Changjiang Securities(000783)
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长江证券于博:经济亮点纷呈 “两新”效果显著
证券时报网· 2025-01-04 11:18
中国经济运行的积极因素正在集聚。长江证券宏观首席分析师于博认为,政策从9月末积极转向,推动 经济景气回升,10月、11月工业增加值平稳增长,服务业生产指数同比增速稳步回升;企业预期持续改 善,10—12月制造业PMI均保持扩张,为2023年1—3月以来持续时间最长的一次扩张期。 同时,产业结构持续优化,经济新动能不断壮大。于博指出,经济对地产依赖度在有序下降,2024年前 11月,房地产业占名义GDP的比重、房地产贷款余额在人民币贷款中的占比、房地产开发投资额占固定 资产投资完成额的比重均稳步下降。政策对新质生产力支持力度不断提升,经济新动能持续壮大。截至 2024年11月底,国家新兴产业创业投资引导基金参股501只子基金,带动募资2885.4亿元,支持了8946 家初创期和早中期企业;同时,1—11月高新技术制造业投资同比增长8.2%,快于全部投资增长。高新 技术产业生产表现不俗:1—11月,高新技术产业工业增加值同比增长9%,明显快于规上工业5.4%的增 长;微观产品方面,新能源汽车、集成电路等高新技术产品产量同比增长均超20%。 于博表示,"两新"政策效果显著。9—11月份,新能源乘用车零售销量、家电零 ...
上交所投资者服务周河南行 | 走进长江证券南阳营业部活动成功举行
财联社· 2024-11-01 04:26
为贯彻落实中央金融工作会议及新"国九条"指示要求,突出以人民为中心的价值取向,更加有效保护中 小投资者合法权益,助力更好满足人民群众日益增长的财富管理需求,上交所于10月29日在长江证券南 阳范蠡路证券营业部成功举行了上交所投资者服务周河南行—走进营业部活动,本次活动由上海证券交 易所、河南证监局、河南省证券期货业协会、长江证券股份有限公司共同主办,上交所投教基地、长江 证券投教基地、长江证券南阳范蠡路证券营业部承办。 活动中,上交所投资者服务部经理王晓晨老师首先围绕"高质量发展的上交所ETF市场"开展讲解,她详 细阐述了上交所ETF市场的发展历程、市场规模以及产品种类。并讲解近年来,上交所ETF市场取得了 显著的发展成果,市场规模不断扩大,产品种类也日益丰富。这些ETF产品不仅覆盖了股票、债券等多 个资产类别,还涉及了多个行业和主题,为投资者提供了多元化的投资选择。 接着,王晓晨老师介绍了上交所投资者权益保护制度的主要内容。通过完善信息披露制度,确保投资者 能够及时、准确地获取上市公司的经营信息和市场动态;通过实施投资者适当性管理制度,确保投资者 能够根据自身的风险承受能力和投资目标选择合适的投资产品;通过 ...
长江证券(000783) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-30 11:58
Financial Performance - Operating revenue for the current reporting period was RMB 1.948 billion, a 47.96% increase year-over-year[2] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 647.13 million, a 592.52% increase year-over-year[2] - Total revenue for the first nine months of 2024 was 4,803,921,684.21 yuan, a decrease from 5,148,878,187.15 yuan in the same period last year[16] - Net interest income for the first nine months of 2024 was 1,367,580,542.14 yuan, down from 1,659,038,165.77 yuan in the previous year[16] - Net fee and commission income for the first nine months of 2024 was 2,371,799,256.75 yuan, compared to 3,032,965,566.46 yuan in the same period last year[16] - Net profit for the first nine months of 2024 was 1,435,489,599.29 yuan, an increase from 1,195,143,863.45 yuan in the previous year[17] - Total comprehensive income for the first nine months of 2024 was 1,931,184,546.88 yuan, up from 1,495,162,850.38 yuan in the same period last year[18] - Basic earnings per share for the first nine months of 2024 were 0.24 yuan, compared to 0.21 yuan in the previous year[18] Asset and Liability Changes - Total assets at the end of the reporting period were RMB 156.12 billion, a decrease of 8.56% compared to the end of the previous year[2] - Total assets as of September 30, 2024, amounted to RMB 156.12 billion, a decrease from RMB 170.73 billion at the beginning of the year[14] - Total liabilities as of the end of Q3 2024 were 118,205,270,047.82 yuan, a decrease from 135,958,610,482.87 yuan at the beginning of the year[15] - Total equity as of the end of Q3 2024 was 37,916,693,306.95 yuan, up from 34,770,827,442.61 yuan at the beginning of the year[15] - Client funds deposits stood at RMB 44.76 billion, up from RMB 33.76 billion at the start of the year[13] - Trading financial assets decreased to RMB 28.03 billion from RMB 32.95 billion at the beginning of the year[14] - Other debt investments dropped to RMB 32.85 billion from RMB 49.04 billion at the start of the year[14] - Short-term financing liabilities were RMB 1.96 billion, down from RMB 3.09 billion at the beginning of the year[14] - Repurchase agreements for financial assets decreased to RMB 19.01 billion from RMB 34.67 billion at the start of the year[14] - Client securities trading funds increased to RMB 52.37 billion from RMB 40.90 billion at the beginning of the year[14] - Employee compensation payable was RMB 2.56 billion, down from RMB 2.93 billion at the start of the year[14] - Accounts payable decreased to RMB 3.72 billion from RMB 4.13 billion at the beginning of the year[14] - Derivative financial liabilities increased to RMB 338.62 million from RMB 206.19 million at the start of the year[14] Capital and Risk Management - Core net