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中泰证券· 2024-10-25 03:30
Investment Rating - The investment rating for the company is "Buy" (maintained) [1] Core Views - The report indicates that the company's fundamentals have bottomed out, with expectations for continued improvement in profitability and operating cash flow [1] - The company has faced challenges due to multiple factors including medical reforms, pricing adjustments, and market competition, but is expected to stabilize and recover in the future [1][2] - The report highlights a significant improvement in operating cash flow and effective management of accounts receivable, which is anticipated to continue [1] Financial Performance Summary - **Revenue Forecasts**: - 2022A: 20,282 million - 2023A: 13,408 million (down 34% YoY) - 2024E: 12,671 million (down 5% YoY) - 2025E: 12,965 million (up 2% YoY) - 2026E: 13,385 million (up 3% YoY) [1] - **Net Profit Forecasts**: - 2022A: 1,434 million - 2023A: 307 million (down 79% YoY) - 2024E: 335 million (up 9% YoY) - 2025E: 620 million (up 85% YoY) - 2026E: 885 million (up 43% YoY) [1] - **Earnings Per Share (EPS)**: - 2022A: 2.29 - 2023A: 0.49 - 2024E: 0.54 - 2025E: 0.99 - 2026E: 1.42 [1] - **Cash Flow**: - Operating cash flow is expected to improve significantly, with a net cash flow from operating activities of -0.12 billion in Q3 2024, indicating a recovery trend [1] Business Segment Performance - The report notes that the company's routine testing business is expected to see rapid growth, with a focus on enhancing its product offerings and stabilizing its market position [1] - The ICL business segment has shown a decline in revenue but is projected to stabilize as demand for diagnostic services recovers [1][2] Strategic Initiatives - The company is actively expanding its precision center strategy and accelerating its overseas operations, with new laboratories opening in Vietnam to tap into international markets [1][2] - The report emphasizes the importance of managing accounts receivable effectively to mitigate risks associated with bad debts [1]
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 02:30
证券研究报告 报告日期:2024年10月24日 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | 分析师:王芳 S0740521120002,杨旭 S0740521120001,洪嘉琳 S0740524090003 1 特斯拉24Q3业绩一张图 图表:特斯拉24Q3业绩一张图 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------|-------|------------|------------|----------|------------| | 单位;亿美元 | 实际 | yoy | 24Q3 \nqoq | 市场预期 | 较市场预期 | | 营收 | | 251.8 7.8% | -1.2% | 254.3 | -1.0% | | —— 汽车业务 | | 200.2 2.0% | 0.7% | | | | —— 发电和储能业务 | | 23.8 52.4% | -21.2% | | | | —— 服务及其他 | | 27.9 ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 01:44
特步国际(01368.HK) 服装家纺 证券研究报告/公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 24 日 主品牌 10 月流水提速,索康尼延续高增 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 01:40
美好医疗(301363.SZ) 医疗器械 证券研究报告/公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 24 日 执业证书编号:S0740519040001 Email:zhujq@zts.com.cn 执业证书编号:S0740518010004 Email:xiemq@zts.com.cn 执业证书编号:S0740523080002 报告摘要 事件:公司发布 2024 年三季报报告,2024 年前三季度公司实现营业收入 11.57 亿元, 同比增长 10.86%;归母净利润 2.58 亿元,同比下降 14.07%;扣非归母净利润 2.48 亿元,同比下降 11.15%。 分季度看,2024 年单三季度公司实现营业收入 4.50 亿元,同比增长 55.68%;归母 净利润 0.89 亿元,同比增长 49.91%;扣非归母净利润 0.85 亿元,同比增长 55.51%。 呼吸治疗业务下游库存消化完毕,同时叠加多款创新产品的逐步放量以及同期低基 数,公司单季度业绩迎来强劲增长。 从盈利能力角度分析,2024 年前三季度公司销售费用率 2.62%,同比提升 0.44pp, 管理费用率 6.46%,同比下降 0.50pp,研发 ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 01:40
公司盈利预测及估值 指标 2022A 2023A 2024E 2025E 2026E 营业收入(百万元) 2,691 3,149 3,375 3,843 4,280 增长率 yoy% 33% 17% 7% 14% 11% 归母净利润(百万元) 342 457 588 686 780 增长率 yoy% 85% 34% 29% 17% 14% 每股收益(元) 0.45 0.43 0.55 0.64 0.73 每股现金流量 0.51 0.57 0.52 0.69 0.79 净资产收益率 8% 10% 12% 13% 13% P/E 43.3 32.4 25.2 21.6 19.0 P/B 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.6 备注:股价截止自2024 年 10 月 24 日收盘价,每股指标按照最新股本数全面摊薄 天味食品(603317.SH) 调味发酵品Ⅱ 证券研究报告/公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 24 日 评级: 买入(维持) 分析师:熊欣慰 执业证书编号:S0740519080002 Email:xiongxw@zts.com.cn 分析师:范劲松 执业证书编号:S0740517030001 Ema ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 01:37
