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光大证券· 2024-12-14 11:43
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for the company, with an expected adjusted PE of 15/13/11 times for 2024-2026 [1][61] Core Views - The company's 24Q3 revenue reached RMB 4.991 billion, a 51% YoY increase, exceeding guidance, with adjusted net profit of RMB 910 million, up 46.6% YoY [1] - Core OTA revenue grew 22% YoY to RMB 4.013 billion, with a significant improvement in profitability, as the core OTA margin increased by 5.9 ppts YoY to 31.3% [1] - The company's user value has improved significantly, with ARPU growing 53% YoY to RMB 70, and GMV monetization rate increasing by 2.2 ppts YoY to 6.9% [1][56] - The company is accelerating its expansion into new traffic sources and international business, with the launch of the HopeGoo platform and the establishment of an overseas headquarters in Singapore [1][59] Business Performance Summary Core OTA Business - Accommodation booking revenue grew 22% YoY to RMB 1.38 billion in 24Q3, contributing 34.3% of OTA revenue, driven by increased room nights and improved net take rate [36][40] - Transportation ticketing revenue increased 21% YoY to RMB 2.03 billion, contributing 50.5% of OTA revenue, supported by growth in air ticket sales and improved monetization of train tickets [40][41] - Other OTA business revenue grew 24% YoY to RMB 610 million, mainly driven by hotel management and online travel business growth [41] Vacation Business - Vacation business revenue reached RMB 979 million in 24Q3, up 36% QoQ, achieving a break-even with a 2.4% profit margin [1][42] - The company has expanded its offline store network to over 900 stores by the end of 24Q3 [42] Profitability - The company's adjusted net profit margin improved by 2.7 ppts QoQ to 18.2% in 24Q3, driven by optimized user subsidies, improved international business efficiency, and reduced sales expenses [1][47] - Sales expense ratio decreased by 9.1 ppts YoY and 6.0 ppts QoQ to 29.4% in 24Q3 [1][47] User Metrics and Traffic Expansion - Average monthly paying users reached 46.4 million in 24Q3, up 5% YoY, with user purchase frequency exceeding 8 times per year, compared to 5.5 times in 2019 [1][56] - The company's app DAU surpassed 3 million before the 2024 National Day holiday, a record high, with app traffic contribution increasing from 4% to 8% between August 2023 and August 2024 [1][57] International Business Expansion - The company launched the HopeGoo international travel booking platform in mid-2024, covering six major travel categories and supporting 16 currencies [59] - Through the Yilong Hotel Technology platform, the company has expanded its international guest reception capabilities, with over 400 hotels capable of serving international guests as of July 2024 [59] Future Outlook - Core OTA revenue is expected to maintain double-digit growth in 24Q4, driven by strong performance in accommodation and transportation bookings [1][60] - The company's revenue for 2024-2026 is forecasted to be RMB 17.263 billion, RMB 20.195 billion, and RMB 23.134 billion, respectively, with adjusted net profit expected to reach RMB 2.74 billion, RMB 3.252 billion, and RMB 3.872 billion [1][61]
广发证券· 2024-11-29 03:27
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for Tongcheng Travel with a target price of HKD 20.18 per share, based on a 25-year 13X PE valuation [2][6] Core Views - Tongcheng Travel's 24Q3 GMV grew 2.4% YoY to RMB 72.8 billion, with revenue increasing 51.3% YoY to RMB 4.99 billion [1] - Adjusted net profit for 24Q3 rose 46.6% YoY to RMB 910 million, with an adjusted net margin of 18.2% [1] - 24Q3 adjusted EBITDA increased 51.6% YoY to RMB 1.32 billion, maintaining a 26.4% margin [1] - MPU grew 5% YoY to 46.4 million, while APU increased 3.4% YoY to 230 million, and ARPU surged 53.2% YoY [1] Business Segment Performance - Transportation ticketing revenue grew 20.6% YoY to RMB 2.03 billion in 24Q3 [2] - Accommodation booking revenue increased 22.2% YoY to RMB 1.38 billion in 24Q3 [2] Operational Highlights - Sales expense ratio decreased 9.1pp YoY to 29% in 24Q3, reflecting improved marketing efficiency [2] - International ticket volume grew over 110% YoY, and international hotel room nights increased over 130% YoY in 24Q3 [2] - Cross-selling rate improved to 12% [2] Financial Projections - Revenue is forecasted to grow 44.2% YoY to RMB 17.2 billion in 2024, with further growth of 17.2% and 19.5% in 2025 and 2026 respectively [2] - Non-IFRS net profit is expected to reach RMB 2.72 billion in 2024, growing 24.4% YoY, with continued growth of 22.6% and 20.5% in 2025 and 2026 [2] - Non-GAAP EPS is projected to increase from RMB 1.21 in 2024 to RMB 1.78 in 2026 [4]
华福证券· 2024-11-22 07:00
华福证券 包 मे 同程旅行(00780.HK) 经调整净利润超预期,核心 OTA 盈利改善明显 投资要点: 经调整净利润高于彭博一致预期,核心 OTA 盈利改善明显: 2024Q3 同程旅行实现营收 49.9 亿元/同比+51.3%,经调整净利润 9.1 亿元/同比+46.6%/经调整净利润率 18.2%,业绩高于预期主要来自 于核心 OTA 业务经营利润率同比+6.0pct 至 31.1%,核心业务盈利能力 明显改善。 业务拆分来看,核心 OTA 各业务收入增速均超 20%: 收入端,2024Q3 交通业务收入 20.3 亿元/同比+20.6%,机票量再 创新高,其中国际机票业务量同比增长超 110%;住宿业务收入 13.8 亿元/同比+22.2%,间夜量达历史新高,其中国际酒店业务量同比增长 超 130%,需求驱动与效率提升,交叉销售率提升至 12%;其他业务收 入 6.1 亿元/同比+23.7%,其中艺龙酒店科技平台保持扩张趋势,开业 酒店规模超 2100 家;度假业务收入 9.8 亿元,产品和服务价值驱动旗 下旅行社门店超 900 家。经营利润端,2024Q3 核心 OTA 经营利润 12.5 亿元 ...
