Anker Innovations(300866)
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海外机构调研股名单 安克创新最受关注
证券时报网· 2024-12-06 08:28
证券时报网讯,证券时报•数据宝统计显示,近10日共有449家公司获机构调研,调研机构类型显示,证 券公司调研达409家,占比最多;基金公司调研298家,位列其后;海外机构共对97家上市公司进行走 访。 海外机构调研榜单中,安克创新参与调研的海外机构达到88家,最受关注;其次是埃斯顿,参与调研的 海外机构共有69家。 ...
安克创新(300866) - 2024年10月30日-11月26日投资者关系活动记录表
2024-11-26 17:22
证券代码:300866 证券简称:安克创新 公告编号:2024-006 安克创新科技股份有限公司 投资者关系活动记录表 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 投资者关系活 \n动类别 | ☑ 特定对象调研 \n□媒体采访 \n□新闻发布会 \n□现场参观 \n☑ 其他 线上会议等 | ☑ 分析师会议 \n□业绩说明会 \n□路演活动 | | 参与单位名称 共计 | 431 家机构 809 | 人次,详见附件清单 | | 时间 | 2024 年 10 月 30 日 - | 11 月 26 日 | | 地点 | 公司会议室、电话及网络会议 交流会议 | 华创证券、中金公司、长江证券、 ...
长江证券· 2024-11-21 09:08
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for Anker Innovation (300866 SZ) [5] Core Views - Anker Innovation achieved robust revenue growth of 39 56% YoY in the first three quarters of 2024, reaching RMB 16 449 billion, with net profit attributable to shareholders increasing by 21 29% to RMB 1 472 billion [5] - In Q3 2024, the company's revenue grew by 44 05% YoY to RMB 6 8 billion, with net profit attributable to shareholders surging by 52 44% to RMB 599 million [5] - The company's strategic focus on core categories such as charging and energy storage, smart innovation, and smart audio-visual products has driven sustained growth, with market share expected to continue expanding [5] - Anker Innovation's gross profit margin in Q3 2024 decreased slightly by 0 47 percentage points due to exchange rate fluctuations and rising shipping costs, but the gross-to-sales margin improved by 0 34 percentage points [6] - R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue increased by 1 85 percentage points to 8 86% in Q3 2024, reflecting the company's increased investment in talent and product development [6] - Operating cash flow surged by 155 26% YoY in Q3 2024, indicating improved operational efficiency [6] Financial Performance and Projections - The company's revenue is projected to grow from RMB 24 497 billion in 2024E to RMB 33 758 billion in 2026E, with net profit attributable to shareholders expected to increase from RMB 2 082 billion in 2024E to RMB 3 046 billion in 2026E [7] - EPS is forecasted to rise from RMB 3 92 in 2024E to RMB 5 73 in 2026E, with a corresponding PE ratio declining from 23 0x in 2024E to 15 7x in 2026E [7] - The company's gross margin is expected to remain stable at around 44%-45% from 2024E to 2026E, with R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue projected to stay at 9% [17] - Operating cash flow is anticipated to grow significantly, from RMB 1 214 billion in 2024E to RMB 2 646 billion in 2026E [17] Strategic Focus and Product Development - Anker Innovation has launched several innovative products, including the Anker Prime digital charging series, Anker SOLIX C300 DC consumer energy storage series, and eufy brand's first fingerprint handle lock [5] - The company's eufy X10 Pro Omni all-in-one base station robotic vacuum, released in February 2024, has seen strong user satisfaction and performed well during Amazon Prime Day in July 2024 [5] - New audio products such as the soundcore AeroFit 2 open-ear headphones and soundcore Space One Pro over-ear headphones, along with multiple projector models, have been introduced to the market [5] - The company's focus on strategic categories and continuous investment in R&D is expected to enhance its competitive edge and drive market share growth [7]
2024-11-07 08:16
哎,好的,好的,各位朋友下午好,这里是安克创新的机构专场交流会议啊,首先欢迎大家的一个参与啊,我是华安这个大消费团队的一个首席更新啊,我们今天是很荣幸邀请到公司的这个投资总监啊, 感谢您这个百忙之中抽出时间来做一个交流那是考虑公司近期已经发布了这个财报包括今天接的也全部都是买房的一个机构所以咱们就近期的这个新情况再做一个定向的这个沟通然后开始的话我也帮公司先行提示一下大家如果大家这一场有交流到的信息麻烦就是主要用于这个自用然后希望相关的这个笔记不用去外传也谢谢大家的一个配合 曾总然后咱们今天也是非常高度关注公司的一个经营情况要不首先就时间也交给您心情要不几分钟就您觉得比较重要的一些要点先给投资者要不做一个提示谢谢好的谢谢曾总也感谢各位投资人百忙之中抽出时间来关注和支持我们首先就是还是给大家简单介绍一下我们三级报的业绩情况 公司前三季度是实现了营收164亿同比增长39%规模净利润14.7亿同比增长21%扣费规模净利润13亿同比增长41%那其中从单季度来看的话整个营收增长还是有点加速整体营收达到68亿同比增长44%规模净利润是达到6个亿同比增长52% 分品类来看的话公司三大品类都还是实现了不错的增速整体都在30% ...