Industry Overview - The snack industry in China has shown stable growth, with the market size reaching approximately 4718 billion yuan in 2024, with a 5-year CAGR of 1.2% and a 10-year CAGR of 2.9% [6] - Salty snacks are preferred by 41% of consumers, while sweet snacks are preferred by 38%, with China leading in salty snack innovation [6] - The competitive advantage in the snack industry is accumulated through product categories, with category innovation driven by agricultural and food technology advancements [6][10] Key Companies - **Saltalk (盐津铺子)**: Current stock price is 55.80 yuan, with EPS expected to grow from 2.58 in 2022 to 5.46 in 2026, and a "Buy" rating [1] - **Qiaqia Food (洽洽食品)**: Current stock price is 31.06 yuan, with EPS expected to grow from 1.58 in 2022 to 2.77 in 2026, and a "Buy" rating [1] - **Jinzai Food (劲仔食品)**: Current stock price is 13.81 yuan, with EPS expected to grow from 0.46 in 2022 to 1.11 in 2026, and a "Buy" rating [1] Category Innovation - **Konjac (魔芋)**: China leads in konjac production, accounting for 63% of global output, with konjac snacks rapidly growing, led by Weilong [21] - **Quail Eggs (鹌鹑蛋)**: Quail egg snacks have emerged as a star category in 2023, with low market concentration and significant growth potential [25] - Both konjac and quail egg snacks have transitioned from traditional ingredients to packaged snacks, driven by technological advancements in processing and packaging [27][29] Market Potential - **Konjac Snacks**: The konjac snack market is expected to grow significantly, with Weilong and Saltalk leading the market, but there is still room for national expansion [32] - **Quail Egg Snacks**: The quail egg snack market is still in its early stages, with Saltalk and Jinzai Food showing strong growth potential, particularly in regional markets [32] - Both konjac and quail egg snacks are expected to become billion-yuan categories, with the potential to produce billion-yuan single products [51] Investment Recommendations - **Weilong (卫龙)**: As a national leader in spicy snack categories, Weilong is well-positioned to benefit from the growth of konjac and quail egg snacks [54] - **Saltalk (盐津铺子)**: With strong product capabilities, Saltalk is recommended for its potential to expand nationally in the konjac and quail egg snack markets [54] - **Jinzai Food (劲仔食品)**: Jinzai Food is also recommended for its regional strength and potential to expand in the quail egg snack market [54]
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 01:35
【中泰研究丨晨会聚焦】银行戴志锋:测算|LPR 与存款利率下调对银行的影响可 控 证券研究报告 2024 年 10 月 24 日 [Table_Industry] [T[分Taa析bbl师lee__:TMi戴tlea志]in锋] 执业证书编号:S0740517030004 电话: Email: [b_Suy 今日预览 今日重点>> 【银行】戴志锋:测算|LPR 与存款利率下调对银行的影响可控 【电子】王芳:AI 全视角-科技大厂财报专题-TI 24Q3 点评:收入利润毛 利率均环比向好 【交运】杜冲:大小航司现分化,下沉市场迎机遇- 2024 年冬春航季国 内航司换季概览 欢迎关注中泰研究所订阅号 研究分享>> 【银行】戴志锋:银行视角看回购增持贷款:预计企业属性和股息率会 成为重要抓手 管数据点评 【固收】肖雨:银行基金增持,外资大幅减配——9 月中债登、上清所托 晨报内容回顾: 请务必阅读正文之后的重要声明部分 晨会聚焦 今日重点 【银行】戴志锋:测算|LPR 与存款利率下调对银行的影响可控 存款利率、LPR 调降均略超预期。1)潘行长在 10 月 18 日 2024 金融街论坛年会上表示贷款市场 报价利 ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 01:30
中煤能源(601898.SH) 煤炭开采 证券研究报告/公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 24 日 Q3 业绩符合预期,降本增利显著 公司盈利预测及估值 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------- ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 01:30
中际旭创(300308.SZ) 通信设备 证券研究报告/公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 24 日 Q3 业绩受汇兑物料影响,硅光及 1.6T 产品有望放量 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------|--------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
中泰证券· 2024-10-25 01:30
劲仔食品(003000.SZ) 休闲食品 证券研究报告/公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 24 日 执业证书编号:S0740517030001 Email:fanjs@zts.com.cn | --- | --- | |-------------------|----------| | | | | 基本状况 | | | 总股本(百万股 ) | 450.97 | | 流通股本(百万股 ) | 304.14 | | 市价(元 ) | 12.61 | | 市值(百万元 ) | 5,686.72 | | 流通市值(百万元 ) | 3,835.21 | 1、《劲仔食品(003000.SZ)2024 年半年报点评:新品持续放量,成本 红利延续》2024-08-22 2、《劲仔食品(003000.SZ)2024 年半年度业绩预告点评:砥砺前行, 再创佳绩》2024-07-11 3、《劲仔食品(003000.SZ)2024 年一季报点评:行稳致远,势能向上》 2024-04-26 报告摘要 事件:公司发布 2024 年三季报。2024 年第 3 季度,公司实现营业收入 6.42 亿元(同增 12.94%),归母净利润 0 ...