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交银国际证券· 2024-11-08 12:54
交银国际研究 公司更新 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 港元 28.55 港元 32.00 +12.1% 科技 2024 年 11 月 8 日 中芯国际 (981 HK) 3Q24 业绩继续改善,毛利率产能利用率均超预期 收入符合预期,价格上涨驱动盈利能力改善。3Q24 收入 21.7 亿美元,创历史 新高,符合我们的预期。受益于消费电子业务需求上升,产品单价提升,毛 利率达到20.5%,超过我们预期的19.9%和之前指引的上限,产能利用率90.4% 亦超我们的预期。受金融资产减值和政府补助下降的影响,净利润 1.49 亿美 元,低于我们预计的 2.45 亿美元。3Q24 资本支出 11.8 亿美元,低于我们的预 期。基于管理层之前的2024 全年资本支出指引,我们略微调低2024 年资本支 出至76.7亿美元。如我们在首次覆盖报告中提到的,公司之前资本支出前置, 2H24 之后资本支出或有下降。管理层指引 4Q24 收入同比持平到增长 2%,毛 利率 18-20%,中位数均略高于我们的预期。 扩产速度稳步推进,2025 年收入或持续增长。管理层表示扩产计划没有 改变。公司 2023/24 年分别扩产 3/6 万片 ...
交银国际证券· 2024-11-08 12:39
交银国际研究 行业更新 行业评级 领先 2024 年 11 月 8 日 医药行业 美国大选落幕,对中国 CXO 行业影响几何? CXO板块近期跑赢市场:过去一周内港股/A股CXO板块分别录得7.0%/7.3% 的平均涨幅,略高于恒生医疗指数/中证医药指数的+4.1%/+6.5%、恒生指 数/沪深 300 指数的+3.1%/+6.5%。我们认为,本轮上涨主要和以下因素有 关:1)筹码结构调整,此前基金持股低位/减持或 YTD 表现较弱标的有资 金回流、估值修复趋势(图表 1);2)海外景气度复苏,3 季度业绩继续 显示订单改善趋势;3)特朗普当选美国总统后,板块投资情绪边际改善, 叠加美联储 11 月降息预期逐步反映在股价中。 特朗普当选对CXO 和创新药板块影响:对于特朗普当选后的国内CXO海外 业务发展前景,市场似乎呈相对乐观态度,但我们认为可能会呈现喜忧参 半格局:1)作为共和党商人的特朗普更主张为企业降本控费、市场调控 而非政府干预,从而利好成本效率更高的中国 CXO 企业,但共和党强化控 制的国会或将对中国 CXO 整体采取更不友善的态度,并在药品供应链上倡 导"美国优先";2)拜登政府签发布的 IR ...
交银国际证券· 2024-11-08 06:28
交银国际研究 公司更新 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 港元 50.00 港元 77.36 +54.7% 汽车 2024 年 11 月 8 日 小鹏汽车 (9868 HK) 小鹏 P7+最终售价 18.68 万元,定价积极 小鹏 P7+最终售价 18.68-21.88 万元,定价积极。11 月 7 日晚,小鹏 P7+ 正式上市,共推出 3 款车型,售价区间为 18.68 万-21.88 万元(人民币, 下同)。符合我们 10 月 14 日报告中"P7+起步价可能下探到 18 万元左右" 的预期。小鹏 P7+定位为 AI 汽车,首发搭载了 AI 天玑 5.4.0 系统,并且续 航可 OTA 提升里程。同时是首款搭载 AI 鹰眼视觉智驾方案的车型,全面 应用了端到端大模型,并在动力、能耗、热管理等多方面使用了 AI 技术 ,定位上相比 P7i 更侧重家用、大空间、舒适为卖点。小鹏 P7+的智能驾 驶是全系标配,不再区分 Pro 和 Max 等高低配版本,同时还配有电容方 向盘和智驾小蓝灯。按照官方的公告,P7+上市 12 分钟,大定突破 1 万单 。我们认为 P7+的挑战依然是在产能和交付能力上。 AI 汽车+AI 芯 ...
交银国际证券· 2024-11-07 06:21
交银国际研究 财务模型更新 资料来源:FactSet,公司资料, 交银国际预测 ^净利润和每股盈利基于 Non-GAAP 基础 资料来源:FactSet,公司资料, 交银国际预测 ^净利润和每股盈利基于 Non-GAAP 基础 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 港元 48.75 港元 75.00↓ +53.8% 教育 2024 年 11 月 6 日 新东方教育科技 (9901 HK) 教育业务稳健,利润率优化趋势不改 我们基于 2025 财年 1 季度披露业务数据调整了新东方的盈利预测及估值。我 们认为公司短期整体业绩增长仍然将受到东方甄选业务的不确定性影响,但 教育及文旅业务仍表现稳健,虽然东方甄选利润贡献仍有不确定性,但对新 东方整体利润/亏损贡献较小,我们按公司整体给予 25 倍市盈率(12 个月利 润,截至 2026 年 2 月),对应目标价 75 港元/105 美元(EDU US),现价对 应 2025/26 财年 18/14 倍市盈率,对应 45%/33%利润增速,维持买入评级。 调整东方甄选收入及利润贡献预测,对新东方 2025 财年收入贡献降至 12%。根据蝉妈妈数据,我们调整 2025/26 财年东 ...
