证券时报网· 2025-01-07 03:20
股价下跌的有28只,跌幅居前的有移远通信、*ST通脉、*ST鹏博等,跌幅分别为8.00%、5.05%、 5.00%。 两融数据显示,该股最新(1月6日)两融余额为5.84亿元,其中,融资余额为5.81亿元,近10日减少 2670.74万元,环比下降4.39%。 证券时报网讯,太辰光股价创出历史新高,截至11:15,该股上涨13.04%,股价报87.21元,成交量 2329.08万股,成交金额18.82亿元,换手率12.11%,该股最新A股总市值达198.08亿元,该股A股流通市 值167.70亿元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,太辰光所属的通信行业,目前整体涨幅为0.67%,行业内,目前股价上涨的 有99只,涨幅居前的有太辰光、博创科技、通鼎互联等,涨幅分别为13.04%、10.49%、9.98%。 ...
移远通信:被列入1260H清单明显是一个错误 该清单对公司业务没有影响
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 03:19
Core Viewpoint - The company,移远通信, asserts that its inclusion in the 1260H list is a mistake and emphasizes that this listing does not impact its business operations [1] Group 1 - The company is taking the matter seriously and is actively responding to the situation [1] - A professional team will be organized to communicate with relevant U.S. authorities to clarify facts and resolve misunderstandings [1] - The company reiterates that its business focus is on the civilian sector and it is neither a military enterprise nor has it ever participated as a supplier for military enterprises [1]
家电、家居等板块拉升 康盛股份、惠而浦斩获两连板
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 02:56
消息面上,2024年,多项消费品以旧换新支持政策相继发布,拉动家电、汽车等消费品换新热潮,市场 消费潜力得到释放。1月3日,国家发展改革委副秘书长袁达在"中国经济高质量发展成效"系列新闻发布 会上表示,2025年将扩大"两新"政策支持范围,将设备更新支持范围扩大至电子信息、安全生产、设施 农业等领域。实施手机等数码产品购新补贴,对个人消费者购买手机、平板、智能手表手环等3类数码 产品给予补贴;提升标准,进一步提高新能源城市公交车及动力电池更新、农机报废更新补贴标准;完 善机制,进一步简化设备更新审批流程,提高经营主体设备更新的便利度。业内人士预计,随着政策支 持范围扩大,今年各地将继续发力推进消费品以旧换新。 华西证券表示,考虑到国内白电行业发展进入相对成熟阶段,以旧换新政策落地效果逐渐显现,格局相 对稳定,相关龙头公司增长稳健、现金流稳定,具有长期稳定的分红策略,同时部分标的估值具有一定 性价比,建议关注国内白电企业如美的集团、海尔智家、海信家电、长虹美菱等。 家居板块7日盘中发力走高,截至发稿,松发股份涨停,匠心家居涨超8%,嘉益股份、永艺股份涨超 5%。 家电板块亦上扬,截至发稿,康盛股份、惠而浦涨停, ...
财说 |温氏股份扭亏为盈,近百亿利润背后意味着什么?
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 02:56
Core View - Wens Foodstuff Group Co Ltd (300498 SZ) turned a profit in 2024 after a significant loss in 2023, with expected net profit attributable to shareholders of 9-9 5 billion yuan, compared to a loss of 6 39 billion yuan in 2023 [1] - The company's revenue is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan in 2024 [1] Financial Performance - Wens Foodstuff Group Co Ltd's net profit attributable to shareholders in 2024 is expected to be 9-9 5 billion yuan, a significant turnaround from the 6 39 billion yuan loss in 2023 [1] - The company's non-GAAP net profit is expected to be 9 3-9 9 billion yuan in 2024, compared to a loss of 6 45 billion yuan in 2023 [1] - Revenue for 2024 is projected to exceed 100 billion yuan [1] Business Segments - The company's pig farming business generated 28 2 billion yuan in revenue in the first half of 2024, accounting for 60% of total revenue [2] - The poultry business contributed 16 7 billion yuan in revenue, representing 35 66% of total revenue [2] - Wens Foodstuff Group Co Ltd sold 5 48 billion chickens in the first half of 2024, a 1 04% decrease year-on-year, accounting for 7 21% of the national poultry output [2] - The company sold 14 3742 million pigs in the first half of 2024, a 21 96% increase year-on-year, representing 3 95% of the national pig output [2] Operational Capacity - As of October 2024, the company's sow farms have a production capacity of 46 million pigs [2] - The effective breeding capacity, including cooperative farmers and modern farming communities, is approximately 37 million pigs [2] Business Model - Wens Foodstuff Group Co Ltd operates under a "company + farmer" model, which has been in place for over 30 years [3] - The company provides chicks, piglets, feed, veterinary drugs, and vaccines to cooperative farmers, who are responsible for raising the animals to market weight [3] - The company offers technical guidance and services in key areas such as breeding management, disease prevention, and environmental treatment [3] - Cooperative farmers return the animals to the company for sale, and the company pays them based on performance and contract terms [3] Market Performance - The company's performance fell short of expectations, with a 2024 net profit of 9-9 5 billion yuan compared to the consensus estimate of 10 3 billion yuan [4] - In the fourth quarter of 2024, the company's net profit is expected to be 2 85 billion yuan, a 44% decrease from the third quarter's 5 081 billion yuan [4] - The average selling price of pigs in October 2024 was 17 