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证券时报网· 2024-11-07 14:26
e公司讯,11月7日晚公告精选:启迪环境部分股份可能被司法拍卖,公司控制权或变更;兰州黄河实控 人拟由杨世江变更为谭岳鑫;动力源被美国财政部OFAC列入特别指定国民清单;*ST宁科逾期债务总 规模达15.74亿元,债务风险巨大;云南能投筹划对页岩气开发公司进行增资扩股,实现与公司控股股 东下属天然气产业链一体化协同发展;弘信电子拟向实控人定增募资3亿元至6亿元;西部证券拟约 38.25亿元收购国融证券64.5961%股份;东湖高新拟收购普罗格控股权,推进数字科技板块发展;康缘 药业拟2.7亿元收购中新医药100%股权;中芯国际第三季度净利润10.6亿元,同比增长56.4%;广汽集团 10月汽车销量18.58万辆,同比下降17.23%;新诺威控股股东拟1亿元至1.2亿元增持公司股份;百纳千 成与腾讯影视签署4亿元影视剧集合作合同;方正电机成为零跑汽车两个项目零部件供应商。 ...
中芯国际(688981) - 中芯国际投资者关系管理制度
2024-11-07 11:06
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司) 投资者关系管理制度 (2024 年 11 月修订) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强 Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation(中芯 国际集成电路制造有限公司)(以下简称"公司")与投资者和潜在投资者(以 下统称"投资者")之间的有效沟通,加深投资者对公司的了解和认同,完善公 司治理结构,实现公司价值最大化和股东利益最大化,以切实保护投资者的合法 权益,根据《中华人民共和国证券法》、《上市公司投资者关系管理工作指引》、 《上海证券交易所科创板股票上市规则》、《上海证券交易所科创板上市公司自 律监管指引第 1 号——规范运作》、《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》 等法律、法规、规范性文件的规定,结合《Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation(中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司)组织章程大纲及细则》(以下简 称"《公司章程》")及公司实际情况,制订 ...
中芯国际(688981) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-11-07 11:04
Revenue and Profit Performance - Revenue for Q3 2024 reached $2.17 billion, a 14% increase quarter-over-quarter, marking a historical high for the company[5] - Net profit attributable to shareholders for Q3 2024 increased by 56.4% year-over-year to $1.06 billion[6] - Revenue for the first three quarters of 2024 reached 41.88 billion RMB, a 26.5% increase compared to 33.10 billion RMB in the same period of 2023[26] - Net profit for the first three quarters of 2024 was 3.23 billion RMB, a 32.7% decrease from 4.80 billion RMB in the same period of 2023[27] - Sales revenue from goods and services provided was RMB 37.3 billion, a decrease from RMB 38.9 billion in the same period last year[29] Gross Margin and EBITDA - Gross margin for Q3 2024 improved to 20.5%, with capacity utilization rising to 90.4%[5] - EBITDA for Q3 2024 was $822.69 million, a 27.2% increase year-over-year[7] R&D Investment - R&D investment for Q3 2024 totaled $127.44 million, accounting for 8.2% of total revenue[6] - R&D expenses for the first three quarters of 2024 amounted to 3.90 billion RMB, a 7.0% increase compared to 3.64 billion RMB in the same period of 2023[26] Regional and Segment Revenue - China region accounted for 86.4% of total revenue in Q3 2024, up from 80.3% in Q2 2024[9] - Wafer revenue accounted for 94.4% of total revenue in Q3 2024, with 12-inch wafers making up 78.5% of wafer revenue[10] - Consumer electronics segment contributed 42.6% to wafer revenue in Q3 2024, up from 35.6% in Q2 2024[10] Production and Capacity - Sales of wafers in Q3 2024 reached 2,122,266 pieces, a slight increase from 2,111,880 pieces in Q2 2024 and a significant rise from 1,536,845 pieces in Q3 2023[11] - Monthly production capacity in Q3 2024 was 884,250 pieces, up from 837,000 pieces in Q2 2024 and 795,750 pieces in Q3 2023[11] - Capacity utilization rate in Q3 2024 improved to 90.4%, compared to 85.2% in Q2 2024 and 77.1% in Q3 2023[11] Capital Expenditure and Assets - Capital expenditure in Q3 2024 was RMB 8,376 million, a decrease from RMB 16,007 million in Q2 2024 and RMB 15,310 million in Q3 2023[11] - Total assets as of Q3 2024 were $33.1 billion, a 2.2% decrease compared to the end of the previous year[6] - Total assets decreased to 330,954,830 from 338,463,197 compared to the end of 2023[24] - Fixed assets increased to 109,685,150 from 92,432,359 compared to the end of 2023[24] - Construction in progress increased to 81,378,655 from 77,003,145 compared to the end of 2023[24] Liabilities and Equity - Total liabilities as of September 30, 2024, were 110.66 billion RMB, a 7.8% decrease from 119.99 billion RMB at the end of 2023[25] - Long-term borrowings as of September 30, 2024, stood at 58.34 billion RMB, a 1.2% decrease from 59.03 billion RMB at the end of 2023[25] - Total equity attributable to owners of the parent company as of September 30, 2024, was 144.53 billion RMB, a 1.4% increase from 142.48 billion RMB at the end of 2023[25] Shareholder Information - The company's