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广发证券· 2024-12-15 15:36
[Table_Page] 跟踪分析|银行 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 11 月金融数据点评 M1 增速继续回升,社融见底企稳 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: 2024 年 12 月 13 日,央行公布 11 月金融数据。我们点评如下: 整体情况(表 1-11):活期化加速支撑 M1 增速大幅回升。11 月单位 活期存款环比增长 1.58 万亿元(10 月:0.45 万亿元),M1 增速环比 回升 2.4pct 至-3.7%。社融增速环比持平,信贷增量延续前期偏弱趋 势,预计主要由于本轮政策更多支持财政化债和消费刺激,虽然直接改 善了企业流动性但相较于项目投资而言对信贷需求的拉动较慢,投资 部分对信贷需求的拉动可能在明年年初逐步体现。 政府部门(表 12-13,图 2-10):财政力度退坡主要源于政府债发行与 财政支出存在时滞性。11 月政府债净融资 1.31 万亿元,同比多增 0.16 万亿元;财政存款净增加 0.14 万亿元,同比多增 0.47 万亿元;政府净 融资"政府债-财政存款"1.12 万亿元,同比少增 0.31 万亿元。增量财 政政策落地后政府债供给放量,而财政支出落地存 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-15 12:29
证券研究报告 公司评级 [Table_Invest] 买入-A/买入-H 当前价格 38.80 元/38.30 港元 合理价值 55.63 元/54.91 港元 前次评级 买入/买入 报告日期 2024-12-13 股票代码 600036.SH 03968.HK 总股本(百万股) 25219.85 25219.85 流通股本(百万股) 20628.94 4590.90 总市值 (百万) 978,530 元 965,920 港元 一年内最高/低价 40.00-27.03 元 47.25-24.50 港元 30 日日均成交量(百万股) 60.36 19.47 30 日日均成交额(百万) 2,265 元 710 港元 近 3 个月涨跌幅(%) 28.35 32.07 [Table_Page] 公司深度研究|股份制银行Ⅱ [Table_Title] 招商银行(600036.SH/03968.HK) 抓住复苏机遇,收获超额收益 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: 注:*除非特别注明,本篇报告货币均为人民币。 ⚫ 在前期发布的《银行行业 2025 年投资策略:从资产荒走向复苏交易》 报告中,我们提出 2025 年 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-15 03:45
[Table_Page] 公告点评|军工电子Ⅱ 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 海格通信(002465.SZ) 中标通导融合终端芯片研发服务,民用市场拓展可期 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 事件:近日,广州海格通信集团股份有限公司收到中国移动通信集团终 端有限公司"2024 年至 2025 年通导融合终端芯片研发服务采购项目" 的中选通知书,公司为该项目中选单位之一,预计中选合同金额为 3106 万元。 ⚫ 点评:公司北斗在大众消费领域的规模化应用及与中国移动合作有望 加快推进。公司在北斗领域率先实现了"芯片、模块、天线、终端、系 统、运营"全产业链布局,全面掌握北斗基带、射频芯片设计技术,打 造北斗三号应用全芯片解决方案,在短报文通信和定位导航领域具有 丰富的技术积累和项目经验,积极推动北斗行业应用服务。公司本次中 选也将加快推进公司与中国移动在北斗领域的深入合作和落地,实现 公司的芯片、终端能力在北斗高精度、短报文服务能力的互补,在大众 消费、物联网应用和行业应用的规模化推广打造竞争优势。 ⚫ 加大民用市场拓展,民用卫星通信及低空经济场景发展可期。在北斗 民用市场,公司着力推进 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-15 03:40
[Table_Contacts] [Table_Title] 非银金融行业 部署投融资综合改革,引领中长期资金入市 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 中央经济工作会议定调明年政策框架,为实现"十五五"良好开局打牢基 础。中央经济工作会议 12 月 11 日至 12 日在京举行,会议指出,实施更 加积极有为的宏观政策,"更加积极的财政政策"与"适度宽松的货币政 策",较 2023 年的"积极的财政政策"与"稳健的货币政策"更加有力, 更加强调"以进促稳"。明确表示"把握政策取向,讲求时机力度,各项 工作能早则早、抓紧抓实,保证足够力度",开年调控政策有望加速落地 以应对外部压力,注重内需提振,政策工具箱丰富,有力稳定市场预期。 ⚫ 资本市场投融资改革持续深化,重视资本市场的地位和功能。时隔三年再 次于中央经济工作会议提及"资本市场",2021-2023 三年均未计提,"稳 住楼市股市"政策诉求下,当前资本市场承载着经济预期、提振内需、畅 通融资的重任,资本市场内在稳定性持续增强。会议指出"深化资本市场 投融资综合改革,打通中长期资金入市卡点堵点,增强资本市场制度的包 容性、适应性。"(1)融资端改 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-15 03:40
[Table_Page] 行业专题研究|国防军工 2024 年 12 月 13 日 证券研究报告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|------------------------------|----------|------------------------------| | [Table_Title] | 国防军工行业 \n新·视角:船用柴油机全球维修体系布局,把握服务型制造产业升级机遇 | | | | | | [Tabl 分析师: | 孟祥杰 | 分析师: | 吴坤其 | 分析师: | 邱净博 | | e_Author] | SAC 执证号: S0260521040002 | | SAC 执证号: S0260522120001 | | SAC 执证号: S0260522120005 | | | SFC BRF275 | | SF ...
