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广汇汽车(600297) - 2024 Q2 - 季度业绩预告
2024-07-12 13:06
五、其他说明事项 董事会 2024 年 7 月 13 日 特此公告。 证券代码:600297 证券简称:广汇汽车 公告编号:2024-098 | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈 | | 述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 | 广汇汽车服务集团股份公司(以下简称"公司")预计 2024 年半年度归 属于上市公司股东的净利润为-69,918 万元到-58,265 万元。 公司于 2024 年 6 月 21 日披露了《关于公司股票及可转换公司债券可能被终止上 市的第一次风险提示性公告》(公告编号:2024-070),2024 年 6 月 20 日至 2024 年 7 月 12 日,已经连续 17 个交易日收盘价格低于人民币 1 元。根据《上海证券 交易所股票上市规则》(以下简称"《股票上市规则》")第 9.2.1 条第一款规 定,在上海证券交易所仅发行 A 股股票的上市公司,如果公司股票连续 ...
2024-06-25 02:54
对一些战地以及说豪华车豪华品牌的一个战地情况哎好呃我先从这个新年说起吧因为最近新年是比较火的从前两天开始我们也在做新的转型呃从去年开始呢我们其实门店上扩张的比较快啊去年呃单单一年内就开了26家店然后26家在营的同时呢还在建的在年底还有 5家店左右然后在现在啊就是在可能一季度末吧一季度末啊我们的门店数量已经达到将近40家啊就是在营的门店40家所以其实说开店的速度是越来越快啊能看到原来20多家到40家呃估计到年底我们的计划是要做到100家左右的这样一个新能源门店的数量那当然从数量上来说是比较快的一个增长那从 占比销量占比来看的话去年我们的新年车的销量大概只有6%然后到今年一季度呢大概在9%多啊九九个多点出头这样一个水平其实也增加的比较快估计年底如果开到100家的话那个增那个整个这个占比的幅度会提升比较比较多啊这个是从销量占比来看那再从品牌角度来说的话其实呃因为我们 因为我们集团门店比较多嘛我们有7去年的话去年截止训练年底的话是735家啊这个这个3店然后呢这个通过这段时间的这个不断的升级优化呢其实我们内部的改造的门店是很多的除了这30啊就是将近40家的这个新的新人网点之外还有一些呃通过升级优化的网点是像什么呃PBA ...
2024-06-24 12:28
对一些战地以及说豪华车豪华品牌的一个战地情况哎好呃我先从这个新年说起吧因为最近新年是比较火的从前两年开始我们也在做新的转型呃从去年开始呢我们其实门店上扩张的比较快啊去年呃单单一年内就开了26家店然后26家在营的同时呢还在建的在年底还有 5家店左右然后在现在啊就是在可能一季度末吧一季度末啊我们的门店数量已经达到了将近40家啊就是在营的门店40家所以其实说开店的速度是越来越快啊能看到原来20多家到40家呃估计到年底我们的计划是要做到100家左右的这样一个新能源门店的数量那当然从数量上来说是比较快的一个增长那从 占比销量占比来看的话去年我们的新年的车的销量大概只有6%然后到今年一季度呢大概在9点多啊九九个多点出头这样一个水平其实也增加的比较快估计年底如果开到100强的话那个增那个整个的一个占比的幅度会提升比较比较多啊这个是从销量占比来看那再从品牌角度来说的话其实呃因为我们 因为我们集团门店比较多嘛我们有7去年的话去年截止去年年底的话是735家呃这个这个三线然后呢这个通过这段时间的这个不断的升级优化呢其实我们内部的改造的门店是很多的除了这30呃就将近40家的这个新新的网点之外还有一些呃通过升级优化的网点是像什么呃PB ...
