Inner Mongolia OJing Science & Technology (001269)
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欧晶科技(001269) - 2024 Q2 - 季度业绩预告
2024-07-10 10:44
2024 年半年度业绩预告 (一)业绩预告期间 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|-------------------------------------|-------------------------| | | 项目 本报告期 上年同期 | | | 归属于上市公司股东的 净利润 | 亏损: 12,000 万元 -13,300 万元 | 盈利: 40,783.42 万元 | | 扣除非经常性损益后的 净利润 | 亏损: 12,300 万元 -13,600 万元 | 盈利: 39,458.23 万元 | | 基本每股收益 亏损: | 0.62 元/ 股 -0.69 元/ 股 | 盈利: 2.12 元/ 股 | 报告期内,公司实施降本增效、加强技术研发,优化生产工艺,在保障现有 客户的基础上积极拓展新客户。2024 年上半年,光伏产业链制造各环节产能加 速释放,出现阶段性产能过剩、行业竞争加剧,主产业链产品价格处于近期历史 低位,叠加去库存等因素影响,导致公司石英坩埚业务销量及价格大幅下降,存 货跌价准备上升,导致净利润为负值。 内蒙古欧晶 ...
海通国际· 2024-06-23 03:31
841 Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai 400 013, India Ph: +91 22 43156800 Fax:+91 22 24216327 "Please note that Registration granted by SEBI and Certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors". [Table_RecommendationChart] Source: Company data Bloomberg, HTI estimates Notice to Indian investors: The research report is distributed by Haitong Securities India Private Limited ("HSIPL" ...
长江证券· 2024-05-15 09:32
| --- | --- | --- | |----------|-------|-------| | | | | | 报告要点 | | | 范超 李金宝 11-09 ⚫ 下游需求保持较快增长。2023 年,全球光伏新增装机超过 390GW,创历史新高。2023 年,我国国内光伏新增装机量 216.88GW,同比增加 148.1%。2023 年多晶硅、硅片、电 池片、组件产量同比增长均在 64%以上。同时,随着下游拉晶工艺的升级以及大尺寸、N 型单晶硅片占比的持续提升,下游对大尺寸高品质石英坩埚的需求将持续增长。 联合研究丨公司点评丨欧晶科技(001269.SZ) SAC:S0490513080001 SFC:BQK473 欧晶科技(001269.SZ) cjzqdt11111 2024-05-15 公司发布:1、2023 年报:营业收入 31.3 亿元,同比增长 118.25%;归属净利润 6.54 亿元, 同比增长 174.33%;2、2024Q1 报:营业收入 3.4 亿,同比下降 46.6%,归属净利润 0.22 亿 元,同比下降 87.4%。 ⚫ 2024 年 2 月,公司与矽比科北美公司签署了原材料 ...
国泰君安· 2024-05-10 03:02
Investment Rating - Maintains an "Overweight" rating for Oujing Technology (001269) [14] - Target price adjusted to 47.04 CNY, down from the previous forecast of 110.59 CNY [14] Core Views - Oujing Technology reported revenue of 3.129 billion CNY in 2023, with net profit attributable to shareholders of 654 million CNY, aligning with the preliminary forecast [14] - Q1 2024 revenue was 340 million CNY, with net profit of 22 million CNY, below market expectations [14] - The company's profitability is under pressure due to compressed margins in the main industry chain, particularly in the crucible segment [14] - The company's EPS forecasts for 2024-2026 have been revised downward to 1.47, 2.05, and 2.87 CNY, respectively [14] Financial Performance - Revenue growth in 2023 was 118%, with EBIT growth of 172% and net profit growth of 174% [14] - Operating margin in 2023 was 24%, with a return on equity (ROE) of 36.1% and return on invested capital (ROIC) of 28.2% [14] - The company's net debt ratio increased to 95.5% in 2023, up from 76% in 2022 [16] Industry and Market Position - Oujing Technology is a leader in the quartz crucible market, a key component in the solar and semiconductor industries [16] - The company benefits from upstream access to high-quality raw materials and downstream partnerships with major players like Zhonghuan [14] - The crucible segment faces pricing and profitability pressures due to industry-wide margin compression [14] Valuation and Metrics - The company's PE ratio for 2023 was 11.65, with a PB ratio of 5.68 and EV/EBITDA of 12.08 [16] - The dividend yield for 2023 was 3.0% [16] Future Outlook - The company expects limited growth in crucible shipments in 2024 due to weak downstream demand and pricing pressures [14] - The company is undergoing a product structure transformation, with significant asset impairment charges in Q4 2023 and Q1 2024 [14] - The company's long-term outlook remains positive, supported by its leading position in the quartz crucible market and strategic partnerships [14]
天风证券· 2024-04-28 12:00
石英坩埚量价齐升,盈利能力有所下滑 产能进一步提升,技术储备充足 盈利预测与投资建议 鲍荣富 分析师 SAC 执业证书编号:S1110520120003 熊可为 分析师 SAC 执业证书编号:S1110523120001 风险提示:下游需求不及预期、上游原材料涨价超预期、原材料新技术进 展超预期、单一大客户风险 营业收入 1,433.84 3,129.35 4,690.51 5,333.94 5,859.73 管理费用 43.40 47.31 70.36 74.68 76.18 公允价值变动收益 0.00 0.02 (20.02) 0.00 0.00 营业利润 273.83 733.48 597.97 998.23 1,157.73 归属于母公司净利润 238.39 653.93 521.39 871.58 1,011.27 营业利润 应收账款周转率 每股收益 市净率 请务必阅读正文之后的信息披露和免责申明 2 一般声明 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------|- ...
