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东方证券· 2024-11-21 00:23
银行行业 行业研究 | 深度报告 高息定存将迎集中到期,如何看待当前存 款的几个关键问题 核心观点 ⚫ 存款增速经历"大起大落",24Q3 以来增速修复的持续性尚待观察。21Q3-23Q1 超额储蓄现象推动存款增速持续攀升,此后存款增速趋势性回落,受贷款派生存款 放缓、监管政策以及居民资产配置行为变化的共同影响。今年 7-9 月存款增速有所 修复,如何看待其持续性?我们认为可以观察到积极因素,但尚有一定不确定性: 1)7 月以来新增存款结构偏弱,非银存款持续大幅同比高增有难度,一是股市再现 极致行情可能较难,二是银行同业负债成本若有所压降,也可能冲击非银存款。2) 企业存款的走势更多依赖于贷款,以及财政存款的转化。年内看,财政存款的转化 确定性更强。 3)居民存款的走势存在不确定性,需关注资本市场的变化,以及 2022 年左右新增的三年定存在 2025 年到期重定价过程中存款的稳定性。 ⚫ 存款利率受自律机制约束,并已建立市场化调整机制。2015 年 10 月起,央行放开 对人民币存款利率上限的行政管制,由自律机制形成自律约定上限,并逐步指导建 立了存款利率市场化调整机制。现行监管体制下,存款利率实际上分为存 ...
东方证券· 2024-11-21 00:07
游戏收入超预期增长,25 年盈利可期 ——哔哩哔哩(9626.HK)24Q3 点评 核心观点 ⚫ 总收入:24Q3 达 73.1 亿元(yoy+26%,qoq+19%),广告和游戏业务驱动公司主 要增长。24Q3 毛利率达 34.9%(yoy+9.9pp,qoq+5.6pp)。24Q3 销售费用为 12.02 亿元(yoy+21%,qoq+16%),管理费用为 5.05 亿元(yoy+1%, qoq+4%),研发费用为 9.06 亿元(yoy-15%,qoq+1%)。24Q3 Non-Gaap 营业 利润为 2.72 亿元,首次转正。我们预期 24Q4 Non-Gaap 营业利润达 4 亿元。 24Q3 Non-Gaap 归母净利润达 2.36 亿元(去年同期为 Non-Gaap 净亏损 8.8 亿 元)。 ⚫ 广告:24Q3 达 20.9 亿元(yoy+28%,qoq+3%)。广告收入占整体收入比例由去年 同期 27%提升至 29%,有效带动公司毛利润的提升。供给端:DAU 稳定增长叠加 商业化产品的持续整合,促使变现效率不断提高。需求端:随着 B 站用户成熟,消 费能力快速释放。游戏、电商、数码家电、网络 ...
东方证券· 2024-11-20 08:52
看好(维持) 国家/地区 中国 行业 新能源汽车产业链行业 报告发布日期 2024 年 11 月 20 日 卢日鑫 021-63325888*6118 执业证书编号:S0860515100003 李梦强 执业证书编号:S0860517100003 杨雨浓 执业证书编号:S0860524090005 全球首次 eVTOL 固态电池飞行测试完成, 诺德股份攻克 3 微米锂电铜箔 核心观点 本周看点 ⚫ 亿航智能携手欣界能源,实现全球首次 eVTOL 固态电池飞行测试 ⚫ 诺德股份攻克 3 微米极薄锂电铜箔 ⚫ 星源材质(300568.SZ)全资子公司欧洲星源与大众集团旗下动力电池子公司签订 《定点协议》 锂电材料价格 ⚫ 钴产品:电解钴(17.85 万元/吨,0.56%);四氧化三钴(11.6 万元/吨,- 0.09%);硫酸钴(2.7 万元/吨,0.18%); ⚫ 锂产品:碳酸锂(7.9 万元/吨,4.77%),氢氧化锂(6.7 万元/吨,0.45% ...
