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国泰君安· 2024-10-31 08:12
Investment Rating - Maintains "Overweight" rating with a target price of 29.48 RMB [3][5] Core Views - The company's orders have increased year-on-year, driving a 64% YoY growth in net profit for the first three quarters of 2024 [2][3] - The company is actively expanding into non-power sectors such as steel, metallurgy, chemical, and new energy, with a focus on hydrogen production projects [3] - The company's revenue is expected to grow steadily due to the upcoming delivery of a photovoltaic hydrogen production project [2][3] Financial Performance - 2024 Q3 revenue reached 255 million RMB, a 60% YoY increase, with net profit attributable to shareholders of 9.83 million RMB, up 27% YoY [3] - 2024E revenue is projected to be 1.427 billion RMB, a 38.6% YoY increase, with net profit attributable to shareholders of 140 million RMB, up 61.9% YoY [4] - EPS for 2024E is forecasted at 1.14 RMB, increasing to 1.78 RMB in 2025E and 1.91 RMB in 2026E [3][4] Strategic Developments - The company plans to raise 150 million RMB through a private placement to its controlling shareholder and chairman, demonstrating management's confidence in the company's growth [3] - The company is constructing a 120 MW fishing and photovoltaic complementary project in Jiaozhou, Shandong, which includes 20 MW of hydrogen production equipment [3] Industry and Market Position - The company primarily serves large state-owned power enterprises, with a focus on extending its product offerings to non-power industries [3] - Comparable companies in the industry have an average 2025E PE of 16x, while the company is given a 17x PE due to its expansion into hydrogen production [3] Financial Projections - 2025E revenue is expected to reach 1.796 billion RMB, with net profit attributable to shareholders of 219 million RMB [4] - ROE is projected to increase from 14.2% in 2024E to 19.3% in 2025E [4] - The company's P/E ratio is expected to decrease from 12.02x in 2024E to 7.71x in 2025E [4]
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 08:11
股 票 研 究 公 司 更 新 报 告 证 券 研 究 报 告 国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.10.31 ——2024 年华鲁恒升三季报点评 | --- | |-----------------------------------| | | | [table_Authors] 沈唯 ( 分析师 ) | | 0755-23976795 | | | | 登记编号 S0880523080006 | 本报告导读: 公司三季报业绩符合预期,但考虑到公司竞争优势仍突出且多项目投产在即,维持 "增持"评级。 投资要点: [Table_Summary] 维持"增持"评级。公司三季报业绩符合预期,但考虑到公司部分 产品景气度有所下行,下调 24-26 年 EPS 为 1.83、2.38、2.67 元(原 为 2.06、2.56、2.80 元)。参考可比公司估值和公司成长性,给予公 司 25 年 11.29 倍 PE,维持目标价为 26. ...
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 08:10
股 票 研 究 公 司 更 新 报 告 证 券 研 究 报 告 国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 ——浙商证券 2024 年三季报点评 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.10.31 | --- | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | [table_Authors] 刘欣琦 ( 分析师 ) | | 021-38676647 | | | | 登记编号 S0880515050001 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------|---------------------------|----------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | 吴浩东 ( 分析师 ) | 王思玥 ( | 研究助理 | ) | | | 010-83939780 | 021-38031024 | | | | | wuhaodo ...
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 07:46
股 票 研 究 公 司 更 新 报 告 证 券 研 究 报 告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------| | [Table_Finance] 财务摘要(百万元) | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业收入 | 54,297 | 43,137 | 34,449 | 37,029 | 38,884 | | (+/-)% | 19.8% | -20.6% | -20.1% | 7.5% | 5.0% | | 净利润(归母) | 14,175 | 7,922 | 3,314 | 4,509 | 5,039 | | (+/-)% | 110.6% | -44.1% | -58.2% | 36.1% | 11.8% | | 每股净收益(元) | 4.74 | 2.65 | 1.11 | 1.51 | 1.68 | | 净资产收益率 (%) | 29.1% | 16. ...
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 07:01
| --- | |-------| | | | | | | 海 外 公 司 ( 中 国 香 港 ) 证 券 研 究 报 告 国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.10.31 | --- | --- | --- | |----------|-------------------------------------|-------------------------| | | | | | | [table_Authors] 刘欣琦 ( 分析师 ) | 李嘉木 ( 分析师 ) | | | 021-38676647 | 021-38038619 | | | | | | 登记编号 | S0880515050001 | S0880524030003 | 本报告导读: 公司前三季度 NBV 同比增长 22%,符合预期,新单及价值率共同改善驱动 NBV增 长,主要区域 NBV 维持较好表现,预计多元化产品 ...
