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新安股份(600596) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-27 16:00
2023 年第三季度报告 单位:元 币种:人民币 证券代码:600596 证券简称:新安股份 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 7 / 11 | 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整, 不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务 信息的真实、准确、完整。 一、 主要财务数据 本报告期 1 / 11 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------|----------------|-------|------- ...
新安股份(600596) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-24 16:00
Financial Performance - Total operating revenue for the first half of 2023 was RMB 8,476,031,368.40, a decrease from RMB 13,343,287,932.62 in the same period last year[6] - Net cash flow from operating activities in the first half of 2023 was RMB 286,694,071.29, down from RMB 507,146,299.62 in the same period last year[11] - Net cash flow from investing activities in the first half of 2023 was RMB 835,878,753.71, a significant increase from RMB 174,521,875.51 in the same period last year[12] - Net cash flow from financing activities in the first half of 2023 was negative RMB 1,745,826,330.91, compared to positive RMB 227,069,908.29 in the same period last year[12] - Basic earnings per share for the reporting period (1-6 months) was 0.0992 yuan/share, a decrease of 95.13% compared to the same period last year[61] - Diluted earnings per share for the reporting period was 0.0992 yuan/share, a decrease of 95.13% compared to the same period last year[61] - Weighted average return on equity was 0.98%, a decrease of 22.37 percentage points compared to the same period last year[61] - Revenue decreased due to a decline in both sales prices and volumes of the company's main products[69] - Net profit attributable to parent company shareholders was RMB 2.333 billion, a decrease of RMB 1.136 billion compared to the previous period[174] - Total comprehensive income was RMB 2.429 billion, with RMB 2.367 billion attributable to parent company shareholders[174] - Basic earnings per share were RMB 2.0367, a significant decrease from RMB 0.0992 in the previous period[174] - Cash flow from operating activities was negative RMB 182.31 million, a sharp decline from RMB 2.1 billion in the same period last year[176] - Sales revenue from goods and services was RMB 7.535 billion, down from RMB 9.821 billion in the previous year[176] - Cash paid for employee compensation increased to RMB 779.22 million from RMB 667.44 million[176] - Cash outflow for purchasing goods and services rose to RMB 6.713 billion from RMB 6.366 billion[176] - Cash received from tax refunds slightly decreased to RMB 239.26 million from RMB 240.95 million[176] - Cash inflow from investment activities dropped to RMB 185.79 million from RMB 239.95 million[176] - Cash outflow for acquiring subsidiaries and other business units increased to RMB 180.41 million from RMB 95.99 million[176] - Investment activities cash outflow totaled 849,833,385.02 yuan, a decrease of 17.7% compared to the previous period[189] - Net cash flow from investment activities was -664,035,975.98 yuan, a 16.2% improvement from the previous period[189] - Cash inflow from financing activities reached 2,487,814,933.63 yuan, a 123.6% increase compared to the previous period[189] - Net cash flow from financing activities was 273,567,291.94 yuan, a significant improvement from -270,965,288.85 yuan in the previous period[189] - The company's total owner's equity at the end of the period was 6,682,033,643.01 yuan, a decrease of 552,370,811.44 yuan from the beginning of the period[193] - Comprehensive income for the period was 170,804,230.90 yuan, with 138,320,535.29 yuan attributable to the parent company[193] - The company distributed 859,309,905.00 yuan in profits to shareholders, a significant increase from the previous period[193] - The company's cash and cash equivalents balance at the end of the period was 2,814,292,148.63 yuan, a decrease of 559,072,443.73 yuan from the beginning of the period[189] - The company's total assets at the end of the period were 12,533,415,724.59 yuan, with owner's equity accounting for 53.3% of total assets[193] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets as of June 30, 2023, were RMB 8,784,713,452.04, a slight decrease from RMB 9,135,843,021.02 at the end of 2022[3] - Accounts receivable increased to RMB 1,767,556,973.70 as of June 30, 2023, from RMB 1,155,951,156.27 at the end of 2022[3] - Inventory decreased to RMB 2,142,988,760.73 as of June 30, 2023, from RMB 2,663,255,752.70 at the end of 2022[3] - The company's cash and cash equivalents balance at the end of June 2023 was RMB 1,935,240,156.97, down from RMB 2,559,799,048.74 at the beginning of the year[12] - Total