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正海磁材(300224) - 2025年2月24日投资者关系活动记录表
2025-02-24 10:24
证券代码:300224 证券简称:正海磁材 债券代码:123169 债券简称:正海转债 烟台正海磁性材料股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2025-002 投资者关系活 动类别 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □其他(请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 浙商证券:王淑贤、秦日东、诸晓明、姬新悦、孙煜堃 立心基金:冯学健、张海涛、朱家华 鑫 洪 荔:杨 坤 时间 2025 年 2 月 24 日 地点 正海集团会议室 上市公司 接待人员姓名 总经理:李志强 副总经理、董事会秘书兼财务总监:高 波 证券事务代表:于在海 投资者关系活 动主要内容介 绍 1、问:请介绍一下公司在新能源汽车领域的经营成果。 答:公司凭借在节能和新能源汽车领域的行业经验和深 厚的专业积累,对国际汽车品牌 TOP10、自主汽车品牌 TOP5、 造车新势力品牌 TOP5 的平均覆盖率达到 90%,公司是工信部 认定的新能源汽车用高性能烧结钕铁硼永磁体"全国制造业 单项冠军企业"。 2、问:请介绍一下公司的产能情况。 答:公司现有产能 3 万吨/年,产能建设紧随 ...
2025-02-21 02:39
正海磁材 摘要 • 正海磁材 2024 年四季度销量创新高,出货量超 7,000 吨,2025 年一季 度虽为淡季,但同比仍增长,主要受益于智能家电和汽车领域需求,并预 期工业自动化领域将带来新增量。 • 家电补贴政策预计将持续推动家电和电子领域订单增长,但 2024 年一季 度政策刺激基数较高,环比数据评估存在挑战,需等待最终数据进行同比 分析。 • 行业加工费受经济环境、下游竞争和供应链博弈影响,新能源汽车价格战 及厂商产能扩张带来压力,全球汽车行业东涨西落格局影响国内盈利水平。 • 海外市场在加工费、账期和结算方式上更具优势,正海磁材海外市场占比 较高,构成其竞争优势之一,并积极拓展海外机器人企业合作。 • 正海磁材重点布局人形机器人领域,成立联合小组,积极参与产品研发设 计,为空心杯电机世界头部厂商的唯一中国供应商,占比超 50%。 • 稀土价格温和上涨可接受,稳定价格利于磁材产品普及和新技术推广,上 游供给收紧可能推高原材料价格中枢,但需保持平稳以提高下游客户接受 度。 • 正海磁材采取稳健采购策略,备库周期维持在一个半月左右,2024 年出 货量约 22,000 吨,同比增长超 20%,2025 ...
正海磁材(300224) - 2025年2月20日投资者关系活动记录表
2025-02-20 08:14
证券代码:300224 证券简称:正海磁材 债券代码:123169 债券简称:正海转债 烟台正海磁性材料股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 3、问:请介绍一下公司南通基地的选址原因。 答:长三角地区是公司下游主要客户研发机构的聚集地, 公司就近建厂有利于为客户提供高效服务,降低运输成本, 巩固优化公司"高端定位、联合研发、系统服务、持续创新、 战略合作"的商业模式,稳定与客户的长期战略合作关系。 南通靠近上海和南京两大教育和科研中心,有利于为公司持 续、快速的发展提供人才支持。 4、问:请介绍一下公司产品定价模式。 答:公司秉承"互利双赢,做有价值的合作伙伴"的原则, 建立了以客户需求为导向,产品设计、研发、生产、售后为 一体的销售服务体系。公司产品多为定制化非标准产品,产 品定价采用成本加成的方法,同时兼顾产品工艺难度等因 素。 编号:2025-001 投资者关系活 动类别 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □其他(请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 民生证券:张弋清、孙二春 中邮基金:姜松松 招商基金:查汉斌 景顺长城:李建霖 时间 ...
