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先导智能(300450) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-24 14:11
无锡先导智能装备股份有限公司2024年第一季度报告 证券代码:300450 证券简称:先导智能 公告编号:2024-042 无锡先导智能装备股份有限公司 2024 年第一季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重 大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、完 整。 3.第一季度报告是否经过审计 □是否 ...
国开证券· 2024-03-21 16:00
公 年 宏 司 观 w [Table_Title] [先Ta导b智le能_R(e3p0T0it4l5e0] ):与美国电池企业签订战略合 研 研 作协议,全球化布局再进一步 究 究 [ 分Ta 析bl 师e_ :Au thor] [Table_Date] 2024年3月20日 崔国涛 执业证书编号:S1380513070003  与 ABF公司签订战略合作协议,全球化布局再进一步。根据公司 联系电话:010-88300848 官网消息,公司于3月18日与美国电池制造商American Battery 证 邮 箱 Factory 公司(ABF)正式签署全球战略合作协议,将为其提供总 券 公司评级 目标为20GWh的锂电池智慧产线服务。ABF公司专注于磷酸铁锂 研 当前价格: 24.94元 电池制造,目标是打造美国第一个本土化的超级电池工厂网络,其 位于亚利桑那州图森市的一期产线预计将于 2025 年完成建设投 究 上次评级: 推荐 产。基于本次战略合作,公司将成为 ABF 超级工厂网络工程首条 本次评级 推荐 报 推荐 产线的唯一设备供应商,是公司在美国及北美市场开 ...
东吴证券· 2024-03-19 16:00
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·电池 先导智能(300450) 获 ABF 20GWh 锂电设备订单,锂电设备商 2024年 03月 20 日 迎出海机遇 证券分析师 周尔双 买入(维持) 执业证书:S0600515110002 021-60199784 盈[T 利ab 预le_ 测EP 与S 估] 值 2021A 2022A 2023E 2024E 2025E 研究助理 李文意 营业总收入(百万元) 10,037 13,932 20,700 26,400 31,700 执业证书:S0600122080043 同比 71.32% 38.82% 48.58% 27.54% 20.08% 归母净利润(百万元) 1,585 2,318 3,542 5,026 6,042 同比 106.47% 46.25% 52.82% 41.92% 20.20% 股价走势 EPS-最新摊薄(元/股) 1.01 1.48 2.26 3.21 3.86 先导智能 沪深300 P/E(现价&最新摊薄) 25.43 17.39 11.38 8.02 6.67 - ...
申万宏源· 2024-03-18 16:00
上 市 公 司 电力设备 2024 年03月 18 日 先导智能 (300450) 公 司 研 究 ——斩获中国企业迄今最大美国锂电池设备订单 / 公 司 点 报告原因:有信息公布需要点评 评 事件: 买入 (维持)  3月18日,先导智能官方公众号披露,公司与美国电池制造商American Battery Factory 公司(ABF)正式签署全球战略合作协议。根据协议内容,先导智能将为ABF公司提供总 证 市场数据: 2024年03月18日 目标为20GWh的锂电池智慧产线服务。据悉,这是迄今为止中国企业在美国获得的最大 券 收盘价(元) 25.73 研 一年内最高/最低(元) 40.96/17.73 锂电池设备订单。 究 市净率 3.2 报 息率(分红/股价) - 投资要点: 告 流通A股市值(百万元) 37358 上证指数/深证成指 3084.93/9752.83  锂电设备出海逻辑再次验证,美国市场潜力巨大。美国是仅次于中国的全球第二大汽车市 注:“息率”以最近一年已公布分红计算 场,但新能源车渗透率不高。根据盖世汽车数据,2023年美国新车销量为1560万辆,其 中新能源汽车 140 万辆,占 ...
