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中国铁建(01186) - 2024 Q3 - 季度业绩
2024-10-30 10:02
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內 容 概 不 負 責,對 其 準 確 性 或 完 整 性 亦 不 發 表 任 何 聲 明,並 明 確 表 示,概 不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的 任 何 損 失 承 擔 任 何 責 任。 (上市債務證券代號:40686、40687和84570) 2024年第三季度報告 本公告乃根據香港法例第571章證券及期貨條例第XIVA部及香港聯合交 易所有限公司證券上市規則第13.09條及第13.10B條 而 作 出。 | --- | --- | |-------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | 本公司截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日 之 第 三 季 度 未 經 審 計 業 績 摘 要: | | • | 業績報告乃依照中國證券監督管理委員會關於上市公司季度報 告 信 息 披 露 的 有 關 規 定 編 製。 | | • | 業 績 報 告 所 載 資 ...
中国铁建(01186) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-12 08:34
PRE 中国铁建 中 國 鐵 建 股 份 有 限 公 司 China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) 股份代號:1186 未出席董事職務 未出席董事姓名 未出席董事的原因說明 被委託人姓名 總裁、黨委副書記、執行董事 王立新 因其他公務未出席本次會議 戴和根 重要提示 一. 本公司董事會、監事會及董事、監事、高級管理人員保證半年度報告內容的真實性、準確性、完整性,不存在 虛假記載、誤導性陳述或重大遺漏,並承擔個別和連帶的法律責任。 二. 未出席董事情況 三. 本半年度報告未經審計。 四. 公司負責人戴和根、主管會計工作負責人朱宏標及會計機構負責人(會計主管人員)王磊聲明:保證半年度報告 中財務報告的真實、準確、完整。 五. 董事會決議通過的本報告期利潤分配預案或公積金轉增股本預案 無 六. 前瞻性陳述的風險聲明 ✓ 適用 不適用 本報告中所涉及未來經營計劃等前瞻性陳述不構成公司對投資者的實質承諾,投資者及相關人士均應當對此保 持足夠的風險認識,並且應當理解計劃、預測與承諾之間的差異。敬請投資者注意投資風險。 七. 是 ...
中国铁建(01186) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-30 10:03
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內 容 概 不 負 責,對 其 準 確 性 或 完 整 性 亦 不 發 表 任 何 聲 明,並 明 確 表 示,概 不對任何就因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而 引 致 的 任 何 損 失 承 擔 責 任。 (上 市 債 務 證 券 代 號:40686和40687) 2024年中期業績公告 | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 本公司董事會欣然宣佈本公司及其附屬公司截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日六個 | | 月 的 未 經 審 計 中 期 業 績。本 公 告 列 載 本 公 司 2024 年 半 年 度 報 告,並 符 | | 合香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則中有關中期業績初步公告 | | 附 載 的 資 料 的 要 求。本 公 司 2024 年半年度報告將於 2024 年 9 月 30 | | 之前刊載於香港聯合交易所有限公司的網站 ...
中国铁建(01186) - 2024 Q1 - 季度业绩
2024-04-29 10:15
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內 容 概 不 負 責,對 其 準 確 性 或 完 整 性 亦 不 發 表 任 何 聲 明,並 明 確 表 示,概 不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的 任 何 損 失 承 擔 任 何 責 任。 (上 市 債 務 證 券 代 號:5581、40686和40687) 2024年第一季度報告 本公告乃根據香港法例第571章證券及期貨條例第XIVA部及香港聯合交 易所有限公司證券上市規則第13.09條及第13.10B條 而 作 出。 本公司截至2024年3月31日 之 第 一 季 度 未 經 審 計 業 績 摘 要: • 業績報告乃依照中國證券監督管理委員會關於上市公司季度報 告 信 息 披 露 的 有 關 規 定 編 製。 • 業 績 報 告 所 載 資 料 乃 根 據 中 國 會 計 準 則 編 製。 • 除 特 別 聲 明 外,業 績 報 告 所 用 記 賬 本 位 幣 均 為 人 民 幣。 • 截至2024年第一季度末,本公司實現營業收入人民幣274,948,792千元; 實現公司股東淨利潤人民幣6,025,004千 元。 本 ...
