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财联社· 2024-12-01 14:04
①华为+芯片+人形机器人+人工智能!这家公司与微软联合设计的产品可应用于人形机器人等场景;② 低空经济+机器人+军工+无人机!这家公司为通航飞机和无人航空飞行器提供动力系统解决方案;③谷 子经济+人工智能+信创!公司与信创国产化核心厂商完成产品兼容适配认证与深度合作。 【重点公告解读】 奥比中光:公司与微软联合设计的产品可应用于人形机器人等场景 奥比中光发布投资者关系活动记录表公告,奥比中光专注于3D视觉感知技术研发,在人工智能时代打 造"机器人与AI视觉产业中台",致力于让所有终端都能更好地看懂世界。面向人形机器人领域,公司可 提供结构光、iToF、激光雷达等全技术路线3D视觉传感器/方案。在iToF技术领域,公司与微软联合设 计研发的高性能iToF 3D相机Femto Bolt具备高精度、尺寸小、同步精准等优势,可应用于人形机器 人、娱乐/运动交互、医疗康复等场景。在3D结构光技术领域,公司今年推出的Gemini 330系列相机兼 顾高可靠性、高性能、高性价比和实用性,相关性能参数对标国际巨头,可用于各类智能终端在室内外 复杂场景下执行视觉应用。上述相关产品均已与部分人形机器人客户进行适配。 点评:公开资 ...
宗申动力(001696) - 宗申动力投资者关系管理信息
2024-11-29 07:48
证券代码: 001696 证券简称:宗申动力 重庆宗申动力机械股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 重要提示:凡涉及公司未来计划、发展战略等前瞻性描述不构成公司对投资者 的实质承诺,敬请投资者注意投资风险。 编号:2024-05 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | 投资者关系活动 | □特定对象调研 □ | | 分析师会议 | | 类别 | □ 媒体采访 □ | | 业绩说明会 | | | □ 新闻发布会 □ | | 路演活动 | | | □ 现场参观 | | | | | √ 其他(重庆辖区上市公司 | | 2024 年投资者网上集体接待日活动) | | 参与单位名称及 | 投资者网上提问 | ...
2024-11-28 07:07
因为在这个近期我们发布了公司的这样一个深度在这里之前在这里之前我们先汇报近期几个事情一呢就是昨天晚上因为说大家在关注或者一些讨论就是关于山东济南市平一线这个低空经济特区经权这样一个双项目它的这个公开招标已经这个显示了众多单位当然这是山东电影通行这个公司获得这样一个中标那这个事情大家会很关注的先来看到这个项目是平一线关于低空经济30年的特区经营权 那在特许经营者呢在特许经营权特许经营区内是要负责整个低空经济的运营和维护那包括提供整个经营驾照培训等等那合同期限是三十年那资金金额是九九点二十亿那是金额那现在比较关注另外就是全国首列关于这个低空经济的特许经营权的这样一个转让那当然大家也关注过去会不会有推广或其他但是在我们围堵上就之前我们在讲就是整个为什么从上面往上面去看就低空经济第二阶段原因行情它改得更快速进步包的更高 因为我们有几个机制其实在不断理论这也是决定我们认为下面第三阶段它会可能会更加的重要但这个其中之一的机制就是我们讲军地临行动机制这里面非常重要是地方政府所以地方政府被纳到整个军地临行动机制之后那应该说整个低空经济的速推就有这样的推动力那如果他的权责是对的呢那我要针对于整个低空那地方政府在未来他的整个低空 ...