capital increased by 7.03% to RMB 19.46 billion compared to the end of the previous year[6] - Risk coverage ratio increased by 125.72 percentage points to 378.13%[6] - Capital leverage ratio increased by 4.84 percentage points to 19.22%[6] - Liquidity coverage ratio increased by 4.44 percentage points to 169.21%[6] - Net stable funding ratio increased by 15.23 percentage points to 174.48%[6] - Net capital to net assets ratio increased by 1.30 percentage points to 68.90%[6] - Net capital to liabilities ratio increased by 14.52 percentage points to 38.26%[7] Cash Flow and Liquidity - Net cash flow from operating activities increased by 372.31% to 24,008,249,790.60 yuan due to increased net inflows from client transaction settlement funds[9] - Net cash flow from financing activities decreased by 147.95% to -13,362,292,628.65 yuan due to reduced net fundraising scale[9] - Cash inflows from operating activities for the first nine months of 2024 were 43,188,405,780.46 yuan, compared to 16,823,505,770.30 yuan in the same period last year[19] - Net cash from financing activities for the first nine months of 2024 was 1,330,000,000.00 yuan, compared to no significant activity in the previous year[19] - Net cash flow from operating activities increased to 24,008,249,790.60, up significantly from 5,083,167,497.91 in the previous period[20] - Net cash flow from investing activities was -297,042,193.18, an improvement from -461,604,777.56 in the prior period[20] - Net cash flow from financing activities decreased to -13,362,292,628.65, compared to -5,389,135,858.21 in the previous period[21] - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period stood at 58,642,560,042.37, up from 45,857,341,268.17 at the beginning of the period[21] - Cash paid for employee compensation and benefits was 2,560,804,795.09, slightly lower than 2,696,997,511.58 in the previous period[20] - Cash paid for taxes and fees decreased to 373,543,479.97 from 502,631,294.01 in the prior period[20] - Cash received from investments was 126,379,773.70, down from 253,117,331.19 in the previous period[20] - Cash received from financing activities was 10,100,737,308.24, compared to 18,735,664,618.00 in the prior period[20] - Cash paid for dividends, profits, and interest was 1,999,205,087.39, slightly higher than 1,982,982,629.68 in the previous period[21] - Net increase in cash and cash equivalents was 10,346,401,086.68, a significant improvement from -757,374,151.54 in the prior period[21] Investment and Asset Changes - Buyback financial assets decreased by 84.20% to 217,266,660.42 yuan due to a reduction in pledged repo scale[8] - Other debt investments decreased by 33.02% to 32,848,449,001.66 yuan due to a reduction in bond investment scale[8] - Construction in progress increased by 293.12% to 31,294,677.30 yuan due to increased office renovation projects[8] - Other assets increased by 196.78% to 293,411,939.88 yuan due to increased prepayments for external investments[8] - Short-term financing liabilities decreased by 36.60% to 1,961,823,490.72 yuan due to reduced issuance of short-term corporate bonds[8] - Fair value change income increased by 234.87% to 1,253,096,007.21 yuan due to increased gains from fair value changes in trading financial assets[8] - Other comprehensive income after tax increased by 65.22% to 495,694,947.59 yuan due to increased gains from fair value changes in other debt investments[9] Shareholder Information - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period was 204,204[10]
中原证券· 2024-10-11 08:00
分析师:张洋 登记编码:S0730516040002 021-50586627 主要收入来源有所波动,公司基本面有望见底回升 证券Ⅱ ——长江证券(000783)2024 年中报点评 发布日期:2024 年 10 月 11 日 证券研究报告-中报点评 增持(维持) | --- | --- | |-------------------------------|-----------| | 市场数据 (2024-10-10) | | | 收盘价 ( 元 ) | 6.86 | | 一年内最高 / 最低 ( 元 ) | 7.94/4.57 | | 沪深 300 指数 | 3,997.79 | | 市净率 ( 倍 ) | 1.15 | | 总市值 ( 亿元 ) | 379.36 | | 流通市值 ( 亿元 ) | 379.36 | | 基础数据 (2024-06-30) | | | 每股净资产 ( 元 ) | 5.94 | | 总资产 ( 亿元 ) | 1,478.41 | | 所有者权益 ( 亿元 ) | 373.54 | | 净资产收益率 (%) | 2.21 | | ...
