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朗新集团(300682) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-02 16:00
(4) 公司已签订的重大销售合同、重大采购合同截至本报告期的履行情况 单位:元 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------| | 公司主要供应商情况 | | | | | | 前五名供应商合计采购金额(元) 671,887,131.39 前五名供应商合计采购金额占年度采购总额比例 23.33% | | | | | 前五名供应商采购额中关联方采购额占年度采购总额比例 1.85% | | | | | | | | | 公司前 5 名供应商资料 | | | | | 序号 | 供应商名称 1 供应商 1 436,148,799.47 15.15% | 采购额(元) | 占年度采购总额比例 | | | | | | | | 2 供应商 2 76,401,495.04 2.65% 3 ...
朗新集团(300682) - 朗新科技调研活动信息
2023-10-24 01:34
证券代码:300682 证券简称:朗新科技 朗新科技集团股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-05 投资者关系 特定对象调研 电话会议 活动类别 机构名称 参会者姓名 China Insights Consultancy Limited Laura Fan Dymon Asia Capital (HK) Limited Tom Jefferies Financial Group Inc. Annie Ping JefferiesHongKongHoldingsLimited Becky Cai 安信证券股份有限公司 马诗文 安信证券股份有限公司 温晨阳 百达世瑞(上海)私募基金管理有限公司 许汪洋 柏骏资本管理(香港)有限公司 程子樂 北京高信百诺投资管理有限公司 李广帅 博时基金管理有限公司 王赫 财通证券股份有限公司 王妍丹 财通证券股份有限公司 杨烨 财通证券股份有限公司 张雅容 财通证券股份有限公司 朴钟京 参与单位名 大和证券(香港)有限公司 马锴漪 淡水泉(北京)投资管理有限公司 刘晓雨 称及人员姓 德邦证券股份有限公司 朱珠 名 东北证券股份有限公司 吴雨萌 东北证券股份有限公司 ...
朗新集团(300682) - 2023 Q3 - 季度财报
2023-10-23 16:00
朗新科技集团股份有限公司 2023 年第三季度报告 | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------| | | 2023 年 09 月 30 日 2023 年 9 月 30 日 | 单位:元 2023 年 1 月 1 日 | | 项目 | 货币资金 1,546,119,257.00 2,369,221,934.96 | | | 流动资产: | | | | | | | | 结算备付金 | 交易性金融资产 5,000,000.00 | | | 拆出资金 | | | | | | | | 衍生金融资产 | 应收票据 61,223,476.62 148,058,772.75 应收账款 2,027,170,334.60 2,024,027,458.31 | | | | | | | | 预付款项 168,710,379.37 68,339,459.93 | | | 应收 ...
朗新集团(300682) - 朗新科技调研活动信息
2023-08-30 12:05
证券代码:300682 证券简称:朗新科技 编号:2023-04 投资者关系 | --- | --- | --- | |------------|-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | | 特定对象调研 电话会议 | | | 活动类别 | | | | | | 参会者姓名 机构名称 | | | Annie Ping | Jefferies Financial Group Inc. | | | Charlie Bai | 富瑞金融集团香港有限公司 | | | Hoong Yik Luen | 新思路投资有限公司 | | | Simon Sun | 磊亚投资顾问有限公司 | | | 安昊 | 嘉实基金管理有限公司 | | | 包戈然 | 弘毅远方基金管理有限公司 | | | 曹馨茗 | 信泰人寿保险股份有限公司 | | | 陈美风 | 上海名禹资产管理有限公司 | | | 陈巧玲 | 厦门市美亚柏科信息股份有限公司 | | | 陈彤 | 西部证券股份有限公司 | | | 陈昭旭 | 中邮证券有限责 ...
