Shanghai Suochen Information Technology (688507)
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索辰科技(688507) - 索辰科技投资者关系活动记录表_2024年9月13日
2024-09-18 07:38
证券代码:688507 证券简称:索辰科技 1 上海索辰信息科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-017 | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | | 特定对象调研 | □分析师会议 | | | □媒体采访 | 业绩说明会 | | 投资者关系活动类 | □新闻发布会 | 路演活动 | | 别 | 现场参观 | 电话会议 | | | 其他 | | | 参与单位名称及人 | | 参与公司2024年半年度业绩说明会的全体投资者 | | 员姓名 | | | | 会议时间 | 2024年09月13日14:00-16:00 | | | 会议地点 | | 上海证券交易所上证路演中心(网址:https://roadshow.ssei | | | 董事长兼总经理:陈灏先生 | | | | 董事、副总经理兼董秘:谢蓉女士 | | | 上市公司接待人员 | 财务负责人: ...
索辰科技(688507) - 索辰科技投资者关系活动记录表(20240829-20240904)
2024-09-09 08:40
证券代码:688507 证券简称:索辰科技 1 上海索辰信息科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-016 | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | | 特定对象调研 | ☑ 分析师会议 | | | □媒体采访 | 业绩说明会 | | 投资者关系活 | □新闻发布会 | 路演活动 | | 动类别 | 现场参观 | 电话会议 | | | 其他 | | | | | 公司于2024年08月29日参加了浙商证券组织的策略会; | | 参与单位名称 | | 公司于2024年08月29日参加了海通证券组织的策略会; | | | | 公司于2024年08月30日参加了广发证券组织的策略会; | | | | 公司于2024年09月04日参加了国投证券组织的策略会。 | | 会议时间 | | 2024年08月29日、2024年08月30日、2024年09月04 日 | | 会议地点 | 上海、深圳 | | | ...
索辰科技(688507) - 索辰科技投资者关系活动记录表_2024年8月28日
2024-08-30 10:42
1 证券代码:688507 证券简称:索辰科技 上海索辰信息科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-015 | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | | 特定对象调研 | □分析师会议 | | | □媒体采访 | 业绩说明会 | | 投资者关系活动类 | □新闻发布会 | 路演活动 | | 别 | 现场参观 | 电话会议 | | | 其他 | | | 参与单位名称及人 | 具体名单见附件。 | | | 员姓名 | | | | 会议时间 | 2024 年08月 28日15:30-16:30 | | | 会议地点 | 电话会议 | | | 上市公司接待人员 | 董事、副总经理兼董秘:谢蓉女士 | | | 姓名 | 董事:毛为喆先生 | | | | | 公司董事会秘书谢蓉女士对上海索辰信息科技股份有限公 | | | 司(以下简称"公司") | 2024 半年度业绩基本情况介绍如下 ...
华泰证券· 2024-08-29 10:03
证券研究报告 索辰科技 (688507 CH) 民用市场拓展加速,营收高增长可期 华泰研究 中报点评 2024 年 8 月 27 日│中国内地 计算机应用 ): 民用市场拓展加速,营收高增长可期 索辰科技发布半年报,2024 年 H1 实现营收 0.52 亿元(yoy+140.77%), 归母净利-6643.08 万元(yoy-107.31%)。其中 Q2 实现营收 1989 万元 (yoy+38.56%,qoq-37.59%),归母净利-4516 万元(yoy-260.35%, qoq-112.35%)。我们认为,国产替代+民用市场扩展有望驱动公司营收快速 增长。考虑公司订单确认节奏延后,下调盈利预测,预计公司 24-26 年营收 分别为 4.56、6.29、8.36 亿元(前值 4.72、6.51、8.65 亿元),EPS 分别 为 0.89、1.33、1.95 元(前值 1.38、2.05、2.99 元)。可比公司平均 24E 14.9xPS,给予公司 24E 14.9xPS,对应目标价 76.40 元(前值 122.49 元, 对应总股本 0.61 亿股),"买入"。 仿真产品开发业务同比高增,仿真软 ...
