智通财经· 2024-04-19 00:09
智通财经APP数据显示,阳光100中国(02608)、亲亲食品(01583)、石四药集团(02005)、君百延集团(08372)于2024年4月19日进行了最新股东权益披露。 股票名称 机构名称 性质 变动前持股 变动后持股 持股比 阳光100中国(02608) 范小冲 好仓 16.99 亿股 16.99 亿股 66.60%(最新)66.61%(前次) 亲亲食品(01583) 许清流 好仓 4.24 亿股 4.25 亿股 56.27%(最新)56.14%(前次) 阳光100中国(02608) 范晓华 好仓 16.99 亿股 16.99 亿股 66.60%(最新)66.61%(前次) 石四药集团(02005) 曲继广 好仓 11.17 亿股 11.18 亿股 37.65%(最新)37.61%(前次) 阳光100中国(02608) 易小迪 好仓 16.99 亿股 16.99 亿股 66.60%(最新)66.61%(前次) 君百延集团(08372) 苗延舜 好仓 5.76 亿股 5.68 亿股 71.00%(最新)72.00%(前次) 君百延集团(08372) 黄碧君 好仓 5.7 ...
36氪· 2024-04-19 00:08
Game Shutdown Announcement - The game "Food Fantasy" will officially cease operations in mainland China on June 18, 2024, due to the expiration of the agency agreement between Tencent and the developer, Guangzhou Tianti Network Technology [1] - The announcement quickly became the top trending topic on Weibo [2] Game Overview and Development - "Food Fantasy" is a successful 2D game in the Guangzhou gaming circle, known for its unique food anthropomorphism and Chinese-style themes [3] - The game was developed by Tianti Interactive, a subsidiary of Baioo Family Interactive, and launched in 2019 after Tencent secured exclusive agency rights for the Chinese market in 2018 [2] - The game's revenue was significant in its early years, with a monthly revenue of over 100 million yuan at launch and total revenue exceeding 500 million yuan within nine months [3] Revenue and Financial Performance - In 2021, "Food Fantasy" contributed approximately 214 million yuan to Baioo's total annual revenue of 884 million yuan [3] - By 2022, the game's revenue accounted for over 10% of Baioo's total annual revenue of 940 million yuan, with an estimated revenue of around 100 million yuan [3] - The annual agency agreement limit with Tencent was adjusted to 140 million yuan in 2022 [3] Challenges and Decline - The game faced increasing difficulties in its later stages, with the project operating at a loss for an extended period [3] - From 2023 onwards, there were noticeable changes in the game's content and updates, with reduced production capacity and fewer new characters and skins [4][5] - Recent years have seen a decline in Baioo's profits, leading to the shutdown of some projects, including the 2D game "Chronos Echo 24/36" in 2023 [6] Industry Context - "Food Fantasy" is the second well-known 2D game to shut down this year, following "Heavy Metal Lady" in February [7] - The gaming industry has seen numerous 2D game projects being discontinued or teams disbanded in recent years [7]
8点1氪丨华为Pura 70系列开售,售价5499元起;周大福回应足金戒指被指褪色;广告拦截App屏蔽芒果TV开屏广告被判赔9万
36氪· 2024-04-19 00:08
TOP3大新闻 华为Pura 70系列开售,售价5499元起 4月18日,华为Pura 70系列正式开售,售价5499元起。其中,Pura 70 Ultra和Pura 70 Pro于10点08分开售,而Pro+、华为Pura 70将于22日10点08分开售,Pura 70 Ultra和Pura 70 Pro在一分钟内即告售罄。华为Pura 70全系列已经在门店展出,包括标准版、Pro版、Pro+版本以及Ultra版四个版本。店内部分型号有现货,需要现场排队购买。 某销售人员介绍,“一人限购一台。现货购买无法通过线上预约,需要现场排队,属于是先到先得。如果现场没有买到机器,工作人员会给顾客一份预约码,后续到货之后,可以凭借预约码来线下提货。目前有部分型号有现货。”对于到货情况,销售人员称也是临时得知。“不知道现场什么时候来的货,我是早上临时被叫过来的,现在也处于比较懵的状态。”(科创板日报) 周大福回应足金戒指被指褪色 4月17日,来自广东的陈女士(化姓)报料称,其花费2394元购买了一枚周大福足金戒指,一个多月后戒指出现灰白色斑,似乎是掉了一小块金膜。 陈女士称,周大福方面否认这是假货,但无法出具质检报告 ...
