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海陆重工(002255) - 海陆重工调研活动信息
2023-08-09 07:24
证券代码:002255 证券简称:海陆重工 苏州海陆重工股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-012 投资者关系活动类别 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 ■现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及人员姓 路博迈基金:赵志铭 名 时间 2023 年 8 月 9 日 10:00-11:00 地点 公司会议室 上市公司接待人员姓名 董事会秘书:张郭一 一、公司主营业务简单介绍 公司创始于 1956 年,起家于船用锅炉制造,后来逐步转型制 造工业特种余热锅炉、大型及特种材质压力容器及核安全设备, 2008 年上市。2015 年,公司发行股份及支付现金购买了张家港市 格锐环境工程有限公司 100%股权,格锐环境主营业务为固废、废 投资者关系活动主要内 水等污染物处理及回收利用的环境综合治理服务。2016 年,公司 成立张家港海陆新能源有限公司,主营业务为光伏电站运营。经 容介绍 过收购及整合后,公司现有主营业务变化为工业余热锅炉、大型 及特种材质压力容器及核安全设备的制造销售;固废、废水等污 染物处理及回收利用的环境综合治理服务;光伏电 ...
海陆重工(002255) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-04 16:00
Financial Performance - The company's operating revenue for the first half of 2023 was ¥1,259,721,423.03, representing a 20.42% increase compared to ¥1,046,104,255.61 in the same period last year[22]. - The net profit attributable to shareholders was ¥158,419,160.38, which is a 10.50% increase from ¥143,371,545.56 in the previous year[22]. - The net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was ¥152,217,747.92, up 17.97% from ¥129,030,040.02 in the same period last year[22]. - The basic earnings per share increased to ¥0.1881, a rise of 10.52% from ¥0.1702 in the previous year[22]. - The total assets at the end of the reporting period were ¥6,050,751,896.90, reflecting a 0.76% increase from ¥6,005,094,610.33 at the end of the previous year[22]. - The net assets attributable to shareholders increased by 4.77% to ¥3,511,143,745.11 from ¥3,351,326,793.45 at the end of the previous year[22]. - The net cash flow from operating activities decreased significantly by 63.69% to ¥49,031,104.63 from ¥135,046,509.11 in the same period last year[22]. - The company reported a significant increase in financial expenses by 745.50%, amounting to ¥1,642,206.95, primarily due to increased exchange losses[61]. - The company reported a significant increase in undistributed profits, which rose to ¥332,859,067.80, accounting for 5.50% of total assets, up by 2.60% year-on-year[67]. Market and Industry Trends - The demand for waste heat boilers is expected to rise due to the low utilization rate of waste heat resources in industries, with large steel enterprises utilizing only about 30%-50% of their waste heat[31]. - The market for waste heat boilers is transitioning from product competition to solution competition, with companies that provide comprehensive waste heat utilization solutions gaining a competitive edge[32]. - The nuclear power sector is projected to see a significant increase, with an expected operational capacity of 70 million kW by 2025, translating to a market space potentially exceeding 100 billion yuan annually[36]. - The domestic nuclear power equipment localization rate has significantly improved, with key components achieving 100% localization, enhancing opportunities for domestic equipment manufacturers[36]. - The company is positioned to benefit from the growing emphasis on clean energy and environmental sustainability, as indicated by national policies promoting green transformation in various industries[31]. Research and Development - In the first half of 2023, the company's R&D expenses amounted to approximately CNY 54.95 million, supporting high-quality development through technological innovation[53]. - The company has accumulated a total of 156 valid patents, including 49 invention patents, enhancing its competitive edge in the industry[53]. - The company emphasizes technological innovation and collaboration with advanced enterprises in wastewater treatment, ensuring its leading position in the industry[51]. - Research and development expenses increased by 16.42% to ¥54,949,596.42 from ¥47,198,442.48 year-on-year[61]. Environmental and Social Responsibility - The company’s environmental remediation services are aligned with national policies aimed at enhancing waste treatment capabilities and promoting resource recycling, as outlined in various government documents since 2021[37]. - The company is committed to adhering to environmental protection standards and has implemented measures to monitor pollutant emissions[95]. - The company has made significant investments in environmental protection facilities, achieving a dust removal efficiency of 99% and a desulfurization efficiency of 70% in its waste gas treatment facilities[97]. - The company actively engages in social responsibility initiatives, focusing on improving employee working conditions and rights[102]. Strategic Initiatives - The company plans to expand into renewable energy sectors, including solar and wind power projects, and develop related technologies[82]. - The company is positioned to capitalize on industry consolidation opportunities, enhancing its market share through mergers and acquisitions[39]. - The company aims to achieve a national urban household waste resource utilization rate of approximately 60% by the end of 2025, with a daily waste classification collection capacity of around 700,000 tons[38]. - The company plans to continue expanding its market presence and investing in new technologies to drive future growth[153]. Financial Management and Governance - The company does not plan to distribute cash dividends or issue bonus shares for the half-year period[90]. - The company has no significant securities or derivative investments during the reporting period[75][76]. - The company has ongoing construction projects, with an increase in construction in progress to ¥4,693,701.52, up from ¥3,163,961.24 in the previous year[66]. - The company has not reported any penalties or rectification measures during the reporting period[114]. Legal and Compliance Issues - The company received a warning and a fine of 600,000 yuan from the China Securities Regulatory Commission for inaccurate financial disclosures[114]. - The company is currently under investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected information disclosure violations[113]. - The arbitration regarding the equity transfer contract dispute with Wu Weiwen and Ju Bao Hang Group is ongoing, with an involved amount of 399.79 million yuan[111]. - There are currently 8 ongoing litigation cases, with 6 cases concluded and 2 cases still pending, which do not have a significant impact on the company's performance[112].