交银国际证券· 2024-11-07 05:49
Investment Rating - The report maintains a **Buy** rating for Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd (600887 CH) with a target price of RMB 33.30, representing a potential upside of 15.2% from the current price of RMB 28.90 [1][2] Core Views - Yili's Q3 2024 gross margin improved to 35.0%, up 2.5 percentage points YoY and 1.2 percentage points QoQ, driven by lower raw milk prices and product mix optimization [1] - Net profit in Q3 2024 increased by 8.5% YoY to RMB 3.34 billion, with a net profit margin of 11.5%, up 1.6 percentage points YoY [1] - The liquid milk business saw double-digit declines in Q3 2024, but the decline in ambient milk improved sequentially, outperforming ambient yogurt and ambient milk beverages [1] - Yili's market share in ambient milk increased by nearly 1 percentage point in the first three quarters of 2024 [1] - The low-temperature milk business maintained growth, with low-temperature milk achieving double-digit growth and market share expansion [1] - The infant formula business achieved high single-digit growth in the first three quarters of 2024, with market share increasing by 2 percentage points to 13.2% [1] - Raw milk supply is expected to slow down, narrowing the supply-demand gap, with policy incentives and improved consumer sentiment likely to drive a slight recovery in dairy product demand [1] Financial Performance - Revenue for Q3 2024 was RMB 29.1 billion, down 6.7% YoY but with a narrower decline compared to Q2 2024 (down 16.5% YoY) [1] - Revenue for 2024E is projected at RMB 119.3 billion, down 5.5% YoY, with a recovery expected in 2025E to RMB 127.4 billion, up 6.8% YoY [3] - Net profit for 2024E is forecasted at RMB 12.2 billion, up 17.7% YoY, with EPS of RMB 1.92 [3] - Gross margin for 2024E is expected to be 34.1%, up from 32.8% in 2023, with further improvement to 34.5% in 2025E [6] - ROE for 2024E is projected at 21.4%, up from 20.1% in 2023 [6] Industry and Competitive Position - The optimization of upstream supply is expected to benefit leading companies like Yili, with raw material price advantages potentially squeezing out smaller competitors [1] - Long-term demand drivers include per capita milk consumption, penetration rates, and the implementation of student milk policies [1] - Yili's competitive position is strengthened by its market share gains in ambient milk and infant formula, as well as its focus on premium products like the Jin Dian Organic series [1] Valuation - The target price of RMB 33.30 is based on 18x 2025E P/E, a 0.5 standard deviation below the 3-year historical average P/E [1] - The current P/E for 2024E is 15.1x, with a P/B ratio of 3.03x [3] - Dividend yield for 2024E is projected at 4.7%, up from 4.1% in 2023 [3]
交银国际证券· 2024-11-06 02:01
交银国际研究 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|--------------------------------------------------|-----------------------|-----------------|------------------------------| | 公司更新 | | | | | | 消费 | 收盘价 港元 2.68 | 目标价 港元 3.06↓ | 潜在涨幅 +14.1% | 2024 年 11 月 5 日 | | 滔搏国际 | (6110 HK) | | | | | | 上半财年收入利润均下滑,维持高派息率;下调至中性 | | | | 2025 上半财年收入和净利润下滑;维持高派息率。今年以来受客流量承 压影响,公司收入同比下滑 7.9%至 130.5 亿元(人民币,下同),略低于 市场预期。毛利率同比下跌 3.6 个百分点至 41.1%,主因折扣率加深以及 毛利率较低的批发渠道占比提升。受到客流下滑对线下门店带来负经营杠 杆的影响,整体费用率水平小幅提升 0.2 个百分点至 33.1%(其中销售/管 ...