正海磁材(300224) - 2024 Q4 - 年度业绩预告
2025-01-24 08:24
烟台正海磁性材料股份有限公司 2024 年度业绩预告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露内容的真实、准确、完整,没有虚 假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 一、本期业绩预计情况 | 证券代码:300224 | 证券简称:正海磁材 公告编号:2025-06-01 | | --- | --- | | 债券代码:123169 | 债券简称:正海转债 | 运行效率,降低对业绩的负面影响,公司对该业务进行了经营优化及业务收缩。 该业务板块未实现的递延所得税资产、员工安置补偿和存货处置等优化收缩成本 预计减少2024年度净利润12,800万元。 3、报告期末,公司按照企业会计准则对可能发生减值损失的存货等各类资 产计提了减值准备,预计减少2024年度净利润5,900万元。 1、业绩预告期间:2024年1月1日至2024年12月31日 2、预计的业绩:同向下降 | 项 目 | 本报告期 | 上年同期 | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 归属于上市公司 股东的净利润 | 盈利:8,000 万元–10,000 万元 | 盈利:44,750.52 | 万元 | | | 比上年同期下降:82.12% - 7 ...
正海磁材(300224) - 2024年11月8日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-11-11 01:21
证券代码:300224 证券简称:正海磁材 债券代码:123169 债券简称:正海转债 烟台正海磁性材料股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-008 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------| | | 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 | | | | | | | □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 | | | | | | 投资者关系活 | □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | | | | 动类别 | □现场参观 | | | | | | | □其他(请文字说明其他活动内容) | | | | | | 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 | 山东国投:沙宗全、黄 国泰君安:兰 洋 | 真 | | | | | | | | | | | | 时间 | 2024 年 11 月 8 日 | | | | | | ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-16 12:00
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for the company, indicating an expected relative performance increase of over 15% compared to the benchmark index within the next 6 to 12 months [1][14]. Core Insights - The company is focusing on its core magnetic materials business, with profitability expected to stabilize after a challenging period due to declining rare earth prices and intensified industry competition [1]. - The company reported a significant decline in revenue and net profit for the first three quarters of 2024, with revenue at 3.81 billion yuan, down 17.7% year-on-year, and net profit at 189 million yuan, down 48.5% year-on-year [1]. - The report highlights that the company is optimizing its operations and scaling back on its electric vehicle motor drive system business, which has been consistently losing money [1]. Financial Performance Summary - **Revenue Forecast**: The company’s revenue is projected to decrease from 5.87 billion yuan in 2023 to 5.31 billion yuan in 2024, before recovering to 6.40 billion yuan in 2025 and 7.78 billion yuan in 2026 [1][11]. - **Net Profit Forecast**: The net profit is expected to decline from 448 million yuan in 2023 to 325 million yuan in 2024, with a gradual recovery to 379 million yuan in 2025 and 454 million yuan in 2026 [1][11]. - **Earnings Per Share (EPS)**: EPS is forecasted to drop from 0.55 yuan in 2023 to 0.40 yuan in 2024, before increasing to 0.46 yuan in 2025 and 0.55 yuan in 2026 [1][11]. - **Cash Flow**: The company is expected to experience negative cash flow from operating activities in 2024, with a forecast of -173 million yuan, followed by a positive cash flow of 891 million yuan in 2025 [10][11]. Market and Industry Context - The report notes that the average price of domestic praseodymium-neodymium oxide has decreased significantly, impacting the company's product pricing and sales [1]. - Despite the challenges, the company is expanding its production capacity and market reach, particularly in the high-performance neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnet materials sector, with a notable increase in sales in the home appliance market [1].
正海磁材(300224) - 2024年8月30日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-08-30 09:13
证券代码:300224 证券简称:正海磁材 债券代码:123169 债券简称:正海转债 烟台正海磁性材料股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 | | | | □媒体采访 | √业绩说明会 | | 投资者关系活 | □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | 动类别 | □现场参观 | | | | □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | | | 中信证 ...