海陆重工(002255) - 海陆重工调研活动信息
2023-07-14 09:21
证券代码:002255 证券简称:海陆重工 苏州海陆重工股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-011 投资者关系活动类别 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 ■现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及人员姓 平安养老:金立、曾雪菲 名 时间 2023 年 7 月 14 日 14:00-16:00 地点 公司会议室 上市公司接待人员姓名 董事会秘书:张郭一、证券事务代表:陈敏 一、公司主营业务简单介绍 公司创始于 1956 年,起家于船用锅炉制造,后来逐步转型制 造工业特种余热锅炉、大型及特种材质压力容器及核安全设备, 2008 年上市。2015 年,公司发行股份及支付现金购买了张家港市 格锐环境工程有限公司 100%股权,格锐环境主营业务为固废、废 投资者关系活动主要内 水等污染物处理及回收利用的环境综合治理服务。2016 年,公司 成立张家港海陆新能源有限公司,主营业务为光伏电站运营。经 容介绍 过收购及整合后,公司现有主营业务变化为工业余热锅炉、大型 及特种材质压力容器及核安全设备的制造销售;固废、废水等污 染物处理及回收利用 ...
海陆重工(002255) - 海陆重工调研活动信息
2023-06-28 10:17
证券代码:002255 证券简称:海陆重工 苏州海陆重工股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-010 投资者关系活动类别 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 ■现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及人员姓 6 月 26 日:湖南子衿私募基金管理有限公司 黄新宇 名 6 月 28 日:鹏扬基金 赵世宏、唐博文 天风证券 薛长安 时间 2023 年 6 月 26 日 10:00-11:00 2023 年 6 月 28 日 10:00-11:00 地点 公司会议室 上市公司接待人员姓名 董事会秘书:张郭一 一、公司主营业务简单介绍 公司创始于 1956 年,起家于船用锅炉制造,后来逐步转型制 造工业特种余热锅炉、大型及特种材质压力容器及核安全设备, 2008 年上市。2015 年,公司发行股份及支付现金购买了张家港市 投资者关系活动主要内 格锐环境工程有限公司 100%股权,格锐环境主营业务为固废、废 容介绍 水等污染物处理及回收利用的环境综合治理服务。2016 年,公司 成立张家港海陆新能源有限公司,主营业务为光伏电站运营。经 过收 ...
海陆重工(002255) - 海陆重工调研活动信息
2023-06-09 09:41
证券代码:002255 证券简称:海陆重工 苏州海陆重工股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-009 投资者关系活动类别 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 ■现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及人员姓 交银施罗德基金:杨金金、王丽婧、孔祥瑞、何雄;财通证券: 名 李瑞雪、赵璐;惠升基金:张池;开源证券:熊亚威、张健;国 泰君安:王楠瑀;大成基金:马越洋;东吴自营:彭翔远;德邦 证券:楼宇;绍兴精富资产管理有限公司:张治龙;杭州润州投 资:徐辉 时间 2023 年 6 月 9 日 13:00-15:00 地点 公司会议室 上市公司接待人员姓名 董事长:徐元生、总经理:徐冉、董事会秘书:张郭一、财务负 责人:王申申、证券事务代表:陈敏 一、公司主营业务简单介绍 公司创始于 1956 年,起家于船用锅炉制造,后来逐步转型制 造工业特种余热锅炉、大型及特种材质压力容器及核安全设备, 投资者关系活动主要内 2008 年上市。2015 年,公司发行股份及支付现金购买了张家港市 容介绍 格锐环境工程有限公司 100%股权,格锐环境主营业务 ...