total issued shares as of the end of the reporting period were 7,971,628,604, with 75.1% listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and 24.9% on the Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR Market[15] - HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED holds 53.15% of the company's shares, making it the largest shareholder[17] - Datang Holdings (Hong Kong) Investment Co., Ltd. holds 14.01% of the company's shares, while Xinxin (Hong Kong) Investment Co., Ltd. holds 7.74%[17] - The top 10 shareholders hold a combined 81.57% of the company's shares, with the majority being foreign legal entities and investment funds[17][18][19] Cash Flow and Financial Activities - Total cash inflow from operating activities reached RMB 48.44 billion, compared to RMB 44.99 billion in the same period last year[29] - Cash outflow for purchasing goods and accepting services rose to RMB 28.72 billion, up from RMB 22.20 billion in the previous year[29] - Net cash flow from operating activities was RMB 12.26 billion, down from RMB 16.35 billion in the same period last year[29] - Cash outflow for the construction of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets increased to RMB 43.72 billion, up from RMB 37.33 billion in the previous year[30] - Net cash flow from investment activities was negative RMB 29.50 billion, compared to negative RMB 26.73 billion in the same period last year[30] - Net cash flow from financing activities was negative RMB 1.18 billion, a significant decrease from positive RMB 12.81 billion in the previous year[30] - The net increase in cash and cash equivalents was negative RMB 18.42 billion, compared to positive RMB 1.64 billion in the same period last year[30] Non-Recurring Items and Government Subsidies - Non-recurring gains and losses for the reporting period amounted to RMB 148,829 thousand, with government subsidies contributing RMB 139,002 thousand[12] Earnings Per Share and Comprehensive Income - Basic earnings per share for the first three quarters of 2024 were 0.34 RMB, a 26.1% decrease from 0.46 RMB in the same period of 2023[27] - Total comprehensive income for the first three quarters of 2024 was 1.14 billion RMB, an 89.0% decrease from 10.39 billion RMB in the same period of 2023[27] Interest Income and Operating Profit - Interest income for the first three quarters of 2024 was 3.11 billion RMB, a 20.9% decrease from 3.94 billion RMB in the same period of 2023[26] - Operating profit for the first three quarters of 2024 was 3.55 billion RMB, a 31.2% decrease from 5.17 billion RMB in the same period of 2023[26] Tax Refunds and Payables - Tax refunds received increased significantly to RMB 7.26 billion, up from RMB 3.68 billion in the previous year[29] - Accounts payable increased to 5,229,786 from 4,939,533 compared to the end of 2023[24] - Employee benefits payable increased to 1,971,734 from 1,579,904 compared to the end of 2023[24] - Other payables decreased to 17,645,140 from 20,125,032 compared to the end of 2023[24] Current Assets and Liabilities - Current assets decreased to 77,297,667 from 96,573,772 compared to the end of 2023[23] - Short-term borrowings decreased to 800,487 from 3,397,576 compared to the end of 2023[24] - Contract liabilities decreased to 7,313,395 from 14,680,669 compared to the end of 2023[24] - Current liabilities decreased to 48,165,282 from 52,613,732 compared to the end of 2023[24]
财联社· 2024-11-05 02:55
主力资金监控:中芯国际净买入超8亿元 财联社11月5日电,财联社星矿数据显示,今日早盘主力资金 净流入半导体、电子、国防军工等板块,净流出交运设备、机械设备、家用电器等板块,其中半导体板 块净流出超32亿元。 个股方面,中芯国际大涨,主力资金净买入8.35亿元位居首位,宁德时代、包钢股份、恒生电子获主力 资金净流入居前;常山北明遭净卖出超18亿元,欧菲光、四川长虹、东方财富主力资金净流出额居前。 ...
港股本周要闻前瞻:三大重磅宏观事件将落地 中芯国际等行业龙头发布业绩
财联社· 2024-11-03 22:21
财联社11月4日讯(编辑 冯轶) 财联社为您带来本周港股要闻: 海外宏观 周一(11月4日):欧元区10月制造业PMI、11月Sentix投资者信心指数。 周二(11月5日):美国迎来总统大选投票日; 美国9月贸易帐、10月ISM非制造业PMI。 周三(11月6日):美国10月标普全球服务业PMI、10月全球供应链压力指数、11月1日当周EIA原油库存 数据;欧元区10月服务业PMI、9月PPI数据。 周四(11月7日):美国至11月2日当周初请失业金人数。 周五(11月8日):美联储公布利率决议,随后美联储主席鲍威尔召开货币政策新闻发布会; 美国11月一 年期通胀率预期、11月密歇根大学消费者信心指数公布。 目前,市场一致预计美联储将降息25基点,将联邦基金利率水平下调至4.5%-4.75%区间。 中国宏观 本周,人民银行公开市场将有14001亿元逆回购到期,其中周一至周五分别到期2416亿元、3828亿元、 4310亿元、3276亿元、171亿元。央行还将不定时公布10月社融、新增人民币贷款等金融数据。 周二(11月5日):中国财新服务业PMI。 周四(11月7日):海关总署公布10月进出口数据,央行公布 ...