东方证券· 2024-11-20 08:10
紧缩交易压力加码 ——海外宏观札记 1118 研究结论 ⚫ 市场表现(20241111-20241117):全球股市普跌,科技股表现疲软。比特币继续 大涨。市场对美联储降息预期调整,美债收益率回升,美元走强。受需求转弱预期 影响,原油价格下跌,商品价格整体走弱,金价继续回落。 ⚫ 基本面动态:周中公布的美国 10 月 CPI 完全符合市场预期,名义 CPI 同比录得 2.6%,核心 CPI 继续维持在 3.3%。尽管进入降息周期后,房租等与利率周期高度 挂钩的分项出现暂时性的反弹,但在就业走弱的整体经济环境中,趋势性再通胀风 险相对可控。 ⚫ 美国 10 月零售销售额环比增长 0.4%,高于市场预期。零售数据的良好表现支撑了 鲍威尔在该数据发布前一天的"鹰派"言论。数值上不再继续回落的 CPI 增速,叠 加特朗普胜选后更强的未来通胀预期,使得近期市场和联储对于通胀复燃的风险都 表现出较为谨慎态度,美联储在经济数据偏强的情况下或倾向于放缓降息节奏。 ⚫ 目前,增长、通胀预期同步上修,带动美债收益率攀升、美元走强的紧缩交易,正 处在预期、现实、交易三个层面上共振的阶段。接下来,特朗普交易预期阶段的了 结,或将市场 ...
东方证券· 2024-11-20 08:05
看好(维持) 国家/地区 中国 行业 新能源汽车产业链行业 报告发布日期 2024 年 11 月 20 日 卢日鑫 021-63325888*6118 执业证书编号:S0860515100003 李梦强 执业证书编号:S0860517100003 杨雨浓 执业证书编号:S0860524090005 全球首次 eVTOL 固态电池飞行测试完成, 诺德股份攻克 3 微米锂电铜箔 核心观点 本周看点 ⚫ 亿航智能携手欣界能源,实现全球首次 eVTOL 固态电池飞行测试 ⚫ 诺德股份攻克 3 微米极薄锂电铜箔 ⚫ 星源材质(300568.SZ)全资子公司欧洲星源与大众集团旗下动力电池子公司签订 《定点协议》 锂电材料价格 ⚫ 钴产品:电解钴(17.85 万元/吨,0.56%);四氧化三钴(11.6 万元/吨,- 0.09%);硫酸钴(2.7 万元/吨,0.18%); ⚫ 锂产品:碳酸锂(7.9 万元/吨,4.77%),氢氧化锂(6.7 万元/吨,0.45% ...
东方证券· 2024-11-20 07:51
核心观点 ⚫ 公司营收和归母净利润在上半财年分别同增 22%及 41%,在第二财季分别增长 24% 和 44%至 178.5 和 3.59 亿美元。第二财季自由现金流 7.4 亿美元,同增近 6 倍。 ⚫ IDG 智能设备业务集团上半财年的收入增长 15%,主要受惠于个人计算机与智能手 机超越市场的增长以及具备五项特征的人工智能个人计算机迅速上升所带动。个人 电脑营收同比上升 12%,全球市场出货量份额为 23.8%,根据 IDC 数据,第二财季 全球份额进一步提升至 24%;智能手机营收同比上升 43%,在北美、EMEA 欧洲-中东-非洲区域和亚太市场分别同比增长 20%、35%和 282%;平板电脑营收同比上 升 19%。营运效率及销售均价的上升使经营溢利率处于 7.3%的行业领先水平。联 想已开发针对不同市场的个人人工智能代理,具有五大特征包括配备 AI Agent 的人 工智能计算机在第二财季占中国笔记本计算机总出货量的 14%。 ⚫ ISG 基础设施方案业务集团的收入上半财年同比增长 65%至 65 亿美元,创新高。 其中,存储、软件和服务总营业额同比上升 35%,海神液冷服务器营业额同比上升 48 ...
