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东吴证券· 2025-01-09 05:52
证券研究报告·行业深度报告·商贸零售 商贸零售行业深度报告 市内免税店落地展望:城市梳理及规模测算 2025 年 01 月 08 日 增持(维持) [Table_Tag] [Table_Summary] 投资要点 证券分析师 吴劲草 执业证书:S0600520090006 证券分析师 石旖瑄 执业证书:S0600522040001 研究助理 王琳婧 执业证书:S0600123070017 行业走势 -24% -18% -12% -6% 0% 6% 12% 18% 24% 30% 2024/1/8 2024/5/8 2024/9/6 2025/1/5 商贸零售 沪深300 相关研究 东吴证券研究所 1 / 13 | 图 | 1: | 市内免税店购物场景 5 | | --- | --- | --- | | 图 | 2: | 民航出境旅客量(单位:万人) 7 | | 图 | 3: | 邮轮出境旅客量(单位:万人) 7 | | 图 | 4: | 原有和转型市内免税店所在城市机场 2019 年出入境客流及占比 8 ...
东吴证券· 2025-01-09 00:22
证券研究报告·宏观报告·宏观点评 宏观点评 20250108 "两新"政策加力扩围驱动市场回暖 2025 年 01 月 08 日 [Table_Tag] [Table_Summary] 事件 观点 证券分析师 芦哲 执业证书:S0600524110003 证券分析师 潘京 执业证书:S0600524120011 证券分析师 李昌萌 执业证书:S0600524120007 相关研究 《关税"迷雾"的背后:特朗普关税 工具如何落地?》 2025-01-07 《12 月非农就业预计温和降温》 2025-01-05 东吴证券研究所 1 / 7 请务必阅读正文之后的免责声明部分 ◼ A 股成交额回升,创业板指下跌 0.98%,上证指数上涨 0.02%。沪指上 涨 0.02%至 3230.17 点,较 24 年末下跌 3.63%;创业板指下跌 0.98%至 2008.44 点,较 24 年末下跌 6.22%;风格指数方面,代表大盘股的沪深 300 下跌 0.18%至 3789.22 点,较 24 年末下跌 3.70% ...
东吴证券· 2025-01-08 23:36
证券研究报告 东吴证券晨会纪要 东吴证券晨会纪要 2025-01-09 [Table_Tag] 宏观策略 [Table_MacroStrategy] 宏观深度报告 20250107:关税"迷雾"的背后:特朗普关税工具如何落 地? 在特朗普政府的政策框架中,加征关税的主要路径依据所需的政治程序 和落地速度可被区分为两类。一类是总统通过行政命令直接生效,包括援 引特定贸易条款(201、232、301、122 和 338 条款等)和动用紧急状态 法(IEEPA 机制);另一类则需经过国会立法审议并批准,如取消永久正 常贸易关系地位(PNTR,即俗称的"最惠国待遇")。总统通过行政命令 较国会立法审议的路径更容易实现,同时考虑到特朗普曾于首次任期内 使用过 201、232、301 条款加征关税,且援引 301 条款时可沿用既往调 查而无需启动新调查。因此我们认为,特朗普 2.0 的关税政策偏好为 201、 232、301 条款>IEEPA 机制≈122、338 条款>取消 PNTR 地位。 风险提 示:特朗普再度遇刺;特朗普政策出台顺序、幅度与市场预想有偏差;全 球地缘冲突加速恶化。 固收金工 [Table_Fixe ...
