CITIC COHC(000099)
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中信海直(000099) - 中信海直投资者关系管理信息
2024-11-22 07:33
证券代码:000099 证券简称:中信海直 中信海洋直升机股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2024-004 | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
华创证券· 2024-10-30 23:08
证 券 研 究 报 告 中信海直(000099)2024 年三季报点评 推荐(维持) 前三季度扣非净利同比增 11%,持续看好低空经 济浪潮下公司三重受益逻辑 公司公告 2024 年三季报。1)业绩表现:前三季度实现归母净利 1.95 亿元, 同比增长 0.3%,扣非净利 1.93 亿,同比增长 10.7%。其中 24Q1-3 实现归母 净利润 0.84、0.49、0.62 亿元,同比分别增长 21.7%、下滑 20%及下滑 3.5%。 Q1-3 扣非净利分别为 0.83、0.49、0.61 亿,同比增长 22.8%、13.7%及下滑 4.1%。2)营业收入:前三季度收入 14.97 亿,同比增长 6.3%,其中 24Q1-Q3 分别实现收入 4.57、5.05 及 5.35 亿,同比增长 13%、0.6%及 6.7%。3)利润 率:24Q1-3 公司实现毛利率 19.6%、21.6%、23.3%,Q2-3 连续两个季度环比 有提升;扣非归母净利率分别为 18.2%、9.6%、11.4%。4)费用:Q1 -3 三费 率分别为 7.6%、7.7%、9.2%,Q3 管理费用有所上升。5)公司资产处置收益 及营业外 ...
中信海直(000099) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-29 11:44
中信海洋直升机股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 证券代码:000099 证券简称:中信海直 公告编号:2024-037 中信海洋直升机股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确和完整,没有虚假记载、误 导性陈述或重大遗漏。 重要内容提示: 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重 大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 2.公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)声明:保证季度报告中财务信息的真实、准确、 完整。 3.第三季度报告是否经过审计 □是 否 1 中信海洋直升机股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 一、主要财务数据 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 公司是否需追溯调整或重述以前年度会计数据 □是 否 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------|------------------|-------------------------| ...
财联社· 2024-10-27 05:29
①宠物卫生护理用品行业龙头大客户订单高景气,带动业绩超预期,Q4订单有望延续高景气; ②这家 公司积极布局低空经济,有望打开第二成长曲线; ③随着下游客户在AI领域资本开支持续扩张,公司 的AI服务器业务有望获得高确定性增长; ④持续发力的政策推动经济企稳回升,策略分析师看好三季 报业绩改善的细分领域。 【券商策略最新观点】 招商证券策略张夏:持续发力的政策推动经济企稳回升,策略分析师看好三季报业绩改善的细分领域 9月下旬政策超预期驱动本轮市场放量大涨;随后由于市场对于政策的期待过高,叠加短期涨幅较大, 市场出现阶段性调整。 展望后续,招商证券策略张夏最新观点认为,在市场情绪回到合理水平之后,持续发力的政策推动经济 企稳回升,市场有望重新回到上行通道。 11月行业配置重点关注三季报业绩改善、政策持续发力、美国大选预计利好的领域,看好电子(消费 电子、半导体)、计算机(计算机设备)、家电(白电、家电零部件、厨卫电器等)、汽车(汽车零部 件、乘用车)、机械设备(工程机械、自动化设备)等细分领域。 本期优选报告: ①依依股份(国泰君安|刘佳昆):依依股份是宠物卫生护理用品行业龙头,卡位优质赛道,外销出口 份额领先, ...
财联社· 2024-10-23 05:31
低空经济专管司局的设立已经获得批复,目前正在筹备当中。后续顶层战略规划也有望加速出台。公司 已实现航线常态化运营,覆盖旅行、出行、个性化定制等消费场景,并开发运行及运营相关系统程序, 随着低空运营场景的逐步打开,分析师看好公司联手政企积极布局,有望打开第二增长曲线。 财务摘要 资料来源: 浙商证券研究所 中信海直(000099)精要: ①低空经济专管司局的设立已经获得批复,随着低空运营场景的逐步打开,公司目前已实现航线常态化 运营,覆盖旅行、出行、个性化定制等消费场景,并开发运行及运营相关系统程序; ②公司参与低空起降点标准制定,联合政企打造低空运营网络,还积极布局无人机网络,推广巡线业务 应用; ③作为国内通用航空运营龙头,海上石油直升机飞行服务仍是公司的核心业务,第一大客户为中海油, 海油勘探开发力度不断加大背景下直升机服务需求有望攀升; ④浙商证券邱世梁看好公司国内龙头优势稳固,低空经济打开增长空间,预计2024-26年归母净利润分 别为2.82/3.12/3.49亿元,同比增长17.88%/10.80%/11.56%,对应PE为56/51/45倍; ⑤风险因素:通用航空市场竞争加剧、低空经济政策支持不 ...
