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交银国际证券· 2024-05-23 06:02
交银国际研究 公司更新 互联网 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 2024年5月22日 港元25.60 港元30.00↑ +17.2% 金山软件 (3888 HK) 《尘白禁区》将带动 2 季度游戏收入增长;上调评级至买入  1季度游戏投放收缩,收入逊预期但利润好于预期:2024年1季度总收入 个股评级 21.4亿元(人民币,下同),同比增8%,较我们预期低4%。游戏/WPS收 买入↑ 入分别同比-1%/+17%至9.1亿元/12.3亿元,游戏收入环比下降11%主要因 减少老游戏的运营活动。WPS收入增长主要受到订阅收入增长所推动。调 整后运营利润同比增27%至6.78亿元,较我们预期高8%,主要因游戏销 1年股价表现 售开支收缩。 3888 HK 恒生指数  1 季度业绩要点:游戏业务同比稳定,其中《剑网3》表现稳健,《尘白 20% 禁区》热度及流水环比提升。WPS 1季度收入增长主要受到个人订阅和机 10% 0% 构订阅的增长所推动,分别同比增25%/14%,内地机构授权业务从下跌恢 -10% 复至6%同比增长,广告因业务收缩同比下降18%。 -20%  展望:《剑网3无界》手游有望在2024年6月上线,将 ...
东吴证券· 2024-05-23 05:32
证券研究报告·海外公司点评·软件服务(HS) 金山软件(03888.HK) 2024Q1 业绩报点评:《尘白禁区》驱动游戏 2024年 05月 23日 指引上修,积极关注 AI 商业化进展 证券分析师 张良卫 买入(维持) 执业证书:S0600516070001 021-60199793 [ 盈Ta 利bl 预e_ 测EP 与S] 估 值 2022A 2023A 2024E 2025E 2026E 证券分析师 周良玖 营业总收入(百万元) 7660 8547 9849 11412 13151 执业证书:S0600517110002 同比(%) 19.86 11.74 15.41 15.87 15.23 021-60199793 归母净利润(百万元) (6,048.19) 483.46 1,147.92 1,299.85 1,592.60 同比(%) - - 137.44 13.23 22.52 研究助理 陈欣 EPS-最新摊薄(元/股) (4.52) 0.36 0.86 0.97 1.19 执业证书:S0600122070012 P ...
嘉宾: Mr. Tao ZOU, Executive Director and CEO of Kingsoft Ms. Yi LI, Acting CFO of Kingsoft 注:以下内容来自公司公告及公司公开业绩交流会,不代表我们观点 -财务&运营数据梳理 1. 2024Q1金山软件实现营业收入21.37亿元(yoy+8.45%,qoq-7.50%) 2. 2024Q1公司归母净利润为2.85亿元(yoy+47.95%,qoq+38.52%)。 3. 2024Q1公司扣除股份酬金成本前归母净利润为3.29亿元,上年同期为2.36亿元, 2023Q4为2.57亿元。 4. 截至2024Q1,公司办公软件主要产品月活跃设备数为6.02亿,同比增长2.21%,环比增 长0.67%; 收入结构 1. 2024Q1金山软件实现营业收入为21.37亿元(yoy+8.45%,qoq-7.50%); 2. 2024Q1网络游戏及其他收入为9.12亿元(yoy-0.78%,qoq-11.02%),占收入比 42.66%.同比轻微下降主因若干现有游戏收入自然下滑,部分被23H2新游收入贡献所抵消; 环比下降主因现有游戏自然 ...
金山软件(03888) - 2024 Q1 - 季度业绩
2024-05-22 08:36
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告之內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表 任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因依賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任 何責任。 Kingsoft Corporation Limited 金 山 軟 件 有 限 公 司 (於開曼群島持續經營的有限公司) (股份代號:03888) (可換股債券代號:40210) 截 至 二 零 二 四 年 三 月 三 十 一 日 止 三 個 月 業 績 公 告 金山軟件有限公司(「本公司」)董事(「董事」)會(「董事會」)公佈本公司及其附屬公司(「本 集團」或「金山」)截至二零二四年三月三十一日止三個月未經審計的業績。 財務資料摘要 截至下列日期止三個月 二零二四年 二零二三年 二零二三年 三月 三月 十二月 三十一日 三十一日 三十一日 同比變動 環比變動 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 % % (未經審計)(未經審計)(未經審計) ...