中国铁建(01186) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-16 08:45
Financial Performance - The company's net profit for 2023 was RMB 11,679,665 thousand, with a cash dividend of RMB 3.50 per 10 shares, totaling RMB 4,752,840 thousand, accounting for 20.18% of the distributable profit[3] - Revenue for 2023 reached 1,137,993,486 thousand RMB, a 3.80% increase compared to 2022[20] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in 2023 was 26,096,971 thousand RMB, a decrease of 2.19% compared to 2022[20] - Net cash flow from operating activities in 2023 was 20,412,048 thousand RMB, a significant decrease of 63.64% compared to 2022[20] - Total assets at the end of 2023 were 1,663,019,578 thousand RMB, an increase of 9.13% compared to 2022[20] - The company's net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company increased by 6.69% to 309,837,517 thousand RMB in 2023[20] - Basic earnings per share decreased by 1.70% to 1.73 yuan per share in 2023 compared to 1.76 yuan per share in 2022[22] - Diluted earnings per share also decreased by 1.70% to 1.73 yuan per share in 2023 compared to 1.76 yuan per share in 2022[22] - Weighted average return on equity decreased by 1.27 percentage points to 9.80% in 2023 from 11.07% in 2022[22] - Operating revenue for Q4 2023 was 331,530,291 thousand yuan, the highest among all quarters in 2023[24] - Net profit attributable to shareholders in Q4 2023 was 6,677,431 thousand yuan, showing a recovery from Q3's 5,770,930 thousand yuan[24] - Net cash flow from operating activities in Q4 2023 was 63,594,622 thousand yuan, a significant improvement from Q3's -23,839,597 thousand yuan[24] - Non-recurring gains and losses in 2023 totaled 1,516,529 thousand yuan, a decrease from 2,553,353 thousand yuan in 2022[27] - Government subsidies in 2023 amounted to 880,303 thousand yuan, slightly lower than 931,515 thousand yuan in 2022[25] - The fair value of other equity instrument investments increased by 635,520 thousand yuan in 2023, contributing 116,607 thousand yuan to current profits[29] - Total assets measured at fair value increased by 3,789,735 thousand yuan in 2023, reaching 39,294,928 thousand yuan[29] - The company achieved a total new contract value of 3,293.87 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.51%[33] - The company's operating income reached 1,137.9935 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.80%[33] - The company's net profit was 32.3287 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.68%[33] - The company's total profit was 38.8282 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.65%[33] - The company's net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 26.097 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.19%[33] - The company's net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company were 309.8375 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.69%[33] - Revenue increased by 3.80% to RMB 1,137,993,486 thousand, driven by growth in engineering contracting and real estate businesses[77][79] - Operating costs rose by 3.44% to RMB 1,019,683,082 thousand, primarily due to increased costs in engineering contracting and real estate businesses[77][79] - R&D expenses grew by 6.88% to RMB 26,725,454 thousand, reflecting increased investment in research and development[77][79] - Engineering contracting business revenue increased by 2.34% to RMB 987,324,503 thousand, with a gross margin improvement of 0.26 percentage points to 8.87%[81][85] - Real estate development business revenue surged by 33.76% to RMB 83,271,759 thousand, though the gross margin decreased by 1.79 percentage points to 12.21%[81][79] - Domestic revenue accounted for RMB 1,077,683,620 thousand, a 3.40% increase, with a gross margin improvement of 0.38 percentage points to 10.59%[83] - Overseas revenue grew by 11.52% to RMB 60,309,866 thousand, but the gross margin decreased by 0.86 percentage points to 6.87%[83] - Planning and design consulting business revenue declined by 7.60% to RMB 18,753,979 thousand, but the gross margin improved by 7.41 percentage points to 43.27%[81][86] - Industrial manufacturing business revenue decreased by 2.96% to RMB 23,999,340 thousand, with a gross margin decline of 0.46 percentage points to 22.10%[81][87] - Cash flow from financing activities increased by 31.56% to RMB 44,591,505 thousand, driven by higher borrowing[77][79] - Real estate development business revenue increased by 33.76% to 83.27 billion yuan, driven by increased project deliveries[89] - Real estate development business gross profit grew by 16.62% to 10.17 billion yuan, but gross margin decreased by 1.79 percentage points to 12.21%[89] - Logistics and other business revenue slightly increased by 0.38% to 95.87 billion yuan, with gross margin improving by 0.51 percentage points to 7.94%[90] - Total cost increased by 3.28% to 1.09 trillion yuan, with material costs accounting for 41.94% of total costs[92] - R&D expenses increased by 6.88% to 26.73 billion yuan, accounting for 2.35% of total revenue[97][101] - Sales expenses increased by 11.07% to 7.38 billion yuan due to increased business contracting efforts[97] - Financial expenses surged by 30.27% to 4.66 billion yuan, mainly due to increased interest expenses[97] - Capital expenditures increased by 16.82% to 35.3478 billion