JA SOLAR(002459)
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2024-05-05 12:58
在整体的像越南子公司两个子公司的这个G利润的话分别是36和这个这个16个亿左右16个亿左右的利润那整体的表现是很好的然后我想问一下的就是现在我们算没有算过就是在24年就是在美国这边的话单瓦经历以及2023年的单瓦经历以及一季度的这个单瓦经历和出货的这个情况 然后第二个的话想问一下就是因为其实美国我们一直还是做得不错的但是一季度其实在毛利率上来讲的话看起来季度的波动还是比较大的 环比来看那这里面的话讲这个麻烦管理层给我们做一个归因啊一季度这块的一个波动大的这个原因然后这些因此的话在二季度的一个边际变化是怎么展望的那主要是这两个问题 下面请我们财务负责人邵辉总来回答您您第一个问题就是说关于我们的越南基地我们的越南基地我们去年荣誉还是比较好的整体的盈利水平超过我们从整国内的生产基地 最主要的原因吧也就是越南呢我们针对的是美国的市场所以说呢因为美国的价格也比较好我们就是再来找这个这个这个超额的一些这个这个收益针对今年呢今年的这个预测其实是很难的因为光复行业呢我们知道就是说 也不是说最近 我们就是一直让这个光合行业无论是这种新能源的发展还是对一个国家的能源战略都是全世界的 无论是民间还是政府都是关注的一个焦点 各项的贸 ...
国盛证券· 2024-05-05 03:07
证券研究报告 | 年报点评报告 2024年05月05日 晶澳科技(002459.SZ) 2023 年报及 24Q1 季报点评:瞄准新技术,深耕海外市场 事件:公司发布2023年年度报告及2024年一季度报告。公司2023年 买入(维持) 年内实现营收815.56亿元,同比+11.74%;实现归母净利润70.39亿元, 股票信息 同比+27.21%。2024Q1内,公司实现营收159.71亿元,同比-22.02%; 实现归母净利润-4.83亿元,同比-118.70%。受光伏产业链价格急速下降 行业 光伏设备 影响,公司作为一体化龙头厂商当前处于营收利润双承压阶段。 前次评级 买入 4月30日收盘价(元) 14.22 一体化组件:新技术持续推进,瞄准降本LCOE。截至2023年底,公司 总市值(百万元) 47,063.49 光伏组件产能为 95GW,硅片与电池产能达组件产能的 90%左右,其中 总股本(百万股) 3,309.67 n型电池产能超57GW,上下游匹配程度远高于其他龙头企业,具备全产 其中自由流通股(%) 99.89 业链一体化优势。此外,公司于 2023 年发布了基于新一代 30日日均成交量(百万股 ...
民生证券· 2024-05-01 09:00
晶澳科技(002459.SZ)2023年年报及2024年一季报点评 海外出货持续提升,一体化产能扩张夯实竞争力 2024年05月01日 ➢ 事件:2024年4月29日,公司发布2023年年报与2024年一季报。根据 推荐 维持评级 年报,公司2023年实现收入815.56亿元,同比+11.74%;实现归母净利70.39 当前价格: 14.22元 亿元,同比+27.21%;实现扣非归母净利71.40亿元,同比+28.46%。23Q4公 司实现收入215.75亿元,同比-8.83%,环比+12.73%;归母净利2.75亿元, 同比-87.76%,环比-85.93%,扣非归母净利 1.11 亿元,同比-95.19%,环比- 94.03%。 [T able_Author] 根据公司一季报,24Q1 公司实现收入 159.71 亿元,同比-22.02%,环比- 25.97%;实现归母净利-4.83亿元,同比-118.70%,实现扣非净利-3.69亿元, 同比-114.81%。 ➢ 海外出货占比提升,出货量有望持续增长。2023 年,公司实现组件出货 57.094GW(含自用2.156GW),其中海外出货占比达到48%, ...
