证券时报网· 2025-01-01 09:37
就在此前的2024年12月19日,"双创无界·新质生产"黄金珠宝行业知识产权驱动新质生产力发展主题活 动在罗湖区水贝金座举行。活动现场深中华公司发布了全专利覆盖的创新珠宝产品—"懂适戒"产品系 列,以其创新性的"中华戒圈"新工艺产品,成为了全场的焦点,该创新性的可调节戒圈产品新工艺,或 将为珠宝行业带来全新的变革方向。本次专利许可深中华公司旨在借助周六福珠宝等知名珠宝品牌商的 品牌优势与市场渠道,推动新工艺广泛应用,实现知识产权成果的高效转化。同时也彰显知名珠宝品牌 商对深中华公司及该项创新性新工艺市场前景的认可。 校对:苏焕文 日前,深中华A(000017)公布了一则公告。公司全资孙公司深圳鑫森精密制造有限公司(下称"鑫森精 密")拟与深圳市周六福投资有限公司(下称"深圳周六福")签订专利使用许可合同,将《实用新型专 利证书》(证书号第17165569号、17645124号、18632060号、19511377号、20788110号、21771571号、 21772343号)载明的专利以非独占产品销售权方式有偿许可给深圳周六福使用。 创新是企业可持续发展的催化剂,知识产权是对创新成果的保护。知识产权的保护及 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 09:37
截至目前,Meta增资事项已经完成GP申请,尚未完成后续的ODI(境外投资备案)等相关程序手续, 增资款项未能按期到位。 增资事项未能顺利实施,使得公司及Meta均面临较大的资金压力,Meta将继续争取部分客户与供应商 的支持,积极推进开拓新的融资渠道及与债权人和解方案设计等工作。 公司将就Meta增资事项后续解决方案与嘉能美达保持沟通,必要时将考虑采取相关措施保障公司合法 权益。 证券时报e公司讯,得润电子(002055)1月1日晚间公告,披露控股子公司Meta增资扩股事项进展情况。 在此期间,公司多次督促投资人嘉能美达尽快完成相应工作的准备和确认,并就履约意愿和履行能力等 情况进行书面沟通,但未获得投资人回复确认。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 09:30
Company Investment and Operations - The company, along with its team, jointly invested 660 million yuan in the acquisition of Honor in 2020 [1] - The company serves as an online and offline retail service provider for the Honor brand and is also an authorized service provider for Honor in multiple countries and regions, including Hong Kong, Thailand, and Vietnam [3] Corporate Structure and Announcements - The company, its controlling shareholders, and actual controllers have no major undisclosed matters or significant events in the planning stage that should be disclosed [2] - The company has not identified any recent public media reports that may or have already significantly impacted its stock trading price with undisclosed major information [4] Honor's Corporate Changes - Honor Terminal Co Ltd legally transformed into a joint-stock company on December 28, 2024, and its name was changed to "Honor Terminal Co Ltd" [4]
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 09:27
问界M9作为问界品牌的旗舰SUV,不仅在外观设计上突破传统,更在智能座舱、车载娱乐方面实现了 全方位创新,特别是搭载的业界首个车规级投影巨幕,为车主与乘客带来前所未有的沉浸式体验。 赛力斯与华为双方跨界联合业务开展近4年,陆续合作推出了问界M5、M7、M9等车型。其中,问界 M9连续8个月蝉联50万级以上豪华车型销冠,打破国外品牌在中国豪车市场的垄断。 去年11月29日,上交所及中证指数有限公司发布沪深300、上证50、上证180、中证A500等指数样本定 期调整结果。在此轮调整中,赛力斯被纳入了上述指数,这意味着,头部新能源车企开始进入影响A的 重要指数行列。 业界普遍认为,赛力斯之所以能够入选四大指数,与其优异的业绩表现密不可分,同时这也进一步表明 市场对于新能源汽车板块的认可。去年前三季度,赛力斯实现营收1066.27亿元,同比增长539.24%;实 现归属于上市公司股东的净利润为40.38亿元。 龙盛新能源是两江新区龙兴新城智能网联新能源汽车产业园基础设施配套项目的实施主体,是专门为服 务新能源汽车生产制造成立的项目公司,其主要资产为生产新能源汽车所需的土地、房产、基础设施及 相关配套设施,该等资产打 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 09:12
由于西山热电机组装机容量小、发电工艺能耗高,近年来经营业绩处于持续亏损状态,对公司的业绩造 成一定影响。 西山热电将于2025年关停发电机组。 证券时报e公司讯,山西焦煤(000983)1月1日晚间公告,根据山西省能源局"十四五"煤电行业淘汰落后产 能工作安排,太原市新增供热能力2000万平米,已具备替代公司控股子公司西山热电供热负荷的能力, 为推进淘汰煤电行业落后产能工作,要求西山热电发电机组关停。 本次西山热电发电机组的关停有助于公司进一步优化产业结构,提升公司整体盈利水平。 ...