yuan, driven by engineering projects, equipment purchases, and technology upgrades[107] - Engineering contracting business revenue grew to 22.2978 billion yuan, up from 18.7312 billion yuan in 2022[108] - Operating cash flow decreased by 63.64% to 20.412 billion yuan, primarily due to increased payments for goods and services[109] - Investment cash flow showed a net outflow of 55.909 billion yuan, up by 2.635 billion yuan, mainly due to increased spending on fixed assets and long-term assets[109] - Financing cash flow increased by 31.56% to 44.591 billion yuan, driven by higher borrowing[109] - Monetary assets grew by 5.39% to 166.9578 billion yuan, accounting for 10.04% of total assets[114] - Long-term receivables surged by 36.38% to 109.859 billion yuan, reflecting increased long-term project receivables[114] - Short-term borrowings rose by 59.32% to 81.8397 billion yuan, mainly to supplement liquidity[115] - Accounts payable increased by 15.51% to 491.5672 billion yuan, representing 29.56% of total assets[115] - Long-term loans grew by 28.84% to 197.8269 billion yuan, reflecting increased borrowing activities[115] - Overseas assets accounted for 5.85% of total assets, amounting to 97,355,674 thousand RMB[119] - Total financial assets as of December 31, 2023, were 557,303,292 thousand RMB, including 14,802,423 thousand RMB in financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income[121] - Accounts receivable increased by 14.5795 billion RMB from 141.2296 billion RMB in 2022 to 155.8091 billion RMB in 2023[125] - Accounts payable increased by 65.9983 billion RMB from 425.5689 billion RMB in 2022 to 491.5672 billion RMB in 2023, driven by business expansion[129] - Prepayments and other receivables decreased by 14.9091 billion RMB, a 15.94% drop from 93.5243 billion RMB in 2022 to 78.6152 billion RMB in 2023[131] - Short-term borrowings increased from 51,367,562 thousand RMB in 2022 to 81,839,758 thousand RMB in 2023, with credit loans being the largest component[133] - The company's provision for post-employment benefits decreased from 115.1 million RMB in 2022 to 87.1 million RMB in 2023[132] - The turnover days for accounts receivable decreased slightly from 54 days in 2022 to 53 days in 2023, while accounts payable turnover days increased from 146 days to 164 days[127] - Total long-term borrowings increased to 165,621,478 thousand RMB in 2023, up from 133,415,428 thousand RMB in 2022[137] - The company's leverage ratio remained stable at 67% in 2023, compared to 66% in 2022[139] - Total capital commitments and investment commitments amounted to 73,514,384 thousand RMB in 2023, slightly up from 72,116,117 thousand RMB in 2022[142] - The company completed 2,312 projects in 2023 with a total value of 580,794.47 million RMB, including 1,471 infrastructure projects worth 413,377.39 million RMB[146] - Domestic projects accounted for 53,464.836 million RMB of the total completed projects, while international projects contributed 46,146.11 million RMB[148] - The company had 11,337 ongoing projects in 2023 with a total value of 5,761,771.14 million RMB, including 6,786 infrastructure projects worth 4,059,518.70 million RMB[149] - Domestic ongoing projects accounted for 4,616,512.13 million RMB, while international ongoing projects contributed 1,145,259.01 million RMB[150] - The company signed 6,482 new projects in 2023 with a total value of 2,853,479.1 million RMB[150] - Total value of orders on hand at the end of the reporting period is 5,002.1 billion RMB, including 2,522.2 billion RMB for projects with signed contracts but not yet started, and 2,479.9 billion RMB for the unfinished portion of ongoing projects[152] - Engineering contracting business revenue in 2023 is 987.32 billion RMB, accounting for 86.76% of the company's total revenue[153] - Infrastructure engineering revenue in 2023 is 600.15 billion RMB, accounting for 52.74% of the company's total revenue[153] - Housing construction revenue in 2023 is 250.73 billion RMB, accounting for 22.03% of the company's total revenue[153] - Total operating revenue in 2023 is 1,137.99 billion RMB[153] - Engineering contracting business cost in 2023 is 899.71 billion RMB, accounting for 88.23% of the company's total operating cost[154] - Infrastructure engineering cost in 2023 is 549.20 billion RMB, accounting for 53.86% of the company's total operating cost[154] - Housing construction cost in 2023 is 227.11 billion RMB, accounting for 22.27% of the company's total operating cost[154] - Total operating cost in 2023 is 1,019.68 billion RMB[154] - The company has a total of 2,718 construction enterprise qualifications, including 100 top-level general contracting qualifications and 429 first-level qualifications[152] - The company acquired 39 land parcels in 21 cities including Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu, Guangzhou, and Hefei, with a total equity buildable area of 4.7364 million square meters and a total equity land price of 58.408 billion yuan, with an average premium rate of 6.58%[160] - 92% of the acquired land parcels are located in first- and second-tier cities[160] - The company has 505 development projects in 95 domestic cities, with a total land area of 41.4171 million square meters and a total planned construction area of 131.6382 million square meters[160] - The company completed