交银国际证券· 2024-11-06 02:01
Investment Rating - The report initiates coverage on SMIC with a **Buy** rating and sets a target price of **HKD 32.00**, implying a potential upside of **16.4%** from the current price of HKD 27.50 [2][4] Core Views - SMIC is positioned as a leader in the semiconductor foundry industry, playing a critical role in the localization of China's semiconductor supply chain [2] - The company's expansion plans are progressing steadily, with capital expenditures (CapEx) expected to stabilize after 2025, following a period of high investment in 2022-2024 [2][10] - Localization efforts and recovery in key industries such as smartphones and consumer electronics are expected to support SMIC's fundamentals [2][3] - The company's capacity utilization is projected to rebound from a low of 68.1% in 1Q23 to 84.7% in 2024, driven by demand from smartphones and consumer electronics [3][44] Financial Projections - Revenue is forecasted to grow from **USD 7.975 billion in 2024** to **USD 10.375 billion in 2026**, with a CAGR of 14% [6][9] - Gross margins are expected to recover from **16.8% in 2024** to **22.3% in 2026**, driven by reduced CapEx pressure and improved pricing [4][11] - Net profit is projected to increase from **USD 744 million in 2024** to **USD 1.342 billion in 2026**, with diluted EPS rising from **USD 0.09** to **USD 0.17** [6][20] Capacity Expansion - SMIC plans to add **34,000 wafers/month of 12-inch capacity** over the next 5-7 years, with **6,000 wafers/month** added in 2024 and **4,500 wafers/month** in both 2025 and 2026 [32][36] - Total 8-inch equivalent capacity is expected to reach **1.046 million wafers/month by 2025**, up from **806,000 wafers/month in 2023** [12][36] Capital Expenditure - CapEx peaked at **USD 7.47 billion in 2023** and is expected to decline to **USD 5.67 billion in 2025** and **USD 5.60 billion in 2026**, as the company transitions from heavy investment to stable capacity expansion [10][39] - The high CapEx in 2022-2024 was driven by the need to secure equipment ahead of potential geopolitical restrictions, with **70% of CapEx allocated to semiconductor equipment** [38][40] Localization and Demand Recovery - Localization of semiconductor manufacturing, particularly in smartphones and electric vehicles, is expected to drive long-term demand for SMIC's services [44][49] - Smartphone demand recovery, driven by inventory replenishment and policy support, is expected to boost SMIC's capacity utilization and pricing power [54][56] Valuation - The target price of **HKD 32.00** is based on a **1.5x 2025 P/B ratio**, reflecting SMIC's improving profitability and capacity utilization [4][23] - SMIC's valuation is supported by its strategic role in China's semiconductor localization and its potential to capture a larger share of the domestic market [24][25] Key Catalysts - Successful conversion of CapEx into effective capacity and steady progress in capacity expansion [25] - Further recovery in downstream demand, particularly in automotive, industrial, and communication sectors [25] - Policy support for semiconductor localization and potential advancements in advanced node technologies [25]
交银国际证券· 2024-11-05 07:17
| --- | --- | |-----------------------|------------------------------| | 交银国际研究 宏观策略 | | | | | | 全球宏观 | 2024 年 11 月 4 日 | 飓风罢工夹击,就业仅增 1.2 万—美国 10 月非农就业点评 美国10月非农新增就业仅1.2万人,预期11.3万人,前值修正为22.3万人。10 月失业率维持在 4.1%,持平预期和前值。劳动参与率降至 62.6%,低于预期和 上月的62.7%。10月平均时薪同比增速维持在4.0%,持平预期3.8%,上月修正 为 3.9%;平均时薪环比增 0.4%,高于预期的 0.3%,上月修正为 0.3%。平均每 周工时为 34.3,上月修正为 34.3。 10月非农新增就业数据大幅低于预期,主要受到飓风和罢工夹击。美国10 月非农就业仅新增 1.2 万人,大幅低于预期的 11.3 万人,或主要受到了两 次飓风,以及部分行业罢工的影响,美国劳工部的一项调查数据显示10月 有 51.2 万人因天气原因而不能工作。飓风带来的影响不仅是实质上的减少 招聘以及造成临时失业,还造成了非农调查 ...
交银国际证券· 2024-11-05 01:11
交银国际研究 公司更新 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 人民币 72.84 人民币 89.90↓ +23.4% 消费 2024 年 11 月 4 日 美的集团 (000333 CH) 3 季度利润维持双位数增速,外销表现持续亮眼 3 季度利润延续双位数增长趋势,符合市场预期。2024 年前三季度美的集 团收入/归母净利润同比增长 9.6%/14.4%至 3190 亿/317 亿元(人民币,下 同)。3 季度收入/归母净利润同比增长 8.1%/14.9%至 1017 亿/109 亿元。 前三季度毛利率达26.8%,同比提升1个百分点(2023年前三季度毛利率: 25.8%)。在毛利率和费用率改善的共同推动下,营业利润率提升 0.4 个百 分点至 12.0%。上半年/3 季度净利润率达10.1%/10.8%, 均同比提升 0.4 个 百分点。 C 端业务外销延续亮眼趋势,B 端业务表现平稳。3 季度 C 端业务(智能家 居业务)实现 7%的增长,其中内销增长低个位数,外销则受益于 OEM 业 务拓展和 OBM 业务在新兴市场的快速发展,实现双位数增长。分品类来 看,3 季度家用空调业务同比增长中个位数,其中内销表现持平 ...
交银国际证券· 2024-11-01 10:33
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------|-----------------|------------------------------| | 交银国际研究 公司更新 | | | | | | | | | | | | 新能源 | 收盘价 人民币 90.62 | 目标价 人民币 104.80↑ | 潜在涨幅 +15.6% | 2024 年 11 月 1 日 | | 阳光电源 | (300274 CH) | | | | 滞后确认的储能收入有望在 4 季度兌现, 发行 GDR 加速海外产能布局 储能收入确认滞后导致收入增长较慢和盈利下降:公司3季度收入/归母净 利189/26.4亿元(人民币,下同),同比+6.4%/-8.0%,环比+2.8%/-7.8% 。 收入增长较慢主要是由于储能系统收入确认滞后于发货,发货量大增尚未 反映在收入。盈利同比下降主要是由于毛利率下降和销售、研发费用大 增。期內毛利率 29.5%,同/环比小幅下降 1.2 ...