2024-06-22 14:42
对一些战地以及说豪华车豪华品牌的一个战地情况哎好呃我先从这个新年说起吧因为最近新年是比较火的从前两年开始我们也在做新的转型呃从去年开始呢我们其实门店上扩张的比较快啊去年呃单单一年内就开了26家店然后26家在营的同时呢还在建的在年底还有 5家店左右然后在现在啊就是在可能一季度末吧一季度末啊我们的门店数量已经达到了将近40家啊就是在营的门店40家所以其实说开店的速度是越来越快啊能看到原来20多家到40家呃估计到年底我们的计划是要做到100家左右的这样一个新能源门店的数量那当然从数量上来说是比较快的一个增长那从 占比销量占比来看的话去年我们的新年的车的销量大概只有6%然后到今年一季度呢大概在9点多啊九九个多点出头这样一个水平其实也增加的比较快估计年底如果开到100强的话那个增那个整个的一个占比的幅度会提升比较比较多啊这个是从销量占比来看那再从品牌角度来说的话其实呃因为我们 因为我们集团门店比较多嘛我们有7去年的话去年截止去年年底的话是735家呃这个这个三线然后呢这个通过这段时间的这个不断的升级优化呢其实我们内部的改造的门店是很多的除了这30呃就将近40家的这个新新的网点之外还有一些呃通过升级优化的网点是像什么呃PB ...
华创证券· 2024-06-05 00:31
相关研究报告 《广汇汽车(600297)2023 年一季报点评:1Q23 扭亏为盈,受益线下消费场景恢复》 2023-05-11 《广汇汽车(600297)2021 年报及 2022 年一季报 点评:1Q22 经营稳定,内部改革抵御外部扰动》 2022-04-29 《广汇汽车(600297)2021 年三季报点评:Q3 业 绩下滑明显,行业缺芯影响负面》 2021-10-28 证监会审核华创证券投资咨询业务资格批文号:证监许可(2009)1210 号 未经许可,禁止转载 广汇汽车(600297)重大事项点评 附录:财务预测表 广汇汽车(600297)重大事项点评 组长、首席分析师:张程航 证监会审核华创证券投资咨询业务资格批文号:证监许可(2009)1210 号 3 广汇汽车(600297)重大事项点评 华创证券机构销售通讯录 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|---------|------------------------------|-------------------|-------------------------| | 地区 ...
财通证券· 2024-06-03 07:55
大家好,欢迎参加财通汽车带来的广汇汽车经营更新电话会议。目前,总统已经处于定状态。咱们开始播报你的声明。声明播报完毕后,主持人可开始发言。谢谢。本次会议请面向财通证券的受邀嘉宾。在任何情况下,财通证券研究人员及演讲嘉宾所表述的意见并不构成对任何人的投资建议。 投资者应充分了解各类投资风险,自主作出决策并自行承担投资风险,为经财通证券及演讲嘉宾书面授权许可。任何机构和个人不得以任何形式转发、复制、引用会议的内容与观点,包括不得制作镜像及指向链接,不得传播音频、视频、图片、文字等内容。如有上述行为,财通证券保留追究相关方法律责任的权利。 各位投资者,大家下午好,我是台东汽车的分析师李博,然后一同在线的还有我们手机分析师秦鹏杨。今天我们也是邀请到了广惠汽车的徐总和陈总,跟我们更新一下公司的经营情况。首先就先请这个公司两位领导帮我们去简单的讲一下公司上半年的一个经营进展吧。 我是广汇汽车的管理许欣,今天首先谢谢裁缝帮我们组织会议,因为上午看到我们的无论是股价还是我们科转价的价格出现一个跳水,所以可能引发了很多投资人的一些担忧。 我们想紧急开一个这样的电话会跟大家更新一下我们的情况主要是要跟大家汇报一下就是公司呢这个上 ...