广发证券· 2024-03-18 16:00
[Table_Page] 跟踪研究|专用设备 证券研究报告 [先Table_导Title] 智能(300450.SZ) [公Tab司le_I评nves级t] 买入 当前价格 25.73元 斩获迄今北美最大订单,全球化加速 合理价值 51.59元 前次评级 买入 [ 核Tabl 心e_Su 观mm 点ary] : 报告日期 2024-03-18 ⚫ 为ABF供货,先导智能斩获中国企业迄今最大美国锂电池设备订单。 相[Ta对ble市_Pi场cQu表ote现] 根据先导智能官方微信公众号文章,3月18日,先导智能与美国电池 制造商American Battery Factory公司(ABF)正式签署全球战略合作 6% 协议。根据协议内容,先导智能将为 ABF 公司提供总目标为 20GWh -6%03/23 05/23 07/23 09/23 11/23 01/24 的锂电池智慧产线服务。据悉,这是迄今为止中国企业在美国获得的最 -17% 大锂电池设备订单。先导智能董事长王燕清,ABF 公司 CEO Jimmy -28% Ge出席签约仪式。 -39% ⚫ 独家设备供应商,为ABF提供整线解决方案。根据公众号文章,先导 ...
先导智能(300450) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-23 16:00
无锡先导智能装备股份有限公司2023年第三季度报告 证券代码:300450 证券简称:先导智能 公告编号:2023-081 无锡先导智能装备股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重 大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、完 整。 3.第三季度报告是否经过审计 □是否 ...
先导智能(300450) - 2023年9月19日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-09-20 11:17
证券代码:300450 证券简称:先导智能 无锡先导智能装备股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-003 投资者关系活动 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 类别 媒体采访 ■业绩说明会 新闻发布会 □路演活动 现场参观 □其他 电话会议 参加"深市民营上市公司 2023 年半年度集体业绩说明会"的 参与单位名称及 全体投资者 人员姓名 时间 2023 年 9 月 19 日 15:00-17:00 地点 深圳证券交易所上市大厅 深圳证券交易所"互动易"平台( 上市公司接待人 副总经理兼董事会秘书:姚遥 员姓名 证券事务经理:朱琦 公司于 2023 年 9 月 19 日 15:00 在深圳证券交易所上市大 厅通过现场、图文与直播视频转播的方式举办 2023 年半年度 业绩说明会,介绍了 2023 年上半年经营情况及业绩情况,与 投资者进行了互动交流,并就投资者关注的问题进行了回复, 投资者关系活动 主要问题及回复如下: 主要内容介绍 1、今年上半年新能源行业增速有所放缓,那么针对动力 电池行业内出现的产能过剩的情况,您怎么看? 回复:目前动力电池行业的产 ...
先导智能(300450) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-25 16:00
Financial Performance - Revenue for the first half of 2023 reached RMB 10.23 billion, representing a year-on-year growth of 45.6%[7] - Net profit attributable to shareholders increased by 52.3% year-on-year to RMB 1.56 billion[7] - Gross profit margin improved to 32.8%, up 2.1 percentage points compared to the same period last year[7] - Revenue for the reporting period reached 7,085,563,041.51 yuan, a 30.03% increase compared to the same period last year[12] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 1,200,364,764.28 yuan, up 47.75% year-on-year[12] - Basic earnings per share increased by 47.53% to 0.7664 yuan per share[12] - Revenue for the first half of 2023 reached 7,085,563,041.51 RMB, a significant increase from 5,449,117,772.50 RMB in the same period last year[117] - Net profit for the first half of 2023 was 1,213,310,626.48 RMB, up from 812,413,282.43 RMB in the first half of 2022[118] - Operating profit for the first half of 2023 was 1,301,051,930.38 RMB, up from 953,236,699.06 RMB in the first half of 2022[118] - Parent company revenue for the first half of 2023 was 6,359,295,883.17 RMB, up from 4,615,567,001.66 RMB in the first half of 2022[120] - Net profit for the first half of 2023 reached 1,150,081,752.87 RMB, a significant increase compared to 754,900,532.71 RMB in the same period last year[121] - Revenue for the first half of 2023 reached RMB 10.47 billion, showing a significant increase compared to the previous year[133] - Net profit attributable to shareholders increased by RMB 309.05 million, reflecting strong financial performance[133] - Comprehensive income for the period totaled RMB 1.15 billion, driven by operational efficiency[133] R&D and Innovation - R&D investment accounted for 8.5% of total revenue, amounting to RMB 869.6 million[7] - The company plans to invest RMB 1.2 billion in new technology development, focusing on TOPCon and HJT battery technologies[7] - R&D investment surged by 61.30% to 879,978,027.67 yuan, driven by an increase in R&D personnel and salaries[36] - The company focuses on high-end positioning and continuous R&D investment, achieving breakthroughs in lithium battery intelligent manufacturing solutions and digital upgrades[24] - The company has developed advanced technologies in photovoltaic battery and module equipment, including TOPcon, HJT, and perovskite[29] - The company has formed a top-tier R&D team in the 3C smart equipment field, focusing on 3D vision algorithms and AI defect detection[30] Overseas Expansion and International Operations - The company's overseas revenue grew by 67.4% year-on-year, reaching RMB 2.34 billion[7] - International expansion includes subsidiaries in the US, Sweden, Germany, Turkey, France, Hungary, Japan, and South Korea, with core lithium battery equipment meeting global customer needs[34] - Overseas sales accounted for over 30% of total revenue in the lithium-ion battery industry chain[37] Production Capacity and Manufacturing - The company expanded its production capacity by 30% with the completion of a new manufacturing facility in Wuxi[7] - The company plans to expand production capacity and accelerate the development of complete lithium battery