财联社· 2024-11-28 06:23
Sector Performance - Main funds flowed into general equipment, semiconductors, and real estate sectors [1] - Main funds flowed out of cultural media, communications, and transportation equipment sectors, with cultural media sector experiencing a net outflow of 3.087 billion yuan [1] Individual Stock Performance - Zongshen Power saw a limit-up and received a net inflow of 1.009 billion yuan, ranking first in net inflow [1] - Sugon, People's Network, and Supply and Marketing Collective were among the top stocks with significant net inflows [1] - Sichuan Development Longmang experienced a net outflow of 1.409 billion yuan, ranking first in net outflow [1] - Tom Cat, East Money, and 360 were among the top stocks with significant net outflows [1]
华创证券· 2024-11-20 07:50
证 券 研 究 报 告 公司研究 其他通用机械 2024 年 11 月 20 日 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
宗申动力(001696) - 关于参加重庆辖区上市公司2024年投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告
2024-11-20 07:45
证券代码:001696 证券简称:宗申动力 公告编号:2024-61 重庆宗申动力机械股份有限公司 关于参加重庆辖区上市公司 2024 年投资者网上 集体接待日活动的公告 本公司及董事会全体成员保证公告内容的真实、准确和完整,没有虚假记载、 误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。 为加强上市公司与投资者之间的沟通交流,促进上市公司进一步做好投资者 关系管理工作,在重庆证监局指导下,重庆上市公司协会联合深圳市全景网络有 限公司举办重庆辖区上市公司2024年投资者网上集体接待日活动。活动将于2024 年11月28日(星期四)下午15:00-17:00举行,投资者可以登录全景路演互动平 台(参与交流。 届时,公司相关高级管理人员将参加本次活动,并通过上述平台与投资者进 行"一对多"形式的在线沟通与交流,回答投资者关心的问题。欢迎广大投资者 踊跃参与。 特此公告。 重庆宗申动力机械股份有限公司 董事会 2024 年 11 月 21 日 1 / 1 ...
宗申动力(001696) - 宗申动力投资者关系管理信息
2024-11-08 07:31
证券代码:001696 证券简称:宗申动力 重庆宗申动力机械股份有限公司投资者关系活动记录表 重要提示:凡涉及公司未来计划、发展战略等前瞻性描述不构成公司对投资者 的实质承诺,敬请投资者注意投资风险。 编号:2024-04 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | 时间 | 2024 年 11 月 7 日 | | | 地点 | 通过"全景网"线上直播 | | | | □特定对象调研 | □分析师会议 | | | □媒体采访 | 业绩说明会 | | | □新闻发布会 □路演活动 | | | | □现场参观 | | | 投资者关系活动 | □其他 | (请文字说明其他活动内容) | | 类别 | | 为加强投资者关系管理,便于广 ...
证券时报网· 2024-10-31 02:58
证券时报网讯,宗申动力再度涨停,10个交易日内录得7个涨停,累计涨幅为126.18%,累计换手率为 250.54%。 截至10:36,该股今日成交量1.42亿股,成交金额48.94亿元,换手率15.94%。 最新A股总市值达404.54亿元,A股流通市值314.91亿元。 ...
宗申动力(001696) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-30 11:05
Revenue and Profit - Revenue for the third quarter reached RMB 2,561,062,462.76, a 44.01% increase year-over-year[2] - Net profit attributable to shareholders for the third quarter was RMB 109,282,095.82, a decrease of 4.08% compared to the same period last year[2] - Total operating revenue for the period reached 7,404,741,793.19 yuan, an increase from 5,876,984,889.67 yuan in the previous period[13] - Net profit attributable to the parent company's shareholders was 391,176,140.44 yuan, compared to 373,336,289.37 yuan in the previous period[14] - Basic earnings per share stood at 0.3416 yuan, up from 0.3261 yuan in the previous period[15] - Total comprehensive income for the period was 405,885,982.35 yuan, compared to 405,482,998.52 yuan in the previous period[15] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets as of the end of the reporting period were RMB 11,442,244,754.24, a 13.16% increase from the end of the previous year[2] - Total assets at the end of the period amounted to 11,442,244,754.24 yuan, an increase from 10,111,750,354.24 yuan at the beginning of the period[12] - Total liabilities increased to 6,090,725,888.76 yuan from 4,876,847,747.27 yuan in the previous period[13] - Long-term borrowings rose significantly to 1,712,100,000.00 yuan from 729,000,000.00 yuan in the previous period[13] - Total equity attributable to the parent company's shareholders was 4,914,145,718.27 yuan, up from 4,825,027,151.83 yuan in the previous period[13] Cash Flow - Cash flow from financing activities increased by 35.17% to RMB 41,459,140, driven by higher bank financing[8] - The company's net cash flow from operating activities for the first three quarters was RMB 367,474,790.61, a 16.37% increase