财通证券· 2024-05-03 08:24
投资评级:增持(维持) 核心观点 分析师 李渤 SAC 证书编号:S0160521050001 全年毛利率同比显著改善,持续优化品牌结构 -39% -30% -21% -12% -3% 6% 广汇汽车 沪深300 上证指数 相关报告 1. 《Q1 毛利率显著改善,发力高端品 牌和新能源网络》 2023-05-03 ❖ 全年毛利率同比显著改善,费用控制良好:公司 2023 年毛利率 8.29%, 同比+1.81pct。其中整车销售、维修服务、佣金代理、汽车租赁、其他业务的 毛利率分别为 1.65%、31.34%、83.00%、59.27%、52.93%,同比分别+1.21pct、 -0.38pct、+6.86pct、+2.45pct、-4.59pct。公司 2023 年的销售费用率和管理费用 率分别为 3.50%和 1.63%,同比分别-0.33pct 和-0.15pct。其中销售费用率下降 主要系公司控制费用支出,广宣费、车辆使用费及差旅费等费用同比下降所 致。管理费用率同比下降主要系公司控制费用支出,职工薪酬及劳务费、租赁 物管费、业务招待费、车辆使用费等费用同比下降所致。 ❖ ...
广汇汽车(600297) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-24 10:48
2024 年第一季度报告 广汇汽车服务集团股份公司 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者 重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 一、 主要财务数据 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------|-------------------|-------------------------------------| | | | 单位:元 币种:人民币 | | 项目 | 本报告期 | 本报告期比上年同期增 减变动幅度 (%) | | 营业收入 | 27,790,010,430.41 | -11.49 | | 归属于上市公司股东的净利润 | 70,940,455.83 | -86.61 | | 归属于上市公司股东的扣除非经常 性损益的净利润 | 950,727.38 | -99.80 | | 经营活 ...
广汇汽车(600297) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-24 10:48
Financial Performance - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in 2023 was RMB 392.46 million[9] - Revenue for Q1 2023 was RMB 31.4 billion, Q2 was RMB 35.69 billion, Q3 was RMB 35.3 billion, and Q4 was RMB 35.61 billion[23] - Net profit attributable to shareholders in Q1 2023 was RMB 529.98 million, Q2 was RMB 71.08 million, Q3 was RMB 100.23 million, and Q4 was a loss of RMB 308.83 million[23] - Operating cash flow in Q1 2023 was negative RMB 2.22 billion, Q2 was positive RMB 1.73 billion, Q3 was positive RMB 1.72 billion, and Q4 was positive RMB 2.19 billion[23] - The company achieved revenue of RMB 137.998 billion in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 3.34%[200] - The company's net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders was RMB 392.46 million[193] - Total cash dividends (including tax) amounted to RMB 138.99 million, accounting for 35.42% of the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders[193] Profit Distribution and Share Repurchase - The company's cash dividend equivalent from share repurchases in 2023 accounted for 35.42% of the net profit attributable to shareholders[9] - The company did not propose a cash dividend for 2023, nor did it issue bonus shares or convert capital reserve into share capital[9] - The company's total distributable profit as of December 31, 2023 was RMB 381.55 million[9] - The company's share repurchase amount in 2023 met the requirements of the company's Articles of Association and the Three-Year Shareholder Return Plan (2023-2025)[9] - The company plans to repurchase shares worth between RMB 100 million and RMB 150 million within 6 months from the board approval date[28] - As of December 31, 2023, the company had repurchased 2,831,300 shares[28] - The company completed a share repurchase of 61,231,110 shares by July 28, 2023, accounting for approximately 0.74% to 0.99% of the total shares[38] - The company's cash dividend policy requires a minimum cash dividend ratio of 80% during the mature stage without significant capital expenditure arrangements[113] - The company's cash dividend policy requires a minimum cash dividend ratio of 40% during the mature stage with significant capital expenditure arrangements[113] - The company's profit distribution policy mandates that cash dividends should account for at least 30% of the average distributable profits over the past three years[111] - The company's profit distribution adjustment policy must be proposed by the board of directors and approved by the shareholders' meeting, with special resolutions required for changes to the cash dividend policy[114] - The company's profit distribution policy stipulates that cash dividends should be distributed at least once a year, with the possibility of interim cash dividends based on actual profits and capital needs[111] - The company's profit distribution policy requires that cash dividends should not be less than 30% of the average distributable profits over the past three years, provided there are no major investment plans or significant cash outlays[111] - The company's profit distribution policy requires that cash dividends should be distributed in a manner that protects shareholder interests, with adjustments subject to detailed justification and approval by the board of directors and shareholders' meeting[114] - The company's profit distribution policy requires that cash dividends