广发证券· 2024-12-13 07:16
[Table_Contacts] [Table_Title] 保险Ⅱ行业 个金全面扩大+产品供给扩容,为市场注入 长期资金 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: 12 月 12 日,人社部等五部门联合宣布从 2024 年 12 月 15 日起将个 人养老金制度由 2022 年 11 月的 36 个区域扩大至全国,并且从六个 方面提出具体的规定,包括扩大实施范围、优化产品供给、提高管理 服务水平、完善领取条件和办法、加强综合监管和做好组织实施工作。 首先,个人养老金制度的全面推广有助于推动第三支柱规模快速增长, 优化养老保险三大支柱结构。随着我国老龄化进程的加快,截至 23 年 底,65 岁以上人口比例已经达到了 15.4%(数据来源于 wind),而我 国养老保险体系又以第一和第二支柱为主,22 年占比分别高达 66.4%、 33.5%(数据来源于人社部和社保基金理事会),而第三支柱仅 0.1%, 人口老龄化加速后第一支柱的收支压力提升。参考美国经验,根据 IC I 数据,23 年第一、第二、第三支柱占比分别为 7%、51%、42%,其 中第三支柱中的个人退休账户 IRA 占养老金规模的比重为 35.8 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-13 02:16
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for BOSS Zhipin (BZ) with a target price of $19.11 per ADS, based on a 20X PE multiple for 2025 [5] Core Views - BOSS Zhipin's 24Q3 revenue grew 18.98% YoY to RMB 19.12 billion, with recruitment services contributing RMB 18.89 billion (up 18.7% YoY) [2] - The company's adjusted net profit reached RMB 739 million in 24Q3, up 3.5% YoY and 2.8% QoQ [2] - BOSS Zhipin's MAU grew 30% YoY to 58 million in 24Q3, with 40 million new users added in the first nine months [3] - The company's blue-collar recruitment business now accounts for 38% of total revenue, showing significant growth potential [3] Financial Performance - Revenue is expected to grow 23.3% to RMB 7.34 billion in 2024 and 10.1% to RMB 8.08 billion in 2025 [4] - Non-GAAP net profit is projected to reach RMB 2.72 billion in 2024 and RMB 3.10 billion in 2025 [4] - The company's P/E ratio is expected to decrease from 22 in 2023 to 15 in 2025, indicating improving valuation metrics [4] Operational Highlights - Paid enterprise users reached 6 million in the past 12 months, up 22.4% YoY [3] - New job postings increased 18% YoY in 24Q3, driven by efficient business models and market share gains [3] - The company has been actively repurchasing shares, with $220 million repurchased this year and an additional $150 million authorized [3] Industry Position - BOSS Zhipin is recognized as a leading online recruitment platform in China, benefiting from strong network effects [3] - The company's focus on blue-collar recruitment is expected to drive further growth and market expansion [3]
广发证券· 2024-12-13 02:12
[Table_Page] 投资策略报告|医药生物 请注意,李安飞,田鑫,杨微,王稼宸并非香港证券及期货事 务监察委员会的注册持牌人,不可在香港从事受监管活 动。 体现。在资本的助力下,大量新公司获得支持,企业也倾向于大幅扩张 产能和业务边界。2021 年 7 月资本退潮后,企业往往聚焦于核心主导 产业,将更多资源投入到有助于形成核心有竞争力的业务上。随着国内 需求的不断释放和全球市场的开拓,国内监管鼓励企业并购重组,产能 去化后更利于产业价值的体现。 联系人: 王少喆 021-38003564 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...