天风证券· 2024-11-07 00:31
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for the company, with a target price of 83.99 RMB [5][13] Core Views - The company's Q1-Q3 2024 revenue reached 16.45 billion RMB, a YoY increase of 39.6%, with net profit attributable to the parent company of 1.47 billion RMB, up 21.3% YoY [1] - Q3 2024 revenue was 6.8 billion RMB, a YoY increase of 44.1%, with net profit attributable to the parent company of 600 million RMB, up 52.4% YoY [1] - The company's overseas market revenue for Q1-Q3 2024 was 15.875 billion RMB, a YoY increase of 39.9%, while domestic market revenue was 573 million RMB, up 31.5% YoY [2] - The company's independent platform revenue for the first three quarters of 2024 was 1.65 billion RMB, a YoY increase of 104.5%, accounting for 10.0% of total revenue [2] - The company's gross margin for Q3 2024 was 43.0%, a slight decrease of 0.5 percentage points YoY, with a net profit margin of 8.8%, up 0.5 percentage points YoY [3] Financial Performance and Forecast - The company's revenue for 2024E is projected to be 23.95 billion RMB, with a YoY growth rate of 36.83% [4] - Net profit attributable to the parent company for 2024E is expected to be 2.04 billion RMB, with a YoY growth rate of 26.48% [4] - The company's EPS for 2024E is forecasted to be 3.84 RMB, with a P/E ratio of 21.85x [4] - The company's EBITDA for 2024E is projected to be 2.64 billion RMB, with an EV/EBITDA ratio of 15.31x [4] - The company's operating cash flow for 2024E is expected to be 660.56 million RMB, with a net cash increase of -33.08 million RMB [8] Business Highlights - The company's online revenue for Q1-Q3 2024 was 11.5 billion RMB, a YoY increase of 41.7%, while offline revenue was 4.95 billion RMB, up 34.8% YoY [2] - The company's sales/management/R&D/financial expense ratios for Q3 2024 were 22.0%/3.3%/8.9%/-0.1%, with R&D expenses increasing by 1.9 percentage points YoY [3] - The company's total assets for 2024E are projected to be 13.5 billion RMB, with total liabilities of 4.09 billion RMB [7] - The company's inventory for 2024E is expected to be 3.18 billion RMB, with accounts receivable of 2.27 billion RMB [7] Industry and Market Position - The company operates in the consumer electronics industry and is a leading global cross-border e-commerce player [3][5] - The company has successfully built a comprehensive channel system and high brand barriers, positioning itself as a platform company with core capabilities [3] - The company's A-share total market capitalization is 44.63 billion RMB, with a circulating market value of 24.89 billion RMB [5]
海通证券· 2024-11-06 01:58
[Table_MainInfo] 公司研究/商业贸易/专营零售 证券研究报告 安克创新(300866)公司季报点评 2024 年 11 月 05 日 [Table_InvestInfo] 投资评级 优于大市 维持 | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------| | 股票数据 | | | 11 [ Table_StockInfo 月 05 日收盘价(元) ] | 83.30 | | 52 周股价波动(元) | 50.21-100.61 | | 总股本 / 流通 A 股(百万股) | 531/296 | | 总市值 / 流通市值(百万元) | 45436/25342 | | 相关研究 | | | [Table_ReportInfo] 《 1H24 收入增 37% 扣非净利增 持续提升》 2024.09.09 | ,毛利率 | | 《 1Q24 收入增 30% 扣非净利增 | ,创新提 | | 质提效》 2024.06.01 | | | 《 3Q ...
