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广发证券· 2024-12-16 06:41
[Table_Page] 公司深度研究|化学制药 盈利预测: 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 迪哲医药-U(688192.SH) 专注小分子原始创新,差异化管线厚积薄发 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 坚持源头创新,深耕小分子领域。公司坚持源头创新的理念,专注于 肿瘤领域小分子药物开发,已经建立 6 款具备全球竞争力的产品管线, 已有两款产品实现商业化(来源:公司官网)。 ⚫ 舒沃替尼填补 EGFR Exon20ins 突变 NSCLC 治疗空白。舒沃替尼于 2023 年在国内附条件批准含铂化疗进展或不耐受的 EGFR Exon20ins 突变 NSCLC,为该领域首款国产新药。公司也已向 FDA 递交该适应 症的上市申请。同时舒沃替尼一线治疗 EGFR Exon20ins 突变 NSCLC 也已开展全球多中心 III 期。舒沃替尼是首个且唯一全线治疗 EGFR Exon20ins NSCLC 获四项中、美"突破性疗法认定"的创新药物(来 源:公司官网)。 ⚫ 戈利昔替尼是淋巴瘤领域首款上市的 JAK1 抑制剂。戈利昔替尼于 2024 年国内获批治疗 R/R PTCL,是该领域唯一的 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-16 06:39
走扩 [Table_Page] 跟踪分析|银行 [Table_Title] 银行行业 财政支出与降准预期推动年底宽松 ——银行资负跟踪 20241215 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 本期:2024/12/9~12/15,上期:2024/12/2~12/8,下期:2024/12/16~12/22。 ⚫ 央行动态:本期央行公开市场共开展 5,385 亿元 7 天逆回购操作,利率 1.50%,逆回购到期 3,541 亿元,整体实现净投放 1,844 亿元。下期央 行公开市场将有 5,385 亿元逆回购到期。另外,下周有 14,500 亿元 MLF 到期。本周央行小额净投放,政府债净缴款处于高位,叠加税期准备期 和债市火热非银融入需求上升,资金面边际转紧。下周政府债净缴款明 显缩量,但考虑到大额 MLF 到期和税期,预计央行公开市场操作将投放 流动性以对冲相应影响,关注降准可能性。 ⚫ 政府债融资:本期政府债净缴款 7,499 亿元,预计下期净缴款约-340.25 亿元,较本期明显回落。年内政府债供给高峰已过,财政支出高峰将至。 ⚫ 资金利率:本期末 DR001、DR007、DR014、DR021 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-16 06:39
Industry Rating - The report assigns a **Buy** rating to the Defense and Military Industry, indicating a positive outlook for the sector [3] Core Views - The industry is expected to see accelerated improvement as the "14th Five-Year Plan" concludes and the "15th Five-Year Plan" is formulated, with a focus on the aviation sector [18] - The shipbuilding sector is expected to maintain steady growth, with significant orders such as a 17 billion RMB contract for LNG dual-fuel container ships [19] - Satellite and rocket development is progressing rapidly, with multiple launches planned for late 2024 and early 2025, including the Long March 8A and Long March 5B rockets [19] - The report highlights four key investment strategies for 2025, focusing on ROE growth, turnaround opportunities, emerging trends, and state-owned enterprise reforms [20] Company Summaries Aero Engine Corporation (航发动力) - Expected to benefit from high-end aviation equipment production and long-term maintenance demand, with projected revenue of 497.62 billion RMB in 2024 [21] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2025 is 15.22 billion RMB and 19.29 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 71X [21] AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry (中航西飞) - A major manufacturer of military and civilian aircraft, with expected revenue growth of 11.9% in 2024 [24] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 10.21 billion RMB, 12.83 billion RMB, and 15.83 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 72X [24] AVIC Heavy Machinery (中航重机) - Expected to benefit from the aviation equipment supply chain and global maintenance markets, with a projected profit target of 18.6 billion RMB in 2024 [25] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 15.76 billion RMB, 19.01 billion RMB, and 23.48 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 19X [25] Raytron Technology (睿创微纳) - A leader in non-cooled infrared technology, with significant growth potential in military and civilian applications [27] - Forecasted net profit for 2024 is 6.52 billion RMB, with a 2024 PE ratio of 33X [27] Guorui Technology (国睿科技) - Focused on radar and low-altitude economy, with significant contracts in meteorological and low-altitude surveillance projects [28] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2025 is 6.94 billion RMB and 9.89 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 36X [28] Guangwei Composites (光威复材) - A key supplier in the aerospace carbon fiber market, with significant growth potential in satellite and missile applications [29] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 9.30 billion RMB, 12.84 billion RMB, and 15.84 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 30X [29] China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (中国动力) - Expected to benefit from the shipbuilding cycle and engine technology advancements, with significant growth in maintenance and repair markets [31] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 11.88 billion RMB, 16.90 billion RMB, and 25.67 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 47X [31] AVIC Shenyang Aircraft (中航沈飞) - A leading manufacturer of fighter jets, with significant growth potential in military trade and maintenance markets [32] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 37.59 billion RMB, 46.69 billion RMB, and 57.42 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 36X [32] AVIC Optoelectronics (中航光电) - A leader in military connectors, with significant growth potential in aerospace, shipbuilding, and new energy sectors [33] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 36.97 billion RMB, 44.88 billion RMB, and 53.70 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 22X [33] Unigroup Guoxin (紫光国微) - A leader in integrated circuits, with significant growth potential in military and civilian applications [35] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 28.07 billion RMB, 35.00 billion RMB, and 41.13 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 39X [35] Zhongke Xingtu (中科星图) - Focused on the digital earth and low-altitude economy, with significant growth potential in satellite and AI applications [36] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 4.86 billion RMB, 6.83 billion RMB, and 9.30 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 64X [36] CETC 712 (七一二) - A leader in military wireless communication, with significant growth potential in satellite and AI applications [38] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 1.75 billion RMB, 4.10 billion RMB, and 5.26 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 89X [38] Haige Communications (海格通信) - A leader in military communication and navigation, with significant growth potential in satellite and AI applications [39] - Forecasted net profit for 2024-2026 is 4.62 billion RMB, 9.20 billion RMB, and 12.92 billion RMB, respectively, with a 2024 PE ratio of 69X [39]
广发证券· 2024-12-16 06:38
[TAblE_G rADE] 行业评级 买入 前次评级 买入 报告日期 2024-12-15 2024-12-04 [TAblE_ContACts] [TAblE_TitlE] 农林牧渔行业 如何看待 11 月生猪公司出栏数据 [TAblE_SummAry] 核心观点: 本周专题:近期主要生猪养殖公司11月出栏数据基本披露完毕,根据 各公司月度经营数据公告,2024年11月上市公司整体生猪出栏小幅 增长,出栏均重环比提升。(1)出栏量:11月份,各上市公司商品 猪出栏量合计1406万头,环比增长0.5%,同比增长12.6%;剔除牧 原后的各上市公司商品猪出栏量合计768万头,环比增长2.5%,同比 减少2.8%。1-11月,各上市公司商品猪出栏量同比增长5.6%;剔除 牧原后的各上市公司商品猪出栏量同比增长2%。其中,11月牧原股 份、温氏股份和新希望分别出栏商品猪638.3万头、290.8万头和126 万头,环比分别减少1.8%、增长8.8%、增长0.5%,同比分别增长 20.5%、增长13%和减少24.8%。中小养殖企业方面,11月份,唐人 神、天康生物、华统股份、神农集团分别出栏商品猪49.5万头、28 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-16 06:37
[Table_Grade] 行业评级 买入 前次评级 买入 报告日期 2024-12-15 SAC 执证号:S0260522070007 SFC CE No. BVB342 Xm l [Table_Page] 跟踪分析|房地产 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 房地产及物管行业 24 年第 50 周周报 认购网签仍维持较高水平,中央稳楼市表态提级 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: 本周政策情况:持续用力推动止跌回稳,提振房地产市场预期。中央方 面,政治局召开会议,强调要实施更加积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货 币政策,要积极稳妥化解房地产风险,一视同仁满足不同所有制房地产 企业的合理融资需求,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。地方政策方面, 长沙收购 436 套存量房作保障房,昆明提出进一步盘活存量,提升空 间利用效率,促进土地集约复合利用,广西收购商品房作保障房,广 西、襄阳、运城出台房票安置相关政策。 本周基本面情况:新房成交环比有下降,二手成交热度维持高位。据 Wind 及克尔瑞,本周 50 城新房成交面积 541.2 万方,环比下降 2.5%, 同比上升 17.2%。二手房方面,本周 13 城 ...