real estate development investments of 82.408 billion yuan, with the Yangtze River Delta region accounting for 46.25% (38.122 billion yuan) and the Southwest region accounting for 25.31% (20.858 billion yuan)[163] - The total investment in real estate development projects is 129.27823 billion yuan, with actual investment during the reporting period of 8.240844 billion yuan[164] - The Yangtze River Delta region has the largest planned buildable area of 22.5144 million square meters and the largest total construction area of 30.7278 million square meters[164] - The Southwest region has the largest land area for projects at 13.2637 million square meters[164] - The company holds 7.557838 million square meters of land for development, with a planned buildable area of 17.269957 million square meters[161] - The company's real estate development projects do not include primary land consolidation[161] - The area involved in cooperative development projects is 7.72574 million square meters[161] - The company achieved a total sales amount of 121.395 billion yuan and a sales area of 7,490,200 square meters during the reporting period, with a结转收入 of 83.272 billion yuan and a结转面积 of 5,726,882 square meters[171] - The Yangtze River Delta region had the highest sales amount of 45.266 billion yuan and a sales area of 2,009,700 square meters, with an average selling price of 22,524 yuan per square meter[172] - The Southwest region had a sales amount of 37.541 billion yuan and a sales area of 2,322,800 square meters, with an average selling price of 16,162 yuan per square meter[172] - The Bohai Rim region had a sales amount of 17.069 billion yuan and a sales area of 1,653,700 square meters, with an average selling price of 10,322 yuan per square meter[172] - The Pearl River Delta region had a sales amount of 15.583 billion yuan and a sales area of 1,101,600 square meters, with an average selling price of 14,146 yuan per square meter[172] - Other regions had a sales amount of 5.934 billion yuan and a sales area of 402,300 square meters, with an average selling price of 14,753 yuan per square meter[172] - The total available for sale area across all regions was 128.3914 million square meters, with a total sales amount of 121.394 billion yuan and a total结转面积 of 5,726,882 square meters[172] - The company's total待结转面积 at the end of the reporting period was 291.587 million square meters[171] - The company's total rental income from real estate in 2023 was RMB 190 million, accounting for 0.23% of the real estate sector's revenue[177] - The company's long-term equity investment balance at the end of 2023 was RMB 149.3276 billion, an increase of RMB 21.2932 billion (16.63%) compared to the beginning of the year[181] - The company's investment in joint ventures increased by RMB 9.1295 billion (16.35%) to RMB 64.9611 billion in 2023[181] - The company's investment in associates increased by RMB 12.1636 billion (16.85%) to RMB 84.3664 billion in 2023[181] - The company's total financial assets measured at fair value at the end of 2023 were RMB 22.2196 billion, an increase of RMB 3.5392 billion compared to the beginning of the year[182] - The company's stock investments decreased by RMB 349,140 to RMB 2.5482 billion in 2023[182] - The company's bond investments increased by RMB 190,800 to RMB 5.1620 billion in 2023[182] - The company's private equity fund investments increased by RMB 2.4515 billion to RMB 6.1916 billion in 2023[182] - The company's other financial assets increased by RMB 1.2460 billion to RMB 8.3099 billion in 2023[182] - The company's investment in China Zhongwang (HK03969) resulted in a loss of 780 thousand yuan, with a current value of 57,169 thousand yuan and a cost of 136,128 thousand yuan[184] - China Nonferrous Mining (HK01258) investment yielded a profit of 7,272 thousand yuan, with a current value of 130,253 thousand yuan and a cost of 59,138 thousand yuan[184] - The investment in China Eastern Airlines (600115) incurred a loss of 31,449 thousand yuan, with a current value of 300,000 thousand yuan and a cost of 270,704 thousand yuan[184] - The investment in Times Electric (688187) generated a profit of 5,390 thousand yuan, with a current value of 534,786 thousand yuan and a cost of 9,800 thousand yuan[186] - The investment in Bank of Xi'an (600928) resulted in a profit of 37 thousand yuan, with a current value of 691 thousand yuan and a cost of 100 thousand yuan[186] - The investment in Lanzhou Bank (001227) yielded a profit of 8,757 thousand yuan, with a current value of 275,897 thousand yuan and a cost of 99,227 thousand yuan[186] - The investment in China Railway Construction Corporation (601186) generated a profit of 15,042
中国铁建(01186) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-28 11:02
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內 容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概 不對任何就因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而 引致的任何損失承擔責任。 (上市債務證券代號:5581、40686和40687) 2023年 度 業 績 公 告 本 公 司 董 事 會 欣 然 宣 佈 本 公 司 及 其 附 屬 公 司 截 至2023年12月31日 止 年 度 的 經 審 計 業 績。本 公 告 列 載 本 公 司2023年 年 報 全 文,並 符 合 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 證 券 上 市 規 則 中 有 關 年 度 業 績 初 步 公 告 附 載 的 資 料 的 要 求。本 公 司2023年 年 報 將 於2023年4月30日 或 之 前 刊 載 於 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 的 網 站及 本 公 司 的 網 站http://。 ...