intelligent equipment to increase market share[67] - The "Annual Production of 2000 Units of Capacitor, Photovoltaic Module, and Lithium Battery Automation Equipment" project has achieved 84.53% of its investment progress, with a cumulative benefit of 1.7252908 billion yuan[50] - The "XianDao Research Institute Construction Project" has achieved 100.02% of its investment progress[50] - The "XianDao High-end Intelligent Equipment South China Manufacturing Base Project" has achieved 76.45% of its investment progress, with a cumulative benefit of 118.8905 million yuan[50] - The "XianDao South China Intelligent Equipment Industrial Park Construction Project" has achieved 0.83% of its investment progress[51] Cash Flow and Financial Position - The company's cash flow from operating activities increased by 62.7% year-on-year to RMB 1.23 billion[7] - Net cash flow from operating activities was -1,542,925,257.05 yuan, a significant decrease of 248.96% compared to the same period last year[12] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased from 6.17 billion yuan to 3.80 billion yuan, a decrease of 38.4%[113] - Operating cash flow for the first half of 2023 was -1,542,925,257.05 RMB, a sharp decline from 1,035,779,280.02 RMB in the same period last year[123] - Net cash flow from operating activities turned negative at -1,162,187,492.72 yuan in H1 2023 compared to positive 1,400,027,106.61 yuan in H1 2022[125] - Total cash and cash equivalents decreased to 1,367,698,747.99 yuan at the end of H1 2023 from 3,347,716,859.47 yuan at the beginning of the period, a drop of 59.1%[126] Market and Industry Trends - Global policies promoting carbon neutrality, such as Europe's 2030 Climate Target Plan and China's carbon peak and neutrality goals, are driving demand for high-end intelligent equipment in sectors like lithium batteries and new energy vehicles[24] - The global new energy vehicle market penetration exceeded 10% in 2022, with rapid growth in lithium battery demand, particularly in power, energy storage, and digital lithium batteries[24] - In 2023, China's new energy vehicle production and sales reached 3.788 million and 3.747 million units respectively, with a market share of 28.3%, driving a 38.1% year-on-year increase in power battery installations[25] - Global power battery installations reached 304.3GWh in the first half of 2023, a 50.1% year-on-year increase, driven by international policies and the localization of new energy vehicle and lithium battery industries[26] - Domestic new energy storage installed capacity in the first half of 2023 reached 17.72GWh, exceeding the total installed capacity of 2022[27] - Global energy storage battery shipments are expected to exceed 600GWh by 2025[27] - China's digital lithium battery shipments increased by 3% year-on-year in the first half of 2023[27] - Global consumer lithium battery market size is projected to reach $27.33 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 20.27% from 2020 to 2025[27] - Domestic photovoltaic new installed capacity in the first half of 2023 reached 78.42GW, a year-on-year increase of 154%[29] - Photovoltaic module exports in the first half of 2023 reached 99.9GW, a year-on-year increase of 19.20%[29] Strategic Partnerships and Client Relationships - The company has established strategic partnerships with global leading battery and automotive companies such as CATL, Tesla, and BMW[28] - The company signed a major contract with CATL and its subsidiaries with a total contract value of RMB 2.209 billion, of which RMB 781 million in sales revenue was recognized in the current period[95] - The company expects total daily related-party transactions with associated parties including CATL and its subsidiaries, Shanghai Xuhan, Jiangsu Hengyuntai Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Wuxi Junhua Property Management Co., Ltd. to amount to 1,024,800.00 million yuan in 2023[88] - The company plans to sell products worth 1,000,000.00 million yuan to CATL and its subsidiaries, pay 10,000.00 million yuan in leasing fees to Shanghai Xuhan, purchase goods and services worth 10,000.00 million yuan from Jiangsu Hengyuntai Information Technology Co., Ltd., and pay 4,800.00 million yuan for property management and related services to Wuxi Junhua Property Management Co., Ltd. in 2023[88] Shareholder and Corporate Governance - The company's controlling shareholder, Shanghai Xuhan, and its concerted parties voluntarily committed not to reduce their holdings of the company's shares for 6 months starting from November 21, 2022, to May 20, 2023, and this commitment has been fulfilled[83] - The company appointed Guo Caixia as the new CFO on May 5, 2023, following the resignation of Xu