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广州农村商业银行携手东亚银行启动 跨境理财通2.0(南向通)业务
中国经济网· 2025-01-06 06:02
2025年1月6日,在粤港澳大湾区建设加速推进的背景下,广州农村商业银行股份有限公司(以下简 称"广州农村商业银行")即日起与东亚银行有限公司(以下简称"东亚银行")在大湾区内推出跨境理财 通2.0(南向通)业务(以下简称"跨境理财通业务")。这一举措标志着双方在金融服务领域迈出重要 一步,旨在为大湾区内的客户提供更为便捷和丰富的资产管理方案,同时进一步促进区域内资金流动与 经济融合。 跨境理财通业务允许大湾区内的投资者通过广州农村商业银行与东亚银行建立的闭环资金管道,购买东 亚银行提供的合资格投资产品,包含11种货币存款,超过260只合资格基金,包括主要投资于全球或区 域性股票及固定收益之"非复杂"基金产品。 广州农村商业银行前身是1952年成立的广州农村信用社,2009年12月改制为农商银行,2017年6月于香 港挂牌上市。广州农村商业银行拥有11家中心支行、7家分行,分支机构570家,辖下子公司30家,分布 于8省1市。 2023年末,全行资产规模突破人民币1.3万亿元。继续蝉联全球银行1000强、中国银行业100强,荣 获"乡村振兴突出贡献金融机构""卓越竞争力中小企业服务银行""年度财富管理奖"等奖 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-06 02:51
广州农村商业银行是东亚银行首家集团外的跨境理财通合作银行,与东亚银行共同开启跨境理财通业 务,不仅是两家金融机构合作的里程碑,更是两地金融市场互联互通的新起点。作为植根南粤大地的本 土金融服务机构,广州农村商业银行一直致力于服务地方经济和中小企业发展,在区域服务网络客户黏 度等方面的优势明显,结合东亚银行国际化财富管理经验,双方强强联合,将为大湾区客户带来更多元 的投资选择,为深化两地金融市场融合作出更大贡献。 东亚银行拥有庞大的服务网络,于全球设有约120个网点,覆盖中国香港、中国内地、中国澳门、中国 台湾、东南亚、英国和美国等地,为客户提供全面的企业银行、个人银行、财富管理及投资服务。 (CIS) 关于广州农村商业银行 广州农村商业银行前身是1952年成立的广州农村信用社,2009年12月改制为农商银行,2017年6月香港 挂牌上市。广州农村商业银行拥有11家中心支行、7家分行,分支机构570家,辖下子公司30家,分布于 8省1市。 2023年末,全行资产规模突破1.3万亿元人民币。继续蝉联全球银行1000强、中国银行业100强,荣 获"乡村振兴突出贡献金融机构"、"卓越竞争力中小企业服务银行"、"年度财 ...
东亚银行(00023) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-17 08:42
Interim Report 中期報告 Interim Report 2024 | --- | |-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | Celebrating 105 years of BEA | --- | --- | |-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 105 周 年 | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------|--------------------------| | | | | The Bank of East Asia, Limited | 東亞銀行有限公司 | | 10 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong | 香港中環德輔道中 10 號 | | Stock code | +852 3608 3608 | | 股份代號 | | Contents 目錄 | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------ ...
东亚银行(00023) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-22 04:00
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 The Bank of East Asia, Limited 東亞銀行有限公司 (1918 年在香港註冊成立之有限公司) (股份代號:23) 2024年度中期業績公告 中期業績 本行董事會欣然宣布本集團截至2024年6月30日止6個月未經審核的業績(附註1(a))。 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|-------|---------------|---------------| | 綜合收益表 | | 截至30/6/2024 | 截至30/6/2023 | | | | 止6個月 | 止6個月 | | | 附註 | 港幣百萬元 | 港幣百萬元 | | 利息收入 | 3 | 20,379 | 18,856 | | 按有效利率方法計算的利息收入 | | 18,930 | 17,563 | | 相關利息收入 | | 1,449 ...