金山软件(03888) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-19 09:34
Financial Performance - Total revenue for 2023 reached RMB 8,533.6 million, a 12% year-on-year increase[11] - Office software and services revenue grew to RMB 4,556.5 million, up 17% year-on-year[11] - Online games and other business revenue increased to RMB 3,977.1 million, a 6% year-on-year growth[11] - Operating profit for 2023 was RMB 2,226.9 million, a 19% year-on-year increase[11] - Gross profit for 2023 was RMB 7,030.3 million[10] - Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company for 2023 was RMB 483.5 million[10] - Proposed final dividend for 2023 is RMB 171.4 million[10] - Total revenue for 2023 was RMB 8,533.6 million, a 12% YoY increase, with office software and services contributing 53% and online games and others contributing 47%[21] - Revenue from office software and services grew 17% YoY to RMB 4,556.5 million, driven by domestic personal and institutional subscription growth[21] - Revenue from online games and other businesses increased 6% YoY to RMB 3,977.1 million, supported by strong performance of "JX3" and new game launches[21] - Revenue cost in 2023 was RMB 1,503.3 million, a 3% YoY increase, driven by server and bandwidth costs due to business expansion, partially offset by reduced channel costs for online games[22] - Gross profit in 2023 was RMB 7,030.3 million, a 14% YoY increase, with a gross margin of 82%, up by 1 percentage point YoY[22] - Operating profit before share-based compensation costs in 2023 increased by 19% YoY to RMB 2,540.8 million[27] - Net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 was RMB 483.5 million, compared to a loss of RMB 6,049.4 million in the previous year[31] - Annual profit for 2023 was RMB 1,215,188 thousand, a significant improvement from a loss of RMB 5,341,887 thousand in 2022[111] - Total assets increased to RMB 35,194,712 thousand in 2023 from RMB 31,887,955 thousand in 2022[111] - Total liabilities rose to RMB 8,621,455 thousand in 2023 from RMB 7,731,488 thousand in 2022[111] - The company's loss attributable to owners of the parent for the year ended December 31, 2023, was RMB 483.5 million[104] Expenses and Costs - Research and development costs for 2023 were RMB 2,683.6 million[10] - Sales and distribution expenses for 2023 were RMB 1,470.5 million[10] - Administrative expenses for 2023 were RMB 661.4 million[10] - R&D costs in 2023 were RMB 2,683.6 million, a 5% YoY increase, primarily due to increased employee-related expenses and efforts to optimize AI and collaboration products[23] - Sales and distribution expenses in 2023 were RMB 1,470.5 million, an 18% YoY increase, mainly due to higher marketing expenditures[24] - Administrative expenses in 2023 were RMB 661.4 million, a 7% YoY increase, driven by higher employee-related costs[25] - Employee costs (including directors and senior management salaries) were RMB 3,765.5 million in 2023, up from RMB 3,486.7 million in 2022[108] Product and Business Updates - WPS AI, based on large language models, was launched in Q4 2023, targeting AIGC, Copilot, and Insight, and has entered public testing in China[12] - WPS 365 was upgraded for organizational clients, offering content creation, collaboration, and digital asset management, with a focus on government and enterprise scenarios[13] - Domestic third-party commercial advertising business was officially shut down in December 2023, while overseas business continued to grow, especially in desktop and large-screen users[14] - Flagship game "JX3" achieved record annual revenue in 2023, with new content updates and a global launch of the sci-fi game "Jie Xian Ji"[15] - In 2023, the company's core business advanced steadily, with a focus on digital economy opportunities and product innovation around "multi-screen, cloud, content, collaboration, and AI"[16] - Monthly active devices for WPS Office and Kingsoft PowerWord reached 598 million in December 2023, a 4% YoY increase[17] - Cumulative paying users reached 35.49 million by the end of 2023, an 18% YoY increase[17] Corporate Governance and Leadership - Zou Tao, aged 48, serves as the Executive Director, CEO, and a member of the Environmental, Social, and Governance Committee of the company. He is also the Chairman of Kingsoft Office and the Acting CEO of Kingsoft Cloud[40] - Lei Jun, aged 54, is the Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Board, and a member of the Remuneration Committee. He co-founded Xiaomi Corporation and serves as its Chairman and CEO[41] - Qiu Bojun, aged 59, is a Non-Executive Director and a co-founder of Kingsoft. He was instrumental in developing WPS 1.0 and has held various leadership roles