should be distributed in a manner that does not violate the regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the stock exchange[114] - The company's profit distribution policy requires that cash dividends should be distributed in a manner that considers the company's production and operation conditions, investment plans, and long-term development needs[114] - The company's profit distribution policy requires that cash dividends should be distributed in a manner that considers changes in the external operating environment or the company's own operating conditions[114] - The company's 2023 profit distribution plan was approved, focusing on balancing operational needs and shareholder returns[188] Debt and Financial Structure - In 2023, the company's debt-to-asset ratio decreased to 63.97%, a reduction of 1.13 percentage points year-on-year, with interest-bearing debt decreasing by 1.261 billion to 51.353 billion[60] - The company's total liabilities decreased by 6.933 billion to 75.283 billion, with the debt-to-asset ratio dropping by 1.13 percentage points to 63.97%[68] - Total assets decreased from RMB 126.29 billion in 2022 to RMB 117.68 billion in 2023, a decline of 6.81%[164] - Total liabilities decreased from RMB 82.22 billion in 2022 to RMB 75.28 billion in 2023, a decline of 8.43%[164] - Total assets at the end of the reporting period were RMB 117.684 billion, a decrease of RMB 8.606 billion or 6.81% compared to the end of the previous year[198] - Current assets were RMB 68.291 billion, accounting for 58.03% of total assets, a decrease of RMB 5.814 billion or 7.85% compared to the end of the previous year[198] - Non-current assets were RMB 49.393 billion, accounting for 41.97% of total assets, a decrease of RMB 2.792 billion or 5.35% compared to the end of the previous year[198] Business Operations and Market Performance - In 2023, the company sold 595,700 new vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 1.07%[45] - The company achieved a total of 117,800 used car transactions in 2023[47] - The company ranked 103rd in the 2023 Fortune China 500 list[50] - The company's used car trading platform "Auto Street" submitted an IPO application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June 2023[47] - The company's after-sales service profit model includes charging labor service fees and parts fees, earning profits from labor hours and parts price differences, as well as double warranty services[53] - The company's insurance agency business model involves collaborating with insurance companies to sell insurance products through regional platforms and dealership service outlets, earning commission fees[54] - The company actively explores innovative marketing models and online consumption channels to adapt to changing consumer demands and enhance business performance[55] - In 2023, the domestic luxury passenger vehicle market sold 3.74 million units, a year-on-year increase of 7.9%, with electric vehicle sales reaching 830,000 units, a 60% increase, accounting for 22% of the luxury vehicle market[62] - The company ranked first in passenger vehicle sales and second in revenue scale among major dealer groups in the 2023 China Automobile Dealer Group Top 100 Rankings[64] - The company operates 735 dealership outlets across 28 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, serving a base of 16.15 million customers[76] - The company's top five suppliers accounted for 49.75% of total annual procurement, with no related party procurement[81] - The company's new car sales in 2023 reached 595,700 units, a year-on-year increase of 1.07%, driven by brand strategy adjustments to better meet regional market demands[89] - After-sales maintenance visits in 2023 increased by 12.62% year-on-year to 6.9 million visits, supported by various interactive promotional activities[89] - The company's financing lease scale decreased by 12.15% year-on-year to 126,000 units in 2023, reflecting a strategic reduction in high-risk business[89] - Used car sales and agency transactions in 2023 dropped by 7.09% year-on-year to 117,800 units, impacted by price wars in the new car market[89] - Inventory levels at the end of 2023 were reduced by 18.97% year-on-year to 72,000 units, indicating improved inventory management[89] - The company's used car brokerage business model involves acting as an intermediary for vehicle sales and earning commission fees[195] Guarantees and Collateral - The company's investment properties and fixed assets, including buildings and land use rights, were used as