国信证券· 2024-11-21 03:15
同程旅行(00780.HK) 优于大市 核心业务盈利较大改善,单客贡献同比提升 2024 年三季度 OTA 经营利润率同比提升 6pct,业绩好于彭博预期。2024Q3 公司收入 49.9 亿元、归母净利润 7.9 亿元、经调整净利润 9.1 亿元,同比 增长 51.3%/55.5%/46.6%,好于彭博预期(同比增长 47%/24%/32%)。其中: 1)OTA 平台收入 40.1 亿元/+21.6%,其经营利润率为 31.1%,同比大幅提升 6.0pct,较 Q1/Q2 的-3.7/-2.2pct 显著改善,营销效率提升与架构优化综合 助力。2)度假收入 9.8 亿元,去年 12 月并表尚无可比数据,经营利润率 2%。 结构性影响带来 GMV 增速平稳趋势延续,国际业务业绩扰动降低。2024Q3 平台 GMV 为 728 亿元,同比增长 2.4%,主要系行业价格带来结构性影响,其 中机票票价回落,但与收入挂钩的机票票量同比增长超 20%;酒店 ADR 下滑 约 4-5%,部分对冲间夜量增长;此外地面交通战略性收缩也带来扰动。新业 务方面,随着非一线城市居民在休闲度假和出境游市场中占比不断提升,国 际业务目 ...
国证国际证券· 2024-11-21 02:45
SDICSI 2024 年 11 月 20 日 同程旅行(0780.HK) 核心 OTA 利润率提升显著;上调目标价 同程旅行 3 季度核心 OTA 利润率同比提升 6 个点至 31%,带动公司整体经调 整净利润率超我们/市场预期 14%/11%。整体变现率提升、用户平均年度花费 增长趋势有望延续,我们维持 2024 年全年收入预测,预计 2025 年核心 OTA 收 入增速 18%,利润率有望同比改善。我们给予 14 倍 2025 年市盈率,上调目标 价至 22.5 港元。 报告摘要 核心 OTA 业务盈利能力提升,带动公司整体净利润超预期:3 季度总收入 50 亿元,同比/环比增 51%/18%,略超我们及市场预期 3%。核心 OTA 业务收入同 比增 22%,其中住宿预订/交通票务同比增 22%/21%至 13.8 亿元/17.7 亿元。度 假业务贡献收入增量 9.8 亿元,贡献总收入的 20%(vs. 2Q24 为 17%)。核心 OTA 业务经营利润 12.5 亿元,同比/环比增 50%/46%,经营利润率 31%,同比 /环比改善 6 个/7 个百分点。核心 OTA 业务盈利能力改善,带动公司整体 ...
中国银河· 2024-11-21 01:42
分析师登记编码:S0130522070001 -5096 资料来源:wind 中国银河证券研究院 公司点评报告 · 社会服务行业 利润率如期改善,盈利能力提升 核心观点 ● 事件:公司发布第三季度业绩报告。3Q24公司实现营收 49.9 亿元/同比 +51.3%,整体增速超越此前预期;核心 OTA 业务营收 40.1 亿元/同比+21.6%, 符合预期;归母净利润 7.9 亿元/同比+55.5%;Non-GAAP 净利润 9.1 亿元/ 同比+46.6%。 ● 酒店 take rate 提升推动板块营收增长,国际机票及地面交通营收增长强 劲。分板块来看:1) 住宿预订板块营收 13.8 亿元/同比+22.2%,营收增速优 于 ADR 和整体酒店间业量增速,主要受益于酒店 take rate 的提升,同时国 际间夜数同比+130%。; 2)交通票务实现营收 20.3 亿元/同比+20.6%,收入 达到历史新高,主要得益于国际机票票量同比增长超110%,同时通过完善慧 行智能出行系统提高火车票务的变现能力;3)其他收入达 6.1 亿元/同比 +23.7%,主要受酒管业务和线上度假业务的强劲增长。4)度假板块实现营 ...
