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国信证券· 2024-08-05 01:01
证券研究报告 | 2024年08月04日 核心观点 公司研究·财报点评 证券分析师:王蔚祺 证券分析师:陈抒扬 010-88005313 0755-81982965 S0980520080003 S0980523010001 收盘价 3.49 港元 总市值/流通市值 31096/31096 百万港元 52 周最高价/最低价 7.77/3.32 港元 近 3 个月日均成交额 165.74 百万港元 | --- | --- | |----------|----------------| | 基础数据 | | | 投资评级 | 优于大市(维持) | | 合理估值 | | | 市场走势 | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------| | 盈利预测和财务指标 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业收入 ...
国联证券· 2024-08-02 10:01
证券研究报告 港股公司|公司点评|信义光能(00968) 2024H1 业绩符合预期,光伏玻璃坚定 扩产 请务必阅读报告末页的重要声明 glzqdatemark1 2024年08月02日 证券研究报告 |报告要点 公司发布 2024 年半年报,2024H1 收入 127 亿港元,yoy+4%,hoh-12%;归母净利润 20 亿港 元,yoy+41%,hoh-30%,略高于前期业绩预告中值。分业务来看,2024H1 公司光伏玻璃业务 收入稳步增长,盈利同比明显改善,主要源于销量增长及主要成本要素价格有一定下降;光伏 发电收入稳步增长,受限电、电价下降等因素的影响,盈利能力有所下降。 |分析师及联系人 武慧东 朱思敏 SAC:S0590523080005 SAC:S0590524050002 请务必阅读报告末页的重要声明 1 / 5 港股公司|公司点评 glzqdatemark2 2024年08月02日 信义光能(00968) 2024H1 业绩符合预期,光伏玻璃坚定扩产 | --- | --- | |------------|-------------------| | 行 业: | 电力设备/光伏设备 | ...
中泰国际证券· 2024-08-02 00:01
Investment Rating - The report downgrades the investment rating of Xinyi Solar (968 HK) from "Buy" to "Neutral" due to revised earnings forecasts and production delays [3][12] Core Views - Xinyi Solar's 1H24 net profit attributable to shareholders increased by 41% YoY to HKD 1.96 billion, in line with the company's guidance of 35%-45% growth [2] - Revenue grew 4.5% YoY to HKD 12.69 billion, driven by a 4.8% increase in solar glass sales and a 3.8% rise in power generation revenue [2] - Solar glass gross profit and margin improved significantly, rising 47.8% and 6.3 percentage points YoY to HKD 2.38 billion and 21.5%, respectively [2] - The company lowered its effective annual melting capacity target by 7.1% to 9.85 million tons due to delayed production line commissioning [2] - Power generation gross profit and margin declined by 3.4% and 4.9 percentage points YoY to HKD 1.02 billion and 65.5%, respectively, due to grid curtailment and lower average selling prices [3] - The Yunnan polysilicon project's commissioning has been delayed indefinitely due to falling polysilicon prices, which have dropped 39.9% YTD [3] Financial Performance - 1H24 revenue breakdown: solar glass sales HKD 11.09 billion (+4.8% YoY), power generation HKD 1.55 billion (+3.8% YoY) [2] - Solar glass sales volume increased 12.2% YoY, but average selling price declined [8] - Operating profit rose 32.9% YoY to HKD 2.87 billion, with operating margin expanding 4.8 percentage points to 22.6% [8] - Net profit margin improved 4.0 percentage points YoY to 15.5% [8] - EPS increased 40.9% YoY to HKD 0.22, with a dividend payout ratio of 45.4% [8] Production and Capacity - FY24 production plan: 6 new production lines (4 x 1,000 tons in Wuhu, 2 x 1,200 tons in Malaysia), totaling 6,400 tons [2] - 2 Wuhu lines and 1 Malaysia line commissioning delayed to year-end and August, respectively [2] - Effective annual melting capacity target revised down 7.1% to 9.85 million tons (+25.6% YoY vs original plan of +35.2%) [2] Market Conditions - Solar glass prices have declined 7.5% YTD due to oversupply, though partially offset by lower raw material costs [2] - Polysilicon prices have fallen 39.9% YTD, impacting the economics of the Yunnan project [3] - Power generation business faces challenges from grid curtailment and declining average selling prices, particularly in Hubei (16.8% of grid-connected capacity) [3]