华创证券· 2024-08-29 08:40
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Recommend" rating for Suochen Technology with a target price of 76.35 RMB, compared to the current price of 41.60 RMB [1] Core Views - Suochen Technology's simulation product development business achieved significant growth, with revenue reaching 41 million RMB in H1 2024, a 580.74% YoY increase [2] - The company's engineering simulation software business revenue declined by 42.25% YoY to 9 million RMB in H1 2024 [2] - Suochen Technology is expanding its presence in the robotics sector, establishing a robotics division in 2024 to develop specialized software and simulation solutions for the robotics industry [2] - The company is benefiting from domestic substitution trends in the CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) market, with China's CAE market dominated by foreign players [2] Financial Performance - H1 2024 revenue reached 52 million RMB, a 140.77% YoY increase, but net profit attributable to shareholders was -66 million RMB, with an expanded loss [1] - Q2 2024 revenue was 20 million RMB, up 38.56% YoY, with a net loss of -45 million RMB [1] - Gross margin in H1 2024 was 38.00%, down 16.71 percentage points YoY [2] - Sales, management, and R&D expense ratios improved to 25.40%, 64.80%, and 132.45% respectively, due to scale effects [2] Future Projections - Revenue is projected to grow to 453 million RMB in 2024, 635 million RMB in 2025, and 881 million RMB in 2026, with growth rates of 41.5%, 40.1%, and 38.7% respectively [2][3] - Net profit attributable to shareholders is expected to reach 85 million RMB in 2024, 121 million RMB in 2025, and 171 million RMB in 2026, with growth rates of 48.2%, 42.6%, and 40.8% respectively [2][3] - EPS is forecasted to be 0.96 RMB in 2024, 1.36 RMB in 2025, and 1.92 RMB in 2026 [3] Market Position - Suochen Technology is positioned as a leading domestic CAE company, benefiting from industry policy support and domestic substitution trends [2] - The company is expanding its market influence through strategic partnerships with leading domestic enterprises and broadening its application scenarios [2]
浙商证券· 2024-08-29 05:23
证券研究报告 | 公司点评 | 软件开发 索辰科技(688507) | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------|--------------------------------| | | 报告日期: 2024 年 08 月 29 日 | | 营收保持快速增长,横向战略布局持续拓展 | | | ——索辰科技点评报告 | | 投资要点 2024 年 8 月 27 日,公司半年报披露。上半年,公司实现营业总收入 5175.1 万 元,同比增长 140.77%,实现归母净利润-6643.1 万元,同比亏损幅度有所扩 大,扣非后归母净利润-7125.0 万元。作为国产 CAE 龙头厂商,未来公司整体有 望受益国产核心工业软件国产化、自主化进程实现加速成长。 分析师:刘雯蜀 执业证书号:s1230523020002 半年报披露,营收规模保持较快增长,仿真产品开发业务贡献主要增量 2024 年上半年,公司实现营业总收入 5175.1 万元,同比增长 140.77%,实现归 母净利润-6643.1 万元,同 ...
索辰科技(688507) - 索辰科技投资者关系活动记录表(20240618-20240628)
2024-07-02 08:31
证券代码:688507 证券简称:索辰科技 上海索辰信息科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-014 特定对象调研 ☑分析师会议 □媒体采访 业绩说明会 投资者关系活动类 □新闻发布会 路演活动 别 现场参观 电话会议 其他 公司于2024年06月18日参加了国海证券组织的策略会; 公司于2024年06月21日参加了海通证券组织的策略会; 参与单位名称 公司于2024年06月25日参加了国投证券组织的策略会; 公司于2024年06月28日参加了申万宏源证券组织的策略会。 2024年06月18日、2024年06月21日、2024年06月25日、2024年 会议时间 06月28日 会议地点 上海、北京、深圳 上市公司接待人员 董事:毛为喆先生 姓名 投资者关系:叶泓池先生 ...