collateral for short-term loans totaling 3.01061579541 billion[85] - The company's property, plant, and equipment with a book value of 2.126 billion yuan (original cost: 3.039 billion yuan) were used as collateral for short-term loans of 3.011 billion yuan[87] - Land use rights with a book value of 822.83 million yuan (original cost: 1.353 billion yuan) were also used as collateral for short-term loans[87] - Long-term loans of 714.67 million yuan were secured by property, plant, and equipment with a book value of 258.81 million yuan and land use rights with a book value of 121.24 million yuan[87] - Long-term payables of 980 million yuan were secured by property, plant, and equipment with a book value of 298.65 million yuan and land use rights with a book value of 207.18 million yuan[87] - The company provided a guarantee of 850 million yuan to the Shanghai Small and Medium Enterprise Policy Financing Guarantee Fund Management Center, with the guarantee period from 2023-03-30 to 2024-03-31[116] - A guarantee of 500 million yuan was provided to the Ningbo Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. by the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Ningbo Baoxin Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., with the guarantee period from 2023-03-06 to 2024-02-28[116] - The company's wholly-owned subsidiaries, Suzhou Baoxin Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Baoxin Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., provided a guarantee of 600 million yuan to Wuhu Minqiang Financing Guarantee (Group) Co., Ltd., with the guarantee period from 2023-02-27 to 2024-02-27[116] - A guarantee of 500 million yuan was provided to the Chongqing Small and Micro Enterprise Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. by the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Chongqing Xingshun Automobile Co., Ltd., with the guarantee period from 2023-03-30 to 2024-03-31[116] - The company provided a guarantee of 1,000 million yuan to the Hebei Re-guarantee Co., Ltd., with the guarantee period from 2022-09-23 to 2023-09-22[117] - A guarantee of 1,000 million yuan was provided to the Wuxi United Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. by the company, with the guarantee period from 2022-09-30 to 2023-09-29[117] - The company provided a guarantee of 800 million yuan to the Harbin Development Zone Small and Medium Enterprise Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., with the guarantee period from 2023-06-05 to 2024-06-04[127] - A guarantee of 1,000 million yuan was provided to the Hebei Re-guarantee Co., Ltd. by the company, with the guarantee period from 2023-09-20 to 2024-09-19[127] - The company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Sichuan Shenrong Guifeng Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., provided a guarantee of 1,000 million yuan to the Chengdu Wuhou Small and Medium Enterprise Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., with the guarantee period from 2023-06-25 to 2024-06-24[127] - A guarantee of 1,000 million yuan was provided to the Wuxi United Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. by the company, with the guarantee period from 2023-12-30 to 2026-12-30[127] - The total guarantee amount (A+B) for the company is 4,182,971.55, accounting for 107.33% of the company's net assets[130] - The total guarantee amount for subsidiaries during the reporting period is 4,581,885.61, with a balance of 4,168,371.55 at the end of the period[130] - The company provided a guarantee of 1,748,305.77 for entities with a debt-to-asset ratio exceeding 70%[130] - The guarantee amount exceeding 50% of the net assets is 2,234,242.13[130] - The company's guarantee balance for non-subsidiary entities is 14,600[130] - The company's guarantee balance for non-subsidiary entities at the end of the reporting period is 14,600[130] - The company provided a guarantee of 850 to the Shanghai Small and Medium Enterprise Policy Financing Guarantee Fund Management Center[139] - The company provided a guarantee of 950 to the Harbin Enterprise Credit Financing Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.[139] - The company provided a guarantee of 500 to the Shaoxing Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.[139] - The company provided a guarantee of 500 to the Shaoxing Yuecheng Yucheng Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.