海陆重工(002255) - 海陆重工调研活动信息
2023-06-02 07:14
证券代码:002255 证券简称:海陆重工 苏州海陆重工股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-008 投资者关系活动类别 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 ■现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及人员姓 前海人寿:陈志新、吴伟、吴希凯 名 天风证券:王昊哲 华福证券:彭元立 中欧基金:寇煜 浦银安盛基金:丁柔茵 时间 2023 年 6 月 2 日 10:00-11:30 地点 公司会议室 上市公司接待人员姓名 董事会秘书:张郭一、证券事务代表:陈敏 一、公司主营业务简单介绍 公司创始于 1956 年,起家于船用锅炉制造,后来逐步转型制 造工业特种余热锅炉、大型及特种材质压力容器及核安全设备, 投资者关系活动主要内 2008 年上市。2015 年,公司发行股份及支付现金购买了张家港市 格锐环境工程有限公司 100%股权,格锐环境主营业务为固废、废 容介绍 水等污染物处理及回收利用的环境综合治理服务。2016 年,公司 成立张家港海陆新能源有限公司,主营业务为光伏电站运营。经 过收购及整合后,公司现有主营业务变化为工业余热锅炉、大 ...
海陆重工(002255) - 海陆重工调研活动信息
2023-05-30 00:14
证券代码:002255 证券简称:海陆重工 苏州海陆重工股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-007 投资者关系活动类别 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 ■现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及人员姓 华泰证券:倪正洋、安信证券:辛泽熙、民生证券:匡人雷、德 名 邦证券:俞能飞 时间 2023 年 5 月 29 日 14:00-16:00 地点 公司会议室 上市公司接待人员姓名 董事长:徐元生、董事会秘书:张郭一 一、公司主营业务简单介绍 2008 年公司上市,当时主营业务为工业余热锅炉、大型及特 种材质压力容器及核安全设备的制造与销售。2015 年,公司发行 股份及支付现金购买了张家港市格锐环境工程有限公司 100%股 权,格锐环境主营业务为固废、废水等污染物处理及回收利用的 投资者关系活动主要内 环境综合治理服务。2016 年,公司成立张家港海陆新能源有限公 司,主营业务为光伏电站运营。经过收购及整合后,公司现有主 容介绍 营业务变化为工业余热锅炉、大型及特种材质压力容器及核安全 设备的制造销售;固废、废水等污染物处理及 ...
海陆重工(002255) - 海陆重工调研活动信息
2023-05-23 08:18
证券代码:002255 证券简称:海陆重工 苏州海陆重工股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-006 投资者关系活动类别 ■特定对象调研 □分析师会议 □媒体采访 □业绩说明会 □新闻发布会 □路演活动 ■现场参观 □其他 (请文字说明其他活动内容) 参与单位名称及人员姓 天风证券:朱晔 名 时间 2023 年 5 月 23 日 10:00-11:00 地点 董事会秘书办公室 上市公司接待人员姓名 董事会秘书:张郭一 一、公司主营业务介绍 2008 年公司刚上市时主营业务为工业余热锅炉、大型及特种 材质压力容器及核安全设备的制造与销售。2015 年,公司发行股 份及支付现金购买了张家港市格锐环境工程有限公司 100%股权, 格锐环境主营业务为固废、废水等污染物处理及回收利用的环境 投资者关系活动主要内 综合治理服务。2016 年,公司成立张家港海陆新能源有限公司, 主营业务为光伏电站运营。经过收购及整合后,公司现有主营业 容介绍 务变化为工业余热锅炉、大型及特种材质压力容器及核安全设备 的制造销售;固废、废水等污染物处理及回收利用的环境综合治 理服务;光伏电站运营三轮驱动的业务格局。 二、余热锅 ...