朗新集团(300682) - 2023 Q2 - 季度财报
2023-08-29 16:00
2023 年半年度报告 朗新科技集团股份有限公司 2023 年半年度报告全文 公司存在对少数集团客户依赖的风险、经营业绩季节性波动风险、业务 和技术创新带来的成本费用上升风险、劳动力成本上升风险等外部环境变化 的风险,详细请见"第三节 管理层讨论与分析""十、公司面临的风险和应 对措施"。敬请广大投资者注意投资风险。 目录 备查文件目录 (四)以上备查文件的备置地点:公司证券业务部、深圳证券交易所。 5 对此,公司已积极对接电网客户计划和流程,主动沟通,与电网客户建立紧密的协作机制,增加业务计 划的可预期性。同时,加速发展能源互联网等平台运营服务类业务,平滑了上市公司的部分季节性波动。 (3)业务和技术创新带来的成本费用上升风险 公司一贯重视技术与业务创新,近年研发费用占总收入比一直保持在 10%以上,通过大力度的创新投入, 公司保持了技术和业务创新的领先优势,建立了能源互联网平台运营业务,为公司的持续发展打下了坚实的 基础。未来公司仍将会加大对"新电途"聚合充电等创新业务的技术研发和市场拓展投入,必将产生一定的 成本和费用,如果相关业务短期之内不能为公司带来覆盖投入的收入增长,将对公司短期盈利能力产生不利 ...
朗新集团(300682) - 朗新科技调研活动信息
2023-07-17 03:16
证券代码:300682 证券简称:朗新科技 朗新科技集团股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 编号:2023-03 投资者关系 活动类别 特定对象调研 电话会议 机构名称 参会者姓名 | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------|-------------| | CI 投资管理公司 | Gorlen Zhou | | CJK 投资 | 弓永峰 | | LMRPartners 有限公司 | 应豪 | | 安信证券股份有限公司 | 马诗文 | | 百年保险资产管理有限责任公司 | 许娟娟 | | 柏骏资本管理(香港)有限公司 | 程子樂 | | 鲍尔赛嘉(上海)投资管理有限公司 | 林昊 | | 北京诚旸投资有限公司 | 谢凯 | | 北京卧龙私募基金管理合伙企业(有限合伙) | 徐明达 | | 北京煜诚私募基金管理有限公司 | 王凯 | | 北京源乐晟资产管理有限公司 | 卢奕璇 | | 北信瑞丰基金管理有限公司 | 石础 | | 贝莱德基金管理有限公司 | 程文钰 | | 财通证券股份有限公司 | 王妍丹 | | 财信证券股份有限公司 | 顾少华 ...
朗新集团(300682) - 2023 Q1 - 季度财报
2023-04-26 16:00
1 朗新科技集团股份有限公司 本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 1.董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告的真实、准确、完整,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重 大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 3.第一季度报告是否经过审计 朗新科技集团股份有限公司 2023 年第一季度报告 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 □是 否 1、一季度经营情况: 报告期内,公司电网相关的能源数字化业务收入同比增长约 20%,新签订单实现同比 30%以上的 增长,业务推进节奏加快。围绕能源电力行业数字化转型、新型电力系统建设和电力市场化改革,公司 全面参与多个省新一代营销系统、采集系统、负荷管理系统、能源大数据和电动汽车充电桩平台的推 广、建设与运营支撑。报告期内,公司进一步精简非电网的能源数字化业务,盈利质量明显改善。 2、环境、社会及管治: 3 月,朗新科技正式加入阳光诚信联盟,成为联盟会员单位,积极倡导企业诚信经营,营造阳光、 诚信的职场氛围,推广廉洁与合规的文化,积极建设诚信经营、清正廉洁的商业环境,共同构筑科技反 朗新科技集团股份有限公司 2023 ...