东方证券· 2024-11-19 13:03
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for the company with a target price of 11.28 yuan [2][9] Core Views - The company reported a revenue of 6.182 billion yuan for the first three quarters of 2024, a year-on-year decrease of 8.84%, and a net profit attributable to the parent company of 98 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 73.02% [1] - In Q3 2024, the company's revenue was 1.795 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 27.12%, and the net profit attributable to the parent company was -77 million yuan, turning negative compared to the same period last year [1] - Domestic demand remains weak, with the overall retail sales of small kitchen appliances in China declining by 4.6% year-on-year in the first three quarters of 2024 and 2.7% in Q3 [1] - Export business is under pressure due to the end of overseas restocking and a high base from the previous year [1] - The company adjusted its annual related-party transaction amount to 231 million USD, a decrease of 20.5% compared to the previous year, and added R&D service-related transactions worth 24 million yuan [1] - The gross profit margin in Q3 2024 was 21.85%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.6 percentage points, while the operating expense ratio increased by 10.7 percentage points year-on-year to 27.89% [1] - The company plans to sell 68.4517% of its equity in Shenzhen Beetle Intelligent Co Ltd for 169 million yuan, expecting an investment income of 35 million yuan [1] Financial Forecasts - The company's net profit attributable to the parent company is expected to be 164 million yuan, 361 million yuan, and 387 million yuan for 2024, 2025, and 2026, respectively, with corresponding EPS of 0.21 yuan, 0.47 yuan, and 0.50 yuan [2][9] - Revenue is forecasted to be 8.74 billion yuan, 9.254 billion yuan, and 9.81 billion yuan for 2024, 2025, and 2026, respectively, with year-on-year growth rates of -9.1%, 5.9%, and 6.0% [7] - The gross profit margin is expected to be 24.8%, 25.6%, and 25.5% for 2024, 2025, and 2026, respectively [7] - The net profit margin is projected to be 1.9%, 3.9%, and 3.9% for 2024, 2025, and 2026, respectively [7] Industry and Market Context - The small kitchen appliance market in China is experiencing low demand, with retail sales declining by 4.6% year-on-year in the first three quarters of 2024 [1] - The company faces challenges in both domestic and export markets, with domestic demand remaining weak and export growth slowing due to high base effects [1] - The industry is characterized by intensified competition and rising raw material costs, which have impacted the company's profitability [1] Valuation and Peer Comparison - The company is valued at 24 times the 2025 P/E ratio, based on comparable companies, with a target price of 11.28 yuan [2][9] - Comparable companies in the industry include Supor, Bear Electric, and Roborock, with adjusted average P/E ratios of 24.49 for 2025 [10]
东方证券· 2024-11-19 11:28
动销 三季度表现承压,家居国补有望改善终端 核心观点 ⚫ 三季度营收同比延续下行趋势。2024 年前三季度公司实现营收 27.32 亿元,同比下 降22.22%,实现归母净利润-1.14亿元,同比转负。单三季度公司实现营收10.22亿 元,同比下降 29.09%,实现归母净利润-0.08 亿元,同比转负。三季度公司仍处于 渠道与组织结构调整阶段,叠加家居行业整体景气度较低、行业竞争加剧,导致收 入同比延续下行趋势。展望后续,在家居国补陆续出台的背景下,家居消费市场有 望逐步回暖、带动公司收入改善。 ⚫ 行业竞争加剧背景下公司盈利有所承压。2024 年三季度公司毛利率为 34.18%,同 比下降 1.0pct,推测主要系公司渠道结构调整后直营渠道收入占比下降,环比趋势 上看,公司 2024 年毛利率呈现逐季度改善趋势。三季度公司期间费用率为 34.82% ,同比提升 6.4pct ,其中销售 / 管 理 / 研发费用率同比分别提升 3.3/0.8/1.9pct,费用率提升推测主要系公司收入规模同比有较大幅度的下降。三季 度公司归母净利率为-0.81%,同比下降 5.5pct,盈利承压。 ⚫ 政企双补提升终端动销 ...