长江证券(000783) - 2024年9月12日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-09-13 00:28
证券代码:000783 证券简称:长江证券 长江证券股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------|---------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...
长江证券(000783) - 2024 Q2 - 季度财报
2024-08-27 11:42
证券代码:000783 证券简称:长江证券 长 江 证 券 股 份 有 限 公 司 2024年 半年度报告 CONTENTS | --- | --- | --- | |-------|-------|--------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | 目 录 | | | | | | | | 01 • 第一节 重要提示、目录和释义 | | | 04 | ● 第二节 公司简介和主要财务指标 | | | 08 | ● 第三节 管理层讨论与分析 | | | 39 | ● 第四节 公司治理 | | | | | | | 40 | ● 第五节 环境和社会责任 | | | 43 | 第六节 重要事项 | | | 50 | ● 第七节 股份变动及股东情况 | | | 55 | ● 第八节 债券相关情况 61 · 第九节 财务报告 | | | | | | | | | 01 重要提示、目录和释义 第一节 重要提示、目录和释义 1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证半年度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误 导性陈述或重大遗 ...
长江证券(000783) - 2024年5月30日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-05-31 01:41
证券代码:000783 证券简称:长江证券 长江证券股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-002 投资者关 □特定对象调研 □ 分析师会议 系活动类 □ 媒体采访 √ 业绩说明会 别 □ 新闻发布会 □ 路演活动 □ 现场参观 □ 其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位 线上参与公司 2023年网上业绩说明会的投资者 名称及人 员姓名 时间 2024年5月 30日 (周四) 下午 15:00~17:00 地点 线上 上市公司 董事长:金才玖 接待人员 党委副书记、总裁:刘元瑞 姓名 独立董事:史占中、余振、潘红波、张跃文 副总裁、财务总监:陈水元 副总裁、董事会秘书:周纯 1、公司 2023年营业收入、利润双增长,具体哪些业务或市场策略带动?如 何保持增长,比如财富管理、投行业务的创新? 回复:2023 年,公司实现营业总收入 68.96 亿元,同比增长 8.23%;归属于 ...
长江证券(000783) - 2024年5月16日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-05-17 01:07
证券代码:000783 证券简称:长江证券 长江证券股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-001 投资者关 □特定对象调研 □ 分析师会议 系活动类 □ 媒体采访 □ 业绩说明会 别 □ 新闻发布会 □ 路演活动 □ 现场参观 ☑ 其他 2024年湖北辖区上市公司投资者网上集体接待日活动 参与单位 线上参与活动的投资者 名称及人 员姓名 时间 2024年5月16日 (周四) 下午 14:30~16:00 地点 线上 上市公司 董事长:金才玖 接待人员 董事、总裁:刘元瑞 姓名 独立董事:史占中、余振、潘红波、张跃文 副总裁、财务总监:陈水元 副总裁、董事会秘书:周纯 1、公司的研究业务一直是招牌,在资本市场投融资制度不断优化的环境下, 这块未来有没有什么展望? 回复:2024年,伴随着全面注册制、公募佣金改革以及其他资本市场投融资 ...
中原证券· 2024-05-09 13:00
证券Ⅱ 分析师:张洋 登记编码:S0730516040002 经纪、利息表现稳定,权益自营有望释放业绩弹性 z 021-50586627 ——长江证券(000783) 2023 年年报及 2024年一季报点评 证券研究报告-年报点评 增持(首次) 市场数据(2024-05-08) 发布日期:2024年05月09日 收盘价(元) 5.55 2023年年报及 2024年一季报概况:长江证券2023年实现营业收 一年内最高/最低(元) 6.85/4.57 入68.96亿元,同比+8.23%;实现归母净利润15.48亿元,同比 沪深300指数 3,630.22 +2.58%;加权平均净资产收益率4.79%,同比-0.23个百分点。2023年 市净率(倍) 0.93 拟10派1.20元(含税)。24Q1实现营业收入13.32亿元,同比- 总市值(亿元) 306.92 38.09%;实现归母净利润4.02亿元,同比-46.82%。 流通市值(亿元) 306.92 点评:1.23年代理买卖收入市占率创新高,公募佣金市占保持近年高位, 基础数据(2024-03-31) 合并口径经 ...
长江证券(000783) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-29 09:07
□是 √否 证券代码:000783 证券简称:长江证券 公告编号:2024-035 长江证券股份有限公司 2024 年第一季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确和完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重 大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗 漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、完整。 3.第一季度报告是否经过审计 □ 是 √ 否 一、主要财务数据 (一)主要会计数据和财务指标 公司是否需追溯调整或重述以前年度会计数据 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------------------| | 项目 | 本报告期 | 上年同期 | 本报告期比上年同期增减 ...