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海目星(688559) - 2024 Q4 - 年度业绩
2025-02-27 09:05
证券代码:688559 证券简称:海目星 公告编号:2025-017 海目星激光科技集团股份有限公司 2024 年度业绩快报公告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重 大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性依法承担法律责任。 重要提示: 本公告所载 2024 年度主要财务数据为初步核算数据,未经会计师事务 所审计,具体数据以公司 2024 年年度报告中披露的数据为准,提请投资者 注意投资风险。 一、2024 年度主要财务数据和指标 (一)报告期的经营情况、财务状况及影响经营业绩的主要因素 报告期内,实现营业收入 452,471.72 万元,同比下降 5.82%。实现利润总额-19,941.54 万元,同比下降 168.28%;实现归属于母公司所有者的净利润-15,234.67 万元,同比下降 147.35%;实现归属于母公司所有者的扣除非经常性损益的净利润-20,511.84 万元,同比 下降 182.54%。 虽然全球新能源市场需求和产业规模在 2024 年保持持续增长,但行业供需矛盾进 一步增加。2024 年在国内新能源行业呈现阶段性供需失衡的严峻环境下,公司锂电业 ...
财联社· 2025-02-18 02:59
比亚迪明确2027年全固态电池批量装车,多个厂商披露最新的电池原型、产线建设和中试规划,目前 行业主流技术路线基本清晰,硫化物+高镍三元方向明确,未来有望实现"固液同价",还有eVTOL打开 固态电池低空百亿级增量市场。 固态电池(海目星、容百科技、有研新材)精要: ①比亚迪透露,将在2027年左右启动全固态电池批量示范装车应用,2030年后实现大规模上车。比亚 迪再次明晰固态电池量产节点,国内固态电池量产节奏有望加速; ②目前全固态电池逐渐聚焦硫化物路线,主流技术路线基本清晰,硫化物+高镍三元方向明确,负极短 期(2030年以前)硅碳为重点,长期重点攻关锂金属负极; ③低空助力固态电池加速落地,根据测算2031年eVTOL电池后装市场为78亿元,叠加2031年前装市 场,百亿级市场空间可期; ④海通证券马天一看好多家企业电池容量已从20-40Ah提升到60Ah以上,具备小批量供应能力,重点 在于攻克大规模生产工艺,未来有望实现"固液同价",看好相关设备厂商与硫化物&卤化物材料供应 商; ②硫化物路线明确:根据国内、国际车厂和电池厂研发情况,目前全固态电池逐渐聚焦硫化物路线,主 流技术路线基本清晰,硫化物+高 ...
证券时报网· 2025-02-17 02:16
根据公告,本次海目星入股欣界并非单一行为,亿航智能也同时投资1000万元入股欣界,增资后持股比 例为0.6%。由此可见,不论是下游低空飞行器厂家还是作为设备商的海目星,都极为看好欣界能源在 固态电池领域的未来前景。 值得注意的是,固态电池"猎鹰"背后的重要推手正是海目星,作为在锂电池行业扎根十余年的激光设备 及自动化公司,海目星拥有极为深厚的激光技术实力和设备智造经验。去年7月,欣界与海目星达成战 略合作,后者成为"猎鹰"固态电池的整线设备总包商。未来双方还将通过资源共享、优势互补,在固态 电池的设备研发、产业链以及固态电池的销售等领域开展深度合作。 近期密集出台的扶持政策,显示出低空经济蕴含的巨大潜力正在浮出水面。作为低空经济力的龙头标 的,亿航智能受到资金关注,节后至2月14日涨幅超过50%。而作为其背后的助力者,正在携手共同向 低空经济这一"万亿级赛道"迈进。 2月14日,激光及自动化智造企业海目星发布公告称,其占股45.43%的峰智基金拟出资1700万元认缴欣 界能源0.7634%的股权。公司强调,交易目的是基于看好固态电池发展前景。 资料显示,欣界能源是国内首家商业化锂金属固态电池的公司,其在固态电 ...
海目星(688559) - 2024 Q4 - 年度业绩预告
2025-01-24 10:40
Financial Projections - The company expects to achieve operating revenue between CNY 440 million and CNY 470 million for the year 2024[3]. - The projected net profit attributable to the parent company is expected to be between -CNY 170 million and -CNY 120 million for 2024, with a net profit excluding non-recurring gains and losses expected to be between -CNY 220 million and -CNY 170 million[3]. - In the same period last year, the company reported a net profit of CNY 321.74 million, indicating a significant decline in profitability for 2024[5]. Revenue Decline Factors - The decline in revenue is attributed to a decrease in lithium battery business income and a drop in gross margin due to a severe supply-demand imbalance in the domestic new energy industry[6]. Future Growth Expectations - The company anticipates continued breakthroughs with key customers in Europe and Asia-Pacific markets in 2025, which is expected to drive significant order growth[6]. - The company plans to increase its focus on medical lasers and other related new business areas, with new products expected to be launched in 2025[6]. Competitive Advantage - The company has established a competitive advantage in various fields, including power batteries, energy storage batteries, solid-state batteries, and photovoltaic batteries, through sustained R&D investment[6]. Financial Data Integrity - The financial data provided is preliminary and subject to audit by registered accountants, with no significant uncertainties affecting the accuracy of the forecast identified as of the announcement date[7][8].
