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东吴证券· 2024-12-11 23:55
证券研究报告·宏观报告·宏观深度报告 宏观深度报告 20241211 总量力度增加、节奏靠前发力 --2025 年度展望(七):财政政策 2024 年 12 月 11 日 [Table_Tag] [Table_Summary] ◼ 一、次贷危机期间,美国开展财政刺激的经验教训 ◼ 从产出乘数看,扩大政府支出与补贴中低收入群体的财政刺激效果可能 最好。参考美国国会测算,扩大政府直接支出、提高对个人的转移支付 两项措施所对应的产出乘数下限均不低于 0.4、上限接近甚至超过 2.0, 反映出相关财政刺激效果可能较好。 ◼ 从支出规模看,对个人及家庭的财政补贴资金可能被用于储蓄或提前还 债,因此若要通过上述方式带动消费,财政部门可能需要大幅提高赤字。 自 2008 年至 2012 年,美国财政累计实施了超过 19530 亿美元的财政刺 激,其中自 2009 至 2012 年,美国财政赤字连续 4 年维持在超过 1 万亿 美元的历史高位。特别是 2009 年,美国赤字率以 9.8%创下新冠疫情前 的历史记录。 ◼ 二、2025 年中国财政展望 ◼ 规模方面:广义赤字率可能创下近年历史记录。次贷危机后,美国住宅 市场"去 ...
东吴证券· 2024-12-11 01:30
证券研究报告 东吴证券晨会纪要 东吴证券晨会纪要 2024-12-11 [Table_Tag] 宏观策略 [Table_MacroStrategy] 宏观点评 20241209:超常规逆周期调节政策有哪些?——12 月政治局会 议解读 12 月政治局会议提出了 3 个新提法,表明明年稳增长政策的想象空间较 大。 一是"稳住楼市股市"。9 月 26 日政治局会议对房地产市场和资本 市场的表述为"要促进房地产市场止跌回稳"、"要大力提振资本市场", 12 月政治局会议更加直接和明确提出:"稳住楼市股市"。我们看到,今 年 9 月以来"一揽子增量政策"出台后,楼市股市情绪都有明显提振,10 月一线城市房价环比由跌转涨,上证指数从 9 月 13 日 2704 点上涨至 12 月 9 日的 3402 点。而这次政治局会议在此基础上继续强调"稳住楼市股 市",表明政策并未因为形势好转而放松要求,后续政策仍然具备想象空 间,等待中央经济工作会议做出进一步的部署。 二是"适度宽松的货币 政策"。2010 年后,我国货币政策基调长期用词是"稳健",14 年来首次 转为"适度宽松",货币政策大有可为。2024 年货币政策调控机制 ...
东吴证券· 2024-12-10 09:55
证券研究报告 2025年石化+化工行业投资策略: 油价有底+供需改善+成长兑现 能源化工首席证券分析师:陈淑娴,CFA 执业证书编号:S0600523020004 联系方式 能源化工研究助理:周少玟 执业证书编号:S0600123070007 联系方式 2024年12月10日 请务必阅读正文之后的免责声明部分 核心结论 ◼ 油价观点:我们整体维持2025年布伦特70-90美元/桶的观点。需求端:全球原油需求整体一般(拆分结 构:交通出行成品油60%、化工用油20%、工业用油10%、基建用油10%)。供给端:全球上游油气资本 开支力度不足,OPEC+延缓复产,且地缘政治冲突影响,供给增量有限。 ◼ 投资方向1:高景气+高红利+成品油消费税改革利好企业。我们认为2025年油价仍将高位运行,油气开采 板块公司维持高景气度,且大央企同时具有高分红能力。此外,随着成品油消费税改革的推进,本身交税 规范的两桶油有望受益,重点推荐中国海油/中国海洋石油(600938.SH/0883.HK)、中国石油/中国石油 股份(601857.SH/ 0857 ...
