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光大证券· 2024-12-24 03:27
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for the company [4][3]. Core Insights - ASC47, in combination with semaglutide, shows superior weight loss effects in preclinical studies compared to semaglutide alone, with weight reductions of 36.2% and 35.9% for the 3 mg/kg and 9 mg/kg groups respectively [1]. - The company is actively advancing clinical trials for ASC47 in Australia, with a Phase I single ascending dose study showing good tolerability and a half-life of 21 days [2]. - The company is also progressing multiple obesity-related drug candidates, including ASC30, which is undergoing Phase I trials in the US [8]. Financial Forecasts and Valuation - The company has adjusted its net profit forecasts for 2024 and 2025 to -261 million and -313 million CNY respectively, improving from previous estimates of -284 million and -340 million CNY [3]. - The net profit for 2026 is projected at -322 million CNY, reflecting effective cost control measures [3]. Market Data - The total market capitalization of the company is approximately 28.15 billion HKD, with a total share capital of 1.013 billion shares [19]. - The stock has experienced a 1-year high of 2.93 HKD and a low of 0.76 HKD [19]. Earnings Performance - The company reported a revenue of 54 million CNY in 2022, with a projected revenue of 0 CNY for 2024 and beyond [11]. - The earnings per share (EPS) is forecasted to be -0.26 CNY in 2024, worsening to -0.32 CNY by 2026 [11]. Cash Flow Analysis - The operating cash flow is expected to decline from -142 million CNY in 2022 to -292 million CNY by 2026 [21]. - The cash and cash equivalents are projected to decrease from 404 million CNY in 2022 to 98 million CNY by 2026 [21].
国元国际控股· 2024-12-13 10:06
证 券 研 究 报 告 | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 即时点评 | | 减重不减肌药研发 ...
歌礼制药-B(01672) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-27 09:00
歌 ascletis Ascletis Pharma Inc. 歌 禮 製 藥 有 限 公 司 ( 於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號:1672 2024 中 期 報 告 20 目 錄 2 公司資料 4 財務概要 5 管理層討論與分析 30 其他資料 35 獨立審閱報告 36 綜合損益表 37 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 38 綜合財務狀況表 40 綜合權益變動表 42 簡明綜合現金流量表 43 未經審核中期財務報告附註 55 釋義 歌禮製藥有限公司 2024 中期報告 2 公司資料 | --- | --- | |---------------------|---------------------------| | | | | 董事會 | 註冊辦事處 | | 執行董事 | Walkers Corporate Limited | | | 190 Elgin Avenue | | 吳勁梓博士 | George Town | | (主席兼行政總裁) | Grand Cayman KY1-9008 | | 何淨島女士 | Cayman Islands | | (高級副總裁) | 中國公司總部 | | 獨立非執行 ...
国元国际控股· 2024-09-03 03:40
证 券 研 究 报 告 请务必阅读免责条款 | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
歌礼制药-B(01672) - 2024 Q2 - 业绩电话会
2024-09-02 03:00
Financial Data and Key Metrics - The company's cash reserves as of June 30, 2024, exceeded RMB 2.1 billion, ensuring healthy operations and development for the next five years [1][2] - The company reported a loss of RMB 130 million in the first half of 2024, primarily due to increased R&D investments [1][2] - R&D personnel now account for 69% of the company's total workforce, reflecting a significant increase in R&D focus and efficiency [1][2] Business Line Data and Key Metrics - The company has focused on global BIC (Best-in-Class) and FIC (First-in-Class) pipeline development, particularly in metabolic diseases and oncology [1][2] - Key pipeline highlights include AAC40, which has successfully initiated Phase III trials, and AAC41, which showed promising Phase II results with 93.3% of patients achieving a 30% reduction in liver fat content [1][2] - The company has accelerated the development of global FIC and BIC candidates for metabolic diseases, with plans to continue this focus in the second half of 2024 [1][2] Market Data and Key Metrics - The company has engaged in extensive business development activities, including participation in major industry conferences such as the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference and the BioInnovation Biotechnology Innovation Organization's global PG conference [1][2] - A top-ten global chemical company expressed interest in the company's pipeline, selecting only 70 out of 1,000 biotech companies for meetings, with