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丽珠集团(000513) - 2024年10月25日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-10-25 11:35
丽珠医药集团股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-13 | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|---------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------| | | √特定对象调研 □分析师会议 | | | | □媒体采访 | 业绩说明会 | | 投资者关系活动类 | □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | 别 | 现场参观 | | | | 其他 | | | | 丽珠集团——副总裁、董事会秘书 | 杨亮 | | | 丽珠集团——投资者关系总监 | 陈文霞 | | | 东吴证券——分析师 | 张坤 | | 活动参与人员 | 东吴证券——研究员 | 刘若彤 | | | 东方红资管——基金经理助理 | 刘中群 | | | 东方红资管——研究员 | 徐宏 | | 时间 | 10 月 25 日 13:00-14:00 | | | 地点 | 本公司会议室 | | | 形式 | 线上接入 | | | | | 问:请简单介绍前三季度艾普拉唑销售情况? | | | | ...
东海证券· 2024-10-25 08:00
公 司 研 究 医 药 生 物 [Table_profits] [Table_Reportdate] 2024年10月25日 [Table_invest] 买入(维持) 报告原因:业绩点评 [证券分析师 Table_Authors] 杜永宏 S0630522040001 证券分析师 伍可心 S0630522120001 联系人 付婷 | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | [ 数据日期 Table_cominfo] | 2024/10/24 | | 收盘价 | 37.34 | | 总股本 ( 万股 ) | 92,690 | | 流通 A 股 /B 股 ( 万股 ) | 60,001/0 | | 资产负债率 (%) | 40.04% | | 市净率 ( 倍 ) | 2.32 | | 净资产收益率 ( 加权 ) | 11.63 | | 12 个月内最高 / 最低价 | 44.72/31.7 ...
2024-10-24 16:13
好的非常感谢各位同志由我们东吴医药团队联合国胜华福中金中信和中信里昂联合召开的力助集团000513的2024年的三级报解读的电话会议我是东吴证券的联席所长医药首席分析师朱国广今天和我一块主持的还有我们的分析师刘作桐 立足集团可以说是近几年是我们动物药团队特别看好的标的之一三级豹在当前这种环境这种背景下取得这一个稳健的增长我们认为也还是非常不易所以说我们团队在对于明后年持续的看好 今天呢我们也是非常荣幸就是邀请到公司的这个董事总裁唐总公司副总裁财务负责人施总和这个副总裁董秘杨亮总以及我们的这个维修公司的总经理这个徐总那个前面我先介绍这么多接下来我先请亮总介绍一下这个三级报的整体上的一个经营情况有请亮总好的 感谢东部证券朱老师的介绍也感谢国胜证券华富证券中金公司中信证券中信粮各位老师对力猪的支持各位投资者大家上午好非常感谢各位对力猪集团长期以来的关注与支持并能在百忙之中抽空参加我们三级报的业绩说明会下面由我对 列出三级报的经营情况做一个简要的介绍2024年前三季度公司营业收入实现90.82亿元同比下降5.94%规模经济运动实现16.73亿元同比增长4.44%扣费规模经济运动实现16.31亿元同比增长3.51% 整 ...
丽珠集团(000513) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-23 08:47
丽珠医药集团股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 证券代码:000513、01513 证券简称:丽珠集团、丽珠医药 公告编号:2024-064 丽珠医药集团股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 2024 年 10 月 1 丽珠医药集团股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 □ 是 √ 否 2024 年第三季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.丽珠医药集团股份有限公司(以下简称"本公司"或"公司")董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证公司 2024 年第三季度报告(以下简称"本季度报告")的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承 担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人朱保国先生、主管会计工作负责人司燕霞女士及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)庄健莹女士声明:保证本 季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、完整。 3.本季度报告分别以中文及英文编订,如对中英文文本的理解发生歧义时,概以中文文本为准。本季度报告所附财务报表 及相应资料均按照中国《企业会计准则》编制,除非另有说明,货币单位均为人民币。 4. ...