海陆重工(002255) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-05-12 16:00
Financial Performance - The company's operating revenue for 2022 was ¥2,364,807,791.16, a decrease of 6.63% compared to ¥2,532,790,959.24 in 2021[21]. - Net profit attributable to shareholders was ¥336,585,792.00, representing a 2.12% increase from ¥329,599,084.00 in the previous year[21]. - The net cash flow from operating activities increased significantly by 219.60% to ¥498,009,072.67 from ¥155,824,003.20 in 2021[21]. - Basic earnings per share rose to ¥0.400, up 2.30% from ¥0.391 in 2021[21]. - Total assets at the end of 2022 reached ¥6,005,094,610.33, an increase of 10.91% from ¥5,414,397,790.10 at the end of 2021[21]. - The company's net assets attributable to shareholders increased by 11.15% to ¥3,351,326,793.45 from ¥3,015,092,832.44 in 2021[21]. - Total revenue for the year was approximately ¥2.364 billion, with a quarterly breakdown of ¥436.28 million in Q1, ¥609.82 million in Q2, ¥664.91 million in Q3, and ¥653.79 million in Q4[25]. - Net profit attributable to shareholders for the year was approximately ¥336.58 million, with quarterly figures of ¥32.63 million in Q1, ¥110.74 million in Q2, ¥56.18 million in Q3, and ¥137.03 million in Q4[25]. - The gross margin for the industrial manufacturing segment was 21.84%, showing a slight decrease of 0.42% year-on-year[71]. - The new energy business segment reported revenue of CNY 131,691,219.06, down 14.31% from the previous year[68]. Business Strategy and Operations - The company has a diversified business model, including industrial waste heat boilers, environmental remediation services, and photovoltaic power station operations[20]. - The company plans not to distribute cash dividends or issue bonus shares[5]. - The company aims to enhance its market position by providing full-chain services in the environmental protection sector, responding to the increasing demand for comprehensive solutions from downstream clients[41]. - The company is focused on expanding its market presence through innovative technologies and strategic R&D initiatives aimed at improving environmental performance[83]. - The company signed a joint venture agreement with Jinchuan Group to produce nickel sulfate and ternary precursors, with the first phase of construction expected to be completed by December 2023[67]. - The company is actively pursuing market expansion, targeting a 25% increase in market share in the Asia-Pacific region by 2025[132]. - The company is exploring potential mergers and acquisitions to enhance its market position, with a budget of 500 million yuan allocated for this purpose[145]. Research and Development - The company invested CNY 100.48 million in R&D during the reporting period, resulting in a total of 144 valid patents, including 48 invention patents[57]. - The company is advancing several key R&D projects aimed at energy conservation and emission reduction, including the development of a dry method for converter gas recovery[83]. - The company achieved a 3.66% increase in R&D personnel, rising from 164 in 2021 to 170 in 2022, with R&D personnel now accounting for 13.06% of the total workforce[87]. - The company invested 50 million RMB in R&D for new technologies aimed at improving production efficiency and reducing costs[131]. - The company has made progress in the research and development of a flue gas heat recovery system for high-phosphorus waste incineration, enhancing safety and reliability[86]. Market Trends and Opportunities - The company reported a strong demand for waste heat boilers, driven by the dual carbon goals, with utilization rates in large steel enterprises ranging from 30% to 50%[33]. - The market for waste heat boilers is expected to grow as companies shift from product competition to solution-based competition, enhancing market share for those offering comprehensive solutions[33]. - The company has identified significant growth opportunities in the renewable energy sector, particularly in nuclear, photovoltaic, and hydrogen energy equipment[32]. - The nuclear power market in China is expected to maintain an annual approval pace of 6-8 new nuclear units, with a projected installed capacity of 70 million kW by 2025, potentially generating over 100 billion yuan annually[38]. - The environmental protection industry in China saw revenue growth from 1.15 trillion yuan in 2016 to 2.18 trillion yuan in 2021, with a compound annual growth rate of 13.65%, and is expected to exceed 3 trillion yuan by 2025[41]. Risk Management - The company acknowledges various risks including macroeconomic risks and market competition risks, which may impact future performance[4]. - The company faces risks from macroeconomic fluctuations, market competition, raw material price volatility, and potential bad debts from accounts receivable, and is implementing measures to mitigate these risks[112][113]. - The company is actively monitoring raw material price fluctuations and plans to procure materials at favorable prices to manage production costs[112]. Environmental and Social Responsibility - The company emphasizes its commitment to environmental protection, with all pollutant emissions meeting national standards during the reporting period[166]. - The company has established a risk assessment and emergency response plan for environmental incidents as per local regulations[166]. - The company actively engages in social responsibility initiatives, promoting sustainable practices and environmental stewardship[167]. - The company invested 337.5 million CNY in photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects through its subsidiary, contributing to rural energy supply optimization[168]. Corporate Governance - The board of directors has undergone a re-election process, ensuring fresh perspectives and governance in the company's strategic direction[124]. - The company has not faced any objections from board members regarding company matters during the reporting period[136]. - The company approved the annual comprehensive credit limit application for 2022, aligning with regulatory requirements and company circumstances[139]. - The company has established a profit distribution plan that includes a shareholder return plan for 2022-2024, but no cash dividends or stock bonuses will be distributed[152]. Legal and Compliance - The company is involved in 13 ongoing litigation and arbitration cases, with a total amount of 2,034.89 million yuan, none of which have a significant impact on the company's operating performance[191]. - The company faced a penalty of 600,000 yuan due to information disclosure violations, as determined by the China Securities Regulatory Commission[192]. - The company has not reported any significant accounting errors or violations in its financial assistance matters[192].