东亚银行(00023) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-03-26 08:51
Financial Performance - Total consolidated assets reached HK$860.4 billion (US$110.1 billion) as of December 31, 2023[5] - Profit attributable to owners of the parent increased by 29.6% to HK$11,314 million in 2023 compared to HK$8,730 million in 2022[10] - Total assets decreased by 3.1% to HK$532,484 million in 2023 from HK$549,543 million in 2022[10] - Total customers' deposits and certificates of deposit issued decreased by 2.5% to HK$656,216 million in 2023 from HK$680,755 million in 2022[10] - Basic earnings per share remained stable at HK$1.32 in 2023, while dividends per share decreased by 33.3% to HK$0.54 from HK$0.81 in 2022[10] - The impaired loan ratio increased to 2.69% in 2023 from 2.39% in 2022[10] - The average liquidity coverage ratio for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 201.5%, up from 197.7% in the same period of 2022[10] - The Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio improved to 17.3% in 2023 from 15.8% in 2022[10] - Total equity in 2023 was HK$108,326 million, showing a slight increase from HK$106,346 million in 2022[13] - Total deposits in 2023 decreased to HK$656,216 million from HK$680,755 million in 2022[13] - Loans and advances to customers in 2023 were HK$532,111 million, down from HK$549,014 million in 2022[13] - Total assets in 2023 were HK$860,361 million, a decrease from HK$882,825 million in 2022[13] - Profit attributable to owners of the parent in 2023 was HK$4,118 million, a 5.5% decline year-on-year[17] - The Bank generated a pre-provision operating profit of HK$11,314 million in 2023, a 29.6% increase from 2022[17] - BEA's profit attributable to owners of the parent for 2023 was HK$4,118 million, with basic earnings per share unchanged at HK$1.32[40] - Net interest income increased by HK$3,366 million (24.9%) to HK$16,874 million, with net interest margin widening by 49 basis points to 2.14%[41] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the group was HK$4.118 billion, with basic earnings per share remaining flat at HK$1.32[42] - Net interest income increased by 24.9% to HK$16.874 billion, with net interest margin expanding by 49 basis points to 2.14%[42] - Net fee and commission income decreased by 4.1% to HK$2.64 billion, while non-interest income fell by 12.9% to HK$3.872 billion[43][47] - Total operating income increased by 15.5% to HK$20.746 billion, with operating expenses rising by 2.2% to HK$9.432 billion[48][49] - Impairment losses on financial instruments decreased by 7.4% to HK$5.483 billion, with the impaired loan ratio rising to 2.69% at the end of 2023[49] - Gross advances to customers decreased by 3.1% to HK$532.111 billion, while total deposits from customers fell by 3.0% to HK$628.598 billion[51] - The loan-to-deposit ratio stood at 81.1% at the end of December 2023, compared to 80.6% at the end of 2022[51][54] - The Group repurchased 35,940,800 shares for a total consideration of HK$366 million and announced a new budget of HK$500 million for the continuation of the share buyback program[52][54] - Total capital ratio, tier 1 capital ratio, and common equity tier 1 capital ratio remained solid at 22.0%, 19.4%, and 17.3%, respectively[53] - The estimated average liquidity coverage ratio for the period ended 31st December 2023 was 201.5%, well above the statutory minimum of 100%[53] - The Bank of East Asia's Hong Kong operations saw a 9.9% increase in profit before tax to HK$3,463 million in 2023[65] - Net interest income rose by 41.1%, contributing to a 38.9% increase in pre-provision operating profit[65] - The net interest margin (NIM) expanded by 62 basis points due to higher interbank interest rates[65] - Fee income was impacted by reduced customer investment activity but offset by higher income from private banking product sales and bancassurance[65] - Hong Kong operations' pre-tax profit increased by 9.9% to HK$3.463 billion, driven by a 41.1% rise in net interest income and a 62 basis point expansion in net interest margin[68] - Retail banking net profit surged 44.6% year-on-year, with net interest income up 41.1% and retail deposits growing 4.5%[70] - Annualized new premiums from bancassurance rose 80.9%, partially offsetting a 4.1% decline in net fee and commission income[71] - Retail cross-border customer base grew 37% year-on-year and 75% from pre-pandemic levels, driven by initiatives targeting the Greater Bay Area[71] - Hong Kong operations' impairment losses reached HK$3.949 billion due to additional provisions for Mainland property developers' liquidity issues[70] - Operating expenses grew only 2.1% despite technology investments, as digital transformation initiatives improved efficiency[70] - Wholesale banking operating income increased 1.4% year-on-year, with non-interest income up 2.9% driven by syndicated loan fees[75] - Customer loan balance in Hong Kong declined slightly due to proactive de-risking measures, while deposits were