浙商证券· 2024-10-22 14:23
Investment Rating - The report initiates coverage with a "Buy" rating for the company, citing a target price of 29.07 RMB, representing a 42.51% upside from the current market value [1][4] Core Views - The company is the only listed general aviation operator in China, with a strong foothold in the offshore oil helicopter services sector, which accounts for 70% of its revenue [1] - The company operates the largest civilian helicopter fleet in Asia, with 93 aircraft and 11 drones as of April 1, 2024, and has a significant market share in the offshore oil services sector [1] - The low-altitude economy is expected to open a second growth curve for the company, with the market size projected to reach 1.189 trillion RMB by 2030, driven by government policies and the economic viability of eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing) aircraft [1][6] Financial Performance and Forecast - In 2023, the company reported revenue of 1.97 billion RMB, a 9.54% YoY increase, and net profit of 239 million RMB, up 23.11% YoY, primarily due to growth in offshore oil services [1] - For 2024-2026, the company is expected to achieve net profits of 282 million RMB, 312 million RMB, and 349 million RMB, respectively, with EPS of 0.36 RMB, 0.40 RMB, and 0.45 RMB [1][4] - The company's PE ratio for 2024 is estimated at 56x, lower than the industry average of 91x, reflecting cautious optimism due to the nascent stage of eVTOL operations [1][4] Industry Analysis - China's general aviation market has significant growth potential compared to the US, with gaps in airport numbers, pilot counts, and registered aircraft [1][24] - Offshore oil exploration and production in China have been steadily increasing, with marine crude oil output reaching 62 million tons in 2023, driving demand for helicopter services [1][33] - The low-altitude economy is expected to grow rapidly, with the market size projected to reach 208 billion RMB by 2025 and 1.189 trillion RMB by 2030, driven by government policies and technological advancements in eVTOL [1][6] Company's Strategic Positioning - The company has a strong partnership with CNOOC, its largest customer, with sales to CNOOC increasing from 1.04 billion RMB in 2020 to 1.33 billion RMB in 2023 [1] - The company is actively exploring low-altitude economy opportunities, including urban air mobility, low-altitude tourism, and drone logistics, with partnerships with eVTOL manufacturers like Lilium and WoFly [1][6] - The company is involved in setting industry standards for eVTOL operations and has secured contracts for drone logistics, such as the China Post drone delivery project [1][6] Market Catalysts - The company's growth is expected to be driven by the expansion of low-altitude routes, obtaining operational certificates, and deepening partnerships with leading eVTOL companies [7] - Government policies supporting the low-altitude economy, particularly in emergency rescue and low-altitude tourism, are expected to accelerate the company's growth [6][45]
大家好欢迎参加华创交运一起聊低空第二期九个月后再看中信海驰运营层核心标的的三种逻辑目前所有参会长均处于静状态现在开始播报免责声明本次电话会议仅服务于华创证券研究所客户不构成投资建议相关人员应自主做出投资决策并自行承担投资风险 华创证券不应使用本次内容所导致的任何损失承担任何责任专家发言内容仅代表专家个人观点不代表本公司观点本次会议内容不得涉及国家保密信息内幕信息未公开重大信息商业秘密个人隐私不得涉及可能引发不当炒作或股价异常波动的敏感信息 不得涉及影响社会或资本市场稳定的言论未经华创证券事先书面许可任何机构或个人不得以任何形式复制、刊载、转载、转发引用本次会议内容否则由此造成的一切后果及法律责任由该机构或个人承担本公司保留追究其法律责任的权利市场有风险投资其几阵 各位投资者大家好我是华诚交易分析师吴亦凡欢迎收看我们一起聊低空的第二期昨天早上我们汇报从主题上的视角畅想2027年整个我国低空载人市场的空间有多大今天我们第二期我们来汇报一下中芯海志当我们将九个月之后回头看中芯海志哪些逻辑在强化 那今年的这个1月2号我们当然发了整个中方市场这样一个研究报告那低轰的第一篇然后在今年的1月24号我们发布了中信海值应该说在 ...