欧晶科技(001269) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-26 11:28
内蒙古欧晶科技股份有限公司 2023 年年度报告全文 内蒙古欧晶科技股份有限公司 2023 年年度报告 2024 年 4 月 1 内蒙古欧晶科技股份有限公司 2023 年年度报告全文 2023 年年度报告 第一节 重要提示、目录和释义 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证年度报告内容的 真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别 和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人张良、主管会计工作负责人马雷及会计机构负责人(会计主 管人员)霍雅楠声明:保证本年度报告中财务报告的真实、准确、完整。 所有董事均已出席了审议本报告的董事会会议。 本报告所涉及的发展战略、经营计划等前瞻性陈述不构成公司对投资者 的实质承诺,敬请投资者注意投资风险。 公司在本报告第三节"管理层讨论与分析"中"十一、公司未来发展的 展望"部分,详细描述了公司经营中可能存在的风险,敬请投资者关注相关 内容。 | 第一节 重要提示、目录和释义 2 | | --- | | 第二节 公司简介和主要财务指标 7 | | 第三节 管理层讨论与分析 11 | | 第四节 公司治理 33 | | 第五节 环境和社会责任 48 | | 第六 ...
欧晶科技(001269) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-26 11:26
Revenue and Profit Performance - Revenue for the first quarter was RMB 339.92 million, a decrease of 46.56% compared to the same period last year[5] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 21.68 million, a decrease of 87.41% year-on-year[5] - Total revenue for the current period is 339,920,893.12, a significant decrease from the previous period's 636,124,487.44[27] - Net profit for the current period is 21,675,839.18, compared to 172,111,946.55 in the previous period[28] - Basic earnings per share for the current period are 0.1127, down from 0.8946 in the previous period[28] - Diluted earnings per share for the current period are 0.1370, compared to 0.8946 in the previous period[28] - Total comprehensive income for the current period is 21,675,839.18, a significant decrease from 172,111,946.55 in the previous period[28] - The company's revenue decline was primarily due to a decrease in quartz crucible sales[17] Cash Flow and Financial Activities - Operating cash flow was negative RMB 166.93 million, a decrease of 47.48% compared to the same period last year[5] - Cash flow from financing activities was RMB 141.44 million, an increase of 301.26% compared to the same period last year, mainly due to increased bank financing[17] - Sales revenue from goods and services received in cash increased to 550.18 million yuan, up 39.3% from 394.82 million yuan in the previous period[31] - Total cash inflow from operating activities rose to 596.63 million yuan, a 38.4% increase from 431.03 million yuan in the previous period[31] - Cash outflow for operating activities surged to 763.57 million yuan, up 40.3% from 544.22 million yuan in the previous period[31] - Net cash flow from operating activities was negative at -166.93 million yuan, compared to -113.19 million yuan in the previous period[31] - Cash received from investment activities increased significantly to 150.40 million yuan from 13,550 yuan in the previous period[31] - Cash outflow for investment activities rose to 382.25 million yuan, up 328.9% from 89.14 million yuan in the previous period[31] - Net cash flow from investment activities was negative at -231.85 million yuan, compared to -89.13 million yuan in the previous period[31] - Cash received from financing activities increased to 150.00 million yuan, up 200.3% from 49.95 million yuan in the previous period[32] - Net cash flow from financing activities was positive at 141.44 million yuan, up 301.2% from 35.25 million yuan in the previous period[32] - The ending balance of cash and cash equivalents decreased to 518.99 million yuan, down 33.1% from 776.33 million yuan at the beginning of the period[32] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased from 847,238,659.62 yuan to 563,621,217.93 yuan[43] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets at the end of the reporting period were RMB 3.51 billion, a slight decrease of 0.73% compared to the end of the previous year[5] - Total assets for the current period are 3,513,505,856.06, slightly down from 3,539,395,455.08 in the previous period[25] - Total