朗新集团(300682) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
2023-03-30 16:00
Shareholding and Management Changes - Chairman Xu Changjun holds 38,286,207 shares with no changes during the reporting period[7] - Vice Chairman Zhang Mingping holds 2,759,300 shares with no changes during the reporting period[7] - Director and General Manager Zheng Xinbiao holds 0 shares with no changes during the reporting period[7] - Director and Deputy General Manager Peng Zhiping holds 1,920,000 shares with no changes during the reporting period[7] - Board Secretary and Deputy General Manager Wang Shenyong holds 1,926,650 shares with no changes during the reporting period[7] - CFO Lu Qingfang holds 720,000 shares with no changes during the reporting period[7] - Independent Director Zhao Guodong resigned on December 9, 2022, after serving for six years[8] - New Independent Director Yao Lijie was elected on December 9, 2022[8] - New Supervisory Board Chairman Yu Hao was elected on December 9, 2022[8] - New Supervisor Li Xiao was elected on December 9, 2022[8] Corporate Governance and Internal Control - The company has established a comprehensive performance evaluation and compensation system for directors, supervisors, and senior management, linking their income directly to work performance[15] - The company's board of directors and senior management have diligently fulfilled their duties, providing valuable professional advice and ensuring scientific, timely, and efficient decision-making[20] - The company's internal control system identified no significant or important defects in both financial and non-financial reports for the year[33] - The company's directors, supervisors, and senior management have no significant defects in their roles, with no instances of fraud or major misstatements in financial reports[33] Profit Distribution and Share Repurchase - The company's profit distribution policy requires at least one annual profit distribution, with the possibility of interim dividend distribution based on profitability and capital needs[25] - The company may issue stock dividends when the board believes the stock price does not match the company's capital scale and it benefits all shareholders[26] - The company's 2022 annual report confirms the compliance of the profit distribution plan and capital reserve to share capital conversion plan with the company's articles of association[27] - The company achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of 514,248,180.38 yuan in 2022[46] - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of 0.78 yuan per share, totaling 82,949,337.43 yuan[46] - The company repurchased 2,011,515 shares in 2022, with a total transaction value of 50,992,112.17 yuan[46] - The total cash dividend for 2022, including share repurchases, amounted to 133,941,449.60 yuan[46] - The company's undistributed profits at the end of 2022 were 3,106,136,143.71 yuan[46] - The company's parent company achieved a net profit of 639,743,319.96 yuan in 2022[46] - The company's parent company's undistributed profits at the end of 2022 were 1,830,753,000.79 yuan[46] - The company's cash dividend policy requires a minimum of 15% of distributable profits to be distributed as cash dividends annually[44] Share Issuance and Conversion - The total number of shares increased to 1,060,900,419 by the end of 2022 due to the conversion of convertible bonds and employee stock options[72][74] - 3,429,128 shares were converted from convertible bonds between January 1, 2022, and December 30, 2022[72] - Employees exercised 348,000 stock options between January 1, 2022, and December 30, 2022[72] - 10,637,958 shares were vested in the second grant period of the 2020 restricted stock incentive plan[74] - 1,154,850 shares were vested in the first grant period of the reserved portion of the 2020 restricted stock incentive plan[74] - The company's total shares increased by 15,569,936 due to new share issuance[83] - The proportion of restricted shares decreased from 30.85% to 29.45% in 2022[83] - The proportion of unrestricted shares increased from 69.15% to 70.55% in 2022[83] - 273,611,487 restricted shares were converted to unrestricted shares in 2022[83] - The company's total shares increased by 288,990,740 due to various factors including new share issuance and conversion of restricted shares[83] Related Party Transactions - The company's related party transaction with Alipay Network amounted to RMB 461.46 million, accounting for 12.85% of similar transactions[95] - The related party transaction with Future TV amounted to RMB 361.26 million, accounting for 15.49% of similar transactions[95] - The total amount of related party transactions for the period was RMB 822.72 million[95] - The company did not have any related party debt or credit transactions during the reporting period[91] - The company did not engage in any asset or equity acquisition or sale related party transactions during the reporting period[98] Auditing and Compliance - The company's domestic accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP, received RMB 4.38 million in remuneration[93] - PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP has provided audit services to the company for 6 consecutive years[93] - The company did not undergo any bankruptcy reorganization during the reporting period[85] - The company did not face any significant litigation or arbitration matters during the reporting period[87] - The company did not receive any penalties or require rectification during the reporting period[88] Leasing and Office Space - Langxin Technology Group leased a total of 20 square meters at Shenchang Building, Haidian District, Beijing for office use from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023[105] - Langxin Technology Group leased 163.57 square meters at Beichen Times Building, Chaoyang District, Beijing for office use from March 15, 2020, to March 14, 2023[105] - Langxin Technology Group leased 161.49 square meters at Beichen Times Building, Chaoyang District, Beijing for office use from March 15, 2020, to March 14, 2023[105] - Langxin Technology Group leased 484.47 square meters at Beichen Times Building, Chaoyang District, Beijing for office use from March 15, 2020, to March 14, 2023[105] - Langxin Technology Group leased 1,148.22 square meters at Beichen Times Building, Chaoyang District, Beijing for office use from July 15, 2021, to March 14, 2023[105] - Langxin Technology Group leased 2,982.14 square meters at Xuanwumenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing for office use from July 11, 2021, to July 10, 2023[105] - Langxin Data Technology leased 241.21 square meters at Beichen Times Building, Chaoyang District, Beijing for office use from March 15, 2021, to March 14, 2023[105] - Langxin Data Technology leased 772 square meters at Beijing International Convention Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing for office use from July 10, 2022, to July 9, 2025[105] - Langxin Technology Group leased 690 square meters at Poly Zhongyue Plaza, Haizhu District, Guangzhou for office use from October 1, 2018, to September 30, 2023[105] - Langxin Technology Group leased 1,498.83 square meters at East Software Park, Xihu District, Hangzhou for office use from May 10, 2021, to May 9, 2023[105] - Langxin Technology Group's Hangzhou branch has an office lease at 21 Xinba Road, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou, with a lease term from August 15, 2021, to August 14, 2024[108] - Hefei Xinyao Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has a lease for research, production, and office space at Yanglin Road, Hefei High-tech Zone, Anhui Province, with a lease term from March 18, 2019, to March 17, 2024[108] - Xinyao Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has a lease for production and R&D at 1288 Kanghe Road, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing, with a lease term from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023[108] - Langxin Data Technology Co., Ltd. has an office lease at B2005, 20th Floor, B Block, Minghu Classic, 88-1 Minzu Avenue, Qingxiu District, Nanning, with a lease term from May 11, 2022, to May 10, 2023[108] - Langxin Yumao Technology Co., Ltd. has an office lease at Room 446, 4th Floor, Building 2, Yabulun Industrial Park, Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Sanya, with a lease term from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023[108] - Langxin Technology Group Co., Ltd. has a lease for research and office space at 8th, 9th, and 10th Floors, Innovation Center, Tsinghua Strait Research Institute, Xiamen, with a lease term from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2023[108] - Langxin Technology Co., Ltd. has an office lease at Unit 410, 4th Floor, Annex Building, Ping'an Fortune Building, 577 Pudong Road, Shanghai, with a lease term from October 1, 2019, to March 31, 2023[108] - Langxin Technology Group Co., Ltd. has a commercial office lease at Rooms 1102, 1103, and 1104, 1st Building, 188 Nandan East Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, with a lease term from November 15, 2022, to November 14, 2023[108] - Langxin Technology Group Co., Ltd. has an office lease at Unit 411, 4th Floor, Annex Building, Ping'an Fortune Building, 577 Pudong Road, Shanghai, with a lease term from December 1, 2020, to March 31, 2023[108] - Langxin Technology Group Co., Ltd. has an office lease at Units 305B and 307, 3rd Floor, Annex Building, Ping'an Fortune Building, 577 Pudong Road, Shanghai, with a lease term from May 1, 2021, to March 31, 2023[108] - Langxin Technology Group's office and R&D space in Wuhan spans 3,272.95 square meters[112] - The company's office space in Jinan with Guangfa Bank covers 1,855.49 square meters[112] - Langxin Technology Group's office in Jinan with Shandong Jinxinyuan Property Management occupies 2,004.32 square meters[112] - The company's office in Lanzhou with Gansu Electric Power Pearl Group is 431.15 square meters[112] - Langxin Digital Technology's office in Jingzhou is 292.91 square meters[112] - The company's office in Shenzhen with Fuqi Industrial Operation covers 66 square meters[112] Financial Performance and Ratios - The company's current ratio decreased by 11.31% to 3.45 compared to the previous year-end[185] - The