东吴证券· 2024-12-10 08:30
Macro Outlook - Fiscal policy is expected to expand aggressively in 2025, with incremental policies likely to continue being introduced [6] - Infrastructure investment growth is expected to accelerate, while real estate investment decline is expected to narrow, driving a stabilization and recovery in physical demand [4] - The central government's fiscal leverage is expected to drive infrastructure investment, with key areas including water conservancy, energy, and urban renewal [4] Construction Engineering - Local debt resolution is expected to improve the payment capacity of project owners, benefiting the cash flow and balance sheet repair of construction engineering companies [4] - The central government's fiscal leverage is expected to drive infrastructure investment, with key areas including water conservancy, energy, and urban renewal [4] - The "Belt and Road" initiative is expected to continue to be strengthened, with overseas engineering demand likely to remain strong [4] Cement Industry - Cement demand continued to decline in 2024, with overcapacity issues intensifying, leading to the first industry-wide loss in recent years [57] - The industry's mid-term bottom is expected to be confirmed, with supply-side adjustments likely to strengthen, leading to a faster and more stable rebalancing of supply and demand [57] - The carbon trading era is expected to accelerate the elimination of inefficient capacity, consolidating the industry's long-term profit foundation [57] Investment Recommendations - Low-valuation construction central state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are expected to see continued valuation repair opportunities, with recommended stocks including China Communications Construction, Power Construction Corporation of China, and China Railway Group [50] - The "Belt and Road" initiative is expected to benefit international engineering companies, with recommended stocks including Sinoma International and Shanghai Harbor [51] - New business opportunities in prefabricated buildings, energy-saving, and new energy-related infrastructure are expected to benefit companies with relevant transformation layouts, with recommended stocks including Honglu Steel Structure and Huayang International [51]
东吴证券· 2024-12-10 07:05
证券研究报告·公司深度研究·饮料乳品 妙可蓝多(600882) 蒙牛协同更上层楼,奶酪龙头再启新篇 2024 年 12 月 10 日 买入(首次) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|---------|---------|--------|--------|--------| | 盈利预测与估值 [Table_EPS] | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 4830 | 4049 | 4908 | 5433 | 6251 | | 同比( % ) | 7.84 | (16.16) | 21.23 | 10.68 | 15.07 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | 137.61 | 63.44 | 102.73 | 235.15 | 389.98 | | 同比( % ) | (10.89) | (53.90) | 61.93 | 128.91 | 65.85 | | EPS- 最新摊薄(元 / 股) | 0.27 | 0.12 | 0. ...
东吴证券· 2024-12-10 06:55
证券研究报告·策略报告·策略点评 策略点评 20241209 【东吴海外/策略/固收联合点评】政治局会议 定调对 A 股、港股和债市有何影响——12.9 政治局会议精神学习 [Table_Tag] [Table_Summary] ◼ 事件:2024 年 12 月 9 日,中共中央政治局召开会议,分析研究 2025 年 经济工作;听取中央纪委国家监委工作汇报,研究部署 2025 年党风廉 政建设和反腐败工作。中共中央总书记习近平主持会议。关于会议精神, 我们学习如下: ◼ 本次政治局会议基调积极,新提法频现,对于财政/货币政策定调积极性 超出市场预期 1、财政政策:财政政策措辞由此前的"积极的财政政策"转变为"实施更 加积极的财政政策",2025 年财政加力意愿增强。正如我们在年度展望中 强调的,当前宏观基本面出现一些新问题、新情况,需要财政发力推动经 济进入正循环,2025 年将是财政大年。可以预见,明年财政政策具备较高 的增量空间,赤字率提升、超长期特别国债发行等举措均有望落地。同时, 会议强调"加强超常规逆周期调节",消费和地产领域政策的加码值得期 待。 2、货币政策:时隔十余年首提"适度宽松",2025 ...
东吴证券· 2024-12-10 06:13
证券研究报告·行业研究·商贸零售 增持(维持) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| | | | 商社行业 | 2025 | | 年年度策略: | | | | | | 寻找自上而下有逻辑的突破 作者:东吴商社团队 | | | | | 吴劲草 东吴商社 首席证券分析师 S0600520090006 | 石旖瑄 东吴商社 证券分析师 S060052 ...