互联网传媒行业投资策略周报:OpenAI Sora正式发布,关注税收优惠政策延续的长期影响
广发证券· 2024-12-16 06:36
证券研究报告 [Table_Gr ade] 行业评级 买入 前次评级 买入 报告日期 2024-12-15 Xml [Table_Page] 投资策略周报|传媒 [Table_Title] 互联网传媒行业 OpenAI Sora 正式发布,关注税收优惠政策延续的长期影响 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 本周(12月9日-12月13日)中信传媒板块上涨3.18%,跑赢上证指数 3.54个百分点。本周(12月9日-12月13日)A股传媒板块整体上行, 一方面,AI模型与应用不断落地有效提振板块信心,相关标的涨幅明 显;另一方面,根据财政部,本周《关于文化体制改革中经营性文化 事业单位转制为企业税收政策的公告》发布,针对经营性文化事业单 位转制为企业的税收优惠政策延续4年,出版以及广电等迎来催化。同 时,政治局会议明确要大力提振消费,全方位扩大国内需求,顺周期 方向有望持续受益于经济回暖预期。叠加近期政策整体向好、经济有 望持续修复背景,板块整体表现良好。 ⚫ 投资建议:(1)互联网:我们认为当前市值切换25年盈利预期来看, 互联网公司的PE普遍处于高个位数和低双位数区间,稳健增长的标 的,建议关注 ...
广发证券· 2024-12-16 06:36
[Table_Page] 跟踪分析|电子 市场竞争加剧的风险。 证券研究报告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
广发证券· 2024-12-16 03:24
[Table_Page] 跟踪分析|保险Ⅱ | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
广发证券· 2024-12-16 03:24
[Table_Page] 跟踪分析|银行 [Table_Title] 银行投资观察 20241215 利率市场和股息资产前景 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: 本期观察区间:2024/12/9-2024/12/13。本文数据来源于 Wind 数据。 板块表现方面:本期 Wind 全 A 下跌 0.2%,银行板块整体下跌 0.5%, 排在所有行业第 17 位,跑输万得全 A。国有大行、股份行、城商行、 农商行变动幅度分别为+0.4%、-1.1%、-0.4%、-1.5%。恒生综合指数 上涨 0.4%,H 股银行涨幅 0.8%,跑赢恒生综合指数,跑赢 A 股银行。 个股表现方面:A 股银行涨幅前三为瑞丰银行上涨 1.92%、中国银行 上涨 1.57%、北京银行上涨 1.21%,跌幅靠前为渝农商行下跌 2.94%、 厦门银行下跌2.64%。H股银行涨幅前三为广州农商银行上涨12.18%、 中国银行上涨 2.15%、招商银行上涨 1.89%,跌幅前三为浙商银行下 跌 1.83%、重庆农村商业银行下跌 1.58%、重庆银行下跌 1.35%。 银行转债方面:本期银行转债平均价格上涨 0.45%,跑输中证转债 1. ...
广发证券· 2024-12-16 03:23
建产业链 [Table_Contacts] [Table_Title] 通信行业 数据中心短距传输 AEC 需求有望高增,关注产业链投资机会 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: 当地时间 12 月 2 日,Credo 发布 FY25Q2 财报,公司单季度营收创 记录,同比环比实现高增。预计 FY25 收入端将实现同比 100%或以上 的增长,FY26 收入实现 50%同比增长。 单季度营收创纪录,AEC 业务下游需求放量。公司 FY25Q2 营收 7203.4 万美元(YoY+63.6%,QoQ+20.6%),创单季度营收纪录;主 要受益于 AEC 业务下游需求放量。本季度有三家客户收入占比超过 10%,其中公司第二家 AEC 大型客户收入占比达到 33%,本季度有一 家新的新兴云厂商客户收入占比 14%,微软收入占比达到 11%。公司 预期 FY25Q3 收入 1.15~1.25 亿美元,按中值计算环比增长 67%; FY25Q4 实现双位数环比增长,FY26 收入实现 50%左右的同比增长。 AEC 是兼具功耗、部署灵活性、成本等优势的有源铜缆。AEC 是一种 内置信号增强组件的铜缆。AEC 在两 ...