正海磁材(300224) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报(更正)
2024-08-29 11:31
证券代码:300224 证券简称:正海磁材 公告编号:2024-19-20 债券代码:123169 债券简称:正海转债 烟台正海磁性材料股份有限公司 关于 2023 年年度报告的更正公告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露内容的真实、准确和完整,没有虚 假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 烟台正海磁性材料股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")于 2024 年 3 月 28 日 在巨潮资讯网(www.cninfo.com.cn)上披露了《2023 年年度报告》。经事后审核 及公司自查,发现部分数据信息填报有误,现对相关内容进行更正(更正内容以 加粗表示)。本次更正不涉及公司财务报表调整,不会对公司 2023 年度财务状况 及经营成果产生影响,具体如下: 一、"第三节 管理层讨论与分析"之"四、主营业务分析"之"2、收入与成 本"之"(2)占公司营业收入或营业利润 10%以上的行业、产品、地区、销售模 式的情况" | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|------------------|---------------- ...
正海磁材(300224) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-29 11:29
Financial Performance - Revenue for the first half of 2024 was RMB 2.54 billion, a decrease of 19.59% compared to the same period last year[10] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was RMB 149.59 million, down 37.94% year-on-year[10] - Basic earnings per share (EPS) was RMB 0.18, a decrease of 37.93% year-on-year[10] - Net cash flow from operating activities was negative RMB 178.08 million, a significant decrease of 224.60% compared to the same period last year[10] - Total operating revenue for the first half of 2024 was RMB 2,539,015,434.27, a decrease of 19.6% compared to RMB 3,157,771,491.00 in the same period of 2023[116] - Net profit for the first half of 2024 was RMB 150,110,795.04, a decrease of 38.1% compared to RMB 242,391,489.58 in the same period of 2023[118] - Operating profit decreased to 158.8 million yuan from 294.06 million yuan, a significant drop[121] - Net profit declined to 155.01 million yuan from 261.13 million yuan, reflecting a 40.6% decrease[121] - Total comprehensive income for the first half of 2024 reached RMB 155,009,793.79, reflecting strong financial performance[133] - Total comprehensive income for the period reached RMB 261,128,086.50[135] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets at the end of the reporting period were RMB 7.93 billion, a decrease of 5.31% compared to the end of the previous year[10] - Total liabilities as of the end of the first half of 2024 were RMB 3,612,889,796.95, a decrease of 2.8% compared to RMB 3,715,437,079.56 at the end of the first half of 2023[115] - Total equity as of the end of the first half of 2024 was RMB 3,908,680,594.42, a decrease of 1.1% compared to RMB 3,953,096,124.25 at the end of the first half of 2023[115] - Total assets as of the end of the first half of 2024 were RMB 7,521,570,391.37, a decrease of 1.9% compared to RMB 7,668,533,203.81 at the end of the first half of 2023[115] - Total owner's equity at the end of the period was RMB 3,871,009,448.70[130] - Total equity at the end of the first half of 2024 was RMB 3,908,680,594.42, reflecting a solid financial position[134] - Total equity at the end of the first half of 2024 was RMB 3,760,744,318.91, reflecting a steady increase from the previous period[133] Cash Flow - Net cash flow from operating activities was negative RMB 178.08 million, a significant decrease of 224.60% compared to the same period last year[10] - Cash flow from operating activities was negative at -178.08 million yuan, compared to -54.86 million yuan in the previous year[123] - Cash flow from investing activities improved to 38.88 million yuan from -72.01 million yuan[125] - Cash flow from financing activities was negative at -190.84 million yuan, compared to -278.5 million yuan in the previous year[125] - Net cash flow from operating activities was negative RMB 49,915,557.52, compared to negative RMB 195,752,766.06 in the previous period[126] - Net cash flow from investing activities was negative RMB 11,532,703.97, a significant decline from positive RMB 431,297,352.57 in the previous period[127] - Net cash flow from financing activities was negative RMB 200,052,238.57, compared to negative RMB 724,946,370.91 in the previous period[127] - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period decreased to 210.46 million yuan from 491.76 million yuan[125] - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period were RMB 179,508,526.14, down from RMB 431,429,767.86 at the beginning of the period[127] Investments and Financial Management - The company's self-owned funds entrusted for bank wealth management amounted