closely managed to optimize funding costs[70] - Mortgage lending and credit card spending drove a 3.7% increase in retail customer loan balance[70] - BEA's green lending in the wholesale banking portfolio increased from 9.5% to 12.2% in 2023[78] - Private Banking non-interest income increased by 14.5% year-on-year, with overall operating income rising by 6.5%[78] - The number of Private Banking relationship managers increased by 11.5% compared to December 2022, driving double-digit growth in new client intake[78] - BEA China's pre-provision operating profit grew by 13.3% to HK$1,742 million, with impairment losses on financial instruments falling by 20.6% to HK$1,657 million[80] - BEA China's net interest income rose by 2% to HK$4,072 million, with NIM expanding by 22 basis points to 2.07%[81] - Non-interest income from the affluent segment increased by 26.02%, driven by a 19% rise in bancassurance income and a 69.53% increase in treasury sales[89] - BEA China's wholesale banking operating income rose by 4.9%, with non-interest income growing by 17.7%[88] - BEA China's personal banking operating income grew by 9% year-on-year, primarily driven by a 25.8% increase in internet lending and auto finance portfolio[89] - BEA China's controllable operating expenses fell by 3.3% on a constant currency basis, excluding platform fees and one-off write-backs[89] - BEA China's GSF portfolio accounted for 15.1% of the total wholesale banking segment at year-end[88] - Overseas, Macau, and Taiwan operations' pre-provision operating profit (PPOP) increased by 25.6% year-on-year to HK$2,076 million due to widened NIM[91] - Net profit after tax surged by 50.5% to HK$1,588 million, driven by ECL write-backs and model changes[92] - Cost-to-income ratio improved to 26.9% from 29.9% in 2022, supported by strong revenue growth[92][93][97] - Non-real estate-related loans accounted for 78% of the wholesale banking loan portfolio, up from 73% in the previous year[95] - Wholesale banking operating income grew by 4.9% year-on-year, with non-interest income increasing by 17.7%[95] - Personal banking operating income rose by 9% year-on-year, driven by a 25.8% growth in internet and auto financing portfolios[95] - High-net-worth client non-interest income increased by 26.02%, with wealth product sales up by 69.53%[95] - Assets under management and advisory stood at US$7 billion as of December 31, 2023[102] - Managed and advisory assets reached $7 billion as of December 31, 2023[106] Business Operations and Strategy - The Bank operates one of the largest retail networks in Hong Kong and has outlets in 38 cities across Mainland China[6][7] - The Bank employs over 8,000 employees worldwide and maintains around 130 outlets globally[7] - BEA launched a new regional headquarters in the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone to enhance GBA services[22] - The Bank refreshed its brand in December 2023, focusing on a more dynamic and customer-centric approach[24] - BEA aims to achieve net zero emissions in its operations by 2030 and in its financed activities by 2050[24] - The Bank has been recognized as one of the top performers in the GBA sustainability index[24] - BEA opened its landmark BEA Tower in Qianhai on January 12, 2024, as a strategic hub for the Greater Bay Area[26] - The bank aims to achieve operational net-zero emissions by 2030 and business activity net-zero emissions by 2050, becoming the first Chinese bank to join the Net-Zero Banking Alliance[27] - BEA upgraded its mobile platform in 2023, offering a streamlined, personalized view of daily banking and investment holdings, with new features to be rolled out in 2024[32] - The bank plans to strengthen wealth management services and cross-boundary services following the opening of BEA Tower in Qianhai[34] - BEA's core profits improved due to a widened net interest margin and efforts to develop new revenue streams and enhance operational efficiency[38] - The bank's return on average assets remained stable at 0.4%, while return on average equity decreased by 0.1 percentage point to 3.6%[40] - BEA's transformation journey focuses on becoming a high-efficiency, high-asset-utilization, and digitally-led bank[26] - The bank's Guangzhou service center has significantly reduced processing times for multiple services and improved service quality and cost efficiency[26] - The bank upgraded its mobile banking and investment trading infrastructure in 2023, enhancing functionality and user experience[70] - BEA Union Investment joined Climate Action 100+ and launched the BU Asia Impact Bond Fund in June 2023[103] - Joined "Climate Action 100+" as a participating investor, aligning with global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions[107] - Launched the East Asia Positive Impact Bond Fund in June 2023 to focus on sustainable investments[107] - Expanded recruitment strategy to Mainland China, focusing on digital and specialist business expertise[112] - Introduced a new Group