西南证券· 2024-09-30 11:15
Investment Rating - The report does not provide a specific investment rating for the company [1] Core Views - The company, a long-established pharmaceutical enterprise, is diversifying its development with steady growth in performance and continuous optimization of its revenue structure [2] - New products are contributing to incremental performance, with several key products approved for market launch, including the 1-month sustained-release microsphere of Triptorelin Acetate [2] - The company is expanding its presence in the biologics market, with products like Tocilizumab biosimilar already approved and others in advanced clinical stages [2] Financial Performance - The company's revenue has grown from RMB 3.16 billion in 2011 to RMB 12.43 billion in 2023, with a net profit increase from RMB 360 million to RMB 1.95 billion over the same period [13] - Gross margin improved from 55.8% in 2011 to 66% in the first half of 2024, while net profit margin increased from 12.3% to 21.6% [14] - The company's R&D investment has grown from RMB 230 million in 2013 to RMB 1.24 billion in 2023, accounting for 9.9% of revenue [17] Product Portfolio - The company's product portfolio covers digestive, reproductive, psychiatric, and oncology immunology fields, with core products including Esomeprazole Sodium for Injection and Leuprorelin Acetate Microspheres for Injection [19] - The company has a strong pipeline in microsphere technology, with several products in clinical trials or awaiting approval, including Aripiprazole Microspheres and Goserelin Acetate Sustained-Release Implants [24][25] Market Potential - The microsphere market in China is growing, with total sales exceeding RMB 7.2 billion in 2022, and the company's products like Leuprorelin Microspheres are leading the market [23] - The company's Triptorelin Microspheres, approved in 2023, are expected to contribute significantly to performance, with a potential market size of over RMB 5 billion [41] - The company's biologics pipeline, including LZM003 and LZM008, is progressing well, with several products in advanced clinical stages and international market expansion underway [52][53]
丽珠集团(000513) - 2024年9月24日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-09-24 09:38
丽珠医药集团股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-11 | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|----------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 | | | | □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 | | | 投资者关系活动类 | □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | 别 | 现场参观 | | | | √其他:券商策略会 | | | | 丽珠集团——杨亮 | 副总裁、董事会秘书 | | 活动参与人员 | 丽珠集团——陈文霞 | 投资者关系总监 | | | 参会投资机构共计 15 | 家,详见附件 | | 时间 | 9 月 24 日 10:00-11:00 | | | 地点 | 本公司会议室 | | | 形式 | 线上接入 | | | | 一.公司介绍 2024 | 年半年度经营情况。 | | | 2024 下降 6.09% ;归母净利润 | 年 ...
丽珠集团(000513) - 2024年9月10日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-09-10 12:44
丽珠医药集团股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-09 | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 | | | | □媒体采访 √业绩说明会 | | | 投资者关系活动类 | □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | 别 | □现场参观 | | | | □其他 | | | 活动参与人员 | 丽珠集团——执行董事、总裁 丽珠集团——副总裁、董事会秘书 | 唐阳刚 杨亮 | | 时间 | 9 月 10 日 15:00-17:00 | | | 地点 | 通过全景网"投资者关系互动平台" ( | ) | | | 采用网络远程的方式召开业绩说明会 | | | 形式 | 线上接入 | | ...
国泰君安· 2024-09-02 05:57
国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 股 票 研 究 公 司 更 新 报 告 证 券 研 究 报 告 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.09.02 ——丽珠集团 2024H1 点评 [table_Authors] 丁丹(分析师) 甘坛焕(分析师) 付子阳(研究助理) 0755-23976735 021-38675855 0755-23976666 登记编号 S0880514030001 S0880523080007 S0880123100022 本报告导读: 化学制剂和中药制剂板块短期承压,多个创新品种有望弥补集采影响,全年维持利 润双位数稳健增长。创新研发收获在望,股票回购稳步推进,维持"增持"评级。 投资要点: [Table_Summary] 维持 "增持"评级。公司 2024H1 实现收入 62.82 亿元(-6.1%),归母 净利润 11.71 亿元(+3.2% ...