东吴证券· 2025-01-08 23:27
证券研究报告·行业点评报告·环保 环保行业点评报告 加力扩围实施"两新",增加资金支持,促进 再生资源高质量发展 增持(维持) [Table_Tag] [投资要点 Table_Summary] 2025 年 01 月 08 日 证券分析师 袁理 执业证书:S0600511080001 021-60199782 证券分析师 任逸轩 执业证书:S0600522030002 证券分析师 陈孜文 执业证书:S0600523070006 行业走势 -22% -17% -12% -7% -2% 3% 8% 13% 18% 23% 28% 2024/1/8 2024/5/9 2024/9/8 2025/1/8 环保 沪深300 相关研究 《2024年碳配额清缴顺利结束价格稳 中有升,利率下行期关注水务固废现 金流资产》 2025-01-06 《进一步落实 PPP 新规严格聚焦使用 者付费项目,利率下行期关注水务固 废现金流资产》 2024-12-31 东吴证券研究所 1 / 4 请务必阅读正文之后的免责声明部分 事 ...
东吴证券· 2025-01-08 10:01
Company Overview - The company, Yuanhang Precision (833914), is a leading enterprise in the field of precision nickel-based conductor materials, specializing in the production of nickel strips, foils, and precision structural components [8][11] - Established in 2006 and listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange in 2022, the company has accumulated significant R&D achievements, holding 12 invention patents and 83 utility model patents by 2023 [11] - The company's main products are widely used in consumer electronics, new energy vehicles, power tools, electric bicycles, energy storage, aerospace, and metal commemorative coins [11] Financial Performance - In 2023, the company reported revenue of 810 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 10.59%, and net profit attributable to shareholders of 32 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 40.87% [8][20] - The company's revenue and net profit are expected to recover in 2024, with revenue projected to reach 873.56 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.89%, and net profit expected to reach 63.85 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 102.02% [8][20] - The company's gross profit margin in 2023 was 10.42%, down 3.72 percentage points year-on-year, but it is expected to rebound to 14.98% in 2024 [24] Industry and Market Analysis - The demand for precision conductor materials is driven by the growth of power batteries, consumer batteries, and energy storage batteries [8] - The power battery market is expected to grow steadily, with shipments exceeding 1000GWh in 2024, a year-on-year increase of 24%, and 1300GWh in 2025, a year-on-year increase of 25% [8] - The energy storage battery market is expected to grow rapidly, with shipments reaching 330GWh in 2024, a year-on-year increase of over 50%, and 500GWh in 2025, a year-on-year increase of 51% [8] - The consumer battery market is supported by the electronics and AI sectors, with demand expected to remain stable and grow with emerging applications such as AIPC and smart robots [8] Strategic Development - The company is focusing on vertical integration, leveraging its R&D capabilities and technical advantages to maintain a leading position in the industry [8][43] - The company has established strong partnerships with major clients such as Panasonic, LG, Zhuhai CosMX, and EVE Energy, benefiting from the increasing downstream demand [8][48] - The company is expanding its production capacity, with plans to increase the production of precision nickel strip materials by 2500 tons and precision alloy stamping parts by 835 million pieces by 2025 [8][50] Investment Rating and Valuation - The company is given a "Buy" rating for the first time, with an expected net profit of 64 million yuan in 2024, a year-on-year increase of 102%, and a PE ratio of 22 times [8][55] - The company's valuation is considered attractive compared to peers, with a PE ratio of 22/19/16 times for 2024-2026, lower than the average PE ratio of -48/38/19 times for comparable companies [55][56]
东吴证券· 2025-01-08 08:47
证券研究报告·公司深度研究·乘用车 广汽集团(601238) 发布番禺行动,聚焦大自主 2025 年 01 月 07 日 买入(维持) | [Table_EPS] 盈利预测与估值 | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 110272 | 129706 | 116108 | 146474 | 185125 | | 同比(%) | 45.72 | 17.62 | (10.48) | 26.15 | 26.39 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | 8064 | 4429 | 1403 | 4134 | 5384 | | 同比(%) | 9.94 | (45.08) | (68.32) | 194.58 | 30.25 | | EPS-最新摊薄(元/股) | 0.78 | 0.43 | 0.14 | 0.40 | 0.52 | | P/E(现价&最新摊薄) | 10.76 | 19.59 | 61.83 | 20.99 | 16.12 | [Table_Tag] [Tab ...