证券时报网· 2024-10-28 01:36
证券时报网讯,Wind统计显示,上周(10月21日—10月25日)有2175只个股获融资净买入,净买入金 额在1亿元以上的有177只。 其中,3只个股融资净买入额超10亿元。 东方财富获融资净买入额居首,合计净买入20.13亿元;融资净买入金额居前的还有中芯国际、隆基绿 能、寒武纪、中际旭创、上海电气、阳光电源,净买入金额分别为16.99亿元、11.47亿元、8.29亿元、 8.1亿元、7.38亿元、7.15亿元。 校对:彭其华 ...
易方达旗下ETF减持中芯国际 不足半月相关基金份额已减少62亿份
财联社· 2024-10-22 15:56
《科创板日报》10月22日讯(记者 郭辉)中芯国际今日(10月22日)晚间公告,易方达上证科创板50 成份交易型开放式指数证券投资基金减持公司境内股票124.65万股。 公告显示,减持后,易方达仍持有中芯国际境内股票9924.07万股,占公司境内总股本的4.99%,占公司 总股本的1.24%。 就在10月11日,由于易方达上证科创板50ETF基金份额大幅增长,实现对中芯国际"举牌",持股数占上 市公司境内总股本比例达5.47%。 易方达上证科创板50成份交易型开放式指数证券投资基金,是在上海证券交易所上市交易的ETF(交易 型开放式指数证券投资基金),以紧密跟踪上证科创板50成份指数、追求跟踪偏离度和跟踪误差的最小 化为投资目标。 该基金主要采取完全复制法,即按照标的指数的成份股组成及其权重构建基金股票投资组合,并根据标 的指数成份股及其权重的变动进行相应调整。中芯国际为标的指数科创50的成份股。 自今年9月下旬以来,科创50开启"狂飙模式",在9月26日至10月9日的区间内涨幅超过62%,9月26日至 今涨幅为47.73%。 但在10月8日后,科创50指数持续在1000点的高位震荡,后于昨日(10月21日) ...
国泰君安· 2024-10-22 01:15
股 票 研 究 证 券 研 究 报 告 公 司 更 新 报 告 国泰君安版权所有发送给上海东方财富金融数据服务有限公司.东财接收研报邮箱 p1 ——中芯国际更新报告 [table_Authors]舒迪(分析师) 021-38676666 登记编号S0880521070002 | --- | --- | |------------------------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | 文越 ( 分析师 ) | | | 021-38038032 | | | | | | S0880524050001 | | 本报告导读: 公司作为中国大陆集成电路制造业领导者,受益于消费复苏及自主可控催化,业绩 有望高增。 投资要点: 科技自主可控核心标的,公司业绩持续改善 中芯国际(688981) [Table_Industry] 综合类/综合类 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------|- ...
财联社· 2024-10-18 06:21
财联社财经通讯社打开APP14:14:21【创业50ETF(159682)盘中最高飙升近9%,权重股中芯国际最高 涨20%】10月18日下午盘,创业板高开高走,截至13:45,创业50ETF(159682)涨7.98%,盘中一度飙 升近9%。 创业50ETF最新规模达69.47亿元,近8个交易日内合计"吸金"41.58亿元。 本轮行情中科技类ETF迎大幅申购,被动化趋势下市场风格有望从蓝筹价值向蓝筹成长切换。 没有股票账户的投资者还可以通过创业50ETF联接基金(A:017949;C:017950) 布局板块投资机 遇。 公募基金动态财联社声明:文章内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。 投资者据此操作,风险自担。 2024-10-18 14:14:2185078 阅读商务合作发送 ...
中邮证券· 2024-10-11 03:38
证券研究报告:电子 | 公司点评报告 2024 年 10 月 10 日 公司基本情况 最新收盘价(元) 83.89 总股本/流通股本(亿股)79.72 / 19.88 总市值/流通市值(亿元)6,687 / 1,668 52 周内最高/最低价 83.89 / 40.33 资产负债率(%) 35.5% 市盈率 137.52 第一大股东HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED 股票投资评级 中芯国际(688981) 买入|维持 消费复苏 个股表现 -28% -19% -10% -1% 8% 17% 26% 35% 44% 53% 62% 2023-10 2023-12 2024-03 2024-05 2024-07 2024-10 中芯国际 电子 资料来源:聚源,中邮证券研究所 研究所 分析师:吴文吉 SAC 登记编号:S1340523050004 ⚫ 投资要点 24Q2 销售收入和毛利率皆好于指引。24Q2 公司实现销售收入 19 亿美元,环比增长 9%。其中,出货超过 211 万片 8 英寸约当量晶圆, 环比增长 18%,平均销售单价因产品组合变动环比下降 ...