晶澳科技(002459) - 投资者关系活动记录表(2024年4月30日)
2024-04-30 14:56
证券代码:002459 证券简称:晶澳科技 晶澳太阳能科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 投资者关系活 □媒体采访 √业绩说明会 动类别 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 摩根大通 富瑞集团 摩根士丹利亚洲 麦格里资本 美国银行 圆方资本 参与单位名称 花旗银行 贝莱德基金 易方达基金 南方基金 平安基金 广发基金 中欧基金 及人员姓名 鹏华基金 银华基金 嘉实基金 博时基金 泉果基金 长江证券 东吴证券 中金证券 中信建投证券 财通证券 太平洋证券等 时间 2024年4 月30日 地点 电话会议 上市公司接待 董事、副总经理 杨爱青 人员姓名 联席执行总裁 李守卫 财务负责人 李少辉 副总裁 祝道诚 董事会秘书 武廷栋 一、公司经营业绩介绍 ...
国金证券· 2024-04-30 02:30
4月 29 日公司披露2023 年报及2024 年一季报,2023年实现 营收 815.56 亿元,同比+11.7%,实现归母净利70.39 亿元,同比 +27.2%;其中 23Q4/24Q1 实现营收 215.75、159.71 亿元,同比- 8.8%/-22.0%,环比+12.7%/-26.0%;实现归母净利2.75、-4.83 亿 元,同比-87.8%/-118.7%,环比-85.9%/-275.8%。 组件出货持续增长,一体化产能提升支撑 24 年出货维持高 增。2023 年公司实现电池组件出货57.09GW(含自用2.16GW),组 件外售量同比增长39.5%;24Q1 公司电池组件出货量16.059GW(含 自用 528MW),同比增长11%。公司组件产能持续提升,一体化率保 人民币(元) 成交金额(百万元) 持高位,截至2023 年底公司组件产能95GW,硅片与电池产能达组 49.00 4,000 件产能的 90%左右,预计 2024 年公司各环节产能均超过 100GW, 43.00 3,500 3,000 助力公司实现85-95GW 组件出货量目标。 37.00 2,500 31.00 2,0 ...
晶澳科技(002459) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-29 15:20
Dividend Distribution - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 5.63 per 10 shares (tax included) to all shareholders[4] - A cash dividend of 0.563 yuan per share was proposed, totaling 2.112 billion yuan including share repurchases, representing 30% of net profit[112] - The company plans to distribute cash dividends of RMB 5.63 per 10 shares, totaling RMB 1,851,923,026.48[152] - The total cash dividends, including share repurchases, amount to RMB 2,111,851,755.10, representing 30% of the net profit attributable to shareholders[152] Company Address and Stock Listing - The company's registered address was changed from "No. 3, Tianshan North Road, Qinhuangdao Economic and Technological Development Zone" to "No. 123, Xinxing Road, Ningjin County, Hebei Province" on April 23, 2020[9] - The company's stock is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange with the stock code 002459[9] Annual Report and Financial Statements - The company's annual report for 2023 was released in April 2024[1] - The company's board of directors, supervisors, and senior management guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of the annual report[3] - The company's future plans and business objectives in the report are forward-looking statements and do not constitute a substantive commitment to investors[3] - The company's annual report includes detailed descriptions of potential risks in its operations in the "Management Discussion and Analysis" section[3] - The company's annual report is available at the Securities Affairs Department located at Building 8, Node Center, No. 1, Automobile Museum East Road, Fengtai District, Beijing[6] - The company's annual report includes financial statements signed by the company's responsible person, the person in charge of accounting work, and the accounting institution[6] - The company's annual report includes an audit report with the seal of the accounting firm and the signature of the certified public accountant[6] Financial Performance - Revenue for 2023 reached RMB 81.56 billion, an increase of 11.74% compared to 2022[18] - Net profit attributable to shareholders in 2023 was RMB 7.04 billion, up 27.21% year-on-year[18] - Operating cash flow surged by 51.72% to RMB 12.41 billion in 2023[18] - Total assets grew by 47.15% to RMB 106.59 billion at the end of 2023[19] - Basic earnings per share increased by 25.15% to RMB 2.14 in 2023[18] - Q4 2023 revenue was RMB 21.58 billion, the highest among all quarters[21] - Q4 2023 net profit attributable to shareholders was RMB 274.66 million, the lowest among all quarters[21] - Q4 2023 operating cash flow was RMB 5.26 billion, the highest among all quarters[21] - Weighted average return on equity decreased by 1.65% to 22.52% in 2023[19] - Non-current asset disposal losses amounted to -213,483,538.13 in 2023, primarily due to the disposal of obsolete assets for technological