the company being one of the selected [1][2] Company Strategy and Industry Competition - The company's strategy is centered on global BIC and FIC pipeline development, avoiding "Me Too" drugs and focusing on top-tier competitive targets [1][2] - The company has increased its patent filings, with four new drug invention patents granted and 51 new applications filed in the first half of 2024, strengthening its competitive position [1][2] - The company plans to continue accelerating the development of global FIC and BIC candidates, particularly in metabolic diseases, to maintain its competitive edge [1][2] Management Commentary on Operating Environment and Future Outlook - Management emphasized the importance of healthy survival in a challenging industry environment, focusing on global BIC and FIC pipeline development and business development activities [1][2] - The company expects to complete key clinical milestones in the second half of 2024, including Phase III enrollment for AAC40 and Phase II completion for AAC41, with top-line data expected in the first half of 2025 [1][2] - Management expressed confidence in the company's cash reserves and R&D capabilities, aiming to maximize the value of its core pipelines before engaging in further business development activities [1][2] Other Important Information - The company has initiated a stock repurchase program, having already repurchased RMB 133 million worth of shares, with plans to continue repurchasing if cash reserves allow [1][2] - The company is exploring the potential of its AAC61 small molecule PD-L1 oral inhibitor, seeking potential partners following promising Phase I results [1][2] Summary of Q&A Session Question: What were the main projects driving the increase in R&D expenses in the first half of 2024? - The increase in R&D expenses was primarily driven by Phase III trials for AAC40, Phase II trials for AAC41, and the acceleration of global FIC and BIC candidate development for metabolic diseases [1][2] Question: When will the efficacy data for AAC40's Phase III trials be available? - Efficacy data for AAC40's Phase III trials is expected to be available in the first half of 2025, with safety follow-up data not impacting the efficacy data readout [1][2] Question: Is the company still working on the AS110 monkeypox project? - The company is conducting further internal evaluations of the AS110 monkeypox project, given the recent rise in monkeypox cases [1][2] Question: How does the company view the competition between its two NASH drugs and weight-loss drugs? - The company's NASH drugs (AAC40 and AAC41) are oral medications targeting liver fat reduction, while weight-loss drugs like GLP-1 are injectable and focus on weight management, indicating different market segments [1][2] Question: Will the company continue its stock repurchase program? - The company will prioritize R&D investments but may continue stock repurchases if cash reserves allow, with a focus on maintaining healthy operations and development [1][2] Question: When will the company form a commercialization team? - The company will consider forming a commercialization team once its pipelines receive regulatory approval, with a focus on global markets rather than domestic sales [1][2] Question: What are the company's future early-stage R&D pipeline plans? - The company's early-stage R&D pipeline will continue to focus on metabolic diseases, building on its current pipeline of AAC40 and AAC41 [1][2]
歌礼制药-B(01672) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-30 09:00
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不就因本公告全部或任何部分內容所產生或因依 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 財務概要 1 本公告載有涉及風險及不確定因素的前瞻性陳述。除過往事實陳述以外的所有陳述均為前瞻性 陳述。該等陳述涉及已知及未知風險、不確定因素及其他因素,當中若干風險及因素並非本公 司所能控制,其可導致實際業績、表現或成果與該等前瞻性陳述所明示或暗示者存在重大差 異。 閣下不應依賴前瞻性陳述作為未來事件的預測。本公司概不承擔更新或修訂任何前瞻性 陳述的責任,無論是否由於新資料、未來事件或其他因素所致。 Ascletis Pharma Inc. 歌禮製藥有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號:1672 截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月之中期業績公告 及 有關二零二三年年報之補充公告 董事會謹此宣佈,本集團截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月之未經審核綜合中 期業績連同二零二三年同期之比較數據如下。 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------- ...