liabilities increased to 8,115,226,070.62 from 6,711,867,882.64, reflecting a growth of 20.9%[134] - Total equity decreased to 11,981,044,913.15 from 12,533,415,724.59, a decline of 4.4%[134] - Retained earnings dropped to 8,340,782,324.41 from 9,086,466,580.81, a decrease of 8.2%[134] - Total assets increased to 20,096,270,983.77 from 19,245,283,607.23, a growth of 4.4%[134] - Long-term equity investments increased to RMB 5.1 billion, up from RMB 4.8 billion[171] - Fixed assets decreased slightly to RMB 1.06 billion from RMB 1.09 billion[171] - Short-term borrowings increased significantly to RMB 570.2 million from RMB 100.1 million[171] - Contract liabilities decreased to RMB 86.3 million from RMB 242.4 million[171] - Total liabilities decreased to RMB 4.04 billion from RMB 4.69 billion[172] - Total owner's equity increased to RMB 7.24 billion from RMB 6.88 billion[172] Research and Development - Research and development expenses for the first half of 2023 were RMB 286,521,020.24, a decrease from RMB 358,812,603.57 in the same period last year[6] Interest Income - Interest income for the first half of 2023 was RMB 49,220,597.71, a significant increase from RMB 16,162,988.26 in the same period last year[6] Environmental Compliance - The company's environmental protection measures include wastewater treatment, noise reduction, and solid waste disposal, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations[30][34] - The company's environmental compliance data shows emissions within regulatory limits, with key pollutants such as SO2, NOx, and particulate matter well below the permitted thresholds across various facilities[41] - The company's wastewater treatment facilities ensure that all wastewater is treated and discharged in compliance with standards[47] - The company's noise and solid waste treatment measures include using low-noise equipment and proper disposal of hazardous and general industrial waste[52] - The company has built various pollution control facilities for wastewater, waste gas, solid waste, and noise, ensuring compliance with environmental standards[129] - The company has implemented noise reduction measures, including the use of low-noise equipment and soundproofing for high-noise equipment[114] - The company has established independent rainwater and sewage pipelines to achieve rain and sewage diversion, with process and domestic sewage treated and discharged after meeting standards[116] - Solid waste, including distillation residues and chemical reagent bottles, is stored in dedicated warehouses and regularly transferred to qualified units for disposal[116] - The company has completed the 2022 annual greenhouse gas emission report for the power and chemical industries, which has been verified by a third party[120] - The company has entered into a deep cooperation with Zhejiang University in the field of carbon peak and carbon neutrality to explore technical routes for pollution reduction and carbon reduction[120] Subsidiaries and International Operations - The company has 71 subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements, reflecting a broad operational scope[22] - The company operates in multiple international markets, with subsidiaries in countries including Ghana, the US, Nigeria, Mali, Argentina, and Brazil, using local currencies as their functional currencies[42] - The company's subsidiary, New An Sunshine (Ghana) Agricultural Materials Co., Ltd., reported a net profit of 55.819 million yuan[87] - The company's subsidiary, Zhejiang Xinan Maite Organic Silicon Co., Ltd., reported a net profit of 35.6822 million yuan[87] - The company's subsidiary, Zhejiang Chuanhua Huayang Chemical Co., Ltd., reported a net profit of 41.2932 million yuan[87] - The company's subsidiary, Zhejiang Kaihua Synthetic Materials Co., Ltd., reported a net profit of 33.5259 million yuan[87] - The company's subsidiary, Zhenjiang Jiangnan Chemical Co., Ltd., reported a net loss of 125.3405 million yuan[87] Profit Distribution and Equity - The company did not propose any profit distribution or capital reserve conversion plan during the reporting period[25] - The company's total owner's equity at the beginning of the year was RMB 6,878,126,490.47, with a net increase of RMB 361,034,632.72 during the period, driven by comprehensive income and profit distribution adjustments[35] - Comprehensive income for the period amounted to RMB 1,217,725,275.84, contributing significantly to the increase in owner's equity[35] - Profit distribution to shareholders resulted in a reduction of RMB 859,309,905.00 in owner's equity[35] - The company's total owner's equity at the end of the period was 11,981,044,913.15 RMB, with a significant increase in comprehensive