.8 总股本(百万股) 687.72 P/B(倍) 5.8 5.0 4.3 3.6 3.0 流通股本(百万股) 687.72 资料来源: ...
广发证券· 2024-03-27 16:00
[Table_Page] 年报点评|电力设备 证券研究报告 [东Table_方Title] 电缆(603606.SH) [公Tab司le_I评nves级t] 买入 当前价格 47.05元 业绩符合预期,海缆订单有望放量 合理价值 54.18元 前次评级 买入 [ 核Tabl 心e_Su 观mm 点ary] : 报告日期 2024-03-26  公司公布 2023年年报,业绩符合预期。公司23年实现营收 73.10亿 [相Tab对le_P市icQ场uote表] 现 元,同比+4.30%;归母净利润 10.00 亿元,同比+18.78%;毛利率 25.21%,同比+2.83pct;主要系高端海缆系统等高毛利率业务收入占比 12% 3% 提升。23Q4实现归母净利润1.78亿元,同比+68.63%,环比-13.2%。 -6%03/23 05/23 07/23 09/23 11/23 01/24 03/24  海缆系统保持高盈利能力,但产能利用不达预期。23年实现海缆系统 -14% 收入27.66亿元,同比+23.47%,毛利率49.14%,保持较高盈利能力, -23% 但23年海缆收入占公司名义产能的比重仅达一 ...
国元证券· 2024-03-26 16:00
[Table_Main] 公司研究|工业|资本货物 证券研究报告 东方电缆(603606)公司点评报告 2024年03月26日 [Table_ 买Inves 入t] [Tab海le_T缆itle盈] 利能力优异,受益海风复苏起量在即 |首次推荐 ——东方电缆(603606.SH)2023 年年报点评 [事Ta件ble:_S ummary] [当Ta前b价le_:T a rgetPr4ic5e.9] 5元 2024年3月20日公司发布2023年年度报告。2023年公司实现营收73.1 亿元,同比增长4.3%;归母10.0亿元,同比增长18.8%。其中2023Q4公 [基Ta本bl数e_据Ba se] 司营收19.6亿元,同比增长45.9%;实现归母1.8亿元,同比增长68.6%。 52周最高/最低价(元): 54.18 / 32.61 2023年公司经营活动现金流净额达11.9亿元,同比提升83.9%。 A股流通股(百万股): 687.72 报告要点: A股总股本(百万股): 687.72  海缆业务量利齐增,盈利能力表现亮眼 流通市值(百万元): 31600.52 2023年公司陆缆/海缆/海洋工程收入分别 ...
长江证券· 2024-03-25 16:00
%% %% 丨证券研究报告丨 公司研究丨点评报告丨东方电缆( ) 603606.SH [Table_Title] 东方电缆:归母净利稳步增长,毛利率提升显著 报告要点 [公Ta司ble2_0S2u3m年m实ar现y]收入73亿元,同比增长4%,归母净利润10亿元,同比增长19%,单Q4 公司实现收入19.6亿元,同比增长46%,归母净利1.8亿元,同比增长69%。 ...