company's asset-liability ratio increased by 2.92% to 29.18% compared to the previous year-end[185] - The company's quick ratio decreased by 9.14% to 3.28 compared to the previous year-end[185] - The company's net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses decreased by 57.09% to RMB 30,797.11 million compared to the same period last year[185] - The company's EBITDA to total debt ratio decreased by 22.11% to 20.79% compared to the same period last year[185] - The company's interest coverage ratio decreased by 62.66% to 13.68 compared to the same period last year[185] - The company received RMB 918,927.17 in VAT refunds under the "VAT refund upon collection" policy[190] Shareholder Information - Wuxi Puyuan Investment Partnership holds 15,873,015 shares, which were released from lock-up on June 24, 2022[120] - The 2018 restricted stock incentive plan released 1,500,338 shares on April 13, 2022[120] - The 2020 restricted stock incentive plan will release 30% of 195,000 shares on October 30, 2023[120] - 137 employees were eligible for the third exercise period of the company's 2018 restricted stock and stock option incentive plan, with a total of 2,033,040 stock options exercisable at a price of 10.726 yuan per share[127] - Employees exercised 348,000 shares through voluntary exercise from January 1, 2022, to December 30, 2022[127] - The company's total share capital increased by 15,379,253 shares from 1,045,521,166 shares as of December 31, 2021, to December 31, 2022, diluting earnings per share and net assets per share[128] - 10,637,958 shares were vested in the second vesting period of the second category of restricted stock under the 2020 restricted stock incentive plan, with the shares listed on September 19, 2022[130] - 1,154,850 shares were vested in the second vesting period of the reserved portion of the 2020 restricted stock incentive plan, with the shares listed on September 19, 2022[130] - The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period was 15,447, an increase from 14,589 at the end of the previous month[133] - Wuxi Puhua Equity Investment Partnership holds 11.91% of the company's shares, totaling 126,402,660 shares[133] - Shanghai Yunxin Venture Capital Co., Ltd. holds 10.94% of the company's shares, totaling 116,099,800 shares[133] - Yue Qi Capital Limited holds 10.74% of the company's shares, totaling 113,903,910 shares[148] - Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited holds 7.77% of the company's shares, totaling 82,382,036 shares[148] - Wuxi Puhua Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) holds 126,402,660 unrestricted shares of the company[197] Convertible Bonds and Debt - The company issued 8 million convertible bonds with a total value of RMB 800 million, and the conversion price has been adjusted multiple times, with the latest being RMB 15.20 per share[157][158] - As of December 31, 2022, the company's total assets were RMB 9,780.4292 million, with total liabilities of RMB 2,854.0826 million, resulting in a debt-to-asset ratio of 29.18%[164] - The cumulative conversion amount of the convertible bonds is RMB 251.742 million, with 16,348,323 shares converted, accounting for 1.60% of the total shares issued before the conversion period[161] - The top ten holders of the convertible bonds collectively hold 2,487,824 bonds, representing 45.38% of the total issued bonds[162] - The company's credit rating is AA, indicating a high level of debt safety and low default risk[164] - The company's convertible bonds have a maturity date of December 8, 2026, with an annual interest payment and a final redemption price of RMB 110 per bond[171] Market and Industry Information - In 2022, the national electricity market transaction volume reached 5.25 trillion kWh, accounting for 60.8% of the total electricity consumption, an increase of 15.4 percentage points year-on-year[175] - The company serves over 270 million power terminal users across 22 provinces/autonomous regions/municipalities in China[178] - The "Xin Yao Photovoltaic Cloud Platform" has connected over 25,000 photovoltaic power stations with a total installed capacity of approximately 10GW[179] Non-Recurring Gains and Losses - Non-recurring gains include VAT input tax credit of 10,898,369.87 yuan and securities lending interest income of 361,914.58 yuan[118] Social Responsibility and Environmental Initiatives - The company's environmental and social responsibility initiatives, including efforts in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, are outlined in the annual report[38] - The company donated 11 million yuan to the Wuxi New District Charity Association in July 2022[64] - The company helped establish 355 book corners in 31 rural schools, donating 159 bookcases and 41,089 books[63] Employee Training and Structure - The company's training plans and employee structure, including professional composition and education levels, are detailed in the annual report[23][24] Stock Option and Restricted Stock Plans - The company's stock option and restricted stock plans for senior management are detailed, including quantities, exercise prices, and market values[30]