东吴证券· 2024-12-10 06:10
Electric Power Industry Trends - Electrification and peak demand are driving power capacity scarcity, with peak load shortages expected to become more common in 2024-2026[4] - Regional power supply-demand imbalances are intensifying, particularly in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong, and Shanghai[6] - Power sector ROE continues to rise, with valuation attractiveness significantly improving[4] Thermal Power - Thermal power remains a critical supply source, with utilization hours expected to stabilize in 2025[5] - Thermal power's value is expanding from energy-only to include capacity and flexibility, with capacity revenue expected to reach 0.04 yuan/kWh by 2026[5] - Coal prices are controllable with long-term contracts covering ≥80% of demand and a "benchmark + floating" pricing mechanism[5] Renewable Energy - Green power construction is stabilizing, with new installations slowing and absorption pressures easing[9] - Offshore wind projects show strong profitability, with equity IRR reaching 9.3% without grid fees[9] - Green power market prices may bottom out as reforms deepen and green premiums increase[9] Nuclear Power - Nuclear power is entering a phase of accelerated growth, with annual approvals of ≥10 units from 2022-2024[9] - Nuclear power's ROE is expected to rise, with free cash flow turning positive by 2028[10] - Market-based electricity pricing for nuclear power is declining at 60%-80% of the average market price reduction[10] Hydropower - Hydropower remains a benchmark for dividend assets, with significant growth potential in key river basins[10] - Market-based pricing for hydropower is increasing, with prices rising in Sichuan and Yunnan[10] Market Reforms and Restructuring - Power market reforms are accelerating, with a focus on building a national unified power market by 2025[69] - M&A activity is intensifying, with state-owned enterprises integrating high-quality power assets[4] - Local energy groups are accelerating strategic restructuring to enhance competitiveness[60] Investment Recommendations - Key recommendations include regional thermal power companies like Wanneng Power and national leaders like Huaneng Power and Huadian Power[6] - For green power, focus on leading operators like Longyuan Power and offshore wind developers like Fujian Energy[9] - In nuclear power, recommend China National Nuclear Power and CGN Power, with attention to CGN Power H-shares[10]
东吴证券· 2024-12-10 06:00
证券研究报告 东吴证券公用事业行业2025年年度策略 电动化、尖峰化、市场化, 寻找稀缺电力容量&显著边际变化 证券分析师 :袁理 执业证书编号:S0600511080001 联系邮箱 证券分析师:任逸轩、谷玥 二零二四年十二月十日 请务必阅读正文之后的免责声明部分 核心观点 2 电动化+尖峰化促电力容量稀缺,并购重组活力激发,电改深化 ✓ 板块ROE持续提升,估值性价比显著。2025年行业层面我们关注三条线索: 1)电动化+尖峰化促电力容量稀缺:预计尖峰负荷缺电现象或更加常态化,2024年电力供需偏紧,25-26年预计 维持加剧,关注尖峰负荷下支撑电源价值体现。区域供需更加值得关注,优质区域需求有成长,电价有支持。 2)并购重组活力激发:并购重组政策接连出台,激发市场活力,央国企、逐步开始整合优质电力资产,增强业 务核心竞争力,优质资产价值重估。地方能源集团战略重组加速。 3)电力体制改革深化:深化电改贯穿新型电力系统转型全过程,全国电力市场加速建设,电价新机制持续出台 ,在政策与电力市场驱动推进下,电源将依托自身特点,迎来定位与模式的转变,价值重估。 火电:顶峰发电价值 ...
东吴证券· 2024-12-10 06:00
证券研究报告·公司深度研究·饲料 佩蒂股份(300673) 产能突破释放成长,自主品牌渐露头角 2024 年 12 月 10 日 买入(首次) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|--------|----------|----------|--------|--------| | 盈利预测与估值 [Table_EPS] | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 1732 | 1411 | 1992 | 2429 | 2876 | | 同比( % ) | 36.27 | (18.51) | 41.17 | 21.93 | 18.38 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | 127.12 | (11.09) | 183.91 | 233.61 | 293.56 | | 同比( % ) | 111.81 | (108.72) | 1,758.20 | 27.02 | 25.66 | | EPS- 最新摊薄(元 / 股) | 0.51 | (0.0 ...