国盛证券· 2024-11-03 06:23
证券研究报告 | 季报点评 gszqdatemark 2024 11 03 年 月 日 安克创新(300866.SZ) 海外需求保持高景气,核心品类稳步发展 事件:10 月 29 日,公司发布 2024 年三季报,2024Q1-3 实现营业收入 164.49 亿元/同比+39.56%,归母净利润 14.72 亿元/同比+21.29%,扣非归母净利 润 13.03 亿元/同比+41.13%;单 2024Q3 实现营业收入 68.00 亿元/同比 +44.05%,归母净利润 5.99 亿元/同比+52.44%,扣非归母净利润 5.37 亿元 /同比+41.98%。 海外需求高景气,三大品类稳步发展。2024Q3 公司收入同比+44.05%至 68 亿元,增速环比提升,主要系:①海外市场线上需求景气度较高,亚马逊 Prime 会员大促日销量再创历史新高;②公司专注发展核心业务,三大品类持续推 新。分产品看,1)充电储能类:在数码充电领域,公司 8 月发布 Anker Prime 系列新品,9 月发布 Anker MagGo 全新系列;在消费级储能领域,8 月推出 Anker SOLIX C300 DC 系列,消费级 ...
申万宏源· 2024-11-01 10:53
上 市 公 司 电子 证 券 研 究 报 告 - 2024 年 11 月 01 日 安克创新 (300866) ——业绩表现超预期,产品创新、渠道拓展驱动高增 ⚫ 公司发布 24 年三季报,业绩表现超预期。前三季度公司收入 164.5 亿元,同比增长 40%; 归母净利润 14.7 亿元,同比增长 21%;扣非归母净利润 13 亿元,同比增长 41%。单三 季度收入 68.0 亿元,同比增长 44%;归母净利润 6 亿元,同比增长 52%;扣非归母净利 润 5.4 亿元,同比增长 42%,业绩表现持续超预期。一方面来自于海外市场线上需求较为 景气,亚马逊 Prime 会员大促日销量再创历史新高;另一方面也受益于推出创新产品、提 升产品竞争力,消费级储能等新赛道持续贡献增量。扣非净利润增速更高,主要因 23 年 三季度末参股公司公允价值变动收益贡献 1.9 亿净利润(本期仅为 1.2 亿元)、23 年三季 度末期政府补助 6882 万元(本期仅 2631 万)等导致。 ⚫ 三大业务均稳步发展,新款创新产品持续推出。1)充电储能类产品:三季度公司继续推 出 Anker Prime 系列多款新品,如 Anker P ...
太平洋· 2024-11-01 03:30
2024 年 10 月 30 日 公司点评 买入/维持 安克创新(300866) 目标价: 昨收盘:83.91 安克创新:2024Q3 利润端高增,市场和渠道开拓助推收入增长 ◼ 走势比较 (40%) (24%) (8%) 8% 24% 40% 23/10/3024/1/1124/3/2424/6/524/8/1724/10/29 安克创新 沪深300 ◼ 股票数据 总股本/流通(亿股) 5.31/2.96 总市值/流通(亿元) 445.91/248.71 12 个月内最高/最低价 (元) 100.61/50.21 相关研究报告 <<安克创新:2024Q2 扣非净利增速亮 眼,核心业务全球成长>>--2024-09-01 <<安克创新:2024Q1 扣非净利快增, 2023年线上独立站增长亮眼>>--2024- 04-29 证券分析师:孟昕 分析师登记编号:S1190524020001 研究助理:赵梦菲 一般证券业务登记编号:S1190124030006 研究助理:金桐羽 电话:021-58502206 E-MA ...
国元证券· 2024-10-31 01:13
[Table_Finance] [Table_Main] 公司研究|信息技术|技术硬件与设备 证券研究报告 安克创新(300866)公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 30 日 [Table_Title] Q3 业绩持续亮眼,多品类增长强劲 [Table_Invest]买入|维持 ——安克创新 24Q3 业绩点评 [Table_Summary] 报告要点: 公司 24Q1-Q3 实现营业总收入 164.5 亿元,同比+39.6%;归母净利 润14.7亿元,同比+21.3%;扣非后归母净利润13.0亿元,同比增长41.13%。 24Q3 公司收入 68 亿元,同比+44.05%;归母净利润 6 亿元,同比+52.44%。 前三季度毛利率 44.28%,同比+0.99pct,Q3 单季环比-2.24pct。公司业绩 表现亮眼主要受益于海外市场需求的强劲,品牌上的持续投入和新产品的 不断推出。 分产品来看,前三季度充电类、创新类和影音类条线能保持均衡高速发 展。其中中大充收入持续突破,同比几近翻倍,小充领域也推出了 Anker Prime 系列新品和 Anker MagGo 全新系列新品,共同贡献了充电类条线的 ...