中国铁建(01186) - 2023 Q3 - 季度业绩
2023-10-30 09:08
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內 容 概 不 負 責,對 其 準 確 性 或 完 整 性 亦 不 發 表 任 何 聲 明,並 明 確 表 示,概 不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的 任 何 損 失 承 擔 任 何 責 任。 (上 市 債 務 證 券 代 號:5581、40686和40687) 2023年第三季度報告 本公告乃根據香港法例第571章證券及期貨條例第XIVA部及香港聯合交 易所有限公司證券上市規則第13.09條及第13.10B條 而 作 出。 | --- | --- | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | 本公司截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日 之 第 三 季 度 未 經 審 計 業 績 摘 要: | | • | 業績報告乃依照中國證券監督管理委員會關於上市公司季度報告 信 息 披 露 的 有 關 規 定 編 製。 | | • | 業 績 報 告 所 ...
中国铁建(01186) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-12 08:48
重要提示 一. 本公司董事會、監事會及董事、監事、高級管理人員保證半年度報告內容的真實性、準確性、完整性,不存在 虛假記載、誤導性陳述或重大遺漏,並承擔個別和連帶的法律責任。 二. 公司全體董事出席董事會會議。 三. 本半年度報告未經審計。 四. 公司負責人汪建平、主管會計工作負責人汪建平(代為簽署)及會計機構負責人(會計主管人員)王磊聲明:保證 半年度報告中財務報告的真實、準確、完整。 五. 董事會決議通過的本報告期利潤分配預案或公積金轉增股本預案 無 六. 前瞻性陳述的風險聲明 ✓ 適用 不適用 本報告中所涉及未來經營計劃等前瞻性陳述不構成公司對投資者的實質承諾,投資者及相關人士均應當對此保 持足夠的風險認識,並且應當理解計劃、預測與承諾之間的差異。敬請投資者注意投資風險。 七. 是否存在被控股股東及其他關聯方非經營性佔用資金情況 否 八. 是否存在違反規定決策程序對外提供擔保的情況 否 九. 是否存在半數以上董事無法保證公司所披露半年度報告的真實性、準確性和完整性 否 十. 重大風險提示 ...
中国铁建(01186) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-30 10:12
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內 容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概 不對任何就因本公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而 引致的任何損失承擔責任。 (上市債務證券代號:5581、40686和40687) 2023年 中 期 業 績 公 告 本 公 司 董 事 會 欣 然 宣 佈 本 公 司 及 其 附 屬 公 司 截 至2023年6月30日 六 個 月 的 未 經 審 計 中 期 業 績。本 公 告 列 載 本 公 司2023年 半 年 度 報 告,並 符 合 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 證 券 上 市 規 則 中 有 關 中 期 業 績 初 步 公 告 附 載 的 資 料 的 要 求。本 公 司2023年 半 年 度 報 告 的 印 刷 版 本 將 於2023年 9月30日 或 之 前 寄 發 予 本 公 司 的H股 股 東,並 可 於 其 時 在 香 港 聯 合 交 易所有限公司的網站及本公司的網站 ...
中国铁建(01186) - 2023 Q1 - 季度业绩
2023-04-28 08:30
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內 容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概 不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的 任何損失承擔任何責任。 (上市債務證券代號:5945、5581、40686和40687) 2023年 第 一 季 度 報 告 本公告乃根據香港法例第571章證券及期貨條例第XIVA部及香港聯合交 易所有限公司證券上市規則第13.09條及第13.10B條而作出。 本公司截至2023年3月31日之第一季度未經審計業績摘要: • 業 績 報 告 乃 依 照 中 國 證 券 監 督 管 理 委 員 會 關 於 上 市 公 司 季 度 報 告 信息披露的有關規定編製。 ...