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直击谷歌(GOOGL.US)Cloud Next‘24大会:推出Gemini 1.5 Pro公共预览版 发布一系列AI产品更新
智通财经· 2024-04-09 23:54
智通财经APP获悉,在周二的Google Cloud Next'24大会上,谷歌(GOOGL.US)高管、合作伙伴和客户对利用生成式人工智能(AI)的成功案例进行了详细介绍,宣布将首次通过其AI应用平台Vertex AI向公众开放Gemini 1.5 Pro,并发布了一系列面向云计算企业客户的AI产品更新。 谷歌云首席执行官Thomas Kurian表示:“在此次活动中,有300多名客户和合作伙伴分享了他们的AI故事。”“企业们已经越过了对AI的试验,开始建立AI代理(agents)。这些代理可以帮助购物者挑选衣服,协助雇员挑选合适的保险计划,或者帮助护士治疗病人。这些代理正在改变许多行业。”他补充称,谷歌云的Vertex AI提供了一个“模型花园”,客户可以从130多种语言模型中进行选择,以匹配他们的预算和需求。 高盛首席执行官David Solomon表示:“我们现在正处于AI实际应用为业务创造真正价值的阶段。它提高了整个公司的运营效率。我们已经我们组织的一些领域看到了希望的迹象。” 与此同时,谷歌推出Gemini 1.5 Pro公共预览版。据悉,这个Gemini系列中定位“中量级”模型的版本在性能上已经 ...
Alphabet (GOOGL) Boosts Google Wallet App With New Feature
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-08 15:35
Alphabet’s (GOOGL) is leaving no stone unturned to capitalize on growth opportunities present in the global digital wallet market on the back of new Google Wallet features. Per The Business Research Company report, the digital wallet market is expected to hit $47.7 billion in 2024 and reach $97.54 billion by 2033, witnessing a CAGR of 19.6% between 2024 and 2033.In this regard, the company recently unveiled a new “Automatically add linked passes” feature to Google Wallet.This new feature is an addition to t ...
SNAP Adjusts Solar System Feature in Response to User Concerns
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-08 15:31
Snap Inc. (SNAP) has made a significant alteration to its Solar System feature following feedback and concerns regarding user experience. Originally designed to visually represent the closeness of friendships within the app through a celestial metaphor, the feature ranked friends as planets based on interaction levels.However, in response to reports suggesting potential negative impacts on teen anxiety, Snapchat decided to disable the Solar System feature by default, making it accessible only to those who o ...
An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Game Changer Could Be Coming: Here Are 3 Top Stocks to Buy
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-08 10:07
This technology could make early investors a boatload of money.Researchers at Alphabet's (GOOG 1.32%) (GOOGL 1.31%) Google DeepMind identified six levels of artificial intelligence (AI). All six levels have been achieved with "narrow" AI, which addresses only well-defined tasks.The highest level of narrow AI is superhuman ability. Google's AlphaFold has already demonstrated superhuman skills in predicting 3D models of protein structures. Its AlphaGo has beaten the best human players at the complex game of G ...
3 Strong Buy VR Stocks to Add to Your Q2 Must-Watch List
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-07 18:07
While virtual reality has long been tied to the entertainment arena, the innovation has expanded in utility, making these strong buy VR stocks exceptionally compelling. At the end of the day, it comes down to the numbers.According to Mordor Intelligence, the VR market size is projected to reach a valuation of $67.66 billion in 2024. By 2029, experts believe that this segment could rise to $204.35 billion. If so, we’re talking about a compound annual growth rate of 24.74%.As the research firm pointed out, VR ...
2 Superb Growth Stocks to Buy in Today's Bull Market
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-07 07:35
These companies have what it takes to help grow a long-term investor's portfolio.Investors have been eager for a new bull market, and when multiple indexes high new all-time highs in early 2024, they got final confirmations that new bull markets were well underway. While not all stocks are fully contributing to the growth of today's bull market at the moment, companies with wide moats and demonstrable financial strength are steadily making their way to the top.If you're looking for two superb growth stocks ...
谷歌安卓版 Gmail 将迎新特性:整合 Gemini,帮用户总结邮件内容
品玩· 2024-04-07 02:20
品玩4月7日讯,博主@AssembleDebug 近日发布推文,挖掘安卓版 Gmail v2024.03.31.621006929 版本更新,发现谷歌正在测试“Summarize this email”功能,帮用户总结当前邮件内容。 根据曝光的截图,Gmail 新版在邮件标题下方会出现“Summarize this email”按钮,只是现阶段该功能没有生效,但从名称判断可以确认是总结当前邮件内容。 网友推测在点击该按钮之后,将在屏幕底部弹出一个窗口,以要点形式显示电子邮件的摘要。这与网页上的操作方式有些类似,只是网页版会跳出侧边栏,而安卓版会显示一个弹窗。 相关资料显示安卓版 Gmail 在顶部的“...”菜单中也出现了“Gemini”条目,现阶段同样没有生效,用户点击之后只是会跳出一个空白页面。 ...
Alphabet (GOOGL) Eyes HubSpot (HUBS): Potential Deal Brewing?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-05 13:16
According to market speculations, Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) is reportedly considering a bold move into the realm of online marketing software by exploring the acquisition of HubSpot Inc. (HUBS) , a company valued at $35 billion. The potential deal comes at a time of heightened regulatory scrutiny in the tech sector under the Biden administration.With a substantial cash reserve of $110.9 billion as of December 2023, Alphabet is probably considering HubSpot as an opportunity to strategically deploy its resources ...
36氪· 2024-04-05 00:03
神译局是36氪旗下编译团队,关注科技、商业、职场、生活等领域,重点介绍国外的新技术、新观点、新风向。 编者按:文章探讨了以谷歌为代表的互联网平台公司狗屁工作和狗屁项目盛行的现象。表面原因似乎是内部激励机制出现了问题,但根本原因还是在于这些公司创造利润的模式与华尔街银行没有太大差别。文章得出了一个大胆的结论:科技创新危机的核心问题不在于技术工作正在变成狗屁工作,而在于这些科技公司本身。此文来自编译。 免费食物、午休室、健步走、无限假期:这些全都是从事科技工作的日常福利。长期以来我们一直被告知,这些福利以及六位数甚至七位数的工资是理所应当的。科技员工不仅被描绘成是极其勤奋的人,而且也是创新和生产力的缩影。 可是,很显然,这帮人并不像他们告诉我们的那么高效。前 Meta 员工 Madelyn Machado 最近就发布了一段 TikTok 视频,里面声称她每年无所事事就能拿 19 万美元的报酬。另一位 Meta 员工也在 TikTok 上发帖称,“Meta 招人是为了让其他公司招不到人,他们就像囤积宝可梦卡片一样囤积我们。”在谷歌,一家以开创了现代科技业工作场所而闻名的公司,一位设计师抱怨说,他们将 40% ...
Alphabet (GOOGL) Bolsters Pixel Watch Series With Latest Move
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 16:31
Alphabet’s (GOOGL) Google recently unveiled new features and updates for its Pixel Watch and Pixel Watch 2 series.This includes a new "Vibration watch" feature, allowing users to tap their watch face with two fingers to receive time as a series of haptic vibrations, with two vibration types: Digits and Terse.Further, Google brings auto-brightness improvement to the Pixel Watch series, enhancing the user's experience by allowing them to easily distinguish between different levels of brightness.Alphabet is ex ...