upgrades[23] - Government subsidies recognized in 2023 totaled 627,197,400.18, a significant increase from 339,784,651.05 in 2022[23] - Fair value changes and disposal losses of financial assets and liabilities resulted in a loss of -425,313,440.17 in 2023, mainly due to foreign exchange hedging losses[23] - The company achieved annual revenue of 81.556 billion yuan, an increase of 11.74% year-on-year[111] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was 7.039 billion yuan, up 27.21% compared to the previous year[111] Global PV Market Trends - Global PV installations reached a record high of 444GW in 2023, a 76% year-on-year increase[24] - By 2030, global renewable energy capacity needs to reach over 11,000GW, with solar PV and wind power accounting for 90% of new renewable energy capacity[24] - The number of countries with GW-level PV installations increased to 32 in 2023, with projections of 39 in 2024 and 53 in 2025[24] - Global PV cumulative installations are expected to reach at least 5.4TW by 2030, requiring an additional 4.3TW from 2023-2030, with an annual growth of 544GW[25] - By 2027, global PV cumulative installations are projected to surpass coal, becoming the largest power source[26] - China's PV installations are expected to reach 190-220GW in 2024, with cumulative installations exceeding 810GW[26] - EU PV installations grew by 55.9GW in 2023, with cumulative installations reaching 263GW, a 27% increase[27] - US PV installations reached 32.4GW in 2023, a year-on-year increase of over 50%, accounting for more than half of all new power installations[29] - China's PV new installations in 2023 reached 216.88GW, a year-on-year increase of 148.1%, with distributed PV installations at 96.29GW and centralized PV installations at 120.59GW[30] - China's PV manufacturing output in 2023: polysilicon 1.43 million tons (+66.9%), silicon wafers 622GW (+67.5%), PV cells 545GW (+64.9%), and PV modules 499GW (+69.3%)[30] - China's PV product export value in 2023 was approximately $48.48 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 5.4%, with Europe accounting for 42% of exports[30] Company's PV Business and Industry Position - The company's PV module shipments ranked among the top four globally from 2022 to 2023, maintaining a leading industry position[32] - The company operates a vertically integrated PV industry chain, with production facilities in China and Vietnam, focusing on silicon wafers, cells, modules, and PV power station development[33] - The company established the "Smart Energy Division" to expand investments in downstream PV applications and explore various PV power generation scenarios[33] - The company focuses on R&D to improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of crystalline silicon solar cells and reduce production costs[32] - The company was recognized as a "National Manufacturing Champion" in March 2024, reaffirming its industry leadership[32] - The company's "Photovoltaic New Materials Division" strengthens R&D in PV materials and equipment to support the main industry chain and reduce costs[33] - The latest n-type Bycium+ battery technology has achieved a mass production conversion efficiency of 26.3%[34] - DeepBlue 4.0 Pro component power reaches 635W with an efficiency exceeding 22.8%[36] - DeepBlue 4.0 Pro reduces BOS costs by 2%-4.5% and LCOE by 2.5%-6% compared to p-type components[36] - The company's photovoltaic power station scale reached 2.165GW by the end of 2023[37] - The company's silicon rod and wafer production costs have significantly decreased, reaching industry-leading levels[34] - DeepBlue 4.0 Pro reduces BOS costs by 1.4%-2.8% and LCOE by 0.7%-1.6% compared to previous n-type components[36] - The company's battery production costs have significantly decreased, achieving industry-leading levels in conversion efficiency and production costs[34] - The company's photovoltaic product business group adopts a "sales-to-production" order-based production model[39] - The