索辰科技(688507) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报(更正)
2024-06-25 11:24
Financial Performance - Revenue for 2023 reached 320.38 million yuan, a 19.52% increase compared to 2022[24] - Net profit attributable to shareholders in 2023 was 57.48 million yuan, up 6.89% year-on-year[24] - Operating cash flow for 2023 was -57.15 million yuan, a significant decrease of 6,268% compared to 2022[24] - Total assets at the end of 2023 were 3.09 billion yuan, a 325.86% increase from the end of 2022[24] - Shareholders' equity at the end of 2023 was 2.89 billion yuan, a 449.57% increase from the end of 2022[24] - Basic earnings per share decreased by 12.82% to 1.02 yuan per share in 2023 compared to 1.17 yuan per share in 2022[25] - Diluted earnings per share also decreased by 12.82% to 1.02 yuan per share in 2023[25] - Net profit attributable to shareholders after deducting non-recurring gains and losses increased by 92.72% to 51,694,711.76 yuan in 2023[26] - Basic earnings per share after deducting non-recurring gains and losses increased by 58.62% to 0.92 yuan per share in 2023[26] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 6,268.00% to -57,154,962.81 yuan in 2023[26] - Total assets increased by 325.86% to 3,087,415,768.13 yuan in 2023[26] - Revenue in the fourth quarter of 2023 was 268,018,459.29 yuan, significantly higher than the previous quarters[28] - Net profit attributable to shareholders in the fourth quarter of 2023 was 94,611,360.26 yuan, turning positive after three quarters of losses[28] - Revenue in 2023 reached 320.38 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.52%[37] - Net profit attributable to parent company shareholders in 2023 was 57.48 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.89%[37] - The company achieved a main business revenue of RMB 318.99 million, a year-on-year increase of 19.01%, with a gross profit margin of 69.64%, an increase of 6.23 percentage points compared to the previous year[139] - The company's operating income was RMB 320.38 million, a year-on-year increase of 19.52%, while operating costs decreased by 0.16% to RMB 97.92 million[141] - Sales expenses increased by 68.09% to RMB 20.31 million, primarily due to increased employee compensation[141] - Management expenses rose by 34.42% to RMB 37.95 million, mainly due to increased employee compensation[141] - Financial expenses decreased significantly by 1,482.38% to RMB -30.44 million, driven by increased interest income from the public offering of stocks[141] - R&D expenses increased by 20.14% to RMB 105.25 million, reflecting the company's commitment to innovation[141] - Net cash flow from operating activities was RMB -57.15 million, a sharp decline of 6,268.00% compared to the previous year[141] - Net cash flow from financing activities surged by 19,774.74% to RMB 2.21 billion, primarily due to the receipt of funds from the public offering of stocks[141] - Software and IT services revenue increased by 19.01% to 318,994,781.31 RMB, with a gross margin of 69.64%, up by 6.23 percentage points[142] - Engineering simulation software revenue grew by 39.37% to 187,637,738.27 RMB, but its cost increased by 83.25%, leading to a 1.17 percentage point decrease in gross margin[142] - Simulation product development revenue decreased by 1.78% to 131,024,193.98 RMB, with a gross margin increase of 2.99 percentage points[142] - Domestic revenue accounted for 318,994,781.31 RMB, with a gross margin of 69.64%, up by 6.23 percentage points[142] - Direct sales revenue was 318,994,781.31 RMB, with a gross margin of 69.64%, up by 6.23 percentage points[142] - Top five customers contributed 9,615.16 million RMB, accounting for 30.01% of total annual sales[147] - Personnel and external procurement costs for engineering simulation software increased by 83.25% to 9,167,026.74 RMB[145] - Simulation product development costs decreased by 5.99% to 87,486,612.78 RMB, mainly due to lower external procurement costs[145] - Total procurement amount from top 5 suppliers is 48.3375 million yuan, accounting for 49.86% of the annual procurement total[156] - Government subsidies decreased by 62.57% to 11.7086 million yuan in 2023 compared to 31.278 million yuan in 2022[161] - Credit impairment losses increased by 207.10% to -42.906 million yuan in 2023 due to higher bad debt losses[161] - Monetary funds increased by 1,214.16% to 2.227 billion yuan, accounting for 72.13% of total assets, mainly due to funds raised from public stock issuance[163] - Accounts receivable increased by 54.05% to 510.2786 million yuan, accounting for 16.53% of total assets, due to increased revenue and slower customer payments[163] - Prepayments decreased by 94.06% to 464,147.59 yuan, mainly due to project completion and reduced prepayments[163] - Inventory increased by 163.95% to 10.5334 million yuan, primarily due to the consolidation of Yangpu Intelligence[163] - Long-term equity investments increased to 49.769 million yuan, accounting for 1.61% of total assets, due to new equity investments[163] - Construction