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高盛:维持渣打集团“中性”评级 目标价95港元
证券时报网· 2024-12-04 06:03
证券时报网讯,高盛研究报告维持渣打集团"中性"评级,目标价95港元,预计渣打集团2024—2026年非 利息收入年复合增长率为9%,管理层提出2025—2029年吸引2000亿美元净新增资金目标,预期富裕人 士收入对财富管理收入贡献将增至75%。 校对:祝甜婷 ...
证券时报网· 2024-11-19 07:07
证券时报网讯,渣打集团行政总裁温拓思在国际金融领袖投资峰会上表示,东盟地区多样化,蕴含巨大 机会,尤其在电动车供应链方面,印尼在推动垂直一体化方面表现出色。 温拓思对贸易保护主义表示反对,认为全球化仍然强大,只是在不同地方展现。 所有这些全球化已死、全球化倒退之说,是错误看法。 尽管存在摩擦成本,市场会重新平衡,经济将继续繁荣。 校对:赵燕 ...
海通国际· 2024-10-30 10:23
[Table_Title] 研究报告 Research Report 30 Oct 2024 渣打集团 Standard Chartered PLC (2888 HK) 营收利润、净息差和不良率均超过预期,贷款增长不及预期 Revenue & Profit & NIM & NPL Ratio Beat, Loan Growth Miss 周琦 Nicole Zhou, CFA 林加力 Jiali Lin [Table_yemei1] 热点速评 Flash Analysis [Table_summary] (Please see APPENDIX 1 for English summary) 事件 渣打(2888.HK)发布 2024 年三季度业绩报告。 点评 24Q3 营收及利润均优于 BBG 一致预期: 基本经营收入同比增速为 11.4%,高于 BBG 一致预期的+7.0%,净利息收入和其他收入均超过预期,其中: o 净利息收入同比+9.1%,高于一致预期的+7.9%。 o 其他收入同比+14.0%,高于一致预期的 ...
渣打集团(02888) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-08-20 09:05
渣打集團有限公司 二〇二四年半年報告 ª 二〇二四年半年報告 連接全球 最具活力 的市場 º 一心做好, 始終如一 目錄 | --- | --- | |----------------------------------|-------| | 表現摘要 | 1 | | 業績報表 | 3 | | 集團行政總裁回顧 | 4 | | 集團財務總監回顧 | 6 | | 補充財務資料 | 15 | | 基本及列賬基準業績對賬 | 24 | | 其他表現指標 | 26 | | 集團風險總監回顧 | 28 | | 風險回顧 | 38 | | 資本回顧 | 93 | | 董事責任聲明 | 99 | | 致渣打集團有限公司的獨立審閱報告 | 100 | | 財務報表 | 101 | | 其他補充資料 | 156 | | 股東資料 | 167 | | 重要通知 | 169 | | 詞彙 | 170 | 除另有指明其他貨幣外,本文件中提述的「元」字或「$」符號概指美元,而「仙」字或「c」符號概指一百分之一美元。 本報告的資料未經審核。 除文義另有所指外,於本文件內,「中國」指中華人民共和國,且僅就本文件而言不包括香港特別行政區(香 ...
海通国际· 2024-07-30 08:03
研究秘争 Research Report 30 Jul 2024 渣 打集团 Standard Chartered PLC (2888 HK) 营收利润增长种资产质量超预期 Revenue & Profit & Asset Quality Beat 月 ☀ Nicole Zhou, CFA # 本力 Jiali Lin 热点途径 Flash Ana lysis (Please see APPENDIX 1 for English s ummary) 孝什 液打(2888.HK)发布 2024 年二季度业绩报告. 点 外 24Q2 意收及利润均越过预期: 基本经营收入同比增速为 5.5%,优子一致预期的+4.8%。共中净利息收入超过预期,共他较入不及预期: A 净利息妆入同比+5.1%,高手一致预期的+3.5%, o 共他收入同比+6.05.0%,低于一鉄预病的 6.5%, o 板块表现 A 企业及高些桃行业务校入同比增长-1.9%,依子彭博一致预期的+2.8%。 o 财富及李告领行业务联入问比增长 9.6%,苏千一致预 ...