民生证券· 2024-11-20 23:29
同程旅行(0780.HK)2024 年三季报点评 24Q3 收入高增速,核心 OTA 业务持续发力 2024 年 11 月 20 日 [盈利预测与财务指标 Table_Forcast] ➢ 同程旅行 24Q3 收入高增速,各项业务收入增量贡献力度强,度假业务持续 发力。基础财务数据情况:24Q3,公司营业收入 49.92 亿元/同比+51.3%,经 调整 EBITDA 为 13.19 亿元/同比+51.6%,经调整溢利净额 9.10 亿元/同比 +46.6%。各项业务表现:24Q3,公司住宿预订收入 13.78 亿元/同比+22.2%; 交通票务收入 20.27 亿元/同比+20.64%;核心旅游平台其他收入 6.09 亿元/同 比+23.70%;度假其他收入 9.79 亿元。净利率表现:24Q3,经调整 EBITDA 利 润率 26.4%/与 23 年同期持平,经调整净利润率 18.2%/同比-0.6pcts。24Q3 公 司营收增长幅度大:1)得益于核心 OTA 业务(住宿预订/交通票务/核心 OTA 其 他收入)的增量贡献,其中住宿预订服务收入增加主要受益于住宿产品量提升及 交叉销售战略;交通票务收入增 ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-20 14:34
证券研究报告·海外公司点评·旅游及消闲设施(HS) 同程旅行(00780.HK) 2024Q3 业绩点评:利润超预期,销售费用显 著改善 2024 年 11 月 20 日 增持(维持) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------| | [Table_EPS] 盈利预测与估值 | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 6585 | 11896 | 17163 | 20744 | 24082 | | 同比 (%) | (12.64) | 80.67 | 44.27 | 20.87 | 16.09 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | (146.01) | 1,554.13 | 2,093.75 | 2,648.42 | 3,265.09 | | 同比 (%) | (120.18) | 1,164.41 | 34.72 | 26.49 | 23. ...
华泰证券· 2024-11-20 08:05
证券研究报告 同程旅行 (780 HK) 3Q 业绩:利润释放持续有力 华泰研究 季报点评 2024 年 11 月 20 日│中国香港 互联网 同程公布 3Q24 业绩:收入 50 亿元,yoy+51%,基本符合 VA 一致预期(简 称预期,下同),调整后净利润 9 亿元,yoy+46.6%,超预期 10.2%。三季 度旅游旺季需求景气,高基数下收入端基本符合预期,出境业务维持高增长 态势;精细化补贴策略下费用端管控成效显著,带来利润端显著超市场预期, 营销打法从用户增长到挖掘用户价值,2.3 亿基本盘仍有较大潜力。 收入基本符合预期,出境机酒预订量三位数同比增长 3Q24 收入 50 亿元,yoy+51%,预期 49 亿元。其中核心 OTA 业务 40 亿 元,yoy+22%,预期 39 亿元:1)住宿业务 yoy+22%,超预期 3%,在行 业 ADR 承压背景下,公司优化营销策略带来抽佣水平环比提升,推动收入 增长,国际间夜量 yoy+130%。2)交通业务 yoy+22%,超预期 1.3%,三 季度旺季旅游需求景气,出境游增长态势延续,国际票量 yoy+110%,占总 票量比已达 5%,增值服务产品优 ...
交银国际证券· 2024-11-20 06:41
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------|--------------|---------------|----------|-------------------------------| | 交银国际研究 \n财务模型更新 | | | | | | 互联网 | 收盘价 | 目标价 | 潜在涨幅 | 2024 年 11 月 20 日 | | | 港元 17.70 | 港元 24.00↑ | +35.6% | | | 同程旅行 | (780 HK) | | | | | | | | | | 核心 OTA 业务保持快于行业增速,利润率仍有优化空间 我们预计公司 2024/25 年收入 172 亿/198 亿元,基本与此前预期一致,核心 OTA 业务增速预计19%/16%,运营利润率26%+,对应公司整体净利润27 亿元 /34 亿元。我们将公司估值调整至 2025 年,按 2025 年 15 倍市盈率,调整公 司目标价至 24 港元,维持买入评级。 2024 年 3 季度业绩:收入 50 亿元(人民币,下同),同比增 51%,高于 ...