in progress increased by 71.59% to 19.939 million yuan, mainly due to significant investment in fundraising projects[163] - Goodwill increased to 40.7207 million yuan, accounting for 1.32% of total assets, due to new non-consolidated business mergers[163] - Total revenue for the period reached 11,004,483, with a net income of 5,282,152, representing a profit margin of approximately 48%[198] Dividends and Share Capital - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of 3.80 yuan per 10 shares, totaling 23,077,029.50 yuan, which accounts for 40.15% of the net profit attributable to shareholders in 2023[4] - The company will increase its total share capital to 89,108,784 shares through a capital reserve transfer of 4.60 shares per 10 shares, resulting in an additional 27,935,352 shares[4] - The total share capital of the company is 61,173,432 shares, with 444,407 shares held in the repurchase account[4] Business Operations and Strategy - The company's main business involves CAE software and engineering simulation technologies[14] - The company established a subsidiary, Shanghai Suochen Digital Technology Co., Ltd., to focus on investment and M&A activities[39] - The company acquired Guangzhou Yangpu Intelligent Information System Technology Co., Ltd. to expand its market presence in the civil sector[39] - The company has 316 employees, with 202 R&D personnel, accounting for 63.92% of the total workforce[42] - The company's CAE software covers multiple disciplines including fluid, structure, electromagnetic, acoustics, optics, and measurement and control[45] - The company's engineering simulation software is the main source of revenue and profit, including single-discipline, multi-discipline, and engineering simulation optimization systems[47] - The company's simulation product development business includes digital twin systems, simulation-test integration and verification systems, high-performance platforms, and simulation cloud platforms, offering integrated hardware and software solutions[48] - The company's main product categories include single-discipline simulation software (e.g., fluid simulation, structural simulation, acoustic analysis) and multi-discipline simulation software (e.g., thermal-structural coupling, thermal-fluid-structural coupling)[49][50] - The company's revenue model is primarily based on the sale of self-developed engineering simulation software and simulation product development, covering multiple disciplines such as fluid, structural, electromagnetic, acoustic, and optical[51] - The company's procurement model focuses on software modules, hardware, intangible assets, and technical services, with a strong emphasis on supplier evaluation and quality assurance[52] - The company's R&D model prioritizes core technology development, with core solver modules being self-developed, while non-core modules are outsourced to third parties to optimize resource allocation[55] - The company is committed to breaking the monopoly of European and American manufacturers in the CAE industry and promoting the localization and autonomy of CAE software products[72] - The company plans to continue deepening its presence in the industrial software sector, promoting technological innovation and market expansion[74] - The company is exploring AI-based generative applications in simulation, using techniques like GNN and ROM to reduce computational resources and time[81] - The company released four new versions of its general fluid simulation software in 2023, with updates including support for shell conduction models, solid pyrolysis models, and discrete phase models[85] - The company completed three new version releases of its acoustic simulation software in 2023, with updates such as support for time-domain impact response solving and optimization for complex structures[85] - The company released three new versions of its electromagnetic simulation software in 2023, with updates including support for custom far-field output, improved antenna gain calculation accuracy, and enhanced modal analysis solvers[85] - The company's structural simulation software, Suochen Structural Simulation Software, released three new versions in 2023, with key updates including support for acoustic-vibration coupling harmonic response analysis, pre-stressed modal analysis, and linear piezoelectric and piezomagnetic analysis[87] - Suochen Optical Simulation Software also released three new versions in 2023, with updates such as improved finite element file import parsing and the addition of rigid body displacement PV and RMS value outputs[87] - The multidisciplinary simulation software, Suochen Multidisciplinary Simulation Software, released a new version in 2023, featuring optimized automated solving functions and enhanced data visualization capabilities[88] - The company's industrial simulation cloud platform, Suochen Industrial Simulation Cloud Platform, completed two internal beta releases in 2023, with updates including front-end interface optimization, new