渣打集团(02888) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-07-30 04:16
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不 對因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 STANDARD CHARTERED PLC 渣打集團有限公司 (於英格蘭及威爾士註冊之有限責任的公眾有限公司) (編號:966425) (股份代號:02888) 截至二〇二四年六月三十日止上半年及第二季度之業績 — 第一部分 目錄 | --- | --- | |------------------------|-------| | 表現摘要 | 2 | | 業績報表 | 5 | | 集團行政總裁回顧 | 6 | | 集團財務總監回顧 | 9 | | 補充財務資料 | 18 | | 基本及列賬基準業績對賬 | 26 | | 其他表現指標 | 28 | | 集團風險總監回顧 | 30 | 除另有指明其他貨幣外,本文件中提述的「元」字或「$」符號概指美元,而「仙」字或「c」符號概指一百分之一美元。 本報告的資料未經審核。 除文義另有所指外,於本文件內,「中國」指中華人民共和國,且僅就本文件而言不包括香港特別行 ...
渣打集团(02888) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-05 08:57
Financial Performance - Tangible equity return reached 10.1%, an increase of 240 basis points[4] - Common equity tier 1 capital ratio stood at 14.1%, 10 basis points above the target range of 13–14%[4] - Total shareholder return was 9.4%, compared to 41.4% in 2022[4] - Operating income increased by 10% to 18.019 billion yuan on a reported basis[5] - Pre-tax profit rose by 24% to 5.093 billion yuan on a reported basis[5] - Earnings per share increased by 22.7 cents to 108.6 cents on a reported basis[5] - Tangible net asset value per ordinary share grew by 12% to 13.93 yuan[4] - The company achieved a tangible equity return of 10.1% in 2023, with a target to reach 12% by 2026[40] - Revenue grew by 13% on a constant currency basis in 2023[40] - The company achieved a 13% increase in full-year revenue to $17.4 billion in 2023, driven by rising interest rates and strong business momentum[48] - The company's pre-tax basic profit rose 27% year-on-year to $5.7 billion in 2023, reaching the highest level in a decade[48] - The company's cross-border network business revenue increased by 31% in 2023, with significant growth in the Middle East (67%) and ASEAN (53%)[48] - The company's affluent customer base grew to 2.3 million, contributing to a 50% increase in net new money inflows to $29 billion in 2023[48] - The company's mass retail banking customer base increased by over 1 million to 9.5 million in 2023, with 224,000 customers transitioning to affluent status[48] - The company's Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio stood at 14.1% at the end of 2023, above the target range[48] - The company increased its full-year ordinary dividend by 50% to 27 cents per share in 2023[48] - The company aims to achieve a return on tangible equity (ROTE) of 12% by 2026, up from the current 10%[48] - The company's digital banks, Mox in Hong Kong and Trust in Singapore, are among the fastest-growing digital banks globally[48] - Sustainable finance business generated over 700 million yuan in revenue in 2023, a 42% year-on-year increase, aiming to reach 1 billion yuan by 2025[49] - Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking achieved a risk-weighted asset return of 7.8% in 2023, surpassing the 2024 target of 6.5%[49] - Personal, Private & Small Business Banking reduced cost-to-income ratio to 60% in 2023, nine percentage points improvement, saving 400 million yuan in structural costs[49] - China-related business recorded 1.3 billion yuan in pre-tax operating profit in 2023, driven by a 42% increase in offshore-related income[49] - Cost-to-income ratio decreased to 63% in 2023, down 7 percentage points since 2021, targeting around 60% by 2024[49] - The company plans to return over 5 billion yuan to shareholders in 2023, including a 1 billion yuan share buyback program[49] - Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking aims for 8-10% basic growth rate in cross-border income over the next three years[50] - Personal, Private & Small Business Banking targets over 80 billion yuan in net new money inflows in the next three years, a 19% increase[50] - The company expects a 5-7% compound annual growth rate in revenue over the next three years, higher than global economic growth forecasts[50] - The company aims to achieve a 12% return on tangible equity by 2026, up from 10%[50] - Tangible shareholder equity return reached a milestone of 10.1% in 2023, an increase of 240 basis points year-on-year[56] - Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio stood at 14.1% in 2023, above the target range, enabling a 50% increase in annual dividends and a $1 billion share buyback[57] - Total shareholder return increased by 9.4% in 2023[58] - The company achieved a tangible equity return of 10.1% in 2023, exceeding the 10% target set for 2024[87] - Risk-weighted asset income return improved to 7.8% in 2023, up from 6.2% in 