company's R&D model includes independent R&D and third-party collaborative R&D[40] - The company's overseas sales teams are localized to provide efficient product sales and technical services[40] - The company's photovoltaic module production capacity reached 95GW by the end of 2023, with silicon wafer and battery capacities at approximately 90% of module capacity[45] - The company has established 13 overseas sales companies, with a sales and service network covering 165 countries and regions[46] - The company's global layout strategy helps mitigate the impact of market fluctuations and international trade frictions, maintaining a stable development trend[47] - The company's energy storage center develops outdoor cabinet and prefabricated cabin energy storage systems using self-developed 1500V liquid cooling platform technology[43] - The company's photovoltaic new materials division adopts a "sales-to-production, moderate inventory" production model to better respond to market changes[44] - The company's centralized photovoltaic power stations adopt a "full grid connection" sales model, with electricity uniformly dispatched and settled by the grid[41] - The company's distributed commercial and industrial power stations use "self-consumption with surplus grid connection" or "full grid connection" sales models[41] - The company's household distributed power stations combine "full grid connection" with "roof leasing" models to promote rural economic development[42] - The company's photovoltaic new materials division focuses on independent R&D, continuously improving production processes and reducing costs[44] - The company's global layout includes vertical integration production factories in Southeast Asia and component factories in the United States to ensure overseas market supply[46] - The latest mass-produced n-type Bycium+ battery has achieved a conversion efficiency of 26.3%[48] - The company's component capacity reached 95GW by the end of 2023, with silicon wafer and battery capacity reaching about 90% of component capacity[49] - The company plans to further integrate production capacity in 2024, with each segment's capacity exceeding 100GW[49] - The company has been awarded the "Top Performer" component supplier by PVEL for the eighth time in 2023[48] - The company holds 1,263 authorized patents, including 285 invention patents, as of the end of 2023[48] - The company has been recognized as a "Top PV Brand" by EuPD Research in multiple countries and regions[50] - The company has been awarded the "Overall Best Performance" honor by RETC for four consecutive years from 2020 to 2023[50] - The company has been rated as a Tier 1 bankable brand by BloombergNEF and has received the PV ModuleTech Bankability AAA rating[50] - The company has implemented AGV vehicles, 5G networks, and AI technologies in production factories, significantly reducing the number of front-line employees[52] - The company has developed a self-developed production line fault management system, enabling rapid identification of production line issues and fault warnings[52] - Revenue reached 81,556.177 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.74%, and net profit attributable to shareholders was 7,039.4905 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27.21%[54] - Battery module shipments reached 57.094GW, with overseas component shipments accounting for 48% and distribution shipments accounting for 27%[55] - R&D investment was 4.446 billion yuan, accounting for 5.45% of revenue, and the company has 1,263 authorized patents, including 285 invention patents[56] - Component production capacity exceeded 95GW, with silicon wafer and battery production capacity at about 90% of component capacity, and n-type battery production capacity exceeded 57GW[57] - Successfully issued convertible bonds raising 8.96 billion yuan for new production projects[59] - Initiated the issuance of public REITs to accelerate asset turnover and optimize the company's