registration features, and the addition of a training module[88] - The company developed nine core simulation algorithms, including a fluid simulation kernel based on gas kinetic theory and a hydrodynamic simulation kernel using smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) coupled with discrete element method (DEM)[90] - The fluid simulation kernel supports multi-region and cross-region flow simulations, with high parallel computing efficiency capable of reaching up to 10,000 cores[90] - The hydrodynamic simulation kernel employs meshless technology, significantly improving grid generation efficiency and supporting GPU parallel computing[90] - The company's simulation algorithms support a wide range of complex flow phenomena, including thermal convection, radiation, conjugate heat transfer, combustion, multiphase flow, and particle phases[90] - The high-precision fluid-structure coupling feature in the hydrodynamic simulation kernel allows for efficient simulation of fluid-solid interactions without the need for complex pre-processing[90] - The company has developed a high-performance computing system that supports parallel computing for various simulation algorithms, significantly enhancing simulation design capabilities with thousands of cores and maintaining a good acceleration ratio[96] - The company's simulation cloud technology, based on high-performance computing, enables rapid processing of large data volumes, improving simulation efficiency and accuracy[96] - The company's digital twin simulation technology supports the entire product lifecycle, from concept design to detailed design, integrating simulation analysis and optimization algorithms to achieve a unified digital twin platform[95] - The company's 3D CAD for CAE kernel modeling technology enhances the accuracy and fidelity of CAD models, providing precise conversion tools for simulation model inputs[93] - The company's lightweight and immersive post-processing display technology supports VR and AR, offering customizable and real-time visualization of simulation results[94] - The company's multi-disciplinary joint simulation engine and optimization technology utilize big data sampling algorithms to improve the effectiveness and accuracy of simulation data[93] - The company's electromagnetic simulation kernel supports high-frequency approximation algorithms, improving simulation efficiency for large-scale electromagnetic field calculations[92] - The company's acoustic simulation kernel covers a frequency range from 1Hz to 80kHz, providing comprehensive solutions for various acoustic problems[92] - The company's structural simulation kernel supports GPU parallel computing, significantly reducing computation time and improving efficiency[91] - The company's fluid simulation kernel uses meshless particle methods, enhancing grid generation efficiency and supporting complex multi-phase flow simulations[91] - The company's R&D investment in 2023 totaled RMB 105,248,346.20, a 20.14% increase compared to the previous year[101] - R&D investment accounted for 32.85% of the company's total revenue, an increase of 0.17 percentage points from the previous year[101] - The company added 29 new intellectual property applications in 2023, including 2 invention patents and 27 software copyrights[100] - The company's cumulative intellectual property portfolio reached 347 applications and 286 granted rights by the end of 2023[100] - The multi-physics simulation software project has received a total investment of RMB 12,215,084.52, with RMB 524,604.79 invested in 2023[103] - Project A has accumulated an investment of RMB 42,608,927.48, with RMB 213,693.32 invested in 2023[103] - The industrial simulation cloud platform development project has received a total investment of RMB 16,000,000.00, with RMB 12,348,508.36 invested in 2023[106] - The digital twin verification project has a total planned investment of RMB 30,000,000.00, with RMB 5,177,723.68 invested in 2023[106] - The company's AI-based generative digital twin technology includes five key aspects: natural language-based mechanism models, generative 3D geometry modeling, generative real-world environment modeling, generative design optimization, and generative intelligent decision control[98] - The company's standard web architecture enables efficient utilization of customer computing resources and enhances collaborative development capabilities[97] - The company invested $30 million in the development of a model-based systems engineering framework, achieving cross-disciplinary collaboration and integration, with $6.63 million spent and $12.6 million allocated for further development[108] - A $30 million investment was made in the integration of simulation software with emerging technologies, leveraging AI, digital twin, and IoT to enhance complex equipment design and simulation, with $20.83 million spent and $22.13 million allocated[108] - The PAM integrated simulation design analysis software project received $20 million in funding, with $4.13 