within the company[42] - Yao Leiwen, aged 41, is a Non-Executive Director and a member of the Nomination Committee. He is also the Deputy General Manager of the Investment Department at Tencent Holdings[43] - Wang Shunde, aged 63, is an Independent Non-Executive Director and serves as the Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee. He has extensive experience in financial management and has held key positions at Alibaba Group and Xiaomi Corporation[44][45] - Chen Zuotao, aged 53, is an Independent Non-Executive Director and has served as an independent director at Kingsoft Office. He holds multiple leadership roles in various energy and investment companies[46] - Chen has extensive investment and management experience in strategic emerging industries such as energy conservation, environmental protection, new energy, and new materials, with notable investments including Xiaomi Group (listed on HKEX in July 2018, stock code: 1810) and others[47] - Chen has received multiple awards and recognitions, including the "EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China" award in December 2020 and the "Golden Quality - Outstanding Entrepreneur" award in December 2021[48] - Wu Wenjie holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Hong Kong, a Master's in Finance from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and is a CFA charterholder since 2004[50] - Guo Weiwei, Senior Vice President and CEO of Seasun Holdings Limited, has been with the company since 2004 and is the producer of the "JX Online 3" series[51] - Li Yi, acting CFO and Vice President, has been responsible for the company's financial affairs since joining in 2007 and has extensive experience in financial management and investment[52] - Gong Daojun, Vice President, joined Kingsoft in 2004 and has held various positions including Vice President of Seasun and Company Secretary[52] - Peng Bo, Assistant President and Legal Director, has been with the company since 2004 and oversees legal compliance, intellectual property, and human resources[53] - Sun Hongyin, Vice President, joined Kingsoft in 1998 and has been responsible for the development and operation of multiple classic game products[53] - The company maintains high corporate governance standards, with quarterly updates to the Board on performance, status, and prospects, ensuring effective communication among directors and management[55] - The Board reviews and monitors the company's corporate governance policies, compliance with laws and regulations, and the training and development of directors and senior management[55] - The company focuses on innovation and R&D to improve products and services, emphasizing long-term business growth over short-term returns[56] - The company has established anti-corruption and whistleblowing policies, encouraging employees to report unethical behavior[56] - All directors confirmed compliance with the standard code for securities transactions during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023[57] - The board of directors consists of 7 members, including 1 executive director, 3 non-executive directors, and 3 independent non-executive directors[60] - Independent non-executive directors constitute one-third of the board and provide professional opinions on the company's long-term development[60] - Directors have access to legal counsel and independent professional advice at the company's expense[61] - All directors participated in continuous professional development during the fiscal year to enhance their knowledge and skills[62] - The company secretary completed at least 15 hours of relevant professional training during the fiscal year[62] - The company held a total of 8 board meetings and 1 shareholders' meeting in 2023, with all directors attending 4 out of 4 board meetings and 1 out of 1 shareholders' meeting, except for Mr. Deng Yuanjun who resigned on April 20, 2023, and attended 1 out of 4 board meetings and 0 out of 1 shareholders' meeting[65] - The company's board of directors adopted a diversity policy, with 14% female representation on the board and 33% female representation among all employees[68] - The audit committee consists of three independent non-executive directors, including Ms. Wu Wenjie (Chair), Mr. Wang Shunde, and Mr. Chen Zuotao, all of whom have appropriate professional accounting qualifications or relevant financial management expertise[69] - The audit committee's responsibilities include providing opinions on the appointment, reappointment, and removal of external auditors, approving their remuneration and engagement terms, and reviewing the effectiveness of the company's financial reporting system, risk management, and