海目星(688559) - 海目星投资者关系活动记录表【调】202412-01
2024-12-24 07:37
海目星激光科技集团股份有限公司 投资者调研和媒体采访接待备查文档 第 1 页 / 共 5 页 投资者关系活动记录表 股票名称:海目星 股票代码:688559 编号:【调】202412-01 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------|-------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
海目星(688559) - 关于举办投资者开放日活动的公告
2024-12-10 08:44
证券代码:688559 证券简称:海目星 公告编号:2024-084 海目星激光科技集团股份有限公司 关于举办投资者开放日活动的公告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗 漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性依法承担法律责任。 海目星激光科技集团股份有限公司(以下简称"公司")为构建多层次投资人交流渠道, 让广大投资者了解公司的业务布局、战略规划以及核心竞争力,同时解答投资者关心的问题, 倾听投资者的意见和建议,从而增进投资者对公司的认知和投资的信心,促进公司与投资者 之间建立更为紧密、良好的互动关系,实现公司与投资者的共赢发展。公司拟于 2024 年 12 月 18 日(星期三)举办投资者开放日活动,现将有关事项公告如下: 一、活动召开的时间、地点 活动时间:2024 年 12 月 18 日(星期三)15:00-17:00 活动地点:深圳市龙华区科姆龙科技园 B 栋 邀请对象:公司股东及对公司感兴趣的投资者 活动方式:现场交流 二、公司主要参会高管 公司董事、首席技术官周宇超先生; 公司董事、首席资本运营官、董事会秘书罗筱溪女士; 公司首席财务官曾长进先生。 (如有 ...
海目星(688559) - 海目星投资者关系活动记录表【调】202411-02
2024-11-25 10:25
股票名称:海目星 股票代码:688559 编号:【调】202411-02 海目星激光科技集团股份有限公司 投资者调研和媒体采访接待备查文档 投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
财联社· 2024-11-12 09:34
①固态电池"卖铲者"+光伏铜浆等技术受益,这家激光设备技术领军受益宁德时代等新一轮全球扩产及 技术迭代周期,海外新签订单占比过半; ②《军队装备保障条例》施行在即,公司隐身材料产能有望 进一步提升,另有可应用于战斗机发动机的陶瓷复合材料拓展空间。 《风口研报》今日导读 1、海目星(688559):①公司在激光设备领域长期耕耘,动力电池激光设备有较强竞争力,受益下游 头部电池厂新一轮扩产周期,前瞻的海外布局开始取得收获,2024年新签订单海外占比过半;②固态 电池领域,公司已进行了长期的研发工作,已实现准固态电池量产线的签约2GWh设备采购协议,电解 液含量低于5%,能量密度超过450瓦时/公斤;③作为光伏激光设备核心供应商,未来随着xBC、 TOPCon+、以及无银浆料烧结技术的进步与推广,公司储备业务有望有所斩获;④招商证券游家训预 计公司2024-2025年归母净利润1.44、3.7亿元;⑤风险提示:海外锂电不及预期、光伏新技术不及预 期。 2、华秦科技(688281):①公司隐身材料主要应用于重大国防武器装备如飞机、主战坦克、舰船、导 弹等的隐身、重要地面军事目标的伪装和各类装备部件的表面防护,产能随募 ...
太平洋· 2024-11-07 05:43
Investment Rating - The report gives a "Buy" rating for the company, indicating a positive outlook on its future performance [1]. Core Insights - The company has a strong growth momentum driven by over a decade of experience in laser technology innovation, focusing on industrial and medical laser applications [1]. - The lithium battery market presents significant growth opportunities, with the company making early investments in solid-state battery equipment technology [1]. - The photovoltaic sector continues to expand, with advancements in TOPCon+ and BC technologies, and the company has established itself as a key player in this field [1]. - In the medical sector, the company has achieved breakthroughs in mid-infrared femtosecond laser technology, with substantial potential for domestic market replacement [1]. - The company's revenue projections for 2024-2026 are 5.17 billion, 5.80 billion, and 6.62 billion yuan, respectively, with net profits of 221 million, 312 million, and 457 million yuan [1]. Summary by Sections 1. Company Overview - Established in 2008, the company focuses on laser technology applications, developing innovative technologies and equipment for various sectors including consumer electronics, energy storage batteries, photovoltaic cells, and medical lasers [4][6]. 2. Business Segments - **Lithium Battery Equipment**: The company offers a range of products from front-end to back-end equipment, actively developing solid-state battery assembly lines [6][7]. - **Photovoltaic Equipment**: The company provides precision laser processing solutions for the photovoltaic industry, focusing on TOPCon and XBC technologies [6]. - **3C Electronics**: The company produces laser marking, cutting, and welding equipment, targeting high-margin business areas [7]. - **Medical Laser Equipment**: The company specializes in mid-infrared laser technology for medical applications, with a focus on minimally invasive treatments [7][42]. 3. Revenue Structure - The lithium battery segment has been the primary revenue source, accounting for 56% in 2021 and projected to be 54% in 2024H1. The photovoltaic segment has rapidly grown, contributing 30% in 2024H1 [9]. 4. Performance Analysis - The company has experienced a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 53.80% in revenue from 2021 to 2023, although growth has slowed in 2024 due to increased competition and capital expenditure reductions [13]. 5. Financial Analysis - The company maintains stable expense ratios while increasing R&D investments, with R&D expenses rising from 1.07 billion yuan in 2020 to 5.40 billion yuan in 2023 [17]. 6. Profit Forecast and Valuation - The report forecasts revenue growth driven by recovery in the lithium battery and photovoltaic sectors, with expected revenues of 5.17 billion yuan in 2024 and net profits of 221 million yuan [48][53].
海目星(688559) - 海目星投资者关系活动记录表【调】202411-01
2024-11-04 10:04
股票名称:海目星 股票代码:688559 编号:【调】202411-01 海目星激光科技集团股份有限公司 投资者调研和媒体采访接待备查文档 投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...