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广发证券· 2024-11-22 06:32
盈利预测: EPS 按最新股数进行计算 [Table_Contacts] [Table_Title] 【广发 传 媒 & 海 外 】 快 手 -W (01024.HK) DAU 超 4 亿,平衡收入增长和利润释放 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 快手发布 24Q3 财 报 : 24Q3 总 收 入 311 亿 元 人 民 币 , YoY/QoQ+11%/+1%,符合彭博一致预期(310 亿元)。24Q3NonGAAP 净利润为 39.48 亿元, YoY/QoQ+24%/-16%, vs.一致预期为 39.15 亿元 (超 1%)。24Q3 毛利率为 54.33%,YoY/QoQ+2.6pct/-1.0pct。24Q3 MAU 达到 7.14 亿,YoY/QoQ+4%/+3%。 DAU 达 到 4.08 亿, YoY/QoQ+5%/+3%。三季度单日时长为 132 分钟,YoY/QoQ+2%/+8%。 ⚫ 24Q3 广告稳健增长,电商 GMV 企稳。(1)24Q3 直播收入为 93.38 亿 元,YoY/QoQ-4%/+0%,vs.一致预期为 92.13 亿元,持续优化生态供给。 (2)24Q ...
广发证券· 2024-11-22 06:31
[Table_Contacts] [Table_Page] 跟踪研究|软件与服务 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 【广发计算机&海外】金山软件(03888.HK) 游戏强劲,长线产品增多,办公蓄势,信创转暖 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 公司发布 24Q3 业绩公告,收入 29.1 亿元,同比+41.5%;运营利润 11.4 亿元,同比+204%,运营利润率 39.3%,同比+21.0pct,环比 +7.2pct;归母净利润 4.13 亿,剔除金山云减值影响后,同环比均大幅 增长。 ⚫ 游戏:24Q3 收入 17.1 亿元,同比+77.7%,环比+32.8%,《剑网 3》 持续展现韧性,《解限机》即将上线。《剑网 3 无界》移动端 6 月推 出,用户数超预期,带来移动端增量,同时推动《剑网 3》端游收入增 长;《剑网 3》10 月底发布年度资料片,进一步增强玩家情感体验和 活跃度。《解限机》计划 2025 年上线;8 月结束首测,全球范围内引 广泛关注,在 Steam 心愿单最高排 17 位,全球预约人数近 300 万; 《剑侠情缘·零》、《剑侠世界 4》已拿到版号,计划 25 年 ...
广发证券· 2024-11-22 06:31
[Table_Contacts] [Table_Page] 季报点评|运输 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 【 广发交运 & 海 外 】 中通快递 - W(02057.HK/ZTO.N) 利润符合预期,质量平衡与市场脉搏同频 [Table_Summary] 核心观点:(如无特殊说明,本报告货币单位均为人民币,1RMB=0.139 USD= 1.082HKD) [Table_PicQuote] 相对市场表现 ⚫ 经营和财务数据:中通快递发布 24 年三季度业绩公告,24 年前三季度 公司实现营收313.6亿元/yoy+12.8%、归母净利润64.3亿元/yoy-1.9%、 调整后净利润 74.2 亿元/yoy+9.2%。其中 24Q3,公司实现营收 106.8 亿元/yoy+17.6%、归母净利润 24.0 亿元/yoy+2.2%、调整后净利润 23.9 亿元/yoy+2.0%。业务量方面,前三季度公司完成业务量 243.46 亿件 /yoy+13.3%,其中 24Q3 完成业务量 87.23 亿件/yoy+16.0%。 ⚫ 毛利维持较快增长,税收返还影响净利数额。公司继续保持高品质的服 务和客户满意 ...