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 06:55
国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 股 票 研 究 证 券 研 究 报 告 ——今世缘 2024Q3 业绩点评 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.10.31 主动调控节奏,业绩表现稳健 今世缘(603369) 食品饮料 [Table_Industry] /必需消费 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|-----------------------------------|-----------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | [table_Authors] 訾猛 ( 分析师 ) | 李耀 ( 分析师 ) | | | | | | | 021-38676442 | 021-38675854 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 登记编号 | S ...
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 06:54
国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 股 票 研 究 证 券 研 究 报 告 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.10.31 龙头地位彰显,逆势强劲增长 美的集团(000333) 家用电器业[Table_Industry] /可选消费品 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|-------------------------------------|----------------------|--------------------| | | | | | | | [table_Authors] 蔡雯娟 ( 分析师 ) | 谢丛睿 ( 分析师 ) | 樊夏俐 ( 分析师 ) | | | 021-38031654 | 021-38038437 | 021-38676666 | | | | | | | 登记编号 | S0880521050002 ...
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 06:52
国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 股 票 研 究 ——亚钾国际 2024 年三季报点评 股票研究 /[Table_Date] 2024.10.31 降本增效助力三季度业绩环比回升 亚钾国际(000893) 基础化工 [Table_Industry] /原材料 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|-----------------------------------|----------------------------|----------------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | [table_Authors] 沈唯 ( 分析师 ) | 钱伟伦 ( 分析师 ) | | | | | | 0755-23976795 | 021-38038878 | | | | | | | | | | | | 登记编号 | S088 ...
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 04:12
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for TCL Smart Home (002668) with an updated target price of RMB 13.8, up from RMB 12.15 previously [6][13] Core Views - TCL Smart Home's Q3 2024 performance slightly exceeded expectations, driven by strong export growth and improved profitability in its Oma subsidiary [4][13] - The company's revenue for the first three quarters of 2024 reached RMB 13.945 billion, up 22.95% YoY, with net profit attributable to shareholders of RMB 825 million, up 29.56% YoY [4][15] - Oma's revenue growth outpaced TCL Hefei's washing and refrigeration business, with Oma expected to grow 20-25% YoY in Q3 2024, while TCL Hefei grew 10-15% [4][16] Financial Performance - The company's gross margin improved significantly in Q3 2024, reaching 24.04%, up 1.93 percentage points YoY, driven by higher sales of Oma's mid-to-high-end products [4][18] - Oma's net profit margin reached 13.8% in Q3 2024, contributing RMB 252 million to the parent company, while TCL Hefei's net profit was less than RMB 14 million [4][18] - The company's operating cash flow for the first three quarters of 2024 was RMB 1.35 billion, down 36% YoY, mainly due to increased payments to suppliers [20] Business Segments - Oma's refrigerator exports increased by 11% YoY in Q3 2024, while domestic sales grew by 2%, with mid-to-high-end products driving average selling prices higher [17] - TCL Hefei's refrigerator exports grew by 58% YoY in Q3 2024, while domestic sales declined by 5%, with washing machine exports up 50% and domestic sales up 22% [17] - TCL Hefei's gross margin remains around 10% due to new capacity investments, with expected improvements as capacity utilization increases [4][21] Market and Industry Outlook - The report expects the company's revenue growth to slow in Q4 2024, with more balanced growth between domestic and export sales [17] - The company's profitability is expected to improve further as Oma's mid-to-high-end product sales increase and shipping costs decline [4][21]
国泰君安· 2024-10-31 04:12
股 票 研 究 证 券 研 究 报 告 ——2024 年万华化学三季报点评 沈唯(分析师) 0755-23976795 [table_Authors] 登记编号 S0880523080006 本报告导读: 公司三季报业绩低于预期,但考虑到公司竞争优势仍突出且多项目投产在即,维持 "增持"评级。 投资要点: [Table_Summary] 维持"增持"评级。由于公司 Q3 业绩低于预期,下调公司 2024-2026 年 EPS 分别为 4.62/6.00/7.94 元(原为 6.27/7.51/8.50 元)。参考可比 公司估值,给予公司 2025 年 15.13 倍 PE,维持目标价为 90.76 元。 公司 Q3 业绩低于预期。公司 2024 年前三季度实现收入 1476 亿元, 同比+11.35%,实现归母净利润 110.93 亿元,同比-12.67%。其中, 公司 2024Q3 单季度实现收入 505.4 亿,同比+12.48%,环比-0.73%; 单季度归母净利润 29.2 亿,同比-29.41%,环比-27.33%。盈利能力 方面,Q3 毛利率 13. ...