2022[87] - Cost savings of 4 billion were achieved in 2023, bringing the total savings from 2022 to 2023 to 9 billion[87] - The company distributed a total of 27 billion to shareholders in 2023, with cumulative distributions from 2022 to 2023 reaching 45 billion[87] - Pre-tax profit in China grew to 1.3 billion in 2023, a 1.6x increase compared to 2022[87] - The company aims for a 5-7% compound annual growth rate in revenue over the next three years[87] - The cost-to-income ratio improved to 60% in 2023, down from 69% in 2022[87] - The company plans to reduce operating expenses to below 12 billion by 2026[87] - A new 1 billion share buyback program is set to launch in 2024[87] - The company completed the sale of its aircraft financing leasing business in 2023[87] - The company's total assets amounted to 823 billion yuan, with a Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio of 14.1% at the end of 2023, exceeding the target range of 13-14%[88] - The company's liquidity coverage ratio was 145% and the net stable funding ratio was 138% at the end of 2023[88] - The company paid 4.5 billion yuan to active suppliers in 2023, up from 4.3 billion yuan in 2022[95] - The company paid 1.476 billion yuan in corporate taxes and bank levies in 2023, compared to 926 million yuan in 2022[98] - The company declared dividends of 728 million yuan in 2023, up from 523 million yuan in 2022[98] - The company repurchased shares worth 2 billion yuan in 2023, compared to 1.3 billion yuan in 2022[99] - The company invested in digital channels and customer experience to enter new high-growth segments and increase share of wallet among existing customers[88] - The company launched over 20 new digital wealth management features in 2023 and expanded its SC Women's International Network to five markets[88] - The company's consumer customer satisfaction index improved to 56.6% in 2023 from 49.8% in 2022[88] - The company's active individual customer base grew to 11.8 million in 2023 from 10.4 million in 2022[93] - New business revenue accounted for 36% of total revenue, up from 22% in 2022[113] - Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking network revenue reached 6.9 billion, up from 5.2 billion in 2022[114] - Digital-enabled transactions in Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking reached 65.7%, up from 61.5% in 2022[115] - Mass retail banking active customers increased to 9.5 million, up from 8.3 million in 2022[115] - Retail product digital sales penetration reached 56%, up from 48% in 2022[115] - Sustainable financing revenue increased to 720 million, up from 508 million in 2022[115] - Affluent client business revenue reached 4.6 billion, up from 3.7 billion in 2022[117] - Active affluent clients increased to 2.3 million, up from 2.1 million in 2022[117] - Cumulative sustainable financing mobilized since 2021 reached 87 billion, up from 57 billion in 2022[118] - Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking pre-tax profit increased by 42% to HKD 5.436 billion[123] - Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking basic operating income rose by 20% to HKD 11.218 billion[128] - Risk-weighted assets (RWA) for Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking decreased by HKD 1.6 billion[126] - Personal, Private & SME Banking pre-tax profit increased by 60% to HKD 2.487 billion[131] - Tawi platform reached over 1,000 farmers and 700 commercial kitchens by the end of 2023[122] - Risk-weighted asset return for Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking improved to 7.8% in 2023, up 160 basis points[127] - Financial institutions contributed 49% to total revenue in 2023[127] - Digital adoption rate for Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking reached 65.7% in 2023[128] - Sustainable finance mobilization reached HKD 87 billion towards the 2030 target of HKD 300 billion[128] - Tangible equity return for Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking increased to 19.5% in 2023[128] - The net new money inflow from affluent clients increased by 50% year-on-year in 2023, reaching 29.1 billion yuan[134] - The digital account opening rate for retail products rose to 56% in 2023, up from 41% in 2021[135] - The company's basic operating income increased by 19% to 7.106 billion yuan, with a 22% increase on a constant currency basis[136] - The tangible equity basic return increased from 15.8% to 25.3%[136] - The total transaction value for the venture business reached 18 billion yuan in 2023[138] - The number of clients in the