歌礼制药-B(01672) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-26 08:49
管理層討論與分析 此前的I期臨床數據表明,ASC42安全性和耐受性良好,在人體有效劑量15毫克、一日一次、為期14天的治 療過程中,未觀察到瘙癢症狀,且LDC-C數值維持正常水平。同時,FXR靶向激活的生物標誌物FGF19在一 日一次15毫克劑量給藥第14天時的增幅高達1,780%,C4在給藥第14天時的降幅高達91%。 二零二三年五月二日,歌禮宣佈ASC40治療尋常性痤瘡的II期臨床試驗達到主要及關鍵次要終點,表現出了 顯著的療效和良好的安全性。 ASC40是一種口服、選擇性小分子FASN抑制劑。ASC40治療痤瘡的機制是:(1)通過抑制人皮脂細胞的脂肪 酸從頭合成(DNL),直接抑制面部皮脂生成;及(2)通過減少細胞因子分泌和Th17分化來抑制炎症。歌禮已從 Sagimet Biosciences獲得ASC40在大中華區的開發、生產和商業化獨家權益。 痤瘡是全球第八大常見疾病,影響全球超過6.4億人1。與口服藥物相比,外用療法的依從性更低:據估計, 約有30%至40%的患者無法堅持外用治療2。目前,有效的口服痤瘡藥物主要是異維A酸,其可能會導致許多 嚴重的不良事件,如肝毒性、聽力障礙和抑鬱症等。ASC40 ...
国元国际控股· 2024-03-26 16:00
请务必阅读免责条款 一般声明 在法律许可的情况下,国元证券经纪(香港)可能与本报告中提及公司正在建立或争取建立业务关系或服务 关系。因此,投资者应当考虑到国元证券经纪(香港)及/或其相关人员可能存在影响本报告观点客观性的潜在利 益冲突。 本报告的版权仅为国元证券经纪(香港)所有,未经书面许可任何机构和个人不得以任何形式转发、翻版。 复制、刊登、发表或引用。 分析员声明 本人具备香港证监会授予的第四类牌照——就证券提供意见。本人以勤勉的职业态度,独立、客观地出具本 报告。本报告清晰准确地反映了本人的研究观点。本人不曾因,不因,也将不会因本报告中的具体推荐意见或观 点而直接或间接收到任何形式的补偿。 2 证 券 研 究 报 告 | --- | --- | |---------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
歌礼制药-B(01672) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-25 13:00
42 除上文所述者外,於報告期內,本公司或其任何附屬公司概無購買、出售或贖回 本公司任何上市證券。 末期股息 刊發年度業績及年度報告 44 45 47 「HCV」 指 丙肝病毒 「香港財務報告準則」 指 香港財務報告準則 「LDL」 指 低密度脂蛋白 「上市規則」 指 聯交所證券上市規則(經不時修訂或補充) 「MRI-PDFF」 指 磁共振成像質子密度脂肪含量 「NAS」 指 非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)活動評分 「國家藥監局」 指 中國國家藥品監督管理局 「PD-1」 指 程序性細胞死亡蛋白1 「PowerTree」 指 PowerTree Investment (BVI) Ltd.,一家於二零一 一年一月十三日在英屬處女群島註冊成立並由本 公司全資擁有的有限責任公司 「RdRp」 指 聚合酶 「報告期」 指 自二零二三年一月一日起至二零二三年十二月三 十一日止一年期間 「RSV」 指 呼吸道合胞病毒 「股份」 指 本公司股本中每股面值0.0001美元的普通股 「聯交所」 指 香港聯合交易所有限公司 「UDCA」 指 熊去氧膽酸 「VEGF」 指 血管內皮生長因子 「%」 指 百分比 中華人民共和國杭州 ...
歌礼制药-B(01672) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-27 08:01
歌 ascletis ( 於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號:1672 2 公司資料 5 管理層討論及分析 41 獨立審閱報告 43 中期綜合損益及其他綜合收益表 47 中期簡明綜合現金流量表 Ascletis Pharma Inc. 歌 禮 製 藥 有 限 公 司 目 錄 4 財務概要 34 其他資料 42 中期綜合損益表 44 中期綜合財務狀況表 46 中期綜合權益變動表 49 未經審核中期財務報告附註 61 釋義 2023 中期報告 歌禮製藥有限公司2 公司資料 | --- | --- | |---------------------|--------------------------------------------| | | | | 董事會 | 註冊辦事處 | | 執行董事 | Walkers Corporate Limited 190 Elgin Avenue | | 吳勁梓博士 | George Town | | (主席兼行政總裁) | Grand Cayman KY1-9008 | | 何淨島女士 | Cayman Islands | | (高級副總裁) | 中國公司總部 | | 獨 ...