东海证券· 2024-08-27 10:15
Investment Rating - Buy (Maintained) [1] Core Views - The company's performance remained stable with good cost control capabilities In H1 2024, the company achieved operating revenue of 6 282 billion yuan (-6 09%) and net profit attributable to the parent company of 1 171 billion yuan (+3 21%) The gross profit margin increased by 1 87pct to 65 96%, and the net profit margin increased by 4 01pct to 21 56% [3] - The chemical preparation segment faced short-term pressure, while the diagnostic reagent segment showed strong growth In H1 2024, the chemical preparation segment revenue was 3 224 billion yuan (-7 37%), with the digestive tract field revenue declining by 19 96% due to price reductions and policy impacts The diagnostic reagent and equipment segment revenue grew by 32 33% to 394 million yuan [3] - The company is steadily advancing its R&D pipeline and accelerating BD efforts Key projects include the launch of Triptorelin Microspheres for prostate cancer and the submission of supplementary materials for endometriosis The company also introduced several innovative drugs through BD, enriching its product pipeline [4] - The company is expected to achieve net profits attributable to the parent company of 2 159 billion yuan, 2 384 billion yuan, and 2 664 billion yuan in 2024-2026, with EPS of 2 33 yuan, 2 57 yuan, and 2 88 yuan respectively The current stock price corresponds to a PE ratio of 15 09x, 13 66x, and 12 23x for 2024-2026 [4] Financial Performance Summary - In H1 2024, the company's operating revenue was 6 282 billion yuan (-6 09%), with net profit attributable to the parent company of 1 171 billion yuan (+3 21%) The gross profit margin was 65 96%, and the net profit margin was 21 56% [3] - The company's total share capital is 926 4 million shares, with a market capitalization of 35 16 yuan per share The debt-to-asset ratio is 42 89%, and the ROE is 8 04% [2] - The company's revenue is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7 47% from 2024 to 2026, with net profit attributable to the parent company growing at a CAGR of 10 89% over the same period [6] R&D and BD Progress - The company is actively developing high-barrier complex preparations and specialty biologics Key projects include Triptorelin Microspheres, Aripiprazole Microspheres, and Semaglutide Injection The company has also introduced several innovative drugs through BD, such as KCNQ2/3 and DHODH inhibitors [4] Valuation and Forecast - The company's EPS is expected to be 2 33 yuan, 2 57 yuan, and 2 88 yuan in 2024-2026, with a PE ratio of 15 09x, 13 66x, and 12 23x respectively The PB ratio is expected to be 2 02x, 1 76x, and 1 54x over the same period [6] - The company's revenue is forecasted to reach 13 239 billion yuan, 14 223 billion yuan, and 15 427 billion yuan in 2024-2026, with net profit attributable to the parent company of 2 159 billion yuan, 2 384 billion yuan, and 2 664 billion yuan respectively [6]
中邮证券· 2024-08-27 09:48
股票投资评级 买入|首次覆盖 个股表现 丽珠集团 医药生物 -20% -16% -12% -8% -4% 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20% 2023-08 2023-11 2024-01 2024-03 2024-06 2024-08 资料来源:聚源,中邮证券研究所 公司基本情况 | --- | --- | |-------------------------|----------------------| | 最新收盘价(元) | 35.16 | | 总股本/流通股本(亿股) | 9.26 / 6.00 | | 总市值/流通市值(亿元) | 326 / 211 | | 52 周内最高/最低价 | 40.84 / 32.29 | | 资产负债率(%) | 41.0% | | 市盈率 | 16.74 | | | 香港中央结算(代理人) | | 第一大股东 | | | | 有限公司 | | | | 研究所 分析师:蔡明子 SAC 登记编号:S1340523110001 分析师:陈成 SAC 登记编号:S1340524020001 Email:chenc ...