梦网科技:筹划发行股份及支付现金购买资产事项 股票停牌
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 09:05
证券时报e公司讯,梦网科技(002123)1月1日晚间公告,公司正在筹划通过发行股份及支付现金方式购 买资产事项,本次交易的标的公司为杭州碧橙数字技术股份有限公司。 公司股票自1月2日开市时起开始停牌。 公司拟以发行股份及支付现金方式购买标的公司控制权,并募集配套资金,本次交易不会导致公司实际 控制人变更。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 08:56
Company Announcement - The company plans to repurchase shares worth RMB 200 million to RMB 400 million, with the repurchase price not exceeding RMB 26.22 per share [1] - The repurchased shares will be used for equity incentives and/or employee stock ownership plans [1] - The funding for the share repurchase will come from a special loan provided by Huaxia Bank Zhangjiagang Branch, not exceeding RMB 240 million, and the company's self-raised funds [1]
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 08:49
证券时报e公司讯,华升股份(600156)1月1日晚间公告,为盘活公司土地资产,提升公司的土地价值, 通过打造文创产业园宣传公司业务及产品,进一步扩大品牌影响力,增强公司的市场竞争能力,公司控 股子公司雪松公司与滨江记忆、芦淞集团参股合作成立芦淞1937文创产业园有限公司(简称"芦淞 1937"),以文化旅游为特色,以商业为配套,打造一个工业文化旅游聚集地。 芦淞1937注册资本为3000万元,雪松公司出资1470万元,持股比例为49%。 ...
上汽集团:2024年全年终端交付463.9万辆 新能源销量创历史新高
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 08:19
Sales Performance - SAIC's self-owned brands (IM, Roewe, Feifan, MG, Maxus, Wuling, Baojun) achieved sales of 2.408 million units in 2024, accounting for 60% of the group's total sales, a 5 percentage point increase from 2023 [1] - New energy vehicle sales reached 1.234 million units, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%, setting a historical record [1] - The high-end new energy brand IM sold 66,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 71.2% [1] - Overseas market terminal deliveries reached 1.082 million units, a year-on-year increase of 2.6%, maintaining a leading position in the industry [1] - MG achieved sales of over 240,000 units in Europe, showing growth despite the EU's anti-subsidy measures [1] Strategic Partnerships - SAIC and Audi announced a collaboration in May 2024 to develop multiple high-end intelligent electric vehicles and jointly develop an intelligent digital platform [2] - SAIC and Volkswagen renewed their joint venture agreement in November 2024, focusing on the development of over ten new models including pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles [2] - These partnerships mark a new era of "technology co-creation" in the Chinese automotive industry, moving from "technology introduction" to mutual respect and win-win cooperation [2] Production and Delivery - In December 2024, SAIC's wholesale vehicle sales reached 483,000 units, with terminal deliveries at 506,000 units, marking six consecutive months of growth [3] - Annual wholesale sales for 2024 totaled 4.013 million units, with terminal deliveries reaching 4.639 million units [3] - The company focused on self-owned brand construction and technological advancement, with self-owned brands accounting for 60% of total sales [3] Technological Innovation - SAIC invested nearly 150 billion yuan in R&D for intelligent and electric core technologies over the past decade, accumulating over 26,000 valid patents [4] - The company launched the "Seven Technology Foundations" 2.0 in 2024, including solid-state batteries, digital smart chassis, and advanced intelligent driving systems [4] - These innovations are accelerating the deployment of cutting-edge technologies across both self-owned and joint venture brands [4] Future Plans - In 2025, SAIC aims to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of its business, focusing on the implementation of advanced technologies such as solid-state batteries and intelligent driving solutions [5] - The company is committed to achieving a sales rebound and stabilizing its operations [5]
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 08:19
证券时报e公司讯,农发种业(600313)1月1日晚间公告,公司及所属部分控股子公司自主培育或与他方 共同培育的6个玉米新品种和1个大豆新品种已经第五届国家农作物品种审定委员会第五次主任委员会会 议审定通过。 ...