[139] - The company provided guarantees for subsidiary financing, with amounts ranging from 500 million to 1,000 million RMB, involving multiple guarantee institutions such as Shanghai Small and Medium Enterprise Policy Financing Guarantee Fund Management Center and Harbin Enterprise Credit Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd[140] Investment Projects and Capital Expenditure - The company used up to 135,500 million RMB of idle raised funds to temporarily supplement working capital, with a usage period not exceeding 12 months[153] - In 2023, the company did not use raised funds for the "Used Car Outlet Construction Project" due to policy and external environmental changes[144] - The company's "Guanghui Convertible Bonds" were converted into shares, with a cumulative conversion of 61,282 shares during the reporting period[162] - The cumulative investment in the convertible bond project reached 59.46% by the end of the reporting period, with RMB 198.16 billion invested[165] - The company decided to continue the "Used Car Network Construction Project" despite market challenges, as it remains within the construction cycle[168] - The company's environmental protection investment in 2023 was RMB 19.39 million, with 319 stores obtaining pollution discharge permits, an increase of 79 from the beginning of the reporting period[176] - The "Store Upgrade and Renovation Project" achieved a cumulative investment progress of 74.83%, with RMB 94.29 billion invested by the end of the reporting period[179] - The "Used Car Network Construction Project" had a cumulative investment progress of only 2.59%, with RMB 1.53 billion invested by the end of the reporting period[179] - The "Information System Upgrade Project" achieved a cumulative investment progress of 4.86%, with RMB 2.35 billion invested by the end of the reporting period[179] - The "Debt Repayment Project" was fully completed with a 100% investment progress, totaling RMB 100 billion[179] - The company issued 3.37 million convertible bonds in 2020 with a total value of 3.37 billion yuan, with interest rates ranging from 0.20% to 2.00% over six years[185] - In 2021, the company issued 1 billion yuan in corporate bonds with a final coupon rate of 7.45% and a maturity of 3 years[185] - The company extended the completion dates of three investment projects to March 24, 2025, due to macroeconomic uncertainties[181] Corporate Governance and Reporting - The company's financial report for 2023 was audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP, which issued a standard unqualified opinion[9] - The company's board of directors, supervisors, and senior management guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of the annual report[9] - The company did not have any non-operational fund occupation by controlling shareholders or related parties[9] - The company did not violate decision-making procedures in providing external guarantees[9] - More than half of the directors did not question the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of the annual report[9] - The company's 2023 annual report was released, detailing financial performance and strategic updates[189][192] - The company revised its articles of association to improve cash dividend decision-making and supervision mechanisms[190] - The company terminated its 2023 employee stock ownership plan on November 3, 2023[193] Share Capital and Convertible Bonds - The company's total share capital increased by 61,282 shares due to the conversion of convertible bonds, reaching a total of 8,111,324,207 shares[147][162] - The company's net profit attributable to parent company shareholders in 2023 was 392.46 million yuan, with distributable profits of 381.55 million yuan[188] - In 2023, the company repurchased shares worth 138.99 million yuan, equivalent to 35.42% of the net profit attributable to shareholders[188] - From 2021 to 2023, the cumulative share repurchase amount was 339.53 million yuan, accounting for 33.94% of the average distributable profit over the three years[188] - The company plans to distribute at least 90% of the average distributable profit in cash over the next three years (2023-2025)[188]
广汇汽车(600297) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-27 16:00
单位:元 币种:人民币 广汇汽车服务集团股份公司 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整, 不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 第三季度财务报表是否经审计 一、 主要财务数据 本报告期 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------|-------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------------| | 项目 | 本报告期 | 比上年同 期增减变 \n动幅度 (%) | 年初至报告期末 | 期末比上年 同期增减变 \n动幅度 (%) | | 营业收入 | 35,298,225,028.06 | -1.23 | 102,391,406,111. ...