income totaling 2,429,598,832.61 RMB[14] - The company's retained earnings increased by 1,924,315,212.43 RMB during the period, contributing to the overall growth in owner's equity[14] - The company's capital reserve decreased by 327,002,536.79 RMB, while the comprehensive income increased by 34,129,439.92 RMB[14] - The company's minority interest increased by 77,301,506.98 RMB, reflecting growth in subsidiary performance[14] - The company's total assets at the beginning of the period were 9,835,132,625.14 RMB, with a significant increase in owner's equity during the period[14] - Owner's equity increased by RMB 14.4 million due to owner's investment in ordinary shares[164] - Profit distribution resulted in a decrease of RMB 409.2 million, with a total distribution of RMB 410.2 million[164] - Capital reserve transfer to capital increased by RMB 327.4 million[164] - Special reserve balance increased to RMB 17.6 million, with an extraction of RMB 31.5 million and usage of RMB 15.9 million[164] Industrial and Market Position - The company has a complete industrial chain from upstream silicon mining and industrial silicon smelting to organic silicon monomer synthesis and deep processing, with products sold in over 130 countries and regions[67] - The company is a leading domestic producer of herbicide glyphosate and organic silicon monomers, with a strong brand presence in over 130 countries and regions[68] - The company has a global sales network covering over 100 countries with 3,500 registration projects, maintaining a leading position in the domestic industry[73] - The company has an annual glyphosate production capacity of 80,000 tons and sells nearly 100,000 tons of glyphosate equivalent annually[73] - The company's organic silicon monomer production capacity is 550,000 tons, leading the industry[79] - The company has formed a terminal product cluster of over 3,000 silicon-based new materials, with a terminal conversion rate exceeding 40%[79] Risk Management - The company faces risks from raw material price fluctuations and will strengthen supplier management and market analysis to reduce procurement costs[55] - The company is exposed to exchange rate risks due to its export trade in agricultural chemicals and organic silicon products, and is implementing measures to mitigate these risks[55] Corporate Governance - The company completed the election of its board of directors and supervisory committee on June 13, 2023, and appointed new senior management[56] - The company's top shareholder, Chuanhua Group Co., Ltd., holds 142,416,120 shares, representing 12.43% of the total shares[156] - Zhejiang Chuanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd., the second-largest shareholder, holds 116,480,000 shares, representing 10.17% of the total shares, all of which are restricted shares[156] - The company's top ten shareholders include Chuanhua Group Co., Ltd., Kaihua County State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd., and Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd., among others[158] - Zhejiang Chuanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. holds 11,648 restricted shares, which will become tradable on November 21, 2023, with a lock-up period of 36 months[160] - The company has fulfilled its commitments regarding share restrictions, resolution of competition, and related transactions, with no overdue guarantees[144] - The number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 121,901[141] - The top 10 shareholders with restricted shares are applicable, with specific quantities and restrictions not detailed in the provided content[143] Financial Statements and Accounting - The company's financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis and comply with Chinese Accounting Standards[198][200] - The company's construction in progress is recognized when it is probable that economic benefits will flow to the company and the costs can be reliably measured. The cost is measured based on the actual costs incurred before the asset reaches its intended usable state[149] - When the construction in progress reaches its intended usable state, it is transferred to fixed assets at the actual cost. If the final settlement has not been completed, it is first transferred at an estimated value and adjusted later without changing the previously calculated depreciation[149] - The company capitalizes borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction, or production of qualifying assets. Other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses in the current period[149] - The company's right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost, which includes the initial measurement amount of the lease