to 11,111,766.48 yuan, aimed at improving the efficiency of capital utilization[16] - Investment income amounted to RMB 16.54 million, accounting for 10.65% of total profit, primarily from bank wealth management and cash management[37] - The company invested 10,000 million yuan of its own funds from October 26, 2023, to February 20, 2024, with an annualized yield of 3.25%, resulting in an actual profit of 101.59 million yuan[47] - An investment of 12,000 million yuan of its own funds from January 16, 2024, to April 23, 2024, yielded an annualized return of 3.41%, generating an actual profit of 143.21 million yuan[48] - A 20,000 million yuan investment of its own funds from January 31, 2024, to May 1, 2024, achieved an annualized yield of 3.30%, with an actual profit of 153.74 million yuan[48] - The company allocated 10,000 million yuan of its own funds from April 2, 2024, to July 9, 2024, with an annualized yield of 3.87%, resulting in an expected profit of 103.91 million yuan and an actual profit of 95.68 million yuan[48] - An investment of 10,000 million yuan of its own funds from April 12, 2024, to May 17, 2024, yielded an annualized return of 2.90%, generating an actual profit of 29.48 million yuan[48] - The company invested 5,000 million yuan of its own funds from January 10, 2024, to February 21, 2024, with an annualized yield of 2.94%, resulting in an actual profit of 15.75 million yuan[48] - A 7,900 million yuan investment of its own funds from February 7, 2024, to April 15, 2024, achieved an annualized yield of 2.76%, with an actual profit of 38.16 million yuan[48] - The company allocated 10,000 million yuan of its own funds from February 23, 2024, to May 23, 2024, with an annualized yield of 3.40%, resulting in an actual profit of 74.53 million yuan[48] - An investment of 20,000 million yuan of its own funds from February 27, 2024, to March 22, 2024, yielded an annualized return of 3.20%, generating an actual profit of 42.01 million yuan[48] - The company invested 10,000 million yuan of its own funds from April 2, 2024, to May 16, 2024, with an annualized yield of 2.97%, resulting in an actual profit of 31.71 million yuan[48] - Total funds managed by the company amount to 594,900 thousand yuan, with a total interest income of 734.68 thousand yuan and a total principal of 2,790.11 thousand yuan[49] Subsidiaries and Investments - The company's subsidiary, Shanghai Da Jun Power Control Technology Co., Ltd., reported a net loss of 33,586,306.19 yuan, with total assets of 443,933,089.41 yuan and negative equity of 285,326,240.57 yuan[53] - Nantong Zhenghai Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd., another subsidiary, achieved a net profit of 27,552,671.66 yuan, with total assets of 2,116,375,187.86 yuan and equity of 192,974,490.02 yuan[53] - The company did not engage in any derivative investments during the reporting period[50] - No significant assets or equity were sold by the company during the reporting period[52] - The company did not have any entrusted loans during the reporting period[51] Risks and Challenges - The company faces risks from changes in the international political and economic environment[54] - The company's export business accounts for a significant proportion, and adverse changes in international political and economic environments or trade policies (such as significant tariff increases or import/export restrictions) could negatively impact the company's foreign sales and profitability[55] - The company's high-performance NdFeB permanent magnet materials business relies heavily on rare earth metals such as neodymium, praseodymium-neodymium, terbium, and dysprosium-iron. Fluctuations in the prices of these raw materials could adversely affect the company's profitability if not managed effectively[55] - The company is strengthening its strategic partnerships with major suppliers like China Rare Earth Group and Northern Rare Earth Group to ensure stable long-term supply of raw materials[55] - The company is implementing a sales-to-production and production-to-procurement strategy, maintaining reasonable inventory levels, and establishing a dynamic pricing mechanism with customers to mitigate risks from raw material price fluctuations[55] - The company is focusing on technological innovation and market trends to maintain a competitive edge in the high-performance NdFeB permanent