东方证券· 2024-11-19 09:06
Investment Rating - The report initiates coverage on Longbai Group with an **Overweight** rating and a target price of **20.28 CNY** for 2025, based on a 12x P/E multiple [2][4] Core Views - Longbai Group is the **world's largest titanium dioxide (TiO2) producer** with an annual capacity of 1.51 million tons, holding a **17% global market share** in 2023 [1] - The company has demonstrated strong **endogenous and exogenous growth** through acquisitions and technological advancements, particularly in **chloride process TiO2** and **sulfur-chlorine coupling technology**, which have given it a cost advantage [1][22] - Despite **anti-dumping measures** in overseas markets, China's TiO2 export growth trend remains intact, with **export CAGR of 15%** over the past eight years, accounting for nearly **40% of total production** [1][56] - Leading companies like Longbai are expected to **seize overseas opportunities**, with potential for higher returns and stable profits from overseas investments, similar to the tire industry's experience [1][110] Financial Projections - Revenue is projected to grow from **26.765 billion CNY in 2023** to **34.34 billion CNY in 2026**, with a **CAGR of 10.5%** [3] - Net profit attributable to shareholders is expected to increase from **3.226 billion CNY in 2023** to **4.633 billion CNY in 2026**, with a **CAGR of 15%** [3] - EPS is forecasted to rise from **1.35 CNY in 2023** to **1.94 CNY in 2026** [3] Industry Analysis - **Anti-dumping measures** in key markets like the EU, India, and Brazil have reshaped global trade flows but have not significantly impacted China's TiO2 export growth [56][61] - The **EU's anti-dumping tariffs** range from **11.4% to 32.3%**, but China's TiO2 exports to the EU have shown resilience, with **exports rebounding in August 2024** after a temporary dip in July [61][74] - **Global TiO2 demand** is expected to grow in line with **global GDP**, with **Asia-Pacific and Africa** being key growth regions due to infrastructure and real estate development [55][93] Company's Competitive Advantages - Longbai has **vertically integrated its supply chain**, with **40% self-sufficiency in titanium concentrate** and plans to increase this to **70% by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan** [22][35] - The company has **pioneered sulfur-chlorine coupling technology**, reducing costs for chloride process TiO2 production by **1,169 CNY per ton** [40][41] - Longbai's **chloride process TiO2 capacity** is **660,000 tons/year**, making it the **third-largest globally** and the **largest in China**, with a **63% share of domestic chloride process production** in 2023 [32][35] Overseas Expansion Opportunities - **Anti-dumping measures** are seen as a catalyst for **overseas expansion**, with Longbai well-positioned to establish overseas plants and capture higher-margin markets [110][111] - The **EU's rising TiO2 prices** (from **3,040 USD/ton in July 2024** to **3,210 USD/ton in September 2024**) create opportunities for **global trade flow adjustments** and higher returns for exporters [95][96] - **Southeast Asia** and **Turkey** are emerging as key markets for TiO2 exports, with **Vietnam** and **India** showing significant growth in demand [103][104]
东方证券· 2024-11-19 07:05
暴雪游戏恢复有望驱动 Q4 游戏收入修复 ——网易(9999.HK)24Q3 点评 核心观点 ⚫ 24Q3 营收 262 亿(yoy-3.9%,qoq+2.8%),同比增长主要系手游净收入的增加。 Q3 毛利率 62.9%(yoy+0.7pp,qoq-0.1pp),同比提升主要由云音乐毛利率增长带 来。销售费率 14.52%(yoy+1.4pp,qoq+0.8pp);管理费率 4.2%(yoy-1.3pp, qoq-0.1pp);研发费率 16.9%(yoy+0.9pp,qoq-0.6pp)。GAAP 归母净利润 65.4 亿(yoy-16.6%,qoq-3.3%),Non-GAAP 归母净利润 75.0 亿(yoy-13.3%, qoq-4.1%)。 ⚫ 24Q3 游戏及相关增值服务总收入 208.6 亿(yoy-4.2%,qoq+4.0%), Q3 扣除有 道外合同负债 147 亿(与上期差值+21 亿)。毛利率 68.8%(yoy-0.2pp,qoq1.2pp),其毛利下滑主要系移动游戏下滑。其中手游收入 143.0 亿(yoy-9.7%, qoq-2.9%),端游收入 59.0 亿(yoy+29.0% ...