Management Trainee Programme in July 2023 to develop future leaders across Hong Kong, Mainland China, and overseas[113] - Centralized and streamlined operations in 2023 using new technology and data science, improving staff satisfaction and productivity[113] - Employee pulse survey showed a 98% response rate, with most employees feeling proud to work for the company and positive about its transformation journey[113] - Held a bank-wide sports carnival in January 2024 to celebrate the company's 105th anniversary, attracting over 4,000 employees and their families[114] - The Group has formulated a five-year strategic plan to set strategic goals and objectives, evaluating strategic positions according to the changing external environment[151] - The Group has expanded green and sustainable lending to support customers' transition to a low-carbon economy, aligning with its Sustainability Vision and Mission Statements[166] Risk Management and Compliance - The Group is committed to maintaining operational resilience to ensure critical operations continue through disruptions such as pandemics, cyber incidents, technology failures, and natural disasters[122] - The Group is strengthening cybersecurity capabilities, including identification, prevention, detection, and response, to protect critical information assets and systems from external malicious attacks[129] - The Group has established a robust risk governance and management framework to ensure effective oversight and accountability for risk management[133] - The Group manages risk on a Group-wide basis within an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework, optimizing the balance between risk and return[134] - The Group's ERM framework promotes risk awareness and facilitates better operational and strategic decision-making, ensuring operations align with stakeholders' risk tolerance[136] - The Board of Directors has ultimate responsibility for risk management, approving risk appetite, policies, procedures, and limits[136] - The Group has adopted the "Three Lines of Defence" risk management structure to clearly define roles and responsibilities for risk management[142] - The Group faces a variety of principal risks that could affect its franchise, operations, and financial health, with specific management strategies in place[144] - The Group is committed to managing and mitigating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks, including climate risk, in alignment with its Sustainability Vision and Mission Statements[133] - The Group ensures compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and promotes a sound corporate culture to incentivize proper staff behavior[127] - The Group has established control limits, delegated lending authorities, and underwriting criteria to manage Credit Risk, with internal rating structures and recovery procedures in place[145] - The Group conducts cash-flow analysis to monitor funding needs and has a contingency funding plan to address Liquidity Risk[145] - The Group has implemented a three-line defense risk management framework, with the first line being risk owners, the second line being risk monitors, and the third line being the audit department[146][147] - The Group has developed an Operational Resilience Framework to manage critical operations, tolerance for disruption, and severe but plausible scenarios[157] - The Group has allocated additional resources for the management of special assets and credit monitoring to proactively identify and mitigate risks in the loan book[156] - The Group has strengthened cybersecurity awareness through comprehensive training programs and implemented control measures to mitigate Technology Risk[152][158] - The Group has enhanced anti-fraud controls by collaborating with stakeholders and participating in initiatives like the Anti-Deception Alliance[165] - The Group has established comprehensive policies and guidelines to manage Legal and Compliance Risks, with a risk-based approach to complement compliance risk management[152][158] - The Group has systematically identified, assessed, monitored, and mitigated Reputation Risk through specific procedures and guidelines for timely communication with stakeholders[150][158] - The Group continues to enhance data backup arrangements and perform regular testing to address the risk of destructive cyberattacks, as proposed by the HKMA and HKAB[166] - The Group is closely monitoring its portfolios and managing risk exposure, including enhanced credit control on loan exposures and stress testing on capital adequacy and loan-loss allowances[167] - The Group is reducing credit exposure to the Mainland property sector and closely monitoring commercial real estate exposure in Hong Kong, the US, and the UK[167] - The Bank is assessing market trends, managing exposures, and performing hedging scenario analysis and stress-testing to mitigate market and interest rate risks[170] - The Bank is enhancing cybersecurity measures, including engaging