Gang[76] - The company's 2023 first extraordinary general meeting had a 55.56% investor participation rate, held on February 15, 2023[75] - The company held a teleconference with 319 institutional investors on April 26, 2023, to discuss the 2022 annual report and recent business performance[74] - The company's actual controller and chairman, Wang Yanqing, increased his shareholding by 2,910,180 shares, representing 0.19% of the company's total shares[97] - The company's chairman and general manager, Wang Yanqing, increased his shareholding by 2,910,180 shares, accounting for 0.19% of the total shares, using personal funds on June 28, 2023[100] - The company initiated a share repurchase plan with a total amount between RMB 200 million and RMB 300 million, at a price not exceeding RMB 53 per share, adjusted to RMB 52.463 per share after the 2022 equity distribution[100] - As of June 30, 2023, the company repurchased 280,000 shares, accounting for 0.0179% of the total shares, with a total transaction amount of RMB 10,062,398[101] - By July 31, 2023, the company had repurchased a total of 5,549,897 shares, accounting for 0.3544% of the total shares, with a total transaction amount of RMB 200,029,399.86[102] - The company's restricted shares increased by 2,205,771 shares, with the total restricted shares reaching 114,237,880 shares, accounting for 7.29% of the total shares[99] - The company's unrestricted shares decreased by 2,205,771 shares, with the total unrestricted shares reaching 1,451,925,154 shares, accounting for 92.71% of the total shares[99] - The company's total shares remained unchanged at 1,566,163,034 shares[99] - The company's restricted shares include 111,856,823 shares held by CATL, which will be unlocked 36 months after the issuance date (July 7, 2021)[103] - The company's restricted shares also include 2,381,057 shares held by senior management, subject to the lock-up regulations for directors, supervisors, and senior executives[103] - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 88,420[105] - Jiangsu Xindao Venture Capital Partnership holds 21.46% of the shares, totaling 336,039,506 shares[105] - Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company holds 20.04% of the shares, totaling 313,799,103 shares, with a decrease of 18,732,466 shares during the reporting period[105] - CATL holds 7.14% of the shares, totaling 111,856,823 shares, all of which are restricted shares[105] - Shanghai Zhuoao Enterprise Management Partnership holds 5.88% of the shares, totaling 92,041,983 shares[105] - Wuxi Yuxi Venture Capital Partnership holds 4.43% of the shares, totaling 69,414,157 shares[105] - The top 10 shareholders include several institutional investors such as E Fund, China Merchants Bank, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, holding shares ranging from 0.46% to 0.79%[105] - The company's chairman and general manager, Wang Yanqing, increased his shareholding by 2,910,180 shares during the reporting period, bringing his total holdings to 2,910,180 shares[108] - The company's controlling shareholder and actual controller did not change during the reporting period[109] - The company did not issue any preferred shares or bonds during the reporting period[110][111] Financial Assets and Investments - The company invested 2,500,000,000 RMB in financial assets during the reporting period[46] - Restricted assets totaled 1,475,909,546.46 RMB, including 1,448,709,546.46 RMB in cash as collateral[44] - The company's financial assets decreased by 2,901,105,030.13 RMB due to sales during the reporting period[46] - Total raised funds amount to 3.5 billion yuan, with 37.709 million yuan invested in the reporting period and a cumulative investment of 2.64 billion yuan[48] - 22.86% of the total raised funds have been changed in purpose, amounting to 800 million yuan[48] - The 2019 convertible bond raised 1 billion yuan, with a net amount of 989.87 million yuan after deducting issuance costs[48] - The 2020 private placement raised 2.5 billion yuan, with a net amount of 2.487 billion yuan after deducting issuance costs[48] - As of June 30, 2023, 91.9768 million yuan of the 2019 convertible bond funds have been used, with 80.8928 million yuan remaining[48] - As of June 30, 2023, 1.7203364 billion yuan of the 2020 private placement funds have been used, with 806.9169 million yuan remaining[48] - The company replaced self-raised funds with raised funds of RMB 105.34 million for pre-investment in fundraising projects in 2020[54] - In 2021, the company replaced self-raised funds with raised funds of RMB 138.54 million for pre-investment in fundraising projects[54] - As of June 30, 2023, the company had unused raised funds of RMB 808.93 million, all