liability, lease payments made before the lease commencement date, initial direct costs, and estimated costs for dismantling and restoring the leased asset[149] - The company uses the straight-line method to depreciate right-of-use assets. If it is reasonably certain that the company will obtain ownership of the asset at the end of the lease term, depreciation is calculated over the remaining useful life of the asset. Otherwise, it is calculated over the shorter of the lease term or the remaining useful life[149] Related Transactions and Guarantees - The company expects the total amount of daily related transactions with Transfar Group in 2023 to not exceed RMB 190 million, and with Fancheng Chemical to not exceed RMB 670 million[125] - The company provided a maximum of RMB 140 million in entrusted loans to Evonik Xinan (Zhenjiang) Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. at a 40% shareholding ratio[126] - The company's total guarantee amount (A+B) is 116,836.65, accounting for 10.78% of net assets[138] - The company's total guarantee amount during the reporting period (excluding guarantees for subsidiaries) was 0 million RMB[153] Emissions and Environmental Data - The company's wastewater discharge at Zhejiang Lide Organic Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. showed COD Cr concentration of 30mg/L and ammonia nitrogen concentration of 0.368mg/L[100] - Non-methane total hydrocarbon emissions at Zhejiang Lide Organic Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. were 2.50 mg/m³, with particulate matter at 1.2mg/m³[100] - Taixing Xing'an Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. reported COD Cr concentration of 100mg/L, ammonia nitrogen concentration of 20 mg/L, and total phosphorus concentration of 2.5 mg/L in wastewater discharge[100] - Xin'an Tianyu Organic Silicon Co., Ltd. recorded sulfur dioxide emissions of 4.5mg/m³, nitrogen oxides at 122 mg/m³, and particulate matter at 1.5 mg/m³[100] - Zhejiang Xin'an Chemical Group Co., Ltd. reported COD Cr concentration of 156.19mg/L and ammonia nitrogen concentration of 0.953 mg/L in wastewater discharge[109] - Non-methane total hydrocarbon emissions at Zhejiang Xin'an Chemical Group Co., Ltd. were 28.54 mg/m³, with particulate matter at 10.02 mg/m³[109] - Hangzhou Chongyao Technology Development Co., Ltd. reported COD Cr concentration of 99.85mg/L and ammonia nitrogen concentration of 0.43mg/L in wastewater discharge[109] - VOCs emissions at Hangzhou Chongyao Technology Development Co., Ltd. were 4.637mg/m³[109] Future Outlook - The company expects domestic demand to recover overall as a result of the accelerated implementation of domestic economic stabilization policies[111] Intangible Assets and Leases - The company's intangible assets include land use rights with an amortization period of 40-50 years and mining rights with the duration of the mining license[130] - The company recognizes the present value of unpaid lease payments as lease liabilities, with the difference between lease payments and their present value recognized as unconfirmed financing expenses[131]
新安股份(600596) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-04-27 16:00
2022 年年度报告 公司代码:600596 公司简称:新安股份 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 2022 年年度报告 1 / 265 2022 年年度报告 重要提示 一、 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证年度报告内容的真实性、准确性、 完整性,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 二、 公司全体董事出席董事会会议。 四、 公司负责人吴建华、主管会计工作负责人吴严明及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)杨万 清声明:保证年度报告中财务报告的真实、准确、完整。 三、 天健会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)为本公司出具了标准无保留意见的审计报告。 五、 董事会决议通过的本报告期利润分配预案或公积金转增股本预案 拟定2022年利润分配预案为:以总股本1,145,746,540股为基数,向全体股东每10股派发现 金红利7.50元(含税),公司2022年度不进行资本公积转增股本。 √适用 □不适用 六、 前瞻性陈述的风险声明 本报告中所涉及的未来计划、发展战略等前瞻性描述不构成公司对投资者的实质承诺,敬请 投资者注意投资风险。 七、 是否存在被控股股东及其他关联方非经营性占用资金情况 ...
新安股份(600596) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-27 16:00
2023 年第一季度报告 单位:元 币种:人民币 证券代码:600596 证券简称:新安股份 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈 述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------|------------------|-------------------------------------| | 项目 | 本报告期 | 本报告期比上年同期增 减变动幅度 (%) | | 营业收入 | 3,880,412,782.06 | ...
新安股份(600596) - 2022 Q3 - 季度财报
2022-10-30 16:00
2022 年第三季度报告 单位:元 币种:人民币 1 / 13 证券代码:600596 证券简称:新安股份 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 2022 年第三季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整, 不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务 信息的真实、准确、完整。 第三季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 本报告期比 年初至报告期 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------|------------------|---------------------------|-------------------|--------------------- ...