million spent and $5.19 million allocated, aiming to create a unified multi-physics simulation platform[108] - The joint collaborative effectiveness simulation platform received $16 million in funding, with $7.73 million spent and $8.41 million allocated, focusing on multi-domain joint simulation and optimization[110] - The structural kinematics simulation software project was funded with $20 million, with $5.04 million spent and $5.46 million allocated, aiming to reduce product development cycles and improve performance[110] - The Vesta simulation post-processing module received $20 million in funding, with $4.01 million spent and $4.25 million allocated, focusing on enhancing visualization and data processing for CAE simulations[110] - Fluid simulation software project with a budget of 35,000,000.00 and expenditure of 4,457,283.41, aimed at optimizing product design and reducing physical testing costs in industries like aviation, shipbuilding, and automotive[111] - Engine digital twin virtual system project with a budget of 3,000,000.00 and expenditure of 2,955,557.91, focusing on virtual testing to improve efficiency and reduce R&D costs[111] - Underwater acoustic acquisition and management system project with a budget of 3,000,000.00 and expenditure of 4,611,681.82, targeting underwater detection and mapping applications[113] - Digital flow control valve software project with a budget of 3,000,000.00 and expenditure of 2,075,791.88, integrating real-time data analysis with digital twin technology for predictive maintenance[113] - Extended finite element method project with a budget of 29,500,000.00 and expenditure of 18,617,463.52, addressing discontinuous structural simulation problems like crack propagation and material interfaces[113] - Multi-source information comprehensive evaluation and processing analysis project with a budget of 3,000,000.00 and expenditure of 2,974,623.65, focusing on data fusion and evaluation methods to enhance assessment capabilities[113] - The company invested 9 million RMB in the development of a system simulation software project, focusing on multi-disciplinary architecture design and model-based requirements analysis[114] - A 12.4 million RMB investment was made in a simulation software project derived from equipment performance, aiming to improve simulation system credibility and execution efficiency[114] - The Smart.PLM lifecycle management system received a 500,000 RMB investment, targeting cross-department collaboration and product lifecycle efficiency[115] - A 55,000 RMB investment was allocated for the development of a magnetic simulation system software, aimed at optimizing electronic device performance and supporting multi-physics coupling analysis[115] - The Smart.MES V2.0 intelligent manufacturing execution system received a 250,000 RMB investment, focusing on real-time production monitoring and optimization[115] - The company's R&D personnel increased to 202, representing 63.92% of the total workforce, with a total R&D salary expenditure of 7.19475 million RMB[117] - The R&D team consists of 69 PhD holders, 58 master's degree holders, and 65 bachelor's degree holders, with 74 employees under 30 years old[118] - The company emphasizes its core competitiveness in independent R&D and customer-oriented autonomous control, particularly in the CAE field with full-process autonomy[118] - The company holds independent intellectual property rights for key core technologies in the CAE solver module, ensuring no reliance on third-party suppliers[118] - The company benefits from increased domestic demand for CAE solutions due to international trade frictions and foreign technology embargoes[119] - The company has developed three advanced algorithms in the field of fluid simulation: Gas Kinetic Scheme (GKS), Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC), and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH
索辰科技(688507) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报(更正)
2024-06-25 11:24
单位:万元 证券代码:688507 证券简称:索辰科技 公告编号:2024-033 上海索辰信息科技股份有限公司 关于2023年年度报告的补充及更正公告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者 重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性依法承担法律责任。 上海索辰信息科技股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")于 2024 年 4 月 26 日披 露了《2023 年年度报告》(以下简称"年报")。经事后审核及公司自查,发现年 报部分内容需要补充及更正。本次更正不涉及对财务报表的调整,不会对公司 2023 年度财务状况及经营成果产生影响。 一、补充情况 易内容等情况如下: 注:供应商 A 的注册资本信息涉及公司及合作方的商业秘密,公司《上海证券交易所科创 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|---------------------------------------|-----------|-------------------|------------------------------------- ...
索辰科技(688507) - 索辰科技投资者关系活动记录表(20240605-20240612)
2024-06-14 10:30
证券代码:688507 证券简称:索辰科技 上海索辰信息科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-013 特定对象调研 ☑分析师会议 □媒体采访 业绩说明会 投资者关系活动类 □新闻发布会 路演活动 别 现场参观 电话会议 其他 公司于2024年06月05日参加了华泰证券组织的策略会; 公司于2024年06月05日参加了光大证券组织的策略会; 参与单位名称 公司于2024年06月07日参加了中信证券组织的策略会; 公司于2024年06月12日参加了中金证券组织的策略会。 会议时间 2024年06月05日、2024年06月07日、2024年06月12日 会议地点 上海 上市公司接待人员 董事:毛为喆先生 姓名 投资者关系:叶泓池先生 公司基本情况介绍 ...