external consultants, performing iCAST testing, and improving staff training and incident response management[171] - The Bank is closely monitoring the development of relevant sanction regimes to mitigate compliance risk exposure[170] - The company has implemented multiple measures to enhance cybersecurity, including hiring external consultants, conducting risk-based cyber defense assessments, and improving employee training programs[173] - The company has refined its Green and Sustainable Finance (GSF) framework to manage risks in "brown sectors" and support customers' transition to a low-carbon economy[177] - A second round of climate risk stress testing has been conducted to assess the company's exposure to climate-related risks[177] - The company has introduced quantitative and qualitative risk appetite statements to monitor ESG and climate risk performance[177] - A climate risk heat map framework has been developed to assess and monitor physical and transition risks in vulnerable industries[177] - ESG and climate risk considerations have been integrated into the internal Pillar 2 capital requirement calculations[177] - The company has strengthened its compliance framework, including anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) measures[178] - The company is prepared to meet evolving regulatory demands, including those related to digital environments, customer protection, and personal data protection[178] - The company has established a comprehensive compliance risk management framework, supported by risk and compliance functions across business units[181] - The company regularly reports significant compliance issues, including AML and CFT, to the Risk Committee and Board of Directors[181] Leadership and Governance - Sir David Li Kwok-po stepped down as Chief Executive and was re-designated as Executive Chairman on 1st July, 2019[184] - Sir David Li Kwok-po is the Chairman of BEA China and The Bank of East Asia Charitable Foundation Limited[184] - Professor Arthur Li Kwok-cheung is the Deputy Chairman, Non-executive Director, and a member of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee[188] - Professor Arthur Li Kwok-cheung has been a Member of the Executive Council of the HKSAR from 2002 to June 2007 and from July 2012 to present[189] - Dr. Allan Wong Chi-yun is the Deputy Chairman, Independent Non-executive Director, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, and a member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee, and the Risk Committee[191] - Dr. Allan Wong Chi-yun is the Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer of VTech Holdings Limited (listed in Hong Kong)[192] - Dr. Allan Wong Chi-yun holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Hong Kong and a Master of Science degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Wisconsin[192] - Mr. Aubrey LI Kwok-sing holds an ScB in Civil Engineering from Brown University and an MBA from Columbia University, with extensive experience in investment banking, merchant banking, and capital markets[197] - Mr. Aubrey LI Kwok-sing serves as an Independent Non-executive Director for Café de Coral Holdings Limited, Kowloon Development Co. Ltd,
东亚银行(00023) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-02-21 04:01
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表 示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 The Bank of East Asia, Limited 東亞銀行有限公司 (1918年在香港註冊成立之有限公司) (股份代號:23) 2023年度業績公告 業績摘要 本行董事會欣然宣布本集團截至2023年12月31日止年度已審核的業績(附註1(a))。此財務報告已由本行之審核 委員會作出審閱,與列載於2023年度的財務報告所採納的會計政策及方法一致。 綜合收益表 截至2023年12月31日止年度 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------|-------|-----------------|--------------| | | | 2023 | 2022 | | | 附註 | 港幣百萬元 | 港幣百萬元 | | | | | | | 利息收入 | 4 | 39,685 | 24,8 ...
东亚银行(00023) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-21 08:47
姿 BEA東亞銀行 Stock Code 股份代誌 : 23) (Stock Code 股份代號 : 23) Interim Report 2023中期報告 Contents 目錄 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------------|-------|--------------------------------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | Financial Highlights | 1 | 財務摘要 | 99 | | Corporate Information | 2 | 公司資料 | 100 | | Interim Results | 3 | 中期業績 | 101 | | Consolidated Income Statement | 3 | 綜合收益表 | 101 | | Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income | 5 | 綜合全面收益表 | 103 | | Consolidated S ...
东亚银行(00023) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-24 04:07