internal control systems[70][71] - The audit committee held 4 meetings in 2023, with members attending all sessions except for Mr. Deng Yuanjun who attended 1 out of 4 meetings before resigning on April 20, 2023, and Mr. Chen Zuotao who attended 3 out of 4 meetings after being appointed on the same date[73] - The remuneration committee reviewed and approved the service contracts and remuneration packages (including year-end bonuses, incentive shares, and share options) for executive directors and senior management, and assessed the performance of executive directors[75] - The remuneration committee held 1 meeting in 2023, with all members attending except for Mr. Chen Zuotao who did not attend any meetings after being appointed on April 20, 2023[76] - The nomination committee recommended candidates for the position of independent non-executive directors and reviewed the board's structure, size, and composition[78] - The nomination committee held 1 meeting in 2023, with all members attending[79] - The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) committee reviewed the company's ESG policies and practices, and monitored the appropriateness and effectiveness of the overall risk management and internal control systems related to ESG[82] - The ESG committee held 1 meeting in 2023, with all members attending except for Mr. Chen Zuotao who did not attend any meetings after being appointed on April 20, 2023[83] Shareholder and Investor Relations - The company's senior management actively communicated with investors through various activities, including global analyst meetings, webcasts, and investor roadshows[95] - The company's investor relations team is dedicated to maintaining open and continuous communication with shareholders, investors, and analysts[95] - The company's website provides up-to-date information on business operations, financial data, corporate governance, annual reports, interim reports, announcements, and press releases[94] - The company proposed a final dividend of HK$0.14 per ordinary share for the year ended December 31, 2023, totaling approximately HK$189.1 million (2022: HK$176.6 million)[102] - The company's distributable reserves as of December 31, 2023, were RMB 6,161.3 million[105] - The company's total charitable and other donations for the year ended December 31, 2023, amounted to RMB 9.8 million (2022: RMB 1.4 million)[106] - The company's share registrar will suspend share registration services from May 17, 2024, to May 22, 2024, and from June 4, 2024, to June 7, 2024[103] Share Options and Incentive Plans - The 2021 Share Option Plan allows for the issuance of up to 137,020,371 shares, representing approximately 9.63% of the issued shares as of the report date[123] - The 2011 Share Option Plan expired on December 8, 2021, with 2,529,800 shares still available for issuance, representing approximately 0.19% of the issued shares[123] - The maximum number of shares that may be issued upon the exercise of all stock options granted shall not exceed 40,000,000 ordinary shares of Xishanju, unless otherwise approved by the company and Xishanju shareholders at the general meeting[124] - Under the 2011 Stock Option Plan, the maximum number of shares that may be issued to any eligible participant within any 12-month period is limited to 1% of the company's issued shares at any time. Any additional stock options exceeding this limit require shareholder approval at the general meeting[125] - The vesting period for the 2021 Stock Option Plan ranges from 1 to 5 years from the offer date, subject to early termination provisions as stipulated in the plan or determined at the discretion of the board[125] - The exercise price for stock options under the 2011 Stock Option Plan is determined by the board and cannot be lower than the highest of: (i) the closing price of the company's shares on the stock exchange on the offer date, (ii) the average closing price of the company's shares on the stock exchange for the five trading days immediately preceding the offer date, and (iii) the par value of the shares[127] - The 2011 Stock Option Plan expired on December 8, 2021, and no stock options were available for grant under this plan as of January 1, 2023, or December 31, 2023[128] - As of December 31, 2023, there were 2,529,800 unexercised stock options under the 2011 Stock Option Plan held by executive director Zou Tao, with an exercise price of HK$20.25 per share[128] - The total number of unexercised stock options under the 2011 Stock Option Plan as of December 31, 2023, was 2,529,800, with 600,000 stock options exercised during the period[128] - The weighted average closing price of the company's shares immediately