广发证券· 2024-12-12 11:09
盈利预测:(注:若无特殊说明货币均为人民币,汇率为 1HKD=0.92508RMB) [Table_Title] 【广发 商 社 & 海 外 】 巨 子 生 物 (02367.HK) 注射用重组胶原蛋白获优先审批,医美管线再添 重磅产品 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 事件:12 月 5 日,巨子生物旗下的"注射用重组胶原蛋白填充剂"获 得优先审批,"该产品属于列入国家重点研发计划的医疗器械"。本次获 批的为针对颈纹的重组胶原蛋白凝胶产品。 ⚫ 在医美领域,巨子生物目前的在研产品共有 4 款,分别是重组胶原蛋 白液体制剂(水光)、重组胶原蛋白固体制剂(改善鱼尾纹)、重组胶原 蛋白凝胶(针对中重度颈纹)和交联重组胶原蛋白凝胶(针对中重度法 令纹),医美矩阵丰富。 ⚫ 据蝉妈妈,11 月可复美/可丽金抖音同增 57%/615%,10+11 月可复美 /可丽金抖音同增 195%/628%,品牌势能强势。9-11 月抖音渠道焦点 面霜占比 11%/7%/9%,自 3.31 日焦点面霜上新以来 7 个月抖音 GMV 达 1.52 亿元。 ⚫ 盈利预测与投资建议:公司当前市值对应 24/25 年 PE23 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-12 03:25
Investment Rating - The report gives Ninebot a "Buy" rating with a target price of 57.89 yuan/CDR, based on a 2025 PE valuation of 25x [4] Core Views - Ninebot is a global leader in smart short-distance transportation, with a diversified product portfolio including balance bikes, scooters, two-wheelers, all-terrain vehicles, and robotic lawn mowers [2] - The company's competitive advantage lies in its deep R&D expertise in underlying technologies for short-distance transportation and its strong overseas brand and channel presence through the acquisition of Segway [2] - Ninebot's revenue reached 10.22 billion yuan in 2023, with a net profit of 598 million yuan, representing a year-on-year increase of 32.50% [2] - The company's two-wheeler business is rapidly growing, contributing 50.8% of total revenue in H1 2024, with a year-on-year growth of 114.8% [3] - New businesses such as all-terrain vehicles and robotic lawn mowers are expanding rapidly in overseas markets, with H1 2024 revenue shares of 7.6% and 6.7%, respectively [3] Business Overview Main Business: Two-Wheelers and Scooters - Ninebot's two-wheeler business focuses on the high-end market, leveraging advanced smart features and trendy designs to meet the social needs of young consumers [3] - The company's two-wheeler revenue reached 3.38 billion yuan in H1 2024, accounting for 50.8% of total revenue, with a year-on-year growth of 114.8% [3] - The balance bike and scooter business has recovered from the adjustment period, with self-branded retail sales reaching 1.079 million units in 2023 and contributing 1.031 billion yuan in H1 2024, a year-on-year increase of 21.4% [3] New Businesses: All-Terrain Vehicles and Robotic Lawn Mowers - Ninebot's all-terrain vehicles target the European and American markets, with 17,700 units sold in 2023 and a revenue share of 7.6% in H1 2024 [3] - The robotic lawn mower business is also focused on overseas markets, with products offering cost-effectiveness and smart features, contributing 6.7% of revenue in H1 2024 [3] Financial Projections and Valuation - The report forecasts a 116% year-on-year growth in net profit for 2024, followed by 28% and 23% growth in 2025 and 2026, respectively [4] - The current stock price implies a 2025 PE of 20.9x, and the report assigns a 25x PE valuation for 2025, resulting in a target price of 57.89 yuan/CDR [4] Competitive Advantages - Ninebot has accumulated deep expertise in underlying technologies such as robotics, vehicle platform development, and IoT/data capabilities [2] - The acquisition of Segway in 2015 provided the company with a strong overseas brand and channel presence, facilitating global market expansion [2] - The company's high R&D investment and extensive patent portfolio further strengthen its competitive position in the smart short-distance transportation industry [54]