Financial Performance - Net interest income increased to HKD 8,045 million from HKD 5,830 million, a growth of 38%[1] - Service fee and commission income rose to HKD 1,807 million, up 3.2% from HKD 1,751 million[1] - Trading profit net increased to HKD 645 million, a 46.3% rise from HKD 441 million[1] - Total operating income grew to HKD 10,276 million, up 26.6% from HKD 8,118 million[1] - Profit before tax surged to HKD 3,323 million, an 84.4% increase from HKD 1,802 million[1] - Net profit for the period rose to HKD 2,638 million, a 74.7% increase from HKD 1,510 million[1] - Basic earnings per share increased to HKD 0.87 from HKD 0.39, a 123% rise[1] - Net profit attributable to shareholders for the first half of 2023 was HKD 2.337 billion, compared to HKD 1.090 billion in the same period last year, representing a significant increase[8] - Basic earnings per share for the first half of 2023 were HKD 0.87, calculated based on a weighted average of 2.677 billion shares, compared to HKD 0.39 in the same period last year[8] - Net profit attributable to shareholders increased by 75.8% to HKD 2.636 billion in the first half of 2023, compared to HKD 1.499 billion in the same period last year[150] - Net interest income rose by 38.0% to HKD 8.045 billion, driven by higher interest rates and a widened net interest margin from 1.42% to 2.03%[150] - Total operating income increased by 26.6% to HKD 10.276 billion, with a cost-to-income ratio improving by 9.6 percentage points to 44.7%[152] - Hong Kong business pre-tax profit surged by 177.2% in H1 2023, driven by a 68.4% increase in net interest income and a 76 basis points expansion in net interest margin[158] - Retail banking net interest income rose by 117.1%, with retail deposits increasing by 5.2% and customer loans growing by 2.0% compared to December 2022[161] - Wholesale banking saw a 5.8% rise in pre-provision operating profit, with net interest income growing by 2.0% and non-interest income increasing by 15.7%[162] - East China's net profit increased from HKD 2 million to HKD 136 million year-on-year, driven by economic recovery and policy support[165] - Net interest income in East China rose by 5.6% year-on-year to HKD 2.057 billion, with net interest margin increasing by 28 basis points to 2.07%[165] - Non-interest income in East China grew by 18.5% year-on-year to HKD 590 million, driven by wholesale and personal banking[165] - Overseas business saw a 48.2% year-on-year increase in pre-provision operating profit to HKD 1.036 billion, despite economic challenges[168] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets decreased to HKD 872,069 million from HKD 882,825 million, a 1.2% decline[3] - Customer loans and advances decreased to HKD 526,235 million from HKD 542,394 million, a 3% drop[3] - Total liabilities decreased to HKD 764,750 million from HKD 776,479 million, a 1.5% decline[3] - Total equity as of June 30, 2023, was HKD 107,319 million, compared to HKD 106,346 million at the beginning of the year[4] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased by HKD 11,545 million to HKD 98,866 million as of June 30, 2023[6] - Total assets for the Hong Kong business stood at HKD 548,422 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - Total liabilities for the Hong Kong business amounted to HKD 484,930 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - The company's total assets across all segments reached HKD 872,069 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - Total liabilities across all segments were HKD 764,750 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - Total assets amounted to HKD 882.825 billion, with cash and bank balances at HKD 54.579 billion[69] - Customer loans and advances totaled HKD 542.394 billion, with HKD 202.555 billion due in over 1 to 5 years[69] - Investment securities stood at HKD 147.007 billion, with HKD 64.709 billion due in over 1 to 5 years[69] - Total liabilities were HKD 776.479 billion, with customer deposits at HKD 648.093 billion[69] - Total assets decreased slightly by 1.2% to HKD 872.069 billion, while customer loans decreased by 3.2% to HKD 531.617 billion[153] - Customer deposits decreased by 3.5% to HKD 625.722 billion, with current and savings accounts declining by 19.0% and 10.5%, respectively[153] Loans and Advances - Customer loans and advances decreased to HKD 526,235 million from HKD 542,394 million, a 3% drop[3] - Total customer loans and advances decreased to HKD 531,617 million as of 30/6/2023 from HKD 549,014 million as of 31/12/2022, with a reduction in impairment allowances from HKD 6,620 million to HKD 5,382 million[35] - Loans used in Hong Kong totaled HKD 259,109 million as of 30/6/2023, with 78.41% being secured, compared to HKD 261,051 million and 78.07% secured as of 31/12/2022[37] - Loans used in mainland China decreased to HKD 157,955 million as of 30/6/2023 from HKD 173,525 million as of 31/12/2022, with secured loans dropping from 24.37% to 23.08%[39] - Loans used outside Hong Kong and mainland China totaled HKD 109,446 million as of 30/6/2023, with 51.34% being secured, compared to HKD 109,328 million and 53.16% secured as of 31/12/2022[40] - Property development loans in Hong Kong decreased to HKD 34,436 million as of 30/6/2023 from HKD 36,872 million as of 31/12/2022, with secured loans dropping from 59.19% to 57.57%[37] - Property investment loans in Hong Kong remained stable at HKD 51,411 million as of 30/6/2023 compared to HKD 52,366 million as of 31/12/2022, with secured loans slightly