magnet materials industry[55] - The company is closely monitoring industry policies and development trends, adjusting its business strategies to explore new markets and emerging application areas[55] - The subsidiary Shanghai Da Jun is facing continuous losses due to intensified market competition and adjustments in key customer businesses. The company is implementing a contraction strategy and providing necessary support to mitigate the impact[55] - The company has a high level of accounts receivable, which could pose a risk if macroeconomic conditions or customer operations deteriorate. The company is strengthening its accounts receivable management to ensure timely collection[55][56] Corporate Governance and Awards - The company was awarded the "Golden Roundtable Award·Board Value Creation Award" in 2024, recognizing its governance and value creation[21] - The company held its 2023 Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2024, with a 44.24% investor participation rate[59] - The company has an employee stock ownership plan involving 195 employees, holding a total of 16,000,079 shares, accounting for 1.95% of the company's total share capital[61] Environmental and Social Responsibility - The company's total environmental governance investment in the reporting period was 1.46 million yuan, and the environmental protection tax paid was 480.37 yuan[65] - The company's 4.2MW rooftop photovoltaic power generation project is under installation and is expected to be operational in the second half of 2024, providing 4.5-5 million kWh of electricity annually at full capacity[65] - The company's total hazardous waste disposal was 162.28 tons, with no超标排放情况[64] - The company's COD emissions were 3.818 tons, with a concentration of 60.33 mg/L, and no超标排放情况[64] - The company's ammonia nitrogen emissions were 0.548 tons, with a concentration of 8.66 mg/L, and no超标排放情况[64] - The company's total nickel emissions were 0.0026 kg, with a concentration of 0.0023 mg/L, and no超标排放情况[64] - The company's total copper emissions were 2.046 kg, with a concentration of 0.0343 mg/L, and no超标排放情况[64] - The company's total zinc emissions were 5.398 kg, with a concentration of 0.0903 mg/L, and no超标排放情况[64] - The company's total COD emissions under GB39731-2020 standard were 5.087 tons, with a concentration of 82.66 mg/L, and no超标排放情况[64] - The company's total ammonia nitrogen emissions under GB39731-2020 standard were 0.82 tons, with a concentration of 12.93 mg/L, and no超标排放情况[64] Shareholder Information - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 51,499[91] - Zhenghai Group Co., Ltd. holds 43.66% of the shares, totaling 358,080,148 shares[91] - The first employee stock ownership plan of Yantai Zhenghai Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd. holds 1.95% of the shares, totaling 16,000,079 shares[91] - Shandong State-owned Assets Investment Holding Co., Ltd. holds 1.85% of the shares, totaling 15,160,642 shares[91] - Zheng Jian, an individual shareholder, holds 1.83% of the shares, totaling 14,998,842 shares[91] - Yantai Zhenghai Electronic Plate Co., Ltd. holds 1.58% of the shares, totaling 12,957,300 shares[91] - Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd. holds 0.73% of the shares, totaling 5,989,809 shares[91] - China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. - Xingquan Business Model Preferred Hybrid Securities Investment Fund (LOF) holds 0.58% of the shares, totaling 4,725,349 shares[91] - Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. - Qianhai Open Source Core Resources Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities Investment Fund holds 0.42% of the shares, totaling 3,485,007 shares[93] - China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. - Guoshou Anbao Smart Life Stock Securities Investment Fund holds 0.42% of the shares, totaling 3,405,789 shares[93] Convertible Bonds and Share Repurchases - The company issued 1,400,000 convertible bonds with a total value of 1,400,000,000 yuan, which entered the conversion period on May 29, 2023[89] - During the reporting period, 535 shares were converted from convertible bonds, increasing the company's total shares to 820,245,644[88] - The initial conversion price of "Zhenghai Convertible Bonds" was 13.23 yuan per share, adjusted to 13.03 yuan per share after the 2022 annual equity distribution, and further