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AIX Completes Strategic Share Exchange with BGM to Drive Growth in AI Insurance and Healthcare
GlobeNewswire· 2024-12-27 14:00
GUANGZHOU, China, Dec. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AIX Inc. (the “Company” or AIX) (NASDAQ: AIFU), a leading independent technology-driven financial services provider in China, today announced the successful completion of its strategic share exchange transaction with BGM Group Ltd. (BGM) (NASDAQ: BGM), marking a significant milestone in its long-term transformation within the AI-driven insurance and healthcare space, and establishing a strong foundation for its future diversified growth. As part of the tra ...
AIX and BGM Group Forge Strategic Deal, Leading Healthcare, Pharma, and Insurance Industry Expansion with AI
GlobeNewswire Inc.· 2024-11-29 14:00
GUANGZHOU, China, Nov. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AIX Inc. (Nasdaq: AIFU) (the “Company” or “AIX”), a leading independent technology-driven financial services provider in China, today announced that it has entered into a strategic transaction agreement (the “Agreement”) with BGM Group Ltd. (Nasdaq:BGM) (“BGM”), a leading global provider of premium pharmaceutical products and services. Pursuant to the Agreement, AIX agreed to transfer the equity interests of its intelligent platform consisting of RONS Inte ...
市值风云· 2024-11-25 11:18
网传 90 亿理财暴雷,泛华控股等三家美股公司连夜火速改 名:泛华控股大起底! 导语:以"员工持股计划"为名的庞氏骗局。 作者:市值风云 App:扶苏 一、网传 90 亿理财暴雷 近期,美股上市企业泛华控股(已更名为"智能未来",AIFU.O,"公司") 旗下理财产品暴雷事件正在发酵。 (来源:抖音) 有多名用户通过社交媒体发布消息称,其购买的"泛华保险"理财产品无法如期 兑付。涉事产品名为"员工持股计划",投资期限为 2-3 年,约定年化收益率 为 7%-8%,据传涉及将近 90 亿元资金。 1 / 15 (来源:抖音) 风云君在 2019 发布过相关的解读稿提示风险,而最近时不时会在评论区收到受 害者的哭诉,所以特意回头写下这篇研报,让大家对这家公司能有更多关注。 2 / 15 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
GlobeNewswire Inc.· 2024-06-03 13:00
中国广州, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 中国领先的独立第三方智能化金融服务提供商,泛华控股集团(“公司”或“泛华”)(纳斯达克股票代码:FANH)今日宣布,与百度智能云签订战略合作协议,将共同打造具有专家服务能力的人工智能(“AI”)保险销售助理“度晓保”,推动保险行业的数智化转型,为保险代理人提供更智能、更便捷的保险销售体验。 根据合作协议,双方将汇聚力量共同打造、共同运营“专家级”AI保险销售助理“度晓保”。泛华将提供服务器、保险知识数据、产研团队、专家团队等资源,而百度将提供大模型会话、调优、金融模型中间件等技术支持,在语言处理、情感表达、逻辑推理等能力上对传统营销支持工具进行迭代升级,从而使保险代理人能够更好地应对市场变化和客户需求,提升销售效率和服务质量。 “度晓保”项目预计将于6月面向种子用户进行内测,7月正式上线1.0版本。该版本以智能对话为载体,为保险销售人员提供集保险知识问答、产品咨询、专业提升、营销推广及智能客户经营等多场景应用为一体的保险服务支持,旨在通过大模型等人工智能技术,为每位保险销售人员打造线上私人助理。 泛华创始人、副董事长兼首席执行官胡 ...