中国经济网· 2024-04-19 00:02
随着传播技术跃迁、产业变革加速、造车新势力涌入,汽车营销范式正在改变。如何获得更高流量,成为车企营销不得不面对的现实挑战。流量并不等于销量,围绕产品和服务做差异化创新才是企业赢得市场竞争的真正密码。 尽管小米SU7上市已半月有余,但其引发的关注热度持续至今。从“大定”超预期到上汽智己被迫“三道歉”,从首批车主高调交付到手机支架起争端,一辆新车的上市成为社会关注的焦点,并火出圈外,并不多见。这体现了小米及创始人雷军的影响力和这家公司进入汽车赛道的独特性,也引发了业界对于流量的追逐与焦虑。 随着传播技术跃迁、产业变革加速、造车新势力涌入,汽车营销范式正在改变。人们过去奉为圭臬的“4P营销理论”遭到解构与重塑。大家开始抢话筒、比嗓门、拼流量,甚至为了流量不讲“武德”。如何获得更高流量,就成为车企营销不得不面对的现实挑战。 问题在于,流量是一把“双刃剑”。利用好了,确实可以助推一款产品热销,让更多潜在消费者熟知。相反,一旦“玩脱”,所带来的负面效应也是不可低估的。 其实,流量并不等于销量。汽车卖得好,可能是造型颜值高、技术领先、驾驶体验好、产品定位和定价精准等多重因素叠加的结果,而不仅仅是营销的功劳。人们常说,产品 ...
36氪· 2024-04-18 23:47
刚上市一年,业绩就"大变脸",供应链企业的日子似乎越来越难过了。 据财报数据,2023年,田野股份(832023.BJ)实现总营收4.6亿元,同比下降2.33%;净利润3337.81万元,同比下降37.69%。 对此,田野股份表示,净利下降主要原因为下游新茶饮行业增速放缓、竞争加剧,客户价格敏感度提高,其压降毛利率应对市场竞争。 事实上,田野股份的毛利率已经连续3年下滑。从2021年的29.16%到2022年的28.38%,再到2023年的21.68%,总体下滑7.48%。 2023年2月,田野股份在北交所上市,产品包括原料果汁、速冻果蔬、鲜果等,是茶百道、奈雪的茶、一点点和沪上阿姨等品牌的供应商。 随着新茶饮行业增速放缓,品牌之间贴身肉搏加剧,对供应商也提出了更高的要求。尤其是2023年以来,新茶饮品牌纷纷加注供应链,品牌与上游供应商 之间的争夺战已然打响。 在此背景下,与田野股份有着相似境遇的供应商并不少。2023年底,2家新茶饮供应商撤回了上市申请。已经成功上市的供应商,也面临着毛利下滑、业 绩承压的现状。 01 产品售价降低,多家供应商毛利下滑 德馨食品与鲜活饮品在2023年底相继撤回上市申请。 据德 ...