广发证券· 2024-11-22 06:30
[Table_Page] 行业专题研究|家用电器 2024 年 11 月 21 日 证券研究报告 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|------------------------------|-------|----------------------------------------------| | [Table_Title] | 家用电器行业 | | | | 空调行业格局专题:探讨空调"黑马"小米未来成长 | | [Tabl 分析师: | 曾婵 | 分析师: | 高润鑫 | | | | e_Author] | SAC 执证号: S0260517050002 | | SAC 执证号: S0260521040004 | | | | | SFC BNV293 | | | | | | | 0755-82771936 07 ...
广发证券· 2024-11-22 06:30
[Table_Grade] 行业评级 买入 前次评级 买入 报告日期 2024-11-21 [Table_Contacts] [Table_Page] 深度分析|航空机场 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 航空业系列深度(一) 复盘历史行情,看油跌预期下航空投资机会 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 顺周期加强品种,油价下跌板块具备投资机会。航空作为交运板块的 顺周期加强品种,复盘 2000 年以来三轮超额收益周期发现,每轮行情 启动均以需求周期为基础,油汇不作主导因素但作为周期上行的添彩, 三轮大周期中也出现了 14-15 年油价下跌与板块共振的投资机会。 ⚫ 14-15 行情经验借鉴。14-15 年行情受需求边际改善、票改政策推进 与市场流动性共同驱动,同时油价自高位大跌航司成本优化。本轮同 样是宏观上受益于流动性驱动与经济刺激政策发力,油价受 OPEC+ 未来取消减产、内需进一步转好等多重利好短期有望开启下行通道。 但本轮供需逻辑与上轮大有不同,14-15 年行业供需转好来自于出境游 需求超预期增长贡献供需差,而本轮供需改善主要来源于供给硬约束。 ⚫ 上游产能硬约束,供给受限逻辑坚 ...
广发证券· 2024-11-22 01:10
Industry Rating - The industry rating is **Buy** [2] Core Views - Astera Labs (ALAB) reported a record high revenue in Q3 FY2024, with total revenue for the first three quarters reaching $255 million, a year-on-year increase of 292% [2] - The company's gross margin remained high at 77.6% for the first three quarters, with Q3 revenue reaching $113 million, up 206% year-on-year and 47% quarter-on-quarter [2] - The company expects Q4 revenue to continue growing, with a projected range of $126-130 million, driven by strong demand for Retimer and AEC products [2] - The introduction of the Scorpio Smart Fabric Switch product line is expected to expand the company's total addressable market (TAM) to $12 billion, with Switch products projected to contribute over 10% of revenue by 2025 [2] - PCIe Retimer demand is closely tied to GPU shipments, with AI servers typically requiring 8 or 16 Retimer chips per server, depending on the design [2] - The AEC market is expected to grow significantly, with a projected CAGR of 108% from 2023 to 2027, reaching $1.3 billion [2] Key Product Lines Retimer - Retimer chips are crucial for AI servers, with each 8-GPU server typically requiring 8 Retimer chips [2] - The Retimer market is driven by AI server demand and the increasing penetration of PCIe 5.0, with the market expected to reach $966 million by 2027 [2] - Astera Labs and Montage Technology are leading players in the Retimer market, with Astera Labs being the first to mass-produce PCIe 5.0 Retimer chips [2] AEC (Active Electrical Cable) - AEC products are designed to enhance signal transmission over longer distances compared to traditional DAC (Direct Attach Cable) [2] - The AEC market is expected to grow from $70 million in 2023 to $1.3 billion by 2027, driven by the transition to 400G/800G data rates in data centers [2] - Astera Labs' Taurus series, which integrates Retimer technology, is a key product in this segment [2] CXL (Compute Express Link) - CXL technology addresses the "memory wall" problem by enabling memory expansion, pooling, and sharing, which is critical for AI and cloud infrastructure [2] - Astera Labs' Leo series supports CXL 1.1/2.0 and offers high memory bandwidth, with up to 2TB of memory capacity and speeds of 5600 MT/s per channel [2] - Montage Technology has also entered the CXL market with its MXC memory expansion controller chip, which has been adopted by Samsung [2] Market Trends - The AI server market is expected to grow significantly, with global AI server shipments projected to reach 1.67 million units in 2024, a 41.5% year-on-year increase [2] - The transition to PCIe 5.0 and 6.0 standards is driving demand for Retimer chips, with the market expected to grow at a CAGR of 59.7% from 2023 to 2027 [2] - The AEC market is benefiting from the shift to higher data rates (400G/800G) in data centers, with AEC solutions expected to account for 63% of Ethernet interconnects by 2027 [2] Competitive Landscape - Astera Labs dominates the Retimer market, particularly in PCIe 4.0 and 5.0, with competitors like Montage Technology and Broadcom also making strides in the space [2] - Broadcom has introduced its own PCIe 5.0/6.0 Retimer solutions, Vantage 5 and Vantage 6, based on 5nm technology [2] - Montage Technology has gained traction in the CXL market, with its MXC chip being the first to pass CXL 1.1 compliance testing [2]
广发证券· 2024-11-22 01:01
[Table_Page] 公告点评|媒体Ⅱ | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------|--------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------- ...