财联社· 2024-10-09 03:45
发改委称低空无人机就业人才缺口高达100万人,低空经济有望迎来从宏观(国家层面产业规划)到中 观(各地地方补贴)再到微观(基建招标、应用场景打造)的纵向加速落地,伴随重要会议重新定调更 好发挥政府投资作用,政府投资项目有望迎来拐点时刻。 低空经济(深城交、苏交科、中信海直)精要: ①10月8日发改委副主任提出,低空经济的蓬勃发展催生了无人机操控员的新岗位,据有关部门测算, 现我国此岗位的就业人才缺口高达100万人; ②开源证券殷晟路认为,低空经济有望迎来从宏观(国家层面产业规划)到中观(各地地方补贴)再到 微观(基建招标、应用场景打造)的纵向加速落地,伴随政治局会议重新定调更好发挥政府投资作用, 低空经济作为新质生产力的代表有望加速推进; ③9月23-29日,深圳文旅局共向市民发布1万份低空飞行产品免费体验券,供游客体验低空旅游、无人 机表演等各类低空飞行产品,有望在深圳率先建立消费者认知及消费习惯; ④华创证券吴一凡预计2027年通航飞机数量较2023年增长44%-119%,按照单机场对应飞机数量7.4、 10、20架来测算,2027年较2023年新增1454、1964、3929架飞机; ⑤风险提示:产业政 ...
财通证券· 2024-09-25 00:23
投资评级:增持(首次) 核心观点 | --- | --- | |------------------------|------------| | 基本数据 | 2024-09-24 | | 收盘价 ( 元 ) | 15.52 | | 流通股本 ( 亿股 ) | 7.76 | | 每股净资产 ( 元 ) | 6.67 | | 总股本 ( 亿股 ) | 7.76 | | 最近 12 月市场表现 | | -20% 27% 73% 120% 167% 214% 中信海直 沪深300 上证指数 航空机场 分析师 张一弛 SAC 证书编号:S0160522110002 分析师 付正浩 SAC 证书编号:S0160524040001 相关报告 中信海直(000099) / 航空机场 / 公司深度研究报告 / 2024.09.24 通用航空龙头,低空运营蓄势待发 证券研究报告 ❖ 中国通用航空龙头企业,深度绑定中海油:中信海直是中国通航行业的龙 头企业,中信集团为实际控制人。高管多曾就职于中信集团,并拥有通航/海 油领域从业经验。公司主营业务覆盖海上石 ...
华创证券· 2024-08-28 09:13
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Recommend" rating for CITIC Offshore Helicopter Co Ltd (000099) [1] Core Views - The company's H1 2024 non-GAAP net profit increased by 19% YoY, driven by steady growth in traditional business and potential benefits from the low-altitude economy [1] - The company is actively planning for low-altitude economic development, with three key areas of focus: C-end consumer market expansion, participation in new low-altitude operation network standards, and potential opportunities in the industrial chain [1] Financial Performance - H1 2024 revenue reached 960 million yuan, up 6.1% YoY, with Q1 and Q2 revenues of 457 million yuan and 505 million yuan respectively [1] - H1 2024 net profit attributable to shareholders was 132 million yuan, up 2.1% YoY, while non-GAAP net profit was 132 million yuan, up 19.2% YoY [1] - Gross margins for Q1 and Q2 were 19.6% and 21.6% respectively, with Q2 showing a sequential improvement [1] - The company operated 93 helicopters and 11 drones as of H1 2024 [1] Low-Altitude Economy Initiatives - The company has launched regular low-altitude short-distance transportation services, including routes between Shenzhen and Zhuhai, and Zhoushan and Dongji Island [1] - It has introduced the "CITIC Offshore Helicopter" low-altitude travel service platform and is collaborating with local governments and companies to build infrastructure, including a digital control tower [1] - The company is involved in setting standards for eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing) aircraft landing sites and has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Geely's Volocopter to promote eVTOL commercialization [1] Future Outlook - The report forecasts net profits of 270 million yuan, 320 million yuan, and 370 million yuan for 2024, 2025, and 2026 respectively, with corresponding EPS of 0.35 yuan, 0.41 yuan, and 0.48 yuan [1] - The low-altitude economy is expected to drive significant growth, with the company positioned as a core player in the operation layer of this emerging industry [1]