新安股份(600596) - 2022 Q2 - 季度财报
2022-08-29 16:00
2022 年半年度报告 公司代码:600596 公司简称:新安股份 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 2022 年半年度报告 1 / 202 2022 年半年度报告 重要提示 一、 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证半年度报告内容的真实性、准确性、 完整性,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 二、 公司全体董事出席董事会会议。 三、 本半年度报告未经审计。 四、 公司负责人吴建华、主管会计工作负责人吴严明及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)杨万清 声明:保证半年度报告中财务报告的真实、准确、完整。 五、 董事会决议通过的本报告期利润分配预案或公积金转增股本预案 无 六、 前瞻性陈述的风险声明 √适用 □不适用 本报告中所涉及的未来计划、发展战略等前瞻性描述不构成公司对投资者的实质承诺,敬请 投资者注意投资风险。 七、 是否存在被控股股东及其关联方非经营性占用资金情况 否 八、 是否存在违反规定决策程序对外提供担保的情况? 否 九、 是否存在半数以上董事无法保证公司所披露半年度报告的真实性、准确性和完整性 否 十、 重大风险提示 本报告中对公司未来的经营展望,是公司根据当 ...
新安股份(600596) - 2022 Q1 - 季度财报
2022-07-08 16:00
2022 年第一季度报告 单位:元 币种:人民币 证券代码:600596 证券简称:新安股份 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 2022 年第一季度报告(修订版) 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈 述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 重要内容提示 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务报表 信息的真实、准确、完整。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|------------------|-------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | 项目 | 本报告期 | 上年同期 \n调整前 | 调整 ...
新安股份(600596) - 2022 Q1 - 季度财报
2022-04-22 16:00
2022 年第一季度报告 单位:元 币种:人民币 证券代码:600596 证券简称:新安股份 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 2022 年第一季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈 述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 重要内容提示 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务报表 信息的真实、准确、完整。 第一季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|------------------|-------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------------------| | 项目 | 本报告期 | 上年同期 \n调整前 | 调整后 | 本 ...
新安股份(600596) - 新安股份关于机构投资者调研情况的公告
2022-03-24 09:32
证券代码: 600596 证券简称: 新安股份 公告编号:2022-015 号 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | 关于机构投资者调研情况的公告 | | 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 | | 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 | 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")于近日通过电话会议 交流形式接待了机构投资者调研,现将调研具体情况公告如下: 一、调研情况 调研时间:2022 年 3 月 22 日—3 月 24 日 调研方式:电话会议交流 调研机构名称(排名不分先后):中金公司、东北证券、招商证券、西部证 券、华安证券、申万宏源、博时基金、睿远基金、安信基金、南方基金、兴全基 金、中庚基金、宝盈基金、大成基金、嘉实基金、汇添富基金、汇丰晋信基金、 汇安基金、国海基金、国投瑞银基金、广发基金、华安基金、华宝基金、前海开 源基金、上投摩根基金、太平基金、万家基金、西部利得基 ...
新安股份(600596) - 2021 Q4 - 年度财报
2022-03-21 16:00
2021 年年度报告 公司代码:600596 公司简称:新安股份 浙江新安化工集团股份有限公司 2021 年年度报告 1 / 338 2021 年年度报告 重要提示 一、 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证年度报告内容的真实 性、准确性、完整性,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别 和连带的法律责任。 二、 公司全体董事出席董事会会议。 三、 天健会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)为本公司出具了标准无保留意见的审计报 告。 四、 公司负责人吴建华、主管会计工作负责人吴严明及会计机构负责人(会计主管 人员)杨万清声明:保证年度报告中财务报告的真实、准确、完整。 五、 董事会决议通过的本报告期利润分配预案或公积金转增股本预案 拟定2021年利润分配预案为:以总股本818,390,386股为基数,向全体股东每10 股派发现金红利5.00元(含税),以资本公积向全体股东每10股转增4股。 六、 前瞻性陈述的风险声明 √适用 □不适用 本报告中所涉及的未来计划、发展战略等前瞻性描述不构成公司对投资者的实 质承诺,敬请投资者注意投资风险。 七、 是否存在被控股股东及其关联方非经营性占用资金情况 否 ...