deposited in current accounts of raised funds[58] - As of June 30, 2023, the company had unused raised funds of RMB 806.92 million, including RMB 266.92 million in current accounts, RMB 290 million in wealth management products, and RMB 250 million temporarily used to supplement working capital[58] - The company changed the use of RMB 100 million from the "Xianlian Research Institute Construction Project" to permanently supplement working capital, with a 100% investment progress[59] - The company changed the use of RMB 300 million from the "Automation Equipment Production Base Upgrade Project" to invest in the Wuxi Xianlian Industrial Park Phase II Plant Construction Project, with a 62.91% investment progress[59] - The company changed the use of RMB 400 million from the "Xianlian High-end Intelligent Equipment South China Manufacturing Base Project" to invest in the Xianlian South China Intelligent Equipment Industrial Park Construction Project, with a 0.83% investment progress[59] - In the reporting period, the company had entrusted wealth management of RMB 2.79 billion, including RMB 250 million from own funds and RMB 290 million from raised funds[61] Subsidiaries and Acquisitions - The company's subsidiary, Zhuhai Titan New Power Electronics Co., Ltd., had total assets of RMB 6.98 billion, net assets of RMB 1.27 billion, and operating income of RMB 1.39 billion in the reporting period[64] - The company established a new subsidiary, LEAD INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT (Hungary) Kft, which is in the initial stage of business and has a small impact on the overall production and operation performance[65] - The company faces integration risks following the acquisition of Titan New Power, including challenges in corporate culture, management, and technology integration[70] - There is a risk of goodwill impairment due to the acquisition of Titan New Power, which could negatively impact the company's financial performance[71] Risks and Challenges - The company's main products are affected by macroeconomic fluctuations and cyclical fluctuations in downstream industries, particularly in the lithium battery and equipment manufacturing sectors[66] - The company faces risks of bad debts due to high accounts receivable and notes receivable at the end of the reporting period, which could impact cash flow and working capital[68] - The company is exposed to management risks due to rapid expansion, requiring adjustments in strategic planning, organizational setup, and internal controls[69] - The company is at risk of losing value in R&D if competitors introduce more advanced technologies faster, prompting the company to accelerate project development and commercialization[72] Accounting and Financial Reporting - The company's registered and headquarters address is No. 20, Xinxi Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province[137] - The company is a professional automation equipment manufacturer integrating R&D, procurement, processing, assembly, programming, and after-sales service[137] - The consolidated financial statements include subsidiaries such as Jiangsu Lead Technology Korea Co., Ltd and Lead Intelligent Equipment (USA) LLC[138] - The financial statements are prepared based on the going concern assumption and in accordance with Chinese Accounting Standards[139] - The company has the ability to continue operations for the next 12 months with no significant events affecting its ability to continue operations[140] - The company's financial statements comply with the latest Chinese Accounting Standards and related regulations, ensuring accurate reflection of financial status, operating results, and cash flows[141] - The accounting period for the report is from January 1 to June 30, 2023[142] - The company uses RMB as its functional currency[143] - For business combinations under common control, assets and liabilities are measured at the book value of the acquired entity on the merger date[143] - For business combinations not under common control, goodwill is recognized if the merger cost exceeds the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired[143] - The company consolidates financial statements based on control, including subsidiaries with majority voting rights or significant influence[147] - Subsidiaries acquired through business combinations under common control are included in consolidated financial statements from the earliest reporting period[147] - Subsidiaries acquired through business combinations not under common control are adjusted based on fair value at the
先导智能(300450) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-04-25 16:00
无锡先导智能装备股份有限公司2022年年度报告全文 无锡先导智能装备股份有限公司 2022 年年度报告 2023-014 2023 年 04 月 ...