decreasing from 92.57% to 91.75%[37] - Financial enterprise loans in Hong Kong decreased to HKD 14,402 million as of 30/6/2023 from HKD 14,892 million as of 31/12/2022, with secured loans dropping from 67.56% to 62.49%[37] - Impaired loans in property development decreased to HKD 6,494 million from HKD 8,114 million, with special provisions at HKD 1,653 million and overall provisions at HKD 300 million[41] - Impaired loans in property investment increased to HKD 5,214 million from HKD 3,325 million, with special provisions at HKD 1,193 million and overall provisions at HKD 103 million[41] - Total customer advances in Hong Kong amounted to HKD 263,013 million, with impaired advances at HKD 3,863 million and special provisions at HKD 1,173 million[44] - Total customer advances in Mainland China amounted to HKD 175,262 million, with impaired advances at HKD 9,260 million and special provisions at HKD 2,509 million[44] - Total investment securities measured at amortized cost amounted to HKD 13,963 million, with impairment provisions of HKD 556 million[46] - Investment securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income totaled HKD 141,062 million[46] - The fair value of equity securities designated at fair value through other comprehensive income was HKD 892 million, with dividend income of HKD 17 million[48] - The company's investment in AFFIN Bank Berhad had a recoverable amount of HKD 3,602 million, with no additional impairment loss recognized[49] - The discount rate sensitivity analysis shows that a decrease of 50 basis points increases the value by HKD 240 million to HKD 3,842 million, while an increase of 50 basis points decreases the value by HKD 215 million to HKD 3,387 million[51] - A 10% increase in projected cash flow increases the value by HKD 360 million to HKD 3,962 million, while a 10% decrease reduces the value by HKD 360 million to HKD 3,242 million[51] - The long-term growth rate sensitivity analysis indicates that a 50 basis points increase raises the value by HKD 28 million to HKD 3,630 million, while a 50 basis points decrease lowers the value by HKD 26 million to HKD 3,576 million[51] - The total fixed assets as of June 30, 2023, amounted to HKD 20,990 million, with investment properties at HKD 5,144 million and leasehold improvements at HKD 7,875 million[52] - The net book value of fixed assets as of June 30, 2023, was HKD 13,320 million, with investment properties contributing HKD 5,144 million and leasehold improvements contributing HKD 5,587 million[52] - The company recorded a revaluation loss of HKD 22 million on investment properties during the first half of 2023[52] - The total fixed assets as of December 31, 2022, were HKD 21,037 million, with investment properties at HKD 5,166 million and leasehold improvements at HKD 8,064 million[53] - The net book value of fixed assets as of December 31, 2022, was HKD 13,476 million, with investment properties contributing HKD 5,166 million and leasehold improvements contributing HKD 5,775 million[53] - The company recorded a revaluation loss of HKD 179 million on investment properties during 2022[53] - The total depreciation and impairment charges for fixed assets as of June 30, 2023, amounted to HKD 7,670 million[52] - Accrued interest increased to HKD 3,683 million as of 30/6/2023, up from HKD 3,537 million at 31/12/2022[54] - Acceptances and other liabilities rose to HKD 29,259 million as of 30/6/2023, compared to HKD 27,796 million at 31/12/2022[54] - Other items under other assets increased to HKD 10,405 million as of 30/6/2023, up from HKD 8,094 million at 31/12/2022[54] - Total book value of financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss decreased to HKD 22,983 million as of 30/6/2023, down from HKD 24,357 million at 31/12/2022[55] - Accrued interest payable increased to HKD 5,421 million as of 30/6/2023, up from HKD 4,155 million at 31/12/2022[59] - Contract liabilities under HKFRS 15 amounted to HKD 2,321 million as of 30/6/2023, down from HKD 2,476 million at 31/12/2022[59] - Total borrowing capital increased to HKD 15,753 million as of 30/6/2023, up from HKD 11,927 million at 31/12/2022[60] - The fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss was HKD 294 million lower than the contractual amount at maturity as of 30/6/2023, compared to HKD 428 million lower at 31/12/2022[58] - The company issued USD 500 million subordinated notes with a 6.75% interest rate on 15/3/2023, maturing on 15/3/2027[62] - The company's Hong Kong operations are divided into five reportable segments: Personal Banking, Wholesale Banking, Treasury Markets, Wealth Management, and Other Businesses[64] - Hong Kong business reported a net interest income of HKD 4,614 million and non-interest income of HKD 1,554 million for the first half of 2023[66] - Mainland business contributed HKD 2,648 million in operating income and HKD 976 million in operating profit before impairment losses for the first half of 2023[66] - International business