venture business increased to 1.8 million in 2023, up from 1.3 million in 2022[139] - The company raised 64 million yuan in external funding for its venture business, a 41% increase[138] - The company's pre-tax basic profit increased by 60% to 2.487 billion yuan on a constant currency basis[136] - The company's deposit income grew by 76% on a constant currency basis[136] - The company's wealth management income increased by 10% on a constant currency basis[136] - SC Ventures' customer base increased by 25% to 587,000, with total transaction value rising by 15% to HKD 18 billion[140] - Mox's customer base grew 1.2 times year-over-year to over 523,000, with revenue nearly tripling and deposits and loans both increasing by over 30%[140] - Trust Bank's customer base surged 1.7 times year-over-year to 700,000, with deposit balances increasing 3.0 times to SGD 1.4 billion[140] - SC Ventures established a HKD 100 million digital asset joint venture with SBI Holdings in the UAE[140] - Mox achieved a 36% market share in loans and 30% in deposits among Hong Kong virtual banks[140] - Trust Bank reached a 12% market share within a year of launch and was rated as the best digital retail bank in Singapore and Southeast Asia[140] - Basic pre-tax profit increased by 32% to HKD 4.74 billion, driven by higher income and reduced credit impairment[143] - Customer loans and advances decreased by 5% year-over-year, while customer deposits increased by 9%[143] - Risk-weighted assets increased by HKD 5 billion year-over-year[143] - Tangible equity return rose from 11.9% in 2022 to 16.4% in 2023[143] - The company's pre-tax basic profit reached $1.311 billion, the highest annual profit since 2015, increasing by 66% (90% on a constant currency basis)[146] - Basic operating income grew by 14% (26% on a constant currency basis) to $2.806 billion, driven by strong growth in cash management, retail deposits, and financial markets[146] - Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan revenue increased by 29% (38% on a constant currency basis), while Africa revenue grew by 1% (14% on a constant currency basis)[146] - The company recorded a net credit impairment reversal of $91 million in 2023, compared to a charge of $119 million in 2022[146] - Customer loans and advances increased by 8% (15% on a constant currency basis) year-on-year, while customer deposits grew by 4% (9% on a constant currency basis)[146] - Risk-weighted assets decreased by 6% compared to December 31, 2022, despite sovereign rating downgrades[146] - Tangible equity return on equity increased from 9.3% in 2022 to 16.6% in 2023[146] - The company's ESG DCM volume in the Middle East grew by over 160% year-on-year, supported by some of the region's largest and most innovative ESG transactions[146] - Cross-border income saw strong growth of 39%, with broad-based growth across all major corridors[146] - The company's cost-to-income ratio improved to 56% in 2023, compared to 63% for the full year 2022[146] - The group achieved a tangible equity return of 10% in 2023, with pre-tax profit increasing by 27% on a constant currency basis[151] - Revenue grew by 13% on a constant currency basis, driven by favorable interest rate conditions, while expenses increased by 8%[151] - The group's liquidity coverage ratio stood at 145%, and the common equity tier 1 ratio was 14.1%, above the target range[151] - Net interest income increased by 20% (23% on a constant currency basis), with net interest margin rising by 26 basis points to 1.67%[153] - Credit impairment charges decreased by 37% to 528 million, with an annualized loan loss rate of 17 basis points[152] - The group recorded a net gain of 262 million from the sale of its aviation finance business[152] - Basic earnings per share increased by 32% to 128.9 cents, and the full-year dividend rose by 50% to 27 cents per share[152] - The group announced a new 1 billion share buyback program, following the completion of two previous buybacks totaling 2 billion[152] - The cost-to-income ratio improved by 2 percentage points to 63%, reflecting a positive income-to-cost growth differential of 4%[151] - The group reduced the book value of its investment in Bohai Bank by 850 million, reflecting updated valuation calculations[153] - Net interest income increased by 2% to HKD 7,769 million, with a 5% increase at constant exchange rates[154] - Non-net interest income rose by 17% to HKD 10,250 million, with a 20% increase at constant exchange rates[154] - Reported operating income grew by 10% to HKD 18,019 million, with