before the exercise date of stock options under the 2011 Stock Option Plan (March 23, 2023) was HK$30.5[128] - The number of share options available for grant under the 2021 Share Option Scheme as of January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, was 131,520,371[129] - The number of shares available for future grants under the Share Award Plan as of January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, was 87,081,807 and 86,450,807, representing approximately 6.39% and 6.33% of the total issued shares, respectively[131] - The total number of unexercised share options under the 2021 Share Option Scheme as of December 31, 2023, was 5,500,000[129] - The total number of unexercised share awards under the Share Award Plan as of December 31, 2023, was 4,182,220[133] - The total number of unexercised share awards for the five highest-paid employees as of December 31, 2023, was 2,080,000[133] - The share price immediately before the grant date of share options on July 4, 2022, was HKD 30.60[129] - The share price immediately before the grant date of share awards on March 25, 2022, July 1, 2022, and July 19, 2022, was HKD 24.2, HKD 30.6, and HKD 27.9, respectively[133] - The total number of share awards granted to other employees during 2023 was 2,079,400[133] - The total number of share awards that expired during 2023 was 637,340[133] - The total number of share awards that vested during 2023 was 3,259,500[133] - The weighted average closing price of the company's shares before the vesting dates of the reward shares under the share reward plan in 2022 was HKD 27.86[134] - The weighted average closing price of the company's shares before the vesting dates of the reward shares under the share reward plan in 2023 was HKD 31.97[134] - The fair value of the reward shares granted under the share reward plan in 2023 totaled RMB 52,420,000, calculated based on the closing prices on the respective grant dates[134] - The number of shares that may be issued under all plans during the reporting period divided by the weighted average number of issued shares during the reporting period was approximately 0.00%[136] - The maximum number of shares authorized to be issued under the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Kingsoft Office Share Reward Plans was 870,000, 1,000,000, and 1,000,000 shares, respectively, accounting for 0.19%, 0.22%, and 0.22% of the total issued shares as of December 31, 2023[138] - The total number of shares that may be issued under the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Kingsoft Office Share Reward Plans divided by the weighted average number of issued shares during the reporting period was 0.22%[138] - The grant prices for the restricted shares under the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Kingsoft Office Share Reward Plans were RMB 45.86, RMB 45.86, and RMB 150.00, respectively[139] - The weighted average closing price of Kingsoft Office shares before the exercise dates of the restricted shares under the 2021 Kingsoft Office Share Reward Plan in 2023 was RMB 383.37[140] - During the reporting period, 279,873 restricted shares were vested, of which 248,523 were
国海证券· 2024-03-25 16:00
2024 年 03 月 25 日 公司研究 评级:买入 (维持 ) 研究所: [Table_Title] 将开启商业化,关注《剑网 无界》上 WPS AI 3 证券分析师: 陈梦竹 S0350521090003 证券分析师: 尹芮 S0350522110001 线进展 ——金山软件( ) 财报点评 3888.HK 2023Q4 最近一年走势 事件 : 3月20日,公司公告2023Q4季报,实现营收23.10亿元(YoY+9.4%, QoQ+12.2%),营业利润7.15亿元,净利润4.38亿元,归母净利润2.05 亿元。 我们的观点:  1、主要财务指标分析:2023Q4整体营收增长稳健,同比增长9.4%, 毛利率与上年同期82%持平,相应季节网络游戏业务的推广导致销 相对恒生指数表现 2024/03/22 售费用上升,同比增长12.7%,归母净利润同比大幅增长331.9%。 表现 1M 3M 12M 金山软件 13.9% 9.4% -17.7%  2、办公软件:2023Q4同比增长18%至12.86亿元,国内个人订阅 恒生指数 -1 ...
东吴证券· 2024-03-23 16:00
证券研究报告·海外公司点评·软件服务(HS) 2023Q4 业绩报点评:关注新游上线进展,期 待 WPS 开启 AI 商业化 2024 年 03 月 23 日 买入(维持) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|------------|--------|----------|----------|----------| | [Table_EPS] 盈利预测与估值 | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 7,660 | 8,908 | 9,769 | 11,325 | 13,055 | | 同比 | 19.86% | 11.74% | 14.48% | 15.92% | 15.27% | | 归母净利润(百万元) | -6,048.19 | 483.46 | 1,127.49 | 1,283.15 | 1,588.99 | | 同比 | -1,629.90% | - | 133.21% | 13.81% | 23.83% | | EPS ...
开源证券· 2024-03-23 16:00
计算机/软件开发 公 司 研 金山软件(03888.HK) 《剑网 3》全平台互通在即,WPS AI 商业化推进 究 2024年03月24日 ——港股公司信息更新报告 投资评级:买入(维持) 吴柳燕(分析师) 李祎晗(联系人) 证 书编号:S0790521110001 证书编号:S0790123080037 日期 2024/3/22  《剑网3》全平台互通在即,WPS AI商业化落地有利平台估值提升 港 当前股价(港元) 25.000 考虑到《剑网3》手游版即将上线、WPS AI付费测试稳步推进,我们提升公司 股 一年最高最低(港元) 42.350/18.400 公 净利润预测至7.86/11.59亿元(前值7.31/11.57亿元),新增2026年利润预测15.76 司 总市值(亿港元) 334.79 亿元,同比增速分别为62.6%/47.4%/36%,对应2024-2026年摊薄后EPS 0.6/ 0.9/ 信 流通市值(亿港元) 334.79 息 1.2 元,当前股价对应2024-2026 年38.8/26.3/19.3倍 PE。《 ...