东吴证券· 2025-01-08 04:51
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·计算机设备 道通科技(688208) 2024 年业绩预告点评:业绩超预期,看好三 重成长曲线 买入(维持) | [Table_EPS] 盈利预测与估值 | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 2266 | 3251 | 3953 | 4889 | 6073 | | 同比(%) | 0.53 | 43.50 | 21.59 | 23.69 | 24.20 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | 102.03 | 179.23 | 644.31 | 769.44 | 943.30 | | 同比(%) | (76.74) | 75.66 | 259.48 | 19.42 | 22.60 | | EPS-最新摊薄(元/股) | 0.23 | 0.40 | 1.43 | 1.70 | 2.09 | | P/E(现价&最新摊薄) | 160.76 | 91.52 | 25.46 | 21.32 | 17.39 | [关键词: Table_Tag#新产 ...
东吴证券· 2025-01-08 00:33
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·电池 天赐材料(002709) 2024 年业绩预告点评:Q4 业绩略超预期,美 国建厂稳步推进 买入(维持) | [Table_EPS] 盈利预测与估值 | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 22317 | 15405 | 13891 | 18416 | 23337 | | 同比(%) | 101.22 | (30.97) | (9.83) | 32.57 | 26.72 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | 5,714.44 | 1,890.62 | 479.07 | 1,500.50 | 2,290.57 | | 同比(%) | 158.77 | (66.92) | (74.66) | 213.21 | 52.65 | | EPS-最新摊薄(元/股) | 2.98 | 0.99 | 0.25 | 0.78 | 1.19 | | P/E(现价&最新摊薄) | 6.09 | 18.41 | 72.66 | 23.20 | 15.20 ...
东吴证券· 2025-01-08 00:14
证券研究报告·策略报告·策略深度报告 策略深度报告 20250107 2025 年港股:何妨吟啸且徐行 2025 年 01 月 07 日 [Table_Summary] ◼ 2024 年港股 YTD 表现超全球投资者预期,恒生国企全年上涨 26%,跑 赢主要市场:标普 500、MSCI 发达&新兴市场、日经 225 等。 回顾港股全年走势是强预期和弱现实反复碰撞。由于积极政策的刺激带 动了市场情绪的快速回升和资金的涌入,港股于 4-5 月,9-10 月走出两 轮行情,但均随着弱经济现实的不断验证而出现回调。924 一揽子政策 预期发布,港股快速上涨,可以说彼时过度定价了经济刺激政策力度。 当前港股基本回调到一系列政策刺激之前的点位,又陷入了缺乏对政策 效力反映的另一极端,所以我们对港股未来走势反而相对乐观起来。 ◼ 2025 年,我们预计港股将进一步回升,主要理由是:1)全球仍处在美 元降息周期,上半年继续降息,这对于新兴市场的股票,包括中国资产 来说仍然有利;2)港股估值相对全球主要股指依然偏低;3)国内政策 发力下港股盈利将会进一步改善;4)当前人民币相对弱势,市场预期 人民币未来会以贬值应对关税,但我们 ...
东吴证券· 2025-01-07 23:47
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·商用车 宇通客车(600066) 12 月高景气度延续,2024 全年产销超预期 2025 年 01 月 08 日 买入(维持) | [Table_EPS] 盈利预测与估值 | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 21799 | 27042 | 34733 | 41447 | 49941 | | 同比(%) | (6.17) | 24.05 | 28.44 | 19.33 | 20.49 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | 759.14 | 1,817.08 | 3,553.81 | 4,120.91 | 4,967.02 | | 同比(%) | 23.68 | 139.36 | 95.58 | 15.96 | 20.53 | | EPS-最新摊薄(元/股) | 0.34 | 0.82 | 1.61 | 1.86 | 2.24 | | P/E(现价&最新摊薄) | 80.55 | 33.65 | 17.21 | 14.84 | 12.3 ...