36氪· 2024-04-18 23:47
小米汽车的热度至今居高不下,路上的小米SU7频频刷屏,线下实体店人声鼎沸,体验样车也因为高强度“营业”,车上的某些零件提前步入老化阶段。很难想象百年造车历史长河,还能有多少这样的盛况。 然而庞大的进店量和订单量也让各路黑子找到了抹黑的点,他们坚信这只是小米汽车刻意营造的假象,小米SU7的热销存在许多水分。不过,小米汽车的第一份成绩单,给了外界有力的回应。 易车榜公布了小米SU7第一个完整销售周的销量,并围绕其主要竞争对手进行了销量盘点。小米SU7在该周的销量为2500辆,位列榜单第一。作为车圈新人,小米汽车超越了极氪001、极氪007、小鹏P7等新势力选手,让智界S7、阿维塔12也望尘莫及,狠狠打了唱衰小米汽车的人的脸。 而中国乘用车市场新势力品牌周销量TOP10榜单当中,小米汽车凭借2500辆跻身第六,超过了腾势、深蓝汽车、小鹏等品牌。 雷军曾宣布,小米SU7锁单量超过4万,势头还在不断上升。小通很高兴能看到国产新能源车的热销,但这样的盛况,小米还可以持续多久呢? 01 友商降价“围剿”,敌不过小米泼天流量 早在小米SU7正式上市前,整个汽车行业已经战火纷飞,比亚迪牵头大搞降价,就像是对小米汽车 ...
36氪· 2024-04-18 23:47
小米SU7 发布不到20天,有太多的万万没想到:订单确实远超了我们最乐观的预期,霞光紫成为最火的颜色,女性车主占比非常高…… 昨天,雷军突然发微博,不仅汇报了一下小米SU7的成绩,还预告要在今天下午四点做一场直播。节点Auto全程围观了雷军的直播,发现了一些细节,这些细节关系着小米SU7的后续走向。 有太多意想不到 今天下午四点,雷军准时在抖音开始直播,直播间的人气很旺,刚开播观看人数就达到了10万+。不过刚开始时没做好准备,雷军讲话时能听到回音。 直播时,雷军先是带大家参观了小米汽车的交付中心,然后偶遇了一位正在提车的车主。这位车主表示,雷总的一句话打动了他,那就是“要有一台自己的车”,他之前都是开商务车。 在雷军的直播中,有车主透露了选择小米SU7的理由。比如有位车主是被小米品牌和雷军的个人魅力所吸引,选择了盲订。还有一位车主表示,自己被座舱打动了,它提供了很多扩展接口,可玩性很强。 雷军还给小米SU7的颜值带起了货,表示自己被颜值吸引,买了两辆小米SU7,其中一辆就是关注度很高的海湾蓝。 当然,雷军还提到了两个关键环节,那就是销量和交付,这两方面都可以用超预期来形容。 小米SU7率先交付的是创始版,雷 ...
36氪· 2024-04-18 23:47
Core Viewpoints - The AI digital human "Caixiao Dongge" (based on JD com founder Richard Liu) achieved significant success in a live-streaming event, attracting over 20 million viewers in one hour and generating over 100 000 orders in 40 minutes [1] - The success of the digital human is attributed to Richard Liu s celebrity effect and JD com s AI technology, but it is still far from replacing real human hosts [2] - JD com s AI technology, particularly its Yanxi AI platform, is driving the digital human trend, focusing on cost efficiency and scalability in live-streaming [3][5] Industry and Technology Insights - The digital human industry is rapidly growing, with the core market size in China reaching 12 08 billion yuan in 2022, a 94 2% year-on-year increase, and is expected to reach 48 06 billion yuan by 2025 [4] - Digital human technology involves five key modules: character modeling, voice generation, animation generation, audio-video synthesis, and interaction, supported by AI, CG, and virtual reality technologies [4] - The cost of creating a non-customized digital human has significantly decreased, with some companies offering basic AI clones for as low as 8 000 yuan [4] Applications and Challenges - JD com s Yanxi AI virtual hosts cost less than 1/10 of real human hosts and can be set up within 2 hours, significantly reducing operational costs [5] - Despite the cost efficiency, digital humans face challenges in fully replacing real hosts due to limitations in emotional interaction and consumer acceptance [5][6] - Digital