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中泰证券· 2024-10-23 00:06
【中泰研究丨晨会聚焦】地产由子沛:公募 REITs 可用于央行互 换便利质押 证券研究报告/晨会聚焦 2024 年 10 月 22 日 分析师:戴志锋 今日预览 执业证书编号:S0740517030004 Email:daizf@zts.com.cn 欢迎关注中泰研究所订阅号 【地产】由子沛:公募 REITs 可用于央行互换便利质押 晨报内容回顾 1、《【中泰研究丨晨会聚焦】政策杨 畅:观察企稳回升的斜率——当前经 济与政策思考》2024-10-21 2、《【中泰研究丨晨会聚焦】银行戴 志锋:重庆区域专题 | 经济景气度提 升,个股基本面向好》2024-10-20 3、《【中泰研究丨晨会聚焦】银行戴 志锋:国有大型银行资本补充的历史 复盘及推演》2024-10-17 今日重点>> 请务必阅读正文之后的重要声明部分 今日重点 【地产】由子沛:公募 REITs 可用于央行互换便利质押 本周行情回顾: 本周(10.14-10.20)13 支 REITs 上涨,1 支持平,31 支下跌,整体下跌 0.55%,其中嘉实物美 消费REIT涨幅最大为3.19%,易方达广开产园REIT跌幅最大为2.45%,同期沪深300上涨 ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-22 11:30
1 中 泰证 券研 究所 专 业| 领先 |深 度| 诚信 | 证 券 研 究 报 告 | 周期向上,景气可期 ——船舶行业研究框架(一) 2024.10.22 冯胜 中泰中游制造负责人&先进产业研究首席 执业证书编号:S0740519050004 杨帅 中泰先进产业研究 分析师 执业证书编号:S0740524040002 核心观点 船舶-航运产业链:下游航运需求驱动中游船舶制造 1)上游:船舶-航运产业链上游主要由直接原材料(占20%-30%造船成本)、船舶零部件(占45%-50%造船成本)和船舶设计(占 5%造船成本)三大板块组成。 2)中游:船舶-航运产业链中游是船舶制造环节,整体造船周期从订单签约到交付一般为16-36个月,具体因船型而异。船舶建 造及支付节点包括开工(支付20%合同价款)、切钢板(支付20%价款)、铺龙骨(支付20%价款)、下水和交付(支付40%价款)。 3)下游:船舶-航运产业链下游以海运为主,市场空间广阔。2023年全球海运贸易量达到123亿吨。全球海运货种以干散货、油 品和集装箱为主,2023年占全球船舶运力的比例分别约为45%、30%和15%。 大周期:船舶周期与经济周期共振 ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-22 03:09
评级:无评级 分析师:由子沛 报告摘要 本周行情回顾: 本周(10.14-10.20)13 支 REITs 上涨,1 支持平,31 支下跌,整体下跌 0.55%,其 中嘉实物美消费 REIT 涨幅最大为 3.19%,易方达广开产园 REIT 跌幅最大为 2.45%, 同期沪深 300 上涨 0.98%,中证 500 指数上涨 3.09%,中证全债指数上涨 0.25%, 中债 1 年期国债指数上涨 0.03%,中债 10 年期国债指数上涨 0.26%,中证转债指数 上涨 2.90%。 执业证书编号:S0740523020005 Email:youzp@zts.com.cn 分析师:陈希瑞 执业证书编号:S0740524070002 Email:chenxr@zts.com.cn 行业基本情况 主要政策:10 月 18 日,中国人民银行创设了证券、基金、保险公司互换便利(SFISF), 委托特定的公开市场业务一级交易商(中债信用增进公司),与符合行业监管部门条 件的证券、基金、保险公司开展互换交易。互换期限 1 年,可视情展期。互换费率由 参与机构招投标确定。可用质押品包括债券、股票 ETF、沪深 300 成分股 ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-22 03:03
Gold and Dollar Movement - Gold and the US dollar have risen simultaneously since October 9, with the dollar index increasing by approximately 0.5% to 103.46, while spot gold broke through $2,712 per ounce, marking a weekly gain of 2.4% and reaching a new historical high [1][8] - Historically, gold and the dollar have a negative correlation, but their simultaneous rise often reflects complex global economic conditions and market sentiment shifts [1][8] - Three factors explain this phenomenon: cooling expectations of rate cuts, geopolitical tensions, and the resurgence of Trump-related trading dynamics [10] Market Expectations and Economic Data - Market expectations for rate cuts have cooled, with the probability of a 25 basis point cut in November rising to over 90%, down from earlier expectations of a 50 basis point cut [11][12] - Strong US economic data, including a 0.4% increase in September retail sales and a 25.4k rise in non-farm payrolls, have supported the dollar's strength [11] - In China, industrial output grew by 5.4% year-on-year in September, up from 4.5% in August, contributing to a 4.6% GDP growth in Q3 [18][19] Geopolitical and Political Factors - Geopolitical tensions, particularly in the Middle East, have driven demand for safe-haven assets, leading to simultaneous rises in gold and the dollar [14] - Trump's resurgence in key swing states has bolstered market confidence in the dollar, with his economic advisors signaling support for a strong dollar policy [15] Asset Performance and Market Trends - The CSI 300 index rose, while 10-year bond yields slightly declined, reflecting a stock-bond divergence [16] - Bonds remain the optimal asset class, but short-term momentum favors stocks, particularly in the tech, brokerage, and consumer sectors [2][16] - Commodities and RMB assets traded on a different logic compared to stocks and