liabilities for the current period are 1,681,263,639.82, slightly down from 1,728,829,078.02 in the previous period[25] - Total equity attributable to the parent company is 1,832,242,216.24, compared to 1,810,566,377.06 in the previous period[25] - Monetary funds at the end of the reporting period were RMB 563.62 million, a decrease of 33.48% compared to the beginning of the period, mainly due to increased purchase of financial products[17] - Accounts receivable at the end of the reporting period were RMB 320.01 million, a decrease of 56.41% compared to the beginning of the period, mainly due to a decrease in revenue[17] - Prepayments at the end of the reporting period were RMB 407.60 million, an increase of 78.40% compared to the beginning of the period, mainly due to increased prepayment for raw materials[17] - Short-term borrowings at the end of the reporting period were RMB 236.23 million, an increase of 153.80% compared to the beginning of the period, mainly due to increased bank loans[17] - Trading financial assets increased significantly from 20,020,641.79 yuan to 200,000,000.00 yuan[43] - Accounts receivable decreased from 734,092,122.90 yuan to 320,008,910.48 yuan[43] - Prepayments increased from 228,480,493.62 yuan to 407,600,286.49 yuan[43] - Inventory increased from 487,821,395.65 yuan to 544,554,289.97 yuan[43] - Fixed assets increased slightly from 459,918,221.65 yuan to 466,499,348.35 yuan[45] - Construction in progress increased from 76,823,310.18 yuan to 87,646,047.55 yuan[45] - Short-term borrowings increased significantly from 93,075,625.02 yuan to 236,225,286.05 yuan[45] - Accounts payable decreased from 402,726,274.88 yuan to 288,260,895.76 yuan[45] Operating Costs and Expenses - Total operating costs for the current period are 316,555,338.55, down from 442,183,501.97 in the previous period[27] - R&D expenses for the current period are 10,245,180.93, a decrease from 13,737,098.23 in the previous period[27] Strategic Agreements - The company signed a long-term quartz sand procurement agreement with Sibelco North America for a total of $350 million to ensure stable supply of high-purity quartz sand raw materials[42]
欧晶科技(001269) - 2023年10月31日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-11-01 06:52
证券代码:001269 证券简称:欧晶科技 内蒙古欧晶科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-06 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 投资者关系活动 □媒体采访 业绩说明会 类别 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □其他(请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及 通过全景网参与 2023年三季度业绩说明会的投资者 人员名称 时间 2023 年10月31日15:00-16:00 公司通过全景网“投资者关系互动平台”( 地点 采用网络远程的方式召开业绩说明会 总经理:安旭涛 上市公司接待人 董事、副总经理兼财务总监:马雷 员姓名 独立董事:袁良杰 董事会秘书、副总经理:刘敏 公司就投资者在本次说明会中提出的问题进行了回 ...
欧晶科技(001269) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-30 16:00
证券代码:001269 证券简称:欧晶科技 公告编号:2023-051 内蒙古欧晶科技股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、 误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整。 3.第三季度报告是否经过审计 内蒙古欧晶科技股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 1 内蒙古欧晶科技股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 一、主要财务数据 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 公司是否需追溯调整或重述以前年度会计数据 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------|------------------|-------------------------|----------- ...
欧晶科技(001269) - 2023年9月22日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-09-25 02:56
证券代码:001269 证券简称:欧晶科技 内蒙古欧晶科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-05 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 投资者关系活动 □媒体采访 业绩说明会 类别 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □其他(请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及 通过全景网参与 2023年半年度业绩说明会的投资者 人员名称 时间 2023 年9月22日15:00-16:00 公司通过全景网“投资者关系互动平台”( 地点 采用网络远程的方式召开业绩说明会 董事长:张良 总经理:安旭涛 上市公司接待人 董事、副总经理兼财务总监:马雷 员姓名 独立董事:袁良杰 董事会秘书、副总经理:刘敏 ...