asset-liability structure[60] - Repurchased 12,483,600 shares for a total of 259.92872862 million yuan to establish a long-term incentive mechanism[62] - Six bases were awarded the national "Green Factory" title, and the company donated 20 million yuan for flood relief and reconstruction in Hebei Province[63] - Total operating revenue increased by 11.74% to 81,556,177,236.98 yuan in 2023 compared to 2022[64] - Revenue from the photovoltaic module segment grew by 11.13% to 78,174,617,903.22 yuan, accounting for 95.86% of total revenue[64] - Domestic revenue surged by 27.27% to 37,128,416,721.90 yuan, representing 45.53% of total revenue[64] - Revenue from the Americas increased by 36.48% to 13,571,634,350.71 yuan, making up 16.64% of total revenue[64] - Direct sales revenue rose by 25.98% to 59,428,565,574.59 yuan, accounting for 72.87% of total revenue[64] - Sales volume of photovoltaic modules increased by 39.47% to 53,145.46 MW in 2023[67] - Production volume of photovoltaic modules grew by 49.72% to 59,953.47 MW in 2023[67] - Inventory of photovoltaic modules surged by 113.01% to 9,073.91 MW in 2023[67] - Top five customers accounted for 20.48% of total sales, with the top customer contributing 7.11%[71] - Top five suppliers accounted for 27.74% of total procurement, with the top supplier contributing 8.55%[72] - Sales expenses increased by 31.43% to 1,380,055,285.54 yuan, mainly due to increased personnel costs, quality assurance deposits, travel expenses, and bidding costs[74] - Management expenses rose by 37.32% to 2,345,294,394.91 yuan, driven by higher personnel costs, share-based payments, start-up costs, and consulting audit fees[74] - R&D expenses grew by 13.44% to 1,142,079,441.86 yuan, primarily due to increased R&D personnel costs and material expenses[74] - The number of R&D personnel increased by 8.57% to 2,471, while the proportion of R&D personnel decreased by 2.06% to 4.92%[75] - R&D investment decreased by 3.52% to 4,445,889,371.64 yuan, accounting for 5.45% of revenue, down from 6.31% in 2022[76] - Net cash flow from operating activities surged by 51.72% to 12,414,145,385.75 yuan, driven by increased sales and collections[77] - Net cash flow from investing activities dropped by 146.20% to -17,793,483,177.69 yuan, mainly due to increased cash outflows for long-term asset purchases[77] - Net cash flow from financing activities increased by 507.98% to 5,960,352,904.17 yuan, attributed to the issuance of convertible bonds and reduced debt repayments[77] - Asset impairment losses amounted to -2,306,180,736.94 yuan, primarily due to inventory write-downs and fixed asset impairment[79] - Other income reached 733,371,268.20 yuan, mainly from government subsidies[79] - The company's monetary funds decreased by 1.82% to RMB 15,988,433,550.07 at the end of 2023, accounting for 15.00% of total assets[80] - Accounts receivable decreased by 2.92% to RMB 9,165,987,673.61, representing 8.60% of total assets[80] - Inventory decreased by 2.86% to RMB 14,471,851,729.28, accounting for 13.58% of total assets[81] - Fixed assets increased by 4.98% to RMB 36,865,874,794.59, representing 34.59% of total assets, mainly due to project construction investments[81] - Construction in progress increased by 5.47% to RMB 9,740,436,205.07, accounting for 9.14% of total assets, primarily due to increased project construction investments[81] - The company's total investment in the reporting period was RMB 31,281,090,982.03, a 197.52% increase compared to the same period last year[85] - The company invested RMB 2,345,000,000.00 in JA Solar Investment (China) Co., Ltd., holding a 100% stake[86] - The company invested RMB 2,345,000,000.00 in JA Solar Smart Distributed Energy Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd., holding a 100% stake[86] - The company invested RMB 2,714,658,300.00 in JA Solar New Energy Vietnam Co., Ltd., holding a 100% stake[87] - The company invested a total of 19.89 billion yuan in photovoltaic projects