64 yuan/kg, a 7 4% decrease from the previous month [4] - By December 2024, the average pork price had dropped to 27 72 yuan/kg, a 10% decrease from September 2024 [4] Industry Outlook - The number of breeding sows in China was 40 8 million in November 2024, slightly higher than at the beginning of the year and only 1 5% lower than the end of 2023 [6] - The breeding sow inventory is expected to influence pork production in September 2025, a traditionally low-demand season, potentially leading to further price declines [6] - The industry is shifting from expansion to quality improvement, with a focus on reducing production costs and increasing profitability [6] - Capital expenditures in the pig farming industry decreased by 27 4% year-on-year in the first three quarters of 2024, reflecting cautious investment [6] Conclusion - Wens Foodstuff Group Co Ltd's return to profitability does not indicate a bullish market for the industry [7] - The company's profit fluctuations are expected to remain volatile as the industry continues to adjust [7]
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 02:18
Group 1 - The stock of Yongmaotai has hit the daily limit up for three consecutive trading days, with a current price of 9.83 yuan and a turnover rate of 14.84% [1] - During the consecutive limit-up period, the stock has increased by a total of 33.02%, with a cumulative turnover rate of 28.10% [1] Group 2 - The total market value of A-shares has reached 32.43 billion yuan [2] - As of January 6, the margin balance for the stock is 67.45 million yuan, which has decreased by 5.50 million yuan from the previous trading day, representing a decline of 7.54% [2] - Over the past three days, the margin balance has cumulatively decreased by 45.19 million yuan, reflecting a decline of 40.12% [2] - The stock has been listed on the Dragon and Tiger list due to a cumulative price deviation of 20% over three trading days and a daily price deviation of 7% [2] - The net buying amount from the leading brokerage firms on the buy and sell side is 24.59 million yuan [2]
博汇科技成立新公司 含AI及机器人业务
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 02:02
证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,博汇飞行者二号(深圳)科技有限公司成立,法定代表人 为郭忠武,注册资本1000万元,经营范围包含:智能机器人销售;人工智能基础软件开发;人工智能应 用软件开发;人工智能理论与算法软件开发等。 企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由博汇科技全资持股。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 01:55
证券时报网讯,康盛股份再度涨停,4个交易日内录得3个涨停,累计涨幅为25.41%,累计换手率为 44.84%。 截至9:42,该股今日成交量1.21亿股,成交金额3.59亿元,换手率10.69%。 最新A股总市值达34.77亿元。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 01:55
最新A股总市值达30.96亿元,A股流通市值24.34亿元。 龙虎榜数据显示,该股因连续三个交易日内,涨幅偏离值累计达20%、日振幅值达15%上榜龙虎榜2 次,买卖居前营业部中,机构净卖出2273.54万元,营业部席位合计净买入367.92万元。 证券时报网讯,梦洁股份再度涨停,5个交易日内录得4个涨停,累计涨幅为55.06%,累计换手率为 70.31%。 截至9:41,该股今日成交量1.13亿股,成交金额4.43亿元,换手率19.20%。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 01:55
Group 1 - The stock of ShunNa Co., Ltd. has hit the daily limit up again, recording 7 limit ups in 8 trading days, with a cumulative increase of 79.95% and a total turnover rate of 144.63% [1] - As of 9:44 AM, the stock's trading volume today reached 150 million shares, with a transaction amount of 982 million yuan and a turnover rate of 21.97% [2] - The latest total market capitalization of A-shares is 5.147 billion yuan, with a circulating market capitalization of 5.103 billion yuan. The margin trading data shows that the latest margin balance for the stock is 156 million yuan, with a decrease of 56.42 million yuan from the previous trading day, a decline of 26.54%. Over the past 8 days, it has increased by 27.99 million yuan, a growth of 21.84% [3] Group 2 - The stock has appeared on the龙虎榜 (Dragon and Tiger List) 4 times due to a cumulative deviation in the increase of 20% over three consecutive trading days, a daily turnover rate of 20%, a daily deviation in increase of 7%, and a daily amplitude of 15% [3] - Among the leading trading departments, institutional net purchases amounted to 9.3458 million yuan, while the total net sales from brokerage seats reached 9.627 million yuan [3]
证券时报网· 2025-01-07 01:55
证券时报网讯,美邦股份盘中涨停,已连收4个涨停板,截至9:42,该股报17.61元,换手率9.31%,成 交量1258.95万股,成交金额2.13亿元,涨停板封单金额为1.49亿元。 连续涨停期间,该股累计上涨46.38%,累计换手率为28.05%。 最新A股总市值达23.81亿元。 龙虎榜数据显示,该股因连续三个交易日内,涨幅偏离值累计达20%、日振幅值达15%上榜龙虎榜2 次,买卖居前营业部中,机构净买入370.21万元,营业部席位合计净卖出287.42万元。 ...