bonds, with Chinese commodities falling and the RMB depreciating [16] Financial Policy and Market Sentiment - The 2024 Financial Street Forum emphasized the importance of price stability and the use of interest rate tools, with further RRR cuts expected by year-end [20] - The forum also highlighted the need for policy consistency across fiscal, industrial, and regulatory frameworks, signaling potential inter-ministerial coordination [20] Cross-Asset Analysis and Correlations - A-share indices and 10-year US Treasuries show a weakening negative correlation, while the CSI 300 and RMB movements are largely independent [31] - Commodities like gold and oil exhibit negative correlations with equities, reflecting their role as safe-haven assets [31] Sector and Industry Performance - The tech, brokerage, and consumer sectors are recommended based on KST and Coppock indicators, with strong momentum in the short term [16] - Non-banking financials, electronics, and computers show significant deviations from their 200-day moving averages, indicating potential overvaluation [63] Market Sentiment and Technical Indicators - Market sentiment has stabilized, with VIX positions declining and gold positions increasing, reflecting ongoing economic uncertainty [36] - The CSI 300's short-term KST and Coppock indicators suggest a potential shift in market momentum, warranting close monitoring [45]
中泰证券· 2024-10-22 02:31
富恒新材(832469.BJ) 塑料 证券研究报告/公司深度报告 2024 年 10 月 21 日 改性塑料翘楚布局 PEEK,业绩增长确定性强 ——富恒新材深度报告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|----------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-22 01:08
【中泰研究丨晨会聚焦】政策杨畅:观察企稳回升的斜率——当前经济与政策思考 证券研究报告 2024 年 10 月 21 日 [Table_Industry] [T[分Taa析bbl师lee__:TMi戴tlea志]in锋] 执业证书编号:S0740517030004 电话: Email: [b_Suy 今日预览 今日重点>> 【政策】杨畅:观察企稳回升的斜率——当前经济与政策思考 研究分享>> 【科技】孙行臻:车路云建设有望加速,四部委启动通行试点 欢迎关注中泰研究所订阅号 晨报内容回顾: 请务必阅读正文之后的重要声明部分 晨会聚焦 今日重点 【政策】杨畅:观察企稳回升的斜率——当前经济与政策思考 经济数据:观察企稳回升的斜率。 从 9 月经济数据看: 第一,生产增速提升。尤其是去年基数偏强,同比增速提高表明生产仍强;出口交货值同比增速虽 然回落,但仍在增长区间,环比上行且价格回落表明实际物量出口仍有韧性。 第二,投资增速提升,折算当月后同比增长 3.4%,较前值提升 1.4 个百分点;9 月环比增长 0.65%。 从结构看,民间投资同比降幅收窄,非民间固定资产投资同比增速回升;地产投资同比降幅小幅收 窄,制造 ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-22 01:00
上海沿浦(605128.SH) 汽车零部件 证券研究报告/公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 21 日 业绩加速释放,期待座椅总成突破落地 ——上海沿浦 2024 三季报点评 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-21 14:28
政策组合拳加速落地;华东水泥价格近期涨幅明显 建筑材料 证券研究报告/行业定期报告 2024 年 10 月 21 日 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------|----------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-21 14:00
重点公司基本状况 简称 股价 (元) EPS PE 评级 2022A 2023A 2024E 2025E 2026E 2022A 2023A 2024E 2025E 2026E 万华化学 78.22 5.17 5.36 5.40 6.59 7.79 15.13 14.59 14.49 11.87 10.04 买入 华鲁恒升 23.19 2.96 1.68 2.12 2.68 3.02 7.83 13.80 10.94 8.65 7.68 买入 宝丰能源 15.74 0.86 0.77 1.11 1.84 1.95 18.30 20.44 14.18 8.55 8.07 买入 扬农化工 58.50 5.79 3.85 3.10 3.81 4.73 10.10 15.19 18.87 15.35 12.37 买入 云天化 22.74 3.28 2.47 2.88 2.92 2.97 6.93 9.22 7.90 7.80 7.65 买入 新凤鸣 11.34 -0.13 0.71 0.98 1.34 1.69 -87.23 15.92 11.52 8.46 6.73 买入 中国海油 28.44 2.98 2.60 ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-21 14:00
评级:增持(维持) 执业证书编号:S0740521120002 Email:wangfang02@zts.com.cn 分析师:杨旭 执业证书编号:S0740521120001 Email:yangxu01@zts.com.cn 执业证书编号:S0740522080004 Email:lixf05@zts.com.cn 分析师:游凡 执业证书编号:S0740522120002 电子指数+8.64%,情绪助推市场大涨 本周(2024/10/14-2024/10/18)市场整体大涨,沪深 300 指数+0.98%,上证综指 +1.63%,深证成指+2.95%,创业板指数+4.49%,中信电子+8.64%,半导体指数 Email:youfan@zts.com.cn 执业证书编号:S0740523070004 行业-市场走势对比 Email:zhangqiong@zts.com.cn | --- | --- | |---------------------|-----------| | | | | 基本状况 | | | 上市公司数 | 458 | | 行业总市值(亿元 ) | 84,179.98 | | 行业流通市值 ...