华泰证券· 2024-08-01 04:03
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for Xinyi Solar (968 HK) [2] Core Views - Xinyi Solar's 1H24 net profit attributable to shareholders reached HKD 1.96 billion, a 41% YoY increase, aligning with the performance forecast [2] - The company's strong 1H24 performance was driven by steady growth in photovoltaic (PV) glass sales (+12.2% YoY) and improved gross margins (+6.3 ppts YoY to 21.5%) [2] - However, PV glass prices have declined since May 2024, and the report expects challenges in 2H24 due to oversupply and lower gross margins [2][3] - The report revised down 2024/2025/2026 EPS estimates by 36%/26%/2% to HKD 0.40/0.65/0.90, and the target price was reduced by 36% to HKD 5.31 [2] Operational Performance and Challenges - PV glass prices have dropped significantly since May 2024, with 2.0mm PV glass prices down by HKD 4/m² (21.9%) from the year's peak and HKD 3/m² (17.4%) lower than the same period in 2023 [3] - Weak terminal demand and rapid capacity expansion contributed to the price decline, with domestic module production in May/June 2024 down by 4.1%/13.4% compared to April 2024 [3] - The report anticipates continued supply-demand challenges in 2H24, leading to a potential decline in gross margins for the PV glass business [3] Capital Expenditure and Production Adjustments - Xinyi Solar plans to reduce 2024 capital expenditure by 17.6% to HKD 5.77 billion, with a 29% cut in PV glass-related capex to HKD 3.2 billion [4] - The company maintains its target of commissioning 6 production lines in 2024 (4 in Anhui, 2 in Malaysia), but the timeline may be delayed [4] - These adjustments aim to better manage supply-demand dynamics and navigate market challenges [4] Industry Outlook - The PV glass industry has seen a slowdown in capacity expansion since 2023 due to improved local government oversight and early warning mechanisms [5] - The report expects a more balanced supply-demand relationship and healthier competition in the industry as capacity warning mechanisms are further refined [5] Financial Forecasts - Revenue for 2024E/2025E/2026E is projected at HKD 27.84 billion/HKD 35.85 billion/HKD 38.52 billion, with YoY growth of 4.56%/28.76%/7.43% [6] - Net profit attributable to shareholders for 2024E/2025E/2026E is forecasted at HKD 3.56 billion/HKD 5.81 billion/HKD 8.00 billion [6] - EPS for 2024E/2025E/2026E is estimated at HKD 0.40/HKD 0.65/HKD 0.90 [6] Valuation Metrics - The target price is set at HKD 5.31, with a current share price of HKD 3.71 as of July 31, 2024 [8] - PE ratios for 2024E/2025E/2026E are 9.28x/5.68x/4.13x, while PB ratios are 0.98x/0.90x/0.80x [6][8]
交银国际证券· 2024-08-01 04:01
交银国际研究 公司更新 新能源 2024 年 8 月 1 日 收盘价 目标价 潜在涨幅 港元 3.71 港元 4.09↓ +10.2% 信义光能 (968 HK) 发电业务拖累业绩,光伏玻璃行业进入产能出清阶段 低基数下光伏玻璃毛利率同比大幅提升,发电业务拖累业绩:公司 2024 年上半年实现收入 12.7 亿港元,同比+4.5%,归母净利 19.6 亿港元,同比 +41.0%,略超预告中值19.5 亿港元。由于产量增长,光伏玻璃销量同比增 长 12.2%,但产销率偏低导致存货环比大增 59%,分部收入增长 4.8%至 110.9亿港元,尽管销售均价下跌,但原燃料价格大跌导致成本下降更多, 分部毛利率在低基数下同比提高 6.3 个百分点至 21.5%,因售价下跌环比 则下降4.9个百分点。由于累计装机增长,光伏发电收入同比+3.8%至15.5 亿港元,但由于弃光率及市场电量比例提升,分部毛利率同比下降 4.9 个 百分点至65.5%。公司上半年自建光伏装机300兆瓦,向信义能源出售200 兆瓦,下半年无自建计划。人民币兑港元同比贬值 4.2%也对业绩造成了 负面影响。 扩产慢于预期,冷修老旧产能降低成本:公司 ...
