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水晶光电(002273) - 2023年5月5日投资者关系活动记录表
2023-05-08 10:17
证券代码:002273 证券简称:水晶光电 浙江水晶光电科技股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023005 特定对象调研 分析师会议 投资者关系活动 类别 媒体采访 业绩说明会 新闻发布会 路演活动 现场参观 其他 参与单位名称 爱集微咨询(厦门)有限公司 乔赟 张付云 陈依 杨玲莉 谦睦资产管理(有限合伙):蒋邦弘 浙江胜道投资管理有限公司、浙江同兴投资有限公司:张海明 浙江荣科建设有限公司:冯校锋 滕湘 时间 2023 年 5 月 5 日 15:00-16:30 形式 投资者接待日活动 董事长林敏、董事兼总经理王震宇、董事兼副总经理李夏云、副总经理兼财务总监 上市公司接待人 员姓名 郑萍、副总经理兼董事会秘书熊波 1、问:在智能手机等消费电子产品需求放缓的情况下,为何公司 2022 年营收和利 润能够实现双增长? 答:尽管宏观经济下行,消费电子行业市场需求在下降,但是水晶的技术、产 品结构十分丰富,并不断深耕,因此逆势成长取得了亮眼的成绩。早在多年以前, 水晶就十分重视风险管理,并于 2022 年提出"战略聚焦、组织重构、文化刷新"三 板斧活动,紧缩有限的资源,投入到核心战略项目。 第一,薄膜光学 ...
水晶光电(002273) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-24 16:00
Financial Performance - Revenue for the first quarter of 2023 was RMB 876.9 million, a decrease of 7.35% compared to the same period last year[33] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 92.78 million, a decrease of 18.68% year-on-year[33] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's owners was RMB 92.78 million, compared to RMB 114.09 million in the previous period[50] - Basic earnings per share for the first quarter were RMB 0.07, a decrease of 12.50% compared to the same period last year[33] - The company's weighted average return on equity for the first quarter was 1.13%, a decrease of 0.28 percentage points compared to the same period last year[33] - Sales revenue from goods and services was RMB 1.04 billion, compared to RMB 978.44 million in the previous period[52] Cash Flow - Net cash flow from operating activities increased by 68.15% to 181,904,184.15 yuan[13] - The company's net cash flow from operating activities for the first quarter was RMB 181.90 million, an increase of 68.15% compared to the same period last year[33] - Operating cash flow increased to RMB 181.90 million from RMB 108.18 million in the previous period[53] - Investment cash flow showed a net outflow of RMB 186.79 million, an improvement from the previous outflow of RMB 337.26 million[53] - Financing cash flow had a net inflow of RMB 85.49 million, compared to a net outflow of RMB 128.11 million in the previous period[53] - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period were RMB 1.48 billion, up from RMB 1.36 billion in the previous period[53] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets at the end of the reporting period were RMB 10.15 billion, a decrease of 1.21% compared to the end of the previous year[33] - The company's total liabilities and owner's equity at the end of the reporting period were RMB 10.15 billion, a decrease of 1.21% compared to the end of the previous year[25] - The company's total owner's equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 8.33 billion, an increase of 2.26% compared to the end of the previous year[33] - The company's monetary funds at the end of the period were 2,322,304,585.88 yuan, a decrease from 2,530,293,500.27 yuan at the beginning of the period[43] - The company's total liabilities at the end of the period were 1,450,237,052.20 yuan, a decrease from 1,761,627,108.52 yuan at the beginning of the period[46] - The company's total equity at the end of the period was 4,209,096,307.76 yuan, a decrease from 4,290,769,418.86 yuan at the beginning of the period[46] Accounts Receivable and Prepayments - Accounts receivable increased by 405.59% to 3,626,902.67 yuan[12] - The company's accounts receivable at the end of the period were 615,711,080.93 yuan, a decrease from 799,277,167.55 yuan at the beginning of the period[43] - Prepayments grew by 155.82% to 59,486,912.56 yuan[12] - The company's prepayments at the end of the period were 59,486,912.56 yuan, an increase from 23,253,613.58 yuan at the beginning of the period[43] Contract Liabilities and Inventory - Contract liabilities rose by 150.70% to 7,670,383.55 yuan[12] - The company's contract liabilities at the end of the period were 7,670,383.55 yuan, an increase from 3,059,615.30 yuan at the beginning of the period[46] - The company's inventory at the end of the reporting period was RMB 692.24 million, a decrease of 1.17% compared to the end of the previous year[22] Investment and Subsidiaries - Investment income rose by 46.28% to 13,665,069.79 yuan[13] - The company plans to invest $5 million to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary in Singapore[17] Government Subsidies and Non-current Assets - Government subsidies recognized in current profits totaled 35,220,205.93 yuan[11] - Non-current assets disposal gains amounted to 3,665,177.54 yuan[11] Credit Impairment and R&D Expenses - Credit impairment losses surged by 402.37% to 10,659,955.46 yuan[13] - The company's R&D expenses for the first quarter were RMB 86.52 million, an increase of 29.49% compared to the same period last year[25] Shareholder Information - A total of 2.416 million shares from the fifth employee stock ownership plan were unlocked and sold[19] - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 77,018[37] - Star Group Co., Ltd. holds 8.90% of the shares, totaling 123,753,273 shares[37] - Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited holds 5.41% of the shares, totaling 75,258,751 shares[37] - Hangzhou Shengaizhexin Enterprise Management Partnership holds 5.28% of the shares, totaling 73,404,741 shares[37] Operating Expenses - Tax refunds received were RMB 58.78 million, down from RMB 65.57 million in the previous period[52] - Payments for goods and services were RMB 641.99 million, a decrease from RMB 690.40 million in the previous period[52] - Employee compensation and benefits paid were RMB 261.16 million, up from RMB 245.51 million in the previous period[52] - Other operating cash outflows were RMB 101.03 million, compared to RMB 96.34 million in the previous period[53]
水晶光电(002273) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-04-11 16:00
3 浙江水晶光电科技股份有限公司 2022 年年度报告全文 备查文件目录 一、载有法定代表人、主管会计工作负责人、会计机构负责人签名并盖章的会计报表; 二、载有会计师事务所盖章、注册会计师签名并盖章的审计报告原件; 三、报告期内在中国证监会指定报纸上公开披露过的所有公司文件的正本及公告原稿; 四、载有法定代表人签名的 2022 年年度报告文本原件; 五、以上备查文件的备置地点:公司证券投资部。 4 浙江水晶光电科技股份有限公司 2022 年年度报告全文 释义 | --- | --- | --- | |--------------|-------|-----------------------------------------------| | 释义项 | 指 | 释义内容 | | 《公司法》 | | 指 《中华人民共和国公司法》 | | 《证券法》 | | 指 《中华人民共和国证券法》 | | 证监会 | | 指 中国证券监督管理委员会 | | 深交所 | | 指 深圳证券交易所 | | 公司、本公司 | | 指 浙江水晶光电科技股份有限公司 | | 公司章程 | | 指 浙江水晶光电科技股份有限公司章程 ...