humans are increasingly used in e-commerce, healthcare, education, finance, and transportation, with e-commerce being the top demand sector [4] Market Trends and Future Outlook - The average salary of live-streaming hosts in China decreased by 20% in 2023 compared to 2022, partly due to the rise of digital human hosts [5] - While digital humans are not yet mature enough to replace top-tier hosts, they are expected to gradually replace mid and lower-tier hosts [6] - JD com continues to invest in real human hosts and content creation, allocating 1 billion yuan in cash and 1 billion yuan in traffic incentives to attract creators [6] Digital Human Ecosystem - The digital human ecosystem in China is divided into three categories: film and TV digital humans, real-person-skinned digital humans, and intelligent digital humans like "Caixiao Dongge" [7] - Virtual streamers (Vtubers) are gaining popularity, with examples like ByteDance s A-SOUL, which combines virtual identities with real human performances [7] - However, virtual streamers are not yet suitable for live-streaming sales, as seen in the case of Yaowang Technology s digital human "Kong Xiang," which was discontinued after only seven videos [8] Industry Challenges and Regulation - The digital human industry faces issues such as fraudulent practices and mismanagement, with some companies failing to deliver promised services [9] - Regulatory measures are needed to standardize the industry, including setting industry norms and addressing misleading practices [9]
36氪· 2024-04-18 23:47
汽车行业忽然掀起“惊涛骇浪”的直播热潮。 前有蔚来汽车CEO李斌直播测试150度电池包续航,一口气开了1000公里,后有“保定车神”长城汽车董事长魏建军直播测试长城汽车最新一代智驾系统 Coffee Pilot Ultra。 据伯虎财经不完全统计,近期亲自下场直播的车企一把手还有奇瑞汽车董事长尹同跃、极越汽车CEO夏一平与百度CEO李彦宏、360创始人周鸿祎与哪吒汽车CEO张勇,吉利控股集团董事长李书福与东方甄选董事长俞敏洪等大佬等。 一号位纷纷亲自下场直播,首要原因当然是来自小米和华为的冲击。小米不用说,用一场全网参与的发布会给友商们上了一课。华为虽然不卖车,但也会为智选模式下的问界和智界办发布会。在这两家国民品牌海啸般的声量下,友商们的动作被埋在了汹涌的海水之下。 当然,更深层的原因还是新能源汽车的竞争更加激烈了。不止一家车企的掌门人表态,淘汰赛已经开始。即便是特斯拉也无法避免下滑的窘境。日前特斯拉宣布了全球裁员10%的消息,而在二级市场,今年一季度特斯拉累计跌幅高达29%。 如何与消费者建立更紧密的联系,培育消费心智是每个车企都需要去努力解决的问题。不过直播真的能成为车企营销的新常态吗?一些传统车企能否 ...
巴勒斯坦“入联”决议草案遭美国一票否决 | 环球市场
财联社· 2024-04-18 23:45
隔夜股市 欧洲股市周四(4月18日)多数走高,美股三大指数涨跌不一,标普、纳指双双录得日线五连跌。个股方面,特斯拉跌3.55%,股价收于2023年1月以来最低水平。 热门中概股多数走高,纳斯达克中国金龙指数涨0.99%,终结四连跌。新东方涨2.77%,腾讯音乐涨2.75%。 商品市场 WTI原油期货结算价涨0.05%,报82.73美元/桶,布伦特原油期货结算价跌0.21%,报87.11美元/桶。COMEX黄金期货收涨0.25%,报2394.4美元/盎司;COMEX白银期货跌0.28%,报28.32美元/盎司。 巴以冲突快报 ①巴勒斯坦“入联”决议草案在安理会遭美国一票否决,巴方强烈谴责 ②美国对涉及伊朗的16名个人和2个实体实施制裁 ③以军称一周摧毁哈马斯上百个军事设施 ④白宫发声明称以色列同意考虑美国对进攻拉法的担忧 ⑤标普下调以色列长期发行人评级至A+(之前为AA-评级),前景展望负面 其他市场消息 【美联储威廉姆斯:完全没有感觉到降息紧迫性】 纽约联邦储备银行行长威廉姆斯表示,不急于降低利率,经济数据将决定时机。“货币政策处于良好位置,目前的利率水平正在逐步推动我们实现目标。所以我完全不觉得有降息的 ...