during the reporting period, with cumulative actual investments reaching 21.23 billion yuan[89] - The Ningjin 5GW slicing and 6GW high-efficiency battery project has been put into production with an investment of 1.77 billion yuan[88] - The Hefei 11GW high-power module expansion project has been completed with an investment of 917 million yuan[88] - The Qujing 10GW high-efficiency battery and 5GW module project has been put into production with an investment of 3.40 billion yuan[88] - The Baotou Jingao (Phase III) 20GW crystal pulling and 20GW slicing project has been completed with an investment of 3.37 billion yuan[88] - The Yangzhou 10GW high-efficiency battery project has been put into production with an investment of 1.75 billion yuan[88] - The Shijiazhuang annual 10GW slicing and 10GW battery project has been completed with an investment of 3.66 billion yuan[89] - The Dongtai annual 10GW battery and 10GW module project has been put into production with an investment of 4.80 billion yuan[89] - The company's derivative investments for hedging purposes amounted to 1.26 billion yuan, accounting for 35.78% of the company's net assets at the end of the reporting period[91] - The company reported a fair value change income of 12.56 million yuan and a settlement loss of 55.10 million yuan from derivative investments[91] - Total funds raised in 2020 through non-public stock issuance: RMB 5,199,999,991.50[95] - Net funds raised in 2020 after deducting underwriting and other fees: RMB 5,158,236,660.00[95] - Total funds raised in 2021 through non-public stock issuance: RMB 4,999,
晶澳科技(002459) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-29 15:18
Financial Performance - Revenue for Q1 2024 was RMB 15.97 billion, a decrease of 22.02% compared to the same period last year[4] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was a loss of RMB 482.83 million, a decrease of 118.70% year-over-year[4] - Operating income for the quarter was 15.97 billion yuan, a decrease of 22.01% compared to 20.48 billion yuan in the same period last year[17] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's owners was 1.66 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.83% from 1.71 billion yuan in the previous year[16] - Net profit attributable to parent company owners was -482.83 million yuan, compared to 2.58 billion yuan in the same period last year[18] - Total comprehensive income was -565.46 million yuan, compared to 2.65 billion yuan in the same period last year[19] - Basic earnings per share were -0.15 yuan, compared to 0.79 yuan in the same period last year[19] Cash Flow and Liquidity - Operating cash flow was negative RMB 3.54 billion, a decrease of 286.80% compared to the same period last year[4] - Cash flow from financing activities increased by 533.30% to RMB 7.88 billion, driven by increased borrowing[8] - Cash flow from operating activities was -3.54 billion yuan, compared to 1.90 billion yuan in the same period last year[20] - Cash flow from investing activities was -4.46 billion yuan, compared to -1.68 billion yuan in the same period last year[21] - Cash flow from financing activities was 7.88 billion yuan, compared to -1.82 billion yuan in the same period last year[21] - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period were 6.67 billion yuan, compared to 4.45 billion yuan in the same period last year[21] - Sales of goods and services received 13.61 billion yuan in cash, compared to 16.24 billion yuan in the same period last year[20] - Purchases of goods and services paid 16.82 billion yuan in cash, compared to 13.69 billion yuan in the same period last year[20] Borrowings and Financial Expenses - Short-term borrowings increased by 245.85% to RMB 3.38 billion due to increased borrowing[7] - Long-term borrowings surged by 407.80% to RMB 7.50 billion[7] - Financial expenses increased by 134.41% to RMB 144.52 million due to higher interest income, interest expenses, and exchange losses[7] - Short-term borrowings