光大证券· 2024-03-21 16:00
Investment Rating - Buy (Maintained) [1] Core Views - The company has consistently maintained stable dividends, with its gaming business showing steady growth and office AI commercialization expected to gradually advance [1] - In 4Q23, the company achieved revenue of RMB 2.31 billion, a 9% YoY increase and a 12% QoQ increase Full-year 2023 revenue reached RMB 8.53 billion, up 12% YoY, with office business revenue growing 17% YoY and gaming business revenue increasing 6% YoY [1] - Full-year operating profit for 2023 was RMB 2.23 billion, up 19% YoY, with an OP Margin improvement of 1.6 percentage points to 26.1%, leading to a turnaround in net profit attributable to shareholders to RMB 480 million [1] - The dual subscription model in the office business provided strong growth momentum, with C-end subscription revenue up 29% YoY and B-end subscription revenue up 38% YoY in 2023 [1] - The company's gaming business is expected to see a low-to-high revenue trend in 2024, with multiple game launches planned, including the mobile game "JX3: Infinite" and other classic titles [2] - The company's 2024/25 net profit attributable to shareholders is forecasted to increase by 5%/22% to RMB 1.05 billion/RMB 1.69 billion, with a new 2026 forecast of RMB 2.31 billion [2] Financial Performance - 2023 full-year revenue: RMB 8.53 billion, up 12% YoY [1] - 2023 full-year operating profit: RMB 2.23 billion, up 19% YoY [1] - 2023 full-year net profit attributable to shareholders: RMB 480 million, a turnaround from previous losses [1] - 2023 office business revenue: RMB 4.56 billion, up 17% YoY [1] - 2023 gaming business revenue: RMB 3.98 billion, up 6% YoY [2] - 2024E/2025E/2026E revenue: RMB 9.93 billion/RMB 11.47 billion/RMB 13.21 billion [7] - 2024E/2025E/2026E net profit attributable to shareholders: RMB 1.05 billion/RMB 1.70 billion/RMB 2.31 billion [7] Office Business - Office business revenue in 2023: RMB 4.56 billion, up 17% YoY, driven by C-end and B-end subscription growth [1] - C-end subscription revenue grew 29% YoY, while B-end subscription revenue grew 38% YoY [1] - MAU for main products increased by 4.36% YoY to 598 million, with cumulative paying individual users up 18.43% YoY to 35.49 million [1] - WPS 365 was upgraded to provide enhanced content creation, collaboration, and digital asset management capabilities [1] - WPS AI entered public testing in 4Q23, laying the foundation for future commercialization [1] Gaming Business - Gaming business revenue in 2023: RMB 3.98 billion, up 6% YoY, driven by the flagship game "JX3" and new titles [2] - Multiple game launches are planned for 2024, including "JX3: Infinite" and other classic titles [2] - Gaming revenue is expected to show a low-to-high trend in 2024, with mid-to-high single-digit growth for the full year [2] Valuation and Forecasts - 2024E/2025E/2026E revenue: RMB 9.93 billion/RMB 11.47 billion/RMB 13.21 billion [7] - 2024E/2025E/2026E net profit attributable to shareholders: RMB 1.05 billion/RMB 1.70 billion/RMB 2.31 billion [7] - 2024E/2025E/2026E EPS: RMB 0.36/RMB 0.79/RMB 1.27 [7] - 2024E/2025E/2026E P/E ratio: 18x/13x/10x [7] Market Data - Current share price: HKD 24.80 [3] - Total market capitalization: HKD 33.21 billion [4] - 52-week high/low: HKD 42.35/HKD 18.40 [4] - 3-month turnover rate: 41.9% [4]
交银国际证券· 2024-03-20 16:00
交银国际研究 公司更新 互联网 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 2024年3月20日 港元23.55 港元26.00↓ +10.4% 金山软件 (3888 HK) 4 季度游戏收入不及预期,WPS 将开启 AI 商业化,维持中性  4季度游戏收入不及预期:收入同比增9%至23.1亿元人民币,较我们预期低 个股评级 2%,主要因游戏收入低于预期。游戏收入同比持平,较预期低8%,WPS收入 中性 同比增18%,超预期4%。调整后经营利润同比增17%至7.9亿元,较我们预 期高6%,主要因毛利超预期,预计与端游/手游收入结构变化有关。调整后净 1年股价表现 利润同比增38%至5.6亿元,较预期高6%。2023年总收入增12%(游戏/WPS 分别增6%/17%),调整后净利润为20亿元,同比增33%。2023年度派息每 3888 HK 恒生指数 40% 股0.14港元(2022年为0.13港元),股息率0.59%。 30% 20% 10%  4季度业绩要点:我们认为游戏收入增速的变化主要与2022年4季度游戏收 0% 入高基数有关,《剑网3无界》开启测试,该游戏今年上线之前预计游戏收 -10% -20% 入表现稳定。W ...