adjusted to 12.83 yuan per share after the 2023 annual equity distribution[103] - The total issuance amount of "Zhenghai Convertible Bonds" is 1.4 billion yuan, with a cumulative conversion amount of 379,300 yuan and a cumulative conversion of 29,088 shares, accounting for 0.00% of the total shares before the conversion start date[104] - The top 10 holders of convertible bonds include Southern Fund, China Bank, UBS AG, and others, with the largest holder holding 629,248 bonds, accounting for 4.50% of the total[105] - The company repurchased 3,914,560 shares during the reporting period, accounting for 0.4772% of the total shares, with a total expenditure of 36,762,338 yuan[90] Research and Development - R&D expenses for the first half of 2024 were RMB 149,103,697.75, a decrease of 8.8% compared to RMB 163,476,630.36 in the same period of 2023[117] - R&D expenses increased to 107.28 million yuan from 129.74 million yuan, showing a 17.3% reduction[121] - The company's R&D strategy focuses on "staying ahead" and "rare earth resource balance," aiming to reduce the use of heavy rare earth elements and expand the use of ultra-light rare earth elements[30] - The company has established a stable and long-term strategic cooperation relationship with customers through an innovative business model of "high-end positioning, joint R&D, system services, continuous innovation, and strategic cooperation"[31] Market and Industry Trends - China's new energy vehicle production and sales in the first half of 2024 reached 4.929 million and 4.944 million units, respectively, with year-on-year growth of 30.1% and 32%, and a market share of 35.2%[19] - The total control indicators for rare earth mining and smelting separation in China for the first two batches of 2024 were 270,000 tons and 254,000 tons, respectively, with year-on-year growth of 12.50% and 10.43%[17] - In the first half of 2024, China's wind power industry added 25.84GW of installed capacity, a year-on-year increase of 12.4%[20] - The company's high-performance NdFeB permanent magnet materials were installed in 2.23 million sets of energy-saving and new energy vehicle motors, a year-on-year increase of 14%[21] - The company's coverage rate of global EPS and other automotive electrification brands reached 100%, and the coverage rate of global inverter air conditioner compressor brands also reached 100%[21] - The company's high-performance NdFeB permanent magnet materials have a 90% coverage rate among the top 10 international automotive brands, top 5 domestic automotive brands, and top 5 new car-making brands[21] - High-performance NdFeB permanent magnet material shipments increased by 10% year-over-year, but revenue and net profit declined due to intensified market competition, reduced demand in some downstream applications, and lower raw material prices[35] - New energy vehicle motor drive business revenue decreased by 58.09% to RMB 18.32 million, with a gross margin of -14.88%, reflecting ongoing losses and intensified competition[35][36] - Total operating revenue decreased by 19.59% to RMB 2.54 billion, primarily due to lower sales prices caused by declining upstream raw material prices[35] - Operating costs decreased by 18.51% to RMB 2.13 billion, driven by lower rare earth material prices[35] - Net cash flow from operating activities decreased by 224.60% to -RMB 178.08 million, mainly due to increased tax payments and reduced tax refunds[35] - Investment income amounted to RMB 16.54 million, accounting for 10.65% of total profit, primarily from bank wealth management and cash management[37] - Monetary funds decreased by 5.06% to RMB 549.10 million, mainly due to increased payments for matured bills[38] - Construction in progress increased by 1.00% to RMB 305.83 million
正海磁材(300224) - 2024年7月17日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-07-17 09:05
证券代码:300224 证券简称:正海磁材 债券代码:123169 债券简称:正海转债 烟台正海磁性材料股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-006 | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | | | 特定对象调研 □分析师会议 | | | □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 | | | 投资者关系活 | □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | 动类别 | □现场参观 | | | | □其他(请文字说明其他活动内容) | | | 参与单位名称 及人员姓名 | 浙商证券:熊宇航、沈皓俊 光大资管:孟祥飞 | | | 时间 | 2024 年 7 月 17 日 | | | 地点 | 公司会议室 | | | 上市公司 接待人员姓名 | 副总经理、财务总监兼董事会秘书:高波 证券事务代表:于在海 | | | | 1 、问:请介绍一下公司 ...