surged to 3.38 billion yuan from 978.59 million yuan, an increase of 245.83%[15] - Long-term borrowings increased to 7.50 billion yuan from 1.48 billion yuan, a growth of 407.68%[15] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased by 2.95% to RMB 109.74 billion compared to the end of the previous year[4] - The company's monetary funds at the end of the period were 15,006,288,540.37 yuan, a decrease from 15,988,433,550.07 yuan at the beginning of the period[14] - Accounts receivable increased to 9,367,269,138.19 yuan from 9,165,987,673.61 yuan at the beginning of the period[14] - Inventory increased to 16,279,307,460.54 yuan from 14,471,851,729.28 yuan at the beginning of the period[14] - Total current assets at the end of the period were 51,818,651,981.66 yuan, up from 49,132,039,748.74 yuan at the beginning of the period[14] - Fixed assets increased to 42,622,657,205.11 yuan from 36,865,874,794.59 yuan at the beginning of the period[14] - Total assets increased to 109.74 billion yuan from 106.59 billion yuan, a growth of 2.95%[15] - Total liabilities rose to 72.22 billion yuan from 68.59 billion yuan, an increase of 5.29%[15] - Contract liabilities rose to 5.02 billion yuan from 4.87 billion yuan, an increase of 3.10%[15] - Total equity attributable to the parent company's owners decreased to 34.76 billion yuan from 35.12 billion yuan, a reduction of 1.03%[16] Shareholder Information - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 185,286[9] - The largest shareholder, Dongtai Jingtaifu Technology Co., Ltd., holds 47.45% of the shares, amounting to 1,570,307,572 shares[9] - The company repurchased 20,284,808 shares through the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with a total transaction value of 400,000,211.47 yuan[13] - The company terminated the 2022 and 2023 equity incentive plans and completed the cancellation of stock options and restricted stock[13] Operational Metrics - The company's battery module shipments in Q1 2024 reached 16.059GW, with overseas shipments accounting for approximately 62% and distribution shipments accounting for 29%[12] - Operating costs decreased to 16.58 billion yuan from 17.78 billion yuan, a reduction of 6.75%[17] - R&D expenses for the quarter were 217.58 million yuan, down 21.79% from 278.17 million yuan in the previous year[17] - Asset impairment losses increased by 288.08% to RMB 257.89 million, mainly due to increased inventory write-downs[7] Miscellaneous - The company's first quarter report was unaudited[22]
国信证券· 2024-04-01 16:00
证券研究报告 | 2024年04月01日 晶澳科技(002459.SZ) 买入 盈利短期承压,二季度行业景气度有望改善  公司研究·公司快评  电力设备·光伏设备  投资评级:买入(维持评级) 证券分析师: 王蔚祺 010-88005313 执证编码:S0980520080003 证券分析师: 李恒源 021-60875174 执证编码:S0980520080009 事项: 2023年下半年至今,产业链价格持续下降,截至2024年3月28日,TOPCon182mm组件报价为0.96元/W, PERC182mm组件报价0.92元/W,较2023年7月报价分别下降了39%/34%。硅料价格方面,当前N型致密 料价格为70元/kg,较2023年7月分别下降41%。 国信电新观点: 1)2023年下半年至今,组件产量及开工率持续下降,根据Infolink统计数据,一线组件厂商开工率从 2023年7月的82%降至2024年2月的约45%;2024年2月国内组件产量31GW,环比下降20%,且较2023 年7月产量已 ...
晶澳科技(002459) - 投资者关系活动记录表(2023年11月8日-2023年11月10日)
2023-11-14 08:54
证券代码:002459 证券简称:晶澳科技 晶澳太阳能科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 | | | 投资者关系活 | □媒体采访 | □业绩说明会 | | 动类别 | □新闻发布会 √路演活动 | | | | □现场参观 | | | | □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | | | Schroders - Asia Pac Team ; | | | | RWC Asset Management LLP; | | | | Wellington Management Co. LLP; | | | | Arisaig Partners (Asia) Pte Ltd | ; | | | Janus Henderson Investors ...
晶澳科技(002459) - 投资者关系活动记录表(2023年10月31日)
2023-11-01 08:38
证券代码:002459 证券简称:晶澳科技 晶澳太阳能科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 □特定对象调研 □分析师会议 投资者关系活 □媒体采访 √业绩说明会 动类别 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 □现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 摩根大通 中信里昂 富瑞集团 摩根士丹利亚洲 圆方资本 易方达基金 参与单位名称 南方基金 平安基金 广发基金 中欧基金 中银基金 工银瑞信基金 及人员姓名 银华基金 银河基金 民生加银基金 大成基金 长江证券 东吴证券 中信证券 中信建投证券 招商证券 财通证券等 时间 2023年10月 31日 地点 电话会议 上市公司接待 董事、副总经理 杨爱青 人员姓名 财务负责人 李少辉 副总裁 祝道诚 董事会秘书 武廷栋 一、公司经营业绩介绍 1、业绩、出货 ...