year-over-year[2] - Sales of goods and services received cash of 6,787,391,545.11 yuan, an increase from 5,298,911,639.02 yuan in the previous period[16] - Cash received from interest and commissions was 103,560,668.70 yuan, a decrease from 126,049,898.21 yuan in the previous period[16] - Tax refunds received were 250,917,373.26 yuan, an increase from 194,691,025.71 yuan in the previous period[16] - Total cash inflows from operating activities were 7,197,283,224.29 yuan, an increase from 5,709,691,171.90 yuan in the previous period[17] - Cash paid for goods and services was 5,889,474,149.06 yuan, an increase from 4,603,714,751.93 yuan in the previous period[17] - Net cash flow from operating activities was 367,474,790.61 yuan, an increase from 315,784,498.80 yuan in the previous period[17] - Cash received from investment returns was 12,865,286.26 yuan, an increase from 6,889,455.68 yuan in the previous period[17] - Net cash flow from investment activities was -582,819,051.92 yuan, an improvement from -805,367,323.09 yuan in the previous period[17] - Net cash flow from financing activities was 414,591,449.86 yuan, an increase from 306,723,255.85 yuan in the previous period[17] - The net increase in cash and cash equivalents was 229,848,536.04 yuan, compared to a net decrease of 153,935,933.03 yuan in the previous period[17] R&D and Investments - The company's R&D expenditure increased by 35.08% due to intensified efforts in new product development[5] - The company's long-term equity investment surged by 207.03% to RMB 94,719,870, mainly due to new external investments[5] - Research and development expenses amounted to 219,673,876.07 yuan, slightly up from 218,809,842.82 yuan in the previous period[14] Shareholders and Equity - Total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period is 125,415[9] - Chongqing Zongshen High-speed Ship Development Co., Ltd. holds 20.10% of the shares, totaling 230,192,114 shares[9] - Tibet Guolong Industrial Co., Ltd. holds 18.11% of the shares, totaling 207,384,700 shares[9] - Zuo Zongshen holds 2.64% of the shares, totaling 30,227,200 shares[9] - Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited holds 1.15% of the shares, totaling 13,144,465 shares[9] Financial Expenses and Income - The company's financial expenses increased by 200.05% to RMB 5,774,600, primarily due to reduced foreign exchange gains and increased interest expenses[6] - The company's investment income rose by 49.70% to RMB 2,783,430, mainly due to performance compensation from the original shareholders of Lithium Wisdom[6] - Financial expenses surged to 57,746,044.36 yuan from 19,245,246.56 yuan in the previous period[14] Monetary Funds and Receivables - Monetary funds at the end of the period amounted to 1,737,470,977.17 yuan, an increase from 1,399,609,282.40 yuan at the beginning of the period[11] - Accounts receivable at the end of the period amounted to 2,090,273,838.73 yuan, an increase from 1,511,095,796.19 yuan at the beginning of the period[11] - Inventory at the end of the period amounted to 1,085,169,806.63 yuan, an increase from 842,038,474.62 yuan at the beginning of the period[12] - Short-term borrowings at the end of the period amounted to 170,176,277.77 yuan, a decrease from 284,262,548.83 yuan at the beginning of the period[12] Sales and Expenses - Sales expenses increased to 173,271,571.40 yuan from 160,850,661.46 yuan in the previous period[14] - Long-term loans increased by 134.86% to RMB 171,210,000, primarily due to an increase in bank long-term loans[5]
证券时报网· 2024-10-29 05:50
证券时报网讯,证券时报•数据宝统计,两融数据来看,该股最新(10月28日)两融余额为10.10亿元, 其中,融资余额10.03亿元,较前一个交易日增加1428.18万元,环比增长1.44%,近8日累计增加3.52亿 元,环比增长54.10%。 龙虎榜数据显示,该股因连续三个交易日内,涨幅偏离值累计达20%、日换手率达20%、日涨幅偏离值 达7%上榜龙虎榜4次,买卖居前营业部中,机构净卖出1.01亿元,深股通累计净卖出131.01万元,营业 部席位合计净买入8811.90万元。 ...