recorded HKD 1,406 million in operating income and HKD 1,013 million in operating profit before impairment losses for the first half of 2023[66] - Total assets for the Hong Kong business stood at HKD 548,422 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - Total liabilities for the Hong Kong business amounted to HKD 484,930 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - The company's total assets across all segments reached HKD 872,069 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - Total liabilities across all segments were HKD 764,750 million as of June 30, 2023[66] - The company reported a total operating income of HKD 10,276 million for the first half of 2023[66] - Total operating expenses for the first half of 2023 were HKD 4,588 million[66] - The company's profit before tax for the first half of 2023 was HKD 3,323 million[66] - Net interest income for Personal Banking reached HKD 1,221 million, while non-interest income was HKD 676 million[67] - Wholesale Banking reported net interest income of HKD 1,393 million and non-interest income of HKD 327 million[67] - Total operating income for the Hong Kong business was HKD 4,485 million, with operating expenses of HKD 2,537 million[67] - The Mainland business recorded a net interest income of HKD 1,948 million and non-interest income of HKD 498 million[67] - Total assets for the Hong Kong business amounted to HKD 549,134 million, with total liabilities of HKD 487,111 million[67] - Customer loans and advances totaled HKD 526,235 million, with HKD 188,653 million due in more than 1 year to 5 years[68] - Investment securities amounted to HKD 157,887 million, with HKD 61,561 million due in more than 1 year to 5 years[68] - Total customer deposits reached HKD 625,722 million, with HKD 442,517 million in fixed and notice deposits[68] - The company's total assets stood at HKD 872,069 million, while total liabilities were HKD 764,750 million[68] - The net gap between assets and liabilities was HKD 211,487 million for the period of more than 1 year to 5 years[68] - Total assets amounted to HKD 882.825 billion, with cash and bank balances at HKD 54.579 billion[69] - Customer loans and advances totaled HKD 542.394 billion, with HKD 202.555 billion due in over 1 to 5 years[69] - Investment securities stood at HKD 147.007 billion, with HKD 64.709 billion due in over 1 to 5 years[69] - Total liabilities were HKD 776.479 billion, with customer deposits at HKD 648.093 billion[69] - Deferred tax assets decreased to HKD 1.390 billion as of June 30, 2023, from HKD 1.623 billion at the end of 2022[70][71] - Retained earnings increased to HKD 34.982 billion as of June 30, 2023, compared to HKD 33.365 billion at the end of 2022[72] - Regulatory reserves restricted the company's distributable reserves to HKD 2.071 billion as of June 30, 2023, up from HKD 1.742 billion at the end of 2022[73] - Additional Tier 1 capital instruments remained stable at HKD 10.090 billion as of June 30, 2023[74] - Issued USD 650 million (equivalent to HKD 5.021 billion after deducting issuance costs) of Additional Tier 1 Capital Instruments with a 5.825% annual interest rate until the first call date on October 21, 2025[75] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased to HKD 98.866 billion as of June 30, 2023, compared to HKD 120.146 billion as of June 30, 2022[77] - Cash and balances at banks with original maturities of 3 months or less decreased to HKD 33.974 billion as of June 30, 2023, from HKD 44.365 billion as of June 30, 2022[77] - Deposits and loans at banks with original maturities of 3 months or less decreased to HKD 57.940 billion as of June 30, 2023, from HKD 65.084 billion as of June 30, 2022[77] - Treasury bills with original maturities of 3 months or less decreased to HKD 4.930 billion as of June 30, 2023, from HKD 10.088 billion as of June
东亚银行(00023) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-03-28 09:19
� BEA東亞銀行 (Stock Code 股份代號:23) Annual Report 2022 年報 Welcome to The Bank of East Asia, Limited's website 歡迎瀏覽東亞銀行有限公司網站 We continue to strengthen our franchise through focusing on customers, pushing ahead with digitalisation and pursuing ESG goals. These strategic priorities will enable us to uplift business performance and enhance shareholder returns. 我們一直以客為先,並積極推動 數碼化和落實ESG目標。透過這 些策略重點,我們致力不斷提升 業務表現和股東回報。 | --- | --- | |-------|------------------------------------------| | | | | | CONTENTS | | 目錄 | | | 0 ...
东亚银行(00023) - 2022 - 中期财报
2022-09-16 08:33
� BEA東亞銀行 (Stock Code 股份代號 : 23) Interim Report 2022中期報告 Contents 目錄 | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------------|-------|--------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | Financial Highlights | 1 | 財務摘要 | | Corporate Information | 2 | 公司資料 | | Interim Results | 3 | 中期業績 | | | | | | Consolidated Income Statement Consolidated Statement of | 3 5 | 綜合收益表 綜合全面收益表 | | Comprehensive Income Consolidated Statement of Financial | 6 | 綜合財務狀況表 | | Position Consolidated Stateme ...