国金证券· 2024-08-01 03:01
20244E07 F1 31 F1 信义形能 (00968.HK) 天入 (年持评级) A司点评 il 外部分校會 盈利能力同比显著改善,景气底部彰显龙 头优势 业绩简评 7 月 31 日公司拔落 2024 年中报,2024 年上半年实现密业领 126. 87 亿港元,同比增长 4. 5%:实现日导冷利润 19. 63 亿港元, 同比增长 41%。 经营分析 无伏栽病病主排关,其利能力同比基苯成基。2024 年上半年 公司新增无湖 2*1000t/d 及马未奇亚 1200t/d 无伏疫场产线.2024 年 6 月底产能达到 29000t/d(含冷綠产能 2000 晚) 带动无伏栽 琦诉查问增 12.2%。含其子纯及天愁气朵购成本下降,上半年公 司无伏烧烧毛利辛同比袋升 6.3 PCT 至 21.5%: 但因无伏烧菊行业 3–5 月产能投产办法,而 5–6 月下游组件排产犬弱,供寄压力下无 伏成场价格下跌,公司上半半毛利单较 23H2 环比有所下降。 其利成事术压状后产能本修速出,成本及洋外产能化梦欢闻 是失地位。7 月组件排产持续大码,无伏疫场行业库存上升、价格 及盈利承压,塔辛创资讯,7 月末行业予均库存环 ...
信义光能(00968) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-07-31 08:34
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告之內容概不負責,對其準確性或完 整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內 容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。 XINYI SOLAR HOLDINGS LIMITED 信義光能控股有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:00968) 截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月的 中期業績公告 財務摘要 截至六月三十日止六個月 二零二四年 二零二三年 變動 百萬港元 百萬港元 收益 12,686.8 12,141.9 +4.5% 本公司權益持有人應佔溢利 1,962.5 1,391.5 +41.0% 每股盈利-基本 22.03港仙 15.63港仙 +40.9% 每股中期股息 10.0港仙 7.5港仙 – 1 – 信義光能控股有限公司(「本公司」或「信義光能」,連同其附屬公司,「本集團」)董事 (「董事」)會(「董事會」)公佈本集團截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月(「二零二四 年上半年」)的未經審核簡明綜合中期業績連同截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月 (「二零二三年上半年」)的比較數字如下: 簡明綜合收益表 ...
交银国际证券· 2024-07-02 01:31
交银国际研究 公司更新 | 收盘价 | | | | 2024 年 7 月 2 日 | |-------------|----|----|----|-------------------------------| | 港元 3.93 | | | | | 新能源 信义光能 (968 HK) 光伏玻璃供过于求加剧,多晶硅投产陷入两难,维持中性 需求疲软、供给持续增加,光伏玻璃供过于求加剧:5 月美国取消对进口 双面组件的 201 关税豁免,并开展对东南亚 4 国光伏组件的双反调查,导 致东南亚组件尤其是双玻组件对美出货锐减,由于库存压力,组件环节 5- 6 月持续减产。上半年光伏玻璃日熔量增加 1.8 万吨至 12.3 万吨,其中 3-5 月投产加速,6 月有所放缓。由于供给持续增长和需求下降,光伏玻璃 4 月下旬以来持续累库且近期加速,6 月底行业库存天数增至 29 天以上(公 司约 20 天),导致 2.0/3.2 毫米玻璃每平米价格由 4 月的 18.25/26.25 元 (人民币,下同)下跌 13.7%/6.7%至 6 月底的 15.75/24.5 元,7 月或将继 续下跌。尽管东南亚组件产能对玻璃需求减弱 ...
信义光能(00968) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-30 09:43
(於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) 股份代號:00968 引領綠色新能源 信 義 光 能 ...
国元国际控股· 2024-03-11 16:00
更新报告 买入 光伏玻璃供求改善,公司海内外扩产优势显著 信义光能(0968.HK) 2024-03-11星期一 投资要点 目标价: 8.16 港元 ➢ 光伏玻璃供求改善,支撑光伏玻璃价格趋稳: 现 价: 5.91港元 2023年下半年以来,在听证会政策背景下,国家发改委和工信部对光 预计升幅: 38% 伏玻璃产能预警政策得到有效实施。2023年新增点火产能较预期明显 下降,预期 2024 年国内光伏玻璃新增产能有限,2024 年光伏玻璃供 重要数据 求关系进一步改善,行业回归良性健康发展。另外从原材料、燃料成 本端来看,纯碱产能过剩将带来价格下行压力,而2024年天然气成本 日期 2023-03-08 同比也将有所下降,有利于进一步降低光伏玻璃生产成本。随着二季 收盘价(港元) 5.91 度光伏产业链开工率恢复,将有效消化现在库存,支撑光伏玻璃价格。 总股本(亿股) 89.04 总市值(亿港元) 526 ➢ 海内外扩产优势显著,2024年规划新增产能6,400吨: 净资产(百万港元) 37,858 2023年公司共新增6条1000吨产能,截至2023年底,公司总日熔量 总资产(百万港元) 60,433 达2 ...