a 13% increase at constant exchange rates[154] - Transaction banking services revenue surged by 54% at constant exchange rates, driven by strong pricing discipline and pass-through rates in a rising interest rate environment[155] - Cash management revenue increased by 83% at constant exchange rates, reflecting robust pricing strategies[155] - Financial markets revenue decreased by 2% at constant exchange rates, but increased by 3% excluding a one-time mark-to-market liability gain in 2022[155] - Wealth management revenue grew by 10% at constant exchange rates, with bank insurance revenue up by 17%[156] - Retail products revenue rose by 26% at constant exchange rates, with deposit income increasing by 74% due to active pass-through rate management[156] - Corporate, commercial & institutional banking profit increased by 42%, with revenue growth of 20% driven by cash management in a rising interest rate environment[158] - Personal, private & SME banking profit rose by 60%, with revenue up by 22% due to retail deposit income benefiting from higher interest rates[158] - Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking profit increased by 36% to 5,436 million HKD, driven by strong growth in cash management and retail deposits[159] - Personal, Private & SME Banking profit surged by 56% to 2,487 million HKD, reflecting robust growth in retail deposits and wealth management[159] - Asia region profit rose by 32% to 4,740 million HKD, supported by a 15% increase in income and a 146 million HKD reduction in credit impairments[159] - Africa & Middle East region profit jumped by 90% to 1,311 million HKD, with a 26% increase in income and a 210 million HKD reduction in credit impairments[159] - Adjusted net interest income grew by 20% to 9,547 million HKD, driven by a 26 basis points increase in net interest margin to 167 basis points[160] - Average interest-earning assets increased by 1% to 572,520 million HKD, with a total yield rising by 206 basis points[160] - Credit impairment charges decreased by 37% to 528 million HKD, with a loan loss rate of 17 basis points[162] - Customer loans and advances decreased by 8% to 292,145 million HKD, with a 5% reduction in expected credit loss provisions to 5,170 million HKD[164] - China commercial real estate-related impairment charges totaled 282 million HKD, with a cumulative provision of 1.2 billion HKD over the past three years[164] - Stage 3 coverage ratio (before/after collateral) increased to 60%/76%, up by 3 percentage points before collateral[165] - Credit Grade 12 balances increased by 37% to HKD 2.155 billion[165] - Early warning accounts increased by 11% to HKD 5.512 billion[165] - Investment-grade corporate risk exposure decreased by 3 percentage points to 73%[165] - Goodwill and other impairments related to the investment in Bohai Bank amounted to HKD 850 million[166] - Sale of global aviation finance business generated proceeds of HKD 3.6 billion, with a gain of HKD 309 million[166] - Restructuring loss was HKD 14 million, reflecting costs
渣打集团(02888) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-01 10:02
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表 任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何 責任。 STANDARD CHARTERED PLC 渣渣打打集集團團有有限限公公司司 (於英格蘭及威爾士註冊之有限責任的公眾有限公司) (編號:966425) (股份代號:02888) 內幕消息 二〇二三年全年度及第四季度業績 額外財務資料 — 第二部分 本公告載有內幕消息,乃根據證券及期貨條例第XIVA部及香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則第13.09(2)(a)條發出。 摘要 渣打集團有限公司(「本集團」)今天公佈其截至二〇二三年十二月三十一日止年度的業績。以下各頁提供有關該公告的額外 資料。 目錄 財務報表 獨立核數師報告 2 綜合損益賬 17 綜合全面收入表 18 綜合資產負債表 19 ...
海通国际· 2024-02-25 16:00
[ 研Ta 究bl 报e_ 告Titl Re] e search Report 23 Feb 2024 渣打集团 Standard Chartered PLC (2888 HK) 利润超预期,不良率环比下降,计提少于预期 Profit Beat, NPL down QoQ, Provision Less than Consensus 周琦Nicole Zhou, CFA 林加力Jiali Lin 彭怡家Catherine Peng [热Ta点bl速e_评yemFleais1h] Analysis [(TPalebalsee_ ssueme mAPaPrEy]N DIX 1 for English summary) 事件 渣打(2888.HK)发布2023年四季度业绩报告。 点评 23Q4营收不及预期,税前利润超过预期:  基本经营收入同比增速为+6.9%,低于彭博一致预期的+10.9%,主要原因其他收入不及预期,其中: o 净利息收入同比+6.0%,高于一致预 ...
渣打集团(02888) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-02-23 04:18
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表 任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何 責任。 STANDARD CHARTERED PLC 渣渣打打集集團團有有限限公公司司 (於英格蘭及威爾士註冊之有限責任的公眾有限公司) (編號:966425) (股份代號:02888) 內幕消息 二〇二三年全年度及第四季度業績 額外財務資料 — 第二部分 本公告載有內幕消息,乃根據證券及期貨條例第XIVA部及香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則第13.09(2)(a)條發出。 摘要 渣打集團有限公司(「本集團」)今天公佈其截至二〇二三年十二月三十一日止年度的業績。以下各頁提供有關該公告的額外 資料。 目錄 財務報表 獨立核數師報告 2 綜合損益賬 17 綜合全面收入表 18 綜合資產負債表 19 ...