广发证券· 2024-11-22 01:01
[Table_Page] 公司深度研究|交通运输 [Table_Contacts] 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 中远海特(600428.SH) 借力出海,开辟第二成长曲线 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: ⚫ 全球特种船龙头,开启战略转型。公司运营的船队包括多用途、重吊、 纸浆、半潜、木材、沥青、汽车船,总数达 164 艘,总载重吨位 481.6 万载重吨。"十四五"期间,公司抓住机遇,重点布局中国汽车、风发、 机械设备出海带来的市场机遇,着重发展汽车、纸浆、重吊船业务。 ⚫ 多用途、重吊、半潜船业务:稳健兼具弹性。中国产能出海的背景下, 机械、风电设备等出口高速增长,给多用途、重吊船业务提供了需求增 量,减弱其周期波动。考虑到目前多用途景气处于中低位,其业绩稳定 性大大增强。同时与其周期有较强联动性的干散货市场处于衰退后期 过渡至复苏早期的状态,具备在 2025 年及以后景气走强并且景气外溢 带动多用途船启动的可能性。 ⚫ 汽车、纸浆船:核心增长点。纸浆和汽车船业务均受益于汽车船市场的 高景气,而汽车船市场的高景气源自中国汽车出口的快速发展。展望后 市,即使汽车船市场景气回归新常态, ...
广发证券· 2024-11-22 01:00
[Table_Page] 跟踪分析|轻工制造 证券研究报告 [Table_Title] 轻工制造行业 造纸龙头减产,行业有望迎来短期拐点 [Table_Summary] 核心观点: 24Q3 以来,纸价下行,造纸企业业绩承压。截止 2024 年 11 月 15 日, 据卓创数据显示,双胶纸、铜版纸价格分别达到 5113、5340 元/吨, 相较年初分别-12.8%、-9.9%;箱板纸、瓦楞纸、白卡纸价格分别达到 3628、2710、4155 元/吨,相较年初分别-5.8%、-7.0%、-13.3%,纸 价在今年来仍然低位运行。其中,文化纸当前处在相对淡季,预计春、 秋开学季教材教辅招标对文化纸价拉动更为明显。从包装纸价来看,价 格低迷与需求环境更为相关,24 年国内消费仍然承压,当前双十一电 商节已步入尾声,节日期间对包装纸价拉动有限。受纸价、库存等因素 影响,部分造纸企业在 24Q3 出现收入增速放缓、利润环比下行的现象, 龙头企业在其中表现出更强的韧性。 晨鸣纸业利润转亏,偿债、融资能力皆下行。晨鸣纸业于 2024 年 11 月 19 日发布《关于部分债务逾期暨部分银行账户被冻结》的公告,受 消费疲软、造 ...
广发证券· 2024-11-22 01:00
自主可控方向,建议关注高端制造和先进封装产业链投资机会。 ⚫